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For the past couple of months, Lt. Lena Oxton had spent more time at HQ than she normally did. If the right people had looked closer, they could have easily made correlations and drawn simple conclusions. Fortunately, the young British agent knew how to remain discreet and enjoyed an almost undisturbed freedom as most of her colleagues left the building. Tonight, like many other nights recently, Lena giggled as she felt panicked struggles tickle her fingers in the warm darkness of her pockets.

The door was left ajar. At this hour of the night, it let nothing but the cold light of monitors and the soft humming of computers go through. The distinct lack of clicking noises and German swearing could only mean two things - Dr. Angela Ziegler had left long ago or she had once again tried to pull an all-nighter.

As Lena walked through the soft halo of blue light emanating from the door frame, she stopped. Curious, she took a step back, making sure the leather of her shoes didn't creak against the linoleum floor. Unable to resist, the young lieutenant approached the opening and let her head peak through.

"Hey Doc..." Lena whispered. She was loud enough to be convincing should Angela be there and hard at work. On the other hand she was also quiet enough to not wake her up, had she fallen asleep writing another report on the Anomaly. In response, Lena got nothing but the continued humming of the computers echoing in the vast office. Scanning the room with a glance, Lena's gaze finally settled on the desk in the back. Behind it, sitting in an uncharacteristic inelegance, Angela slept in her chair.

"Looks like someone's human after all..." Lena whispered as she delicately opened the door wide enough to fit her thin frame through it. On the tip of her toes, Lena approached the desk. The soft tapping from her sneaker's soles sounded loud enough to Lena to wake the entire building up. Alas, the young agent made her way to the Doctor unnoticed. 

Lena couldn't help but stare for a moment. She had known Angela for years, and yet had never seen her that way. At times, it felt like the Doc had no weakness. It made her look strong, almost invulnerable. Now though, she looked like any other person working in this agency - still radiant, but definitely more human.

"I've got a little something for you Doc." Lena said in a barely audible whisper, trying her best not to giggle in the scientist's ears. "I know you said we shouldn't do anything that the victims of the anomaly could complain about when they go back home - if, they go back home. But between you and I, I don't think this poor little one's gonna see home again anyway..." Lena continued, her whisper almost completely turning into inaudible an thought.

Plunging her delicate fingers in her jacket's pockets, Lena searched for an adequate candidate, keeping her eyes on Dr. Ziegler's slightly open mouth.

"Hmm, too big, too fat... Ew, too hairy... perfect!" Lena thought to herself as her fingers probed the tinies trapped in the confines of her pocket. The gigantic digits had finally settled on a perfect specimen and the young agent couldn't wait to meet her. 

"Well hello there, little one. Shhh... don't make noise, it's late." Lena said, a kind and reassuring smile spreading across her lips as she opened her hand. The tiny woman was clearly scared, looking everywhere around her. Realizing she was sitting in the middle of another woman's palm, she didn't dare disobey.

"Good girl! See my friend behind you?" Lena continued to whisper, her warm breath washing over the shivering woman in her hand. "She's got the longest days since you guys started to show up. She's trying her best to send you back home. Isn't she nice?" Lena shared honestly with her shrunken plaything. The tiny woman, too scared to contradict the giant holding her, nodded her head, approving of everything the titaness said.

"I'm glad you think so too. Would you like to do something to help her?" Lena asked, leaving the quiet yet panicked woman in her hand with a choice. Of course, the tiny girl didn't want to help any of the giants in here. Since she had arrived, she had been probed, analyzed and discarded in a cold empty plastic box with countless others. However, under the pressure of the hazelnut irises piercing through her, she didn't find the courage to state the truth. Her tiny head nodded once again, putting a satisfied smile on Lena's lips.

"Wow, you're braver than I thought little one!" Lena replied to the nodding woman, slowly revealing her hand. She could see the confusion in the tiny girl's eyes. Delicately, Lena pinched the shrunken brunette by the ankle and lifted her up. The tiny woman wanted to scream as the pain flashed through her foot and up her leg. Clenching her teeth, she resisted, not wanting to anger the giant barely holding her life with two fingers.

"Thanks little thing, you're too kind." Lena said, not able to contain the quietest giggle as she realized her little toy continued to obey her despite everything she was putting her through. "I'm sure poor Angela forgot to eat today. She always does that when she works so much. Thank God you're here..." Lena continued, slowly and quietly extending her arm till her pinched fingers held the shrunken woman right above Mercy's mouth. "Sorry, I've been wanting to do that for a while..." Lena finally said before splitting open her fingers and letting the tiny woman fall.

This time, she screamed. As loudly as she could, she let the air rush out of her lungs and explode against her vocal chords. If she was going down, the bratty giant bitch was going down with her. Sadly for her, she quickly realized it wouldn't make a difference. At her puny size, her loudest screams were quieter than Tracer's whispers. The soft 'pop' noise she made as she bounced on Angela's lower lip wasn't even enough to make the giant medic twitch. Before she could think straight again, the tiny woman found herself slipping down a wet tongue, desperately trying to grasp onto something.

Lena looked, half fascinated, half weirded out.

"Urgh, it must suck so bad to be this one... So gross... I can hear Angela's saliva in there, eww..." Lena commented to herself as the tiny woman slowly disappeared in the darkness of Dr. Ziegler's mouth. "Wait, is she gonna choke if she's sleeping? Fuck, I didn't thin-" Lena started to panic. However, before she had the time to finish her sentence, she heard a deglutition noise and the faint screams disappeared. Breathing slightly louder for an instant, Angela continued to sleep peacefully. "Well, I guess that sorted itself out!" Lena thought to herself, taking a deep breath as she stood back up.

"Alright, enough shenanigans for tonight. Don't stay too late Doc." Lena whispered, leaving a kiss on the Doctor's forehead. "Tomorrow's a new day and you've got tiny people to save." Lena continued as she turned around to leave.

Putting the door back the way it was when she arrived, Lena finally relaxed all her muscles and took a deep breath. Walking down the corridor to the lift, she plunged her hands in her pockets, shoving aside the tiny people trapped in their confines.

"Good thing I have you guys, I really need something to relax after this..."

So, how do we feel about this "Escapees of the Anomaly" series so far? I don't know if I'll continue but it's been fun playing with these characters again recently! Hope you enjoy this new piece :)



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