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I've wanted to redraw Vuu for a while now, and I finally did it, with a few design changes. I won't do this for every character, only Vuu and Rose. Here is the old design if you want to compare :

Also, I'm only going to show 2 ranks (in this case, 2 & 3) from now on because I want to have more for you to discover while playing the game.

I'll show Rose next time along with a surprise. :)

That's about all I have to say, however someone asked an interesting question a few days back so I'm going to shamelessly copy paste it with the answer :

Q : What are your thoughts on BE during the battle, as opposed to on levelling?

A : I actually thought a lot about that, but there are a few problems that I wasn't able to solve. First, from a gameplay standpoint, there is already a LOT of stuff happening during battles. You have to pay attention not only to the puzzle, but you also need to be wary of the Shapes (previously called Heart Eaters) and you cursor's armor, your mana and what spells you can and can't cast, same with your energy and relics, combos and combo spells, your opponent's spells, and of course both yours and your opponent HP. If I did include BE only during fights, it would probably be some kind of temporary power up. Since this would be a pretty simple mechanic, I think it could be okay to add it on top of the rest. The real problem I have with this are that since there is so much happening already, you probably wouldn't have enough to look at your character, and the temporary aspect of such a power up means that you go back to zero after the fight, where I'd rather have a lasting BE effect. That's why I chose to have BE happen out of the fights. That way, the fights are less mentally taxing, you can stare at the characters all you want in the menu, you can change the BE level at will, and ranking up still affects the gameplay in that it allows you to keep leveling up and to equip better spells. Damn I ended up writing a lot, that was an interesting question, thanks! I hope I was clear enough. 

If I get any other questions that I feel might interest everyone, I'm going to post them in the next devlogs.

Anyway, that's it for now, see you! :D




What if you have a BE attack that stuns the enemy momentarily? Could increase their defense while active too, to prevent it being OP and letting you get free hits in. Could allow you to oggle or setup combos. Whether the BE should last or not, I'm not sure. Could reward stacking with a longer stun, or maybe have it build level by level so each consecutive lasts a bit longer than the last up to a cap. For the limit you could have it so the second highest visual is the permanent state. For example if 5 is max BE level, then 4 is the highest permanent state, with 5 only available while the effect is active. Or not even have levels and just have one state that is too big to move. There are so many possible ways to do it, I have no idea what would work best. Redraw looks awesome btw


Thanks! The stun is a good idea, but in the end I just feel like it would be a shame to have the highest BE level only available while fighting, which is why I chose not to do it initially. The too big to move would make a lot of sense, but that would also mean a lot of work since I'd have to do it for every character, for something that might or might not be worth it... This is a tough one honestly. I'm not necessarily against it, but if I end up doing it it would be in a future game where it makes more sense.