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The shrunken women trembled. The video displayed on the gigantic smartphone laid by their glass prison continued to play in silence. Through the blurry veil of tears rolling down their cheeks, what they saw on the cinema-sized screen was horrific. From an aerial view, they watched people just like them running across a white expanse. Slowly, their captor’s feet caught up to them. Despite their best efforts, they disappeared beneath her merciless soles, one after the other. Some ran till the end. Others turned around and begged. It changed nothing. Their entire lives amounted to nothing but forgettable stains that Kaylen could wipe clean with a Kleenex.

“Any questions?” Kaylen asked with a smirk, her fingers fidgeting with the wriggling form trapped in her panties. The photographer’s gaze scanned the three companions, all coping in their own way with the terror they felt. “Good! Let’s start then!” Kaylen continued causing more sobs and panicked breaths to overcome her tiny props.

Without notice, Kaylen’s fingers plunged in the glass prison and grabbed the puny brunette crying on her knees. The young producer breathed softly as her first accessory of the day desperately struggled against the unmovable strength of her delicate fingertips. She would never tire of the adrenaline she felt holding her victims. Despite every cell in their body fighting against her, there was nothing they could do to stop her. Kaylen savored the feeling of her prop’s tiny hands pushing against her own for a moment, before dropping her on the set.

“A pretty little thing like you must have worked in a studio before.” Kaylen said, squatting over the tiny woman’s cowering form. “Does it feel familiar? The lights, the cameras… the models.” the producers continued, faking a humbling tone as her hands turned inwards to point at herself. “Wait here.” Kaylen commanded before rising back to her full height and walking away. Between short breaths, the tiny woman’s eyes darted in every direction, desperately hoping to find a way to escape the collection of dreadful fates she imagined in her panicked mind.

Kaylen walked back to the table where she glanced at the two remaining women, lamenting themselves in their makeshift prison. Their turn would come, but it wasn’t for them that the producer had come back. Kaylen giggled as her hand grabbed the shrink ray, making the pair flinch in fear. Her clients always loved terrified “tinies” - as they would call them.

“Not yet, bitches…” Kaylen whispered in the glass prison, sending a wave of warm strawberry-scented air washing over the trembling women. Before they could appreciate the sudden heat on their skin, both the sensation and their captor were gone.

The sight of Kaylen walking back towards her sent the stranded shrunken woman in a frenzy. She felt her heart rise in her throat, racing faster than it ever did, as the producer’s intimidating toes stopped right in front of her kneeling form. From her humiliating position, the tiny prop could feel the persisting warmth of Kaylen feet washing over her, accompanied by the unpleasant scent of cocoa butter mixed with sweat. Kaylen watched with amusement her victim’s clear desire to take a few steps back, clashing with her body’s inability to obey her in fear of retribution. The producer squatted over the puny woman again. Her hand holding the shrink ray dangled menacingly over her little head.

“I’m gonna need to make some tweaks to your size for that next scene, honey. Ready to be rayed again?” Kaylen asked rhetorically. The shrunken woman’s face betrayed her mind’s growing confusion, as she looked up at the piece of Cadco tech.

“But… you said it’s irreversible.” she replied shyly. Her words barely reached Kaylen’s ears.

“It’s irreversible. Doesn’t mean I can’t make you smaller, dummy.” Kaylen purred back as the tiny woman in her panties accidentally rubbed against a very sensible area of her womanhood. Fear rapidly replaced confusion in the tiny woman’s mind as Kaylen pointed the shrink ray towards her. Her chilling screams were quickly extinguished as the ray of light hit her, paralyzing every muscle in her puny body.

“Shhh… Down… Down… Down… You go.” the tiny woman heard Kaylen purr progressively louder as her line of sight slowly lowered. The tiny prop helplessly watched as her tormentor rubbed her free thumb against what she could imagine was her companion’s head through the panties’ gray fabric. She wanted to cry and scream all the rage she felt from this unjust situation, but alas, no sound escaped her frozen lips.

“Welcome to the realm of insects, little bug.” Kaylen whispered under her breath as she pressed her panties’ occupant deeper inside her. The tiny woman’s blurry sight slowly cleared to reveal the titan that her captor had become from her point of view. The toes that terrified her earlier now stood taller than she was. She felt insignificant.

“Alright, bug girl. Jump in that now. Don’t make me ask twice” Kaylen’s voice boomed from the heavens as she placed the shrink ray on a high shelf and grabbed a minuscule cube of glass in its stead. The tiny recipient was even shorter than she was. As the producer carefully laid it at her feet, the tiny woman saw that the top was missing. She quickly connected the dots. Afraid of angering the god towering above her, the puny prop lifted her legs one after the other, planting her feet on the familiar coldness of the glass. The top of the cube reached slightly above her waist.

“Good bug. Now squat.” Kaylen commanded. Looking up, the tiny woman caught the sparkling shine of a piece of glass similar to one of the cube’s sides, reflecting one of the studio's many lights’ between the giant producer’s fingertips.

“No… No, no, no, please! It’s too small! I won’t fit. Please, I’m afraid of tight spaces. Anything! I’ll do anything but this, please!” the tiny woman begged as she understood the extent of her upcoming role. Kaylen’s raised eyebrow sent shivers down her spine. Squatting back down, the giant producer brought her pointed index down towards the minuscule prop’s head.

“I said, squat.” Kaylen spoke, this time with a much colder tone. At the same time, the photographer applied the smallest amount of force she could on her victim’s head, forcing her to bend her knees in fear of seeing them shatter under the pressure. The tiny woman’s face was engulfed in Kaylen’s fingertip. The persistent smell and taste of the titaness’ womanhood overwhelmed her senses as her cervical bones cracked in terrifying ways. Slowly but surely, her entire body finally fit in the box.

Without a second of respite, the massive fingertip on her head was replaced by the small piece of glass Kaylen held in her other hand. The giant producer pressed a few seconds on the surface, before finally flicking the entire cube - sending it and its occupant rolling over a few centimeters. Crammed in the confined space, the woman screamed in pain as the shock’s excessive energy transferred from the glass to her fragile body. Pushing with all her strength against the glass panel above her, the tiny prop felt despair overtake her as she realized it was sealed with no way for her to open it. She was trapped. Her only salvation were a few holes covering the glass panels, letting her breathe quickly without the fear of running out of air.

Kaylen had wanted to try this makeshift prison for quite a while. She was pleased to see it worked as she imagined it would back at the shop. Its intended use was to plant seeds in an indoor garden, but she had never been one for gardening. Rising back to her full height, Kaylen took a few steps towards the cube. All the way down between her feet, she imagined what her puny victim’s face was like at this moment, torn by sheer terror. She reveled in the sight the puny woman faced, imagining herself standing impossibly tall. Rubbing her panty pet’s face against the folds of her womanhood, Kaylen moaned as her big toe delicately played with the tiny cube - slowly rolling it back and forth with enough care to avoid pulverizing it and its occupant.

“It’s a tight squeeze, but I’m afraid making you smaller would bring the risk of you breaking your tiny skull against the glass at the first opportunity, little bug.” Kaylen softly spoke as she delicately grabbed the cube between her fingertips. “Now tell me, did you ever kiss a girl?” the producer smirked as she walked towards the main camera and pressed the shutter button. A red light blinked twice before remaining on. “A one night adventure perhaps? Or a drunk peck? Doesn’t matter, I can’t hear you and I can’t tell if you’re nodding your head or just trying to prevent your neck from breaking from the sway.” Kaylen laughed, amused by the tiny woman’s delirious composure.

“Now, I want you to know that the cube you’re in might seem indestructible to you, but a strong enough flick from me would shatter it in a million pieces. I want you to think about that for the scene we’ll shoot together. And when you finally realize that the pathetic glass cube you desperately want to escape from is your new best friend, I want you to scream. Scream as loud as you can. Scream like your life is about to end. Make it good, bug bitch.” Kaylen spoke to the cube’s inhabitant, raised to eye level for her own amusement.

Through the tears, the tiny woman could see herself in her tormentor’s glasses. She looked for as long as Kaylen allowed her to. Seeing herself cramped in such a small prison, trapped between the photographer’s titanic digits, she felt pathetic. Without the help of the shrink ray, she felt herself shrink smaller as the image she had of her normal self was replaced by this new reality.

The words booming around her meant nothing. The tone was foreign.

“Candy’s a good name. I think it’s fitting. I mean, just look at it.” Kaylen spoke an octave higher than she normally would as she brought the cube towards the camera’s dark lens. “A tough shell, hiding a tender heart… But really, I’m curious to see if it tastes as sweet as it looks!” Kaylen giggled, bringing the cube and its occupant closer to her soft lips, rubbing them delicately against the smooth skin. The tiny woman’s heart raced faster than it ever did before. She sobbed uncontrollably, her claustrophobia kicking in as Kaylen’s voluptuous lips filled the air holes one by one, leaving her with a limited amount of oxygen for a brief yet eternal instant. She desired nothing more than to get out and leave this nightmare and return to her life - her exams, her friends, her painful search for a job. It all felt like heaven compared to being this twisted producer’s toy.

The tiny woman felt the cold air inside the cube warm up. Around her, the dark void of Kaylen's mouth opened. Her lips formed an amused, sensual smirk destined to her future clients. Her tongue retracted in the depth of the titanic cavern as her razor-sharp teeth started to grind against the glass.

Condensation quickly formed inside the tiny cube, filling it with a mix of strawberry scent and horny breath smell. Suddenly, amidst the terror, the tiny woman heard it above her head - a crack striking the glass as the pressure from her captor’s incisors pierced through the seemingly indestructible material. The tiny woman had finally found it. A fear greater than being trapped in her hellish prison. As more cracked formed around her, terror finally overwhelmed her. She prayed for the glass she hated so much to hold.

Her mind cracked first. She screamed. As loud as she could. Hoping to somehow get rid of the terror that filled every atom in her body.

Above, Kaylen smiled, bringing the cube closer to its breaking point. This was going to be a great shoot.

So... that's more of Kaylen. I promise she's pretty nice outside her studios! Well, unless she needs props and you cross her path. But even then, she never does it with truly mean intentions. The folks she shrinks are chosen pretty much randomly - it makes a difference to her.

I hope you enjoy this new artwork and story! :)



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