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Despite the complete darkness engulfing the small room, Kaylen’s steps precisely avoided the many tripods and lights randomly scattered about. Feeling the cold metal of her white screen’s armature on her fingertips, the young woman turned 90 degrees and reached for a button she couldn’t see.

Bright lights suddenly flooded the room around her, revealing a small but well-equipped studio. Expensive cameras, lenses and spots filled the space, left untouched since the last time Kaylen had been there. Without pause, she dropped her bag on the wooden table and kicked her beaten combat boots off her feet, sending them flying across the room. Shivers ran up her legs, as the warmth of her socks met the studio’s cold wooden floor, leaving imprints of condensation wherever her feet touched.

A soft hum and a burnt smell filled the room as Kaylen switched on the couple of auxiliary heaters around the room. A few minutes later, the studio was warm enough for the photographer to take off her scarf and leather jacket.

Above the familiar sounds of her studio, an annoying noise caught Kaylen’s attention. The high-pitch muffled disturbance came from her bag. The young woman’s lips stretched in an amused smirk as she reached inside. Her delicate fingers blindly searched for a while, before finally pulling back out - now filled with the wriggling forms of four minuscule women.

“Oh, stop it…” Kaylen whispered, barely paying attention to the puny women’s pleas for help as she reached for the empty glass recipient on the other side of the table. Already focused on the next tasks on her to-do list, Kaylen relaxed her grip and carelessly dropped the panicked bunch into their cold prison. Four distinct thuds accompanied by faint screams echoed against the small container’s glass walls. The photographer however, was already too far away to hear any of it.

Kaylen methodically turned on her cameras, making sure they were all plugged in and properly set. By the time she was done, the room was finally warm enough to take another layer of clothes off.

The puny bunch watched in awe as their captor removed her jeans, slowly revealing her toned legs hidden beneath the thin layer of denim. The black socks covering her feet soon followed. The shrunken women flinched in unison as the giant turned towards them pretending to throw the sweaty undergarments in their inescapable prison, bringing a satisfied smile to her lips. The socks flew towards her boots instead, to the relief of the four prisoners. Despite their rage, the tiny bunch remained silent as the stranger holding them captive exposed herself without feeling an ounce of care or shame for the spectacle of nudity she offered them . As the photographer’s supple breasts escaped the confines of her hoodie, her victims’ gazes turned away - unable to bask in her unapologetic glory.

Kaylen reveled in the moment. Despite her detached attitude, she loved feeling her captives’ pretty eyes glued to her body’s every movement. The little things never knew what to feel during this moment. Lust, fear and rage mixed within their tiny minds, leaving them confused - just like Kaylen loved them the most. The titaness finally turned around and dropped the pile of clothes on the table - ever so simply dwarfing the container next to it. Standing above the glass prison, Kaylen looked down, carefully observing the group she had collected. They all looked terrified, shaking, unable to find a hint of warmth against the cold surface they were trapped in. None dared to break the silence that Kaylen’s presence imposed.

“Good…” Kaylen smiled down, a terrifying spark gleaming in her eyes. For an instant, the photographer wondered if her prisoners shivered from the cold or the fear she instilled. She didn’t care enough to find out.

“I need a volunteer. Who’s willing to show some initiative?” Kaylen’s words cut through the thick silence with a level of confidence only her stature could offer. None answered. Of course, Kaylen understood. They had no idea who she was, or why they were here. Blindly volunteering could mean anything as far as they were concerned.

“Come on, anyone?” Kaylen smiled as her index’s fingernail hit the glass prison with enough force to shake her victims’ world. One would crack. One always did.

“You fucking bitch!” Kaylen faintly heard as one of the shrunken women angrily stood up. She looked ready to say more, but the photographer didn’t give her the chance to. Before she knew it, the tiny woman was engulfed in the dark embrace of her captor’s titanic fingers and lifted out of the glass prison. When light reached her eyes again, nausea overcame her tiny body as she found herself dangling upside down -  the titaness’ fingers tightly pinching her left ankle was the only lifeline saving her from a two hundred foot drop. Kaylen felt a familiar warmth down her lower stomach as the tiny woman desperately struggled between her fingers.

“Guess we’ve found our brave volunteer, haven’t we?” Kaylen purred as her lustful gaze analyzed every square inch of her tiny victim. “There’s always an angry one…” she continued, ignoring the faint pleas from the group below.

“Please, let me go! I won’t say a damn thing I promise. Just let us go and we’ll forget everything.” the dangling woman begged, tears rolling down her forehead.

Without a word, Kaylen took a step forward. Her free hand searched her bag once again. This time, however, her fingers didn’t find miniaturized people. Instead, the photographer held a red device - close in design to a taser. Keeping her index away from the trigger, Kaylen brought it up into the tiny woman’s field of view.

“Know what this is?” the titaness asked with a sly smile on her lips. The shrunken brunette’s eyes widened at the sight of the device.

“You fucking bitch! You’re a fucking monster!” the tiny woman screamed with rage at the top of her lungs, giving Kaylen an honest chuckle.

“So you do know what it is. And by all the anger coming out of you, you must know how it works.” Kaylen calmly responded as she put the device back on the table, right by the transparent container. The shrunken prisoners all turned their attention to the gun lookalike. One audibly gasped.

“It’s… It’s illegal! You’ll be in massive trouble. The police will trace it back to you and they’ll find us!” the dangling woman screamed, desperately trying to muster an ounce of confidence as she threatened the giant holding her life between her delicate fingers. Once again, Kaylen chuckled at the barely audible words coming out of her tiny mouth. The photographer did her best to remain calm as excitement grew within her.

“Oh… Am I now?” Kaylen replied, canalizing her purest impression of innocence. More tears fell from her victim’s forehead. “I bought this one a couple years ago. If the weirdo who sold it to me lied about its traceability, you’d be out and about enjoying a cappuccino in some fancy café right now. Though if you know Cadco tech’s supposed to be traceable, you must also know why it’s illegal, don’t you?” Kaylen inquired, pushing her victim’s minds to its limits as she came to the conclusion the giant desired.

“It’s irreversible…” the dangling woman sobbed. Below, the tiny prisoners finally became silent as the words reached their enclosure. “Why… Why are you doing this to us?” the dangling brunette managed to say between sobs.

“Oh, poor little thing. It’s nothing personal, I promise. I just gotta pay my college tuition like everybody else, you know? You guys just happened to be on my way when I needed new… props!” Kaylen said with a devilish smirk. The wetness between her legs couldn’t be ignored anymore. She would never tire of having these conversations. Behind her glasses, the photographer’s eyes looked at her crying victim with curiosity. She could see it on her face - she couldn’t come to reason with the fact her life was over to allow Kaylen’s to go forward. “I know you’re really sad right now, but I’m gonna need you to find that fighting spirit again now. We have a shoot to go through and I’m gonna need you to keep inspired.” the photographer finally said, bringing her hand down before the tiny woman could react.

The three puny victims left behind could only watch as Kaylen’s fingers gently pulled her panties’ elastic waistband away from her toned skin while her other hand brought their companion of misfortune down towards the dark entrance it formed. All wished to look away but none found the strength to do so as the haunting screams of the dangling woman amplified. With a final bit of evil mischief, Kaylen paused, letting her victim be overwhelmed by the warmth and smell of the womanhood she was about to be fed to.

“Good luck down there!” Kaylen giggled before finally dropping the tiny woman and letting her panties’ waistband snap shut behind her. Her tiny form wriggled, deforming the fabric and offering the shrunken prisoners a glimpse of the horror their companion was going through. While she had screamed on her way down, this giant’s underwear either muffled her cries or she was simply unable to make a sound anymore. The thought sent shivers throughout the container’s population. Above, Kaylen moaned. Her fingers gently fiddled with the wriggling form through her panties’ fabric, until she seemed satisfied with the position she had forced on the puny brunette.

Silence reigned for a few seconds. They felt like hours to the three shrunken women left. It was torture. They couldn’t tell what scared them the most between hearing their captor’s unapologetic moans and fearing the moment she’d turned her attention back to them.

“Now that I’ve got everything ready, it’s time we get working. I’m sure you’ll quickly get the hang of it. After all, I casted you all myself! Plus, being a prop isn’t that hard, you’ll see” Kaylen smirked seeing the confusion on her captives’ faces. “Fetish clips. Size fetish clips to be precise. You guys really are that pure?” the giant photographer continued. Her prisoners’ face remained perplexed. “Seriously? Weirdos nutting to giants torturing badly-edited tiny people? Never heard of it? Well, I make that stuff. Except I don’t have a green screen…” Kaylen giggled as she grabbed her phone and searched for the first size fetish video she could find on the Internet. “Consider this my good deed of the day. So you all don’t faint when you actually help me with the shoot. I’ll need you alive and kicking for your part.” the photographer smirked as her victims eyes filled with tears once again.

They finally understood. They begged in unison.

“Keep that up bitches, it’s exactly what I need for today’s script…” Kaylen moaned.

What started as an exercise on how to light darker skin tones properly, rapidly turned into this full piece! It's been an absolute blast to lose myself in the creation of this artwork and story. The theme of "real SFX" was one I wanted to work on since forever, so I'm glad I finally got to do so - what's more with such an awesome protagonist!

Just like every other character in my work, Kaylen was carefully designed and has a very detailed background. She may only appear in this piece, but I feel this extra work helps me make better, more coherent size content. I hope you'll like her and her evil deeds :D



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