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"You know, I don't think you're taking this very seriously. We shouldn't be here. Have you seen how big everything is? Even if we were to get out of that maze, what then?" Clara casually asked, trying her best to keep up with her much taller companions trailing ahead. 

"Then we tell the world what happened to us. That's been the plan since before we got out of the container. Did your memory get smaller too or are you chickening out?" Naomi replied, her red hair flying around as she looked about her shoulders to get a glimpse at her tiny friend.

"Can you two shut it back there? We've been walking around this place for hours and it's a miracle no one caught us yet" the tallest woman in the group interrupted, annoyed by the constant nagging behind her. "Less talking, more walking..." Jennifer finally said, cutting short any attempt from her friends to argue.

A few hours earlier, the tiny trio's luck had finally turned. After spending what felt like weeks in a plastic container with the bare necessities, the lab assistant in charge of replenishing their food stocks had given them a window of opportunity they couldn't miss. By applying as much pressure as they could onto the badly locked panel, the three friends finally managed to free themselves of their plastic prison. However, their initial joy had quickly turned sour as the size of the complex they were in dawned on them.

"Alright, corner ahead, let's be careful." Jennifer said, turning around to check on her companions. Unfortunately, she hadn't been heard as both Clara and Naomi trailed behind, still arguing. "Fine, I'll take the lead, as always..." the blonde whispered under her breath as she stepped forward to check what felt like the thousandth corner today. "I swear, if we manage to get outta there, it'd be mira-" Jennifer stopped abruptly as she walked past the corner.

"Fancy meeting you here, love. Looking for something?" Lena finally spoke, looking down on the terrified tiny blonde. Jennifer didn't dare move a muscle as her eyes journeyed up from the giant's feet to her face so far above her trembling frame.

"Well? Cat got your tongue little one? Or were you not expecting to see me here? It might be this facility. After a while walking around the place, you all seem to forget there are people working here." Lena continued, an amused smiled forming on her lips as the tiny blonde was at complete loss for words.

Terrified, Jennifer only had one thought in mind - making sure her friends wouldn't get caught. 

"The box... It was left opened Miss!" Jennifer managed to say as loud as could, hoping it would reach the titaness' ears and warn her friends of the danger ahead.

"So it seems. And tell me, were you alone in that little box of yours?" Lena asked, raising an eyebrow. Of course, the British agent knew perfectly well that the box held more than one victim of the Anomaly. However, she had come to enjoy watching escapees try to lie their way out far too much to break their hope just yet.

"I... I was Miss! I'm quite big compared to the others you see. So that guy with the white coat put me in a plastic box by myself." Jennifer continued to lie, hoping she was convincing enough to be the only one sent back to square one. Lena's right shoe started to tap the glossy floor, squeaking slightly with each contact. The tiny blonde could feel herself shivering.

"Hmm... So if I were to take a quick look behind this cabinet, I wouldn't see any tiny people like you, would I?" Lena continued her interrogation, Jennifer couldn't back down now. Deep down, she hoped the giant looking down on her was just bluffing.

"Of course not!" the tiny woman immediately replied as the giant's eyes moved towards her companions. Lena's smile widened.

"I gotta give it to you little thing, you almost got me there! So much confidence for such a tiny girl. Sadly for you, there's no such things as too big for you guys, so we never put you alone in your boxes. Alright, it's been fun, but time to go back!" Lena replied, knowing she was breaking the tiny woman's hopes to finally escape.

"Wait! No! Please, we can't go back!" Jennifer found herself screaming. She couldn't tell if it was out of desperation or anger, but there was no way she could go back in the cold and empty box she had been kept in for weeks. "Please, don't bring us back there. We just want to go home!" Jennifer continued begging, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Aw poor little thing... I know how bad it is in there, it's okay. Look, I could offer you guys something a bit more... comfortable. But nothing's free and I'm sure there are many other tiny people just like you who'd love to get out too..." Lena said slowly, making sure the shrunken woman at her feet understood every word leaving her mouth.

"Please, we'll do anything! We can't go back in there!" Jennifer immediately replied, tears chocking her exclamation.

"Anything, huh? I knew we could find a deal the moment I saw you little one..." Lena giggled.

This piece was a great reminder of why I don't use artificial lights in my renders. In total, it took over 48h to get it done and it's not even complex! Still, it was a fun piece to work on :D

I hope you enjoyed this new entry in the series. This one's a bit more soft story wise, but Lena can't be too mean all the time. Sometimes, it's a matter of letting the tinies come to her willingly! :D



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