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Step 1: Start alone and face yourself

Nudist partners can be a bit pushy. And we’re certainly not just talking about men here. We’ve met several women around the world whose husband didn’t want to hear anything about nudism and who were trying to convince him. 

When was the last time you had a good look at your body? As in a real good look, not just a quick flash in the mirror while jumping from the shower into a towel. Now is a good time to do so. Get undressed, stand in front of the mirror and take the time to look at yourself.

The main idea of this step is that when you want to become comfortable naked among others, you have to become comfortably naked in front of yourself first.

Step 2: Reflect on reality

Chances are that this first step has not gained you much more confidence. It could well be that it was more like a slap in the face. You’ve just been confronted with what you’ve been trying to hide and ignore for many years. This has been just another confirmation that in reality you look nothing like the average person you see in magazines or on TV.

Step 3: Learn to be nude

This may sound a bit weird, but being nude is something you actually have to learn. It’s a habit you’ve forgotten since about the day you turned three years old. Luckily, it’s much easier than learning how to get dressed. There are no sizes to remember, no models that may or may not suit you and no colour combinations. The only thing you have to learn is to understand that you actually look great naked.

Learning to be naked is something you can only do by practicing. Start walking around naked in the house now and then. Stop wearing a towel or putting on clothes when you walk from the bedroom to the shower to the toilet or to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Try some moves when you’re naked. Do some yoga poses or a happy dance. Try cleaning, chilling, reading, gardening, dish washing, whatever possible naked.

Step 4: Involve someone you trust

If you’re in a relationship and especially if you’ve been trying to be comfortably nude because your partner is a nudist as well, now is the time to announce what you’ve been doing when he or she was away. Forget the thumbs up, your new found progress will be greeted with awe and amazement.

For singles this step might be more difficult because you’ll have to find a friend or family member who’s comfortably naked as well. If you don’t find someone like this, no worries. Then just forget about this step and move on to the next one.

Step 5: Getting naked among strangers

Many think that this is the hardest step, but we don’t really agree. If you’ve been through all four of the previous steps, this one won’t be much more than a next phase. It is a bit of a weird step though, that much is sure. Because when you think about it, how many people have seen you naked during your life? How many naked people have you seen? 

It’s much less scary than it actually sounds. Because there are a couple of things you have to keep in min

- Although many others will look very body confident, they all had a first time nude experience too.

- Everyone is different, but when you look at the statistics of Step 2, they’ll all be average in a way.

- Most of the others have seen hundreds if not thousands of other naked people. There’s no way that they will think you look any worse or better than anyone they’ve seen before.

Step 6: Test what you like to do in the nude

It’s a misunderstanding that all nudists want to do as much as possible naked. Some of them certainly do. But the large majority picks their spots and activities. This is one of the main reasons why some people who enjoy nude beaches are afraid to go to a naturist campsite or nudist club. Because they think that they will be expected to do things in the nude which they don’t really want to do. So find your comfortability and confidence and remember it will look different to everyone else!

Read the full blog by @nakedwandering HERE! 




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