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The pop music blasting around the club’s terrace wasn’t enough to drown the tiny woman’s panicked screams.

“Hey, shut up!” Tala commanded with disdain. With frightening speed and precision, the young Filipino slapped her foot on the polished concrete, stopping  the living doll right in her tracks. “You knew the rules. You still wanted to play. You lost.” Tala continued matter-of-factly as she grabbed her defeated opponent by the ankle to drag her back to the safe spot between her legs. Around the pair, bystanders slowly pooled to watch the incongruous spectacle.

“Is that legal?” one of the partygoers shyly asked. Neon stopped poking her tiny toy, looking up to the one who had gathered the courage to interrupt her.

“Unregulated, more like.” Tala replied drily, her confident gaze seemingly shrinking the brave bystander on the spot. “You’re not from around here, are you?” she asked, feigning curiosity. The tourist nodded back, confirming her suspicions. “See that? It’s local tech. Shrinks anything and everything you point at it. Little Barbie here played Draw with me. It’s a twist on la ruleta rusa. You gotta grab the ray and shoot it before your rival does. The good news? You don’t die if you lose.” Tala shrugged with a comically happy smile on her face. “Bad news? You sure as hell don’t go on your merry way either.” the young Filipino continued, flicking the tiny woman’s side to illustrate her point. The shrunken woman collapsed, crying from the sudden burst of pain.

The partygoer had turned pale listening to Tala’s tale.

“C’mon, everybody here does it. Don’t tell me you’re scared of little ol’ me? It’s sunny, it’s hot, you’re on holiday… aren’t you feeling a little lucky? Or even tempted to bring me back home in your pocket? Or perhaps you’re just a pussy…” Tala let the word hiss through her lips, her eyes locked in theirs. Tala smirked as the bystander hesitated, the heat and alcohol clouding their mind. After a brief internal conflict, they finally sat down in front of her.

They didn’t know it yet, but Tala had already won.

I don't have concrete proof, but I think I might have a thing for super fast running video game gals. I don't know, just a hunch...

I personally don't play Valorant but Neon quickly caught my attention when she was revealed. Between her cool design, her attributes and the kind of music she listens to, I was hooked. So, when I found her model this morning, I knew I had to make something with her at some point. I originally just wanted to test the model's quality today, but it turned out to be so good that I just kept going. I feel she has good size vibes!

You tell me if I'm crazy or if you enjoyed this new piece :D



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