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The light and hastened tapping of Lena's sneakers on each step could only mean one thing - she was late again. The irony wasn't lost on the young Lieutenant. It always seemed to amuse her colleagues that the fastest person on Earth had a problem being on time.

"At least they'll start the day with a good laugh..." Lena whispered under her breath, quickly grabbing her keys and her phone on the living room's coffee table.

For Mira, the sudden commotion above her head felt chaotic. In the darkness of the confined space she was trapped in, there was no way for her to know this overwhelming and terrifying event was nothing but a morning rush. The young woman could hear the fearful whispers of the people she was stuck with - wherever they all were. Just like her, they had no idea what had happened to them in the past 72 hours. At first there was the flash and an endless feeling of vertigo. Then, a glimpse of what could only be described as a giant lab and from there, nothing but darkness.

Of course, Mira had her theories about what she and countless others seemed to be going through. However, none of them made complete sense. For all she knew, she might actually be dead and stuck in Purgatory. At least, it would have explained the sudden flood of light blinding her as the ground slid beneath her feet.

"Hello there, little things! I hope you've managed to rest alright in there. Sorry if it's a bit barren, I don't normally have guests sleeping in my drawers." Lena joyfully said as she slid the drawer towards her. 

At this point, HQ didn't know what to do with the thousands of tiny inter-dimensional beings it collected. Anomalies kept happening, bringing with each occurrence a new lot of miniaturized people. For Lena, it was a win-win situation she offered her "guests" - at least according to her. She believed it was better for them to have something to do rather than rot in an empty lab. Though, she was not nearly naive enough to lie to herself and believe she really had their interests in mind. 

"Alright, don't be scared, I'm gonna grab a bunch of you guys now." Lena continued, plunging her gigantic fingers in the drawers' opening. The delicate digits rapidly filled up the confined space, drastically reducing the light getting in. Lena could barely feel the soft touch of the tiny people skins on her own as her hand brushed past them. She could tell they tried to dodge her mighty fingers, but alas, she had found what she was looking for. As she removed her hand from the small opening, two women barely filled her closed fist.

"Look at you little things, aren't you cute?" the young hero said as she delicately opened her hand, leaving the pair stranded in the middle of her palm. Stunned by how gigantic everything around them was, they did not dare to move. The ground beneath them was too soft to even think of a potential escape. Among the two, Mira realized filled with fear that her most improbable theories were real. A shiver ran through her tiny body, despite the overwhelming warmth of her captor's palm.

"I apologize for how little I can fill you in on what happened to you, but I'm already super late for work. So, long story short, welcome to this new dimension. You're now tiny! No I don't know why. No I can't make you big again. No I don't know how to send you back. Got everything?" Lena quickly said, leaving the two shrunken woman silent as they processed this tidal wave of devastating information.

"But I have a family! They'll be looking for me! I have to get back to them!" screamed the tiny redhead sitting next to Mira, her voice clearly showing she was in shock.

"I'm sure you do, and I'm sure they miss you very much little one. But like I said, nothing I can do about it. To be completely honest with you, there's nothing anybody can do about it. You ended up in the care of the best scientists this planet has to offer. If they didn't find a solution yet, no one has. I'm not being mean, it's just how things are." Lena explained as calmly as she could, glancing at the clock showing she was now officially late now.

Before Mira could say a word, the ground beneath her shifted, giving her no grip to hold onto. She was going to fall and considering the size of the titaness in front of her, it'd be a long one. However, before she could make sense of what was happening, she found herself upside down with a painful pressure around her right ankle. Below her, she could hear the faint screams of the woman who just a few seconds prior, sat right next to her. As Mira looked down, she felt her stomach fill with knots - pain, fear and stress all combined in one weight rising up in her throat.

The view was unbelievable. If it wasn't for the vivid pain she felt in her ankle, Mira would believe she was soundly asleep and dreaming. For the first time in her life, she felt vertigo as the distance between her and the ground grew with each passing second she spent focusing on it. Worse of all, was what was happening below the titaness' waist. Her jeans were resting on her thighs, as she delicately pried open her nylon panties with nothing but two colossal fingers. Inside, Mira could see the top of a few hair looking like they would dwarf her with ease. She knew all too well what rested below.

"Oh fuck! Careful down there, you don't wanna fall. Trust me, it never ends well for you guys when that happens. Come on, climb back up quickly, I'm late." Lena said, jokingly.

"Stop it! Let us go! You can't do this, we're human beings!" Mira finally screamed as loud as she could in desperation. Lena knew it was coming. It always did.

"Look Love, I know this isn't easy. Actually, it must absolutely suck to be in this position. But think of the alternative. You wanna spend the next weeks, months, perhaps years in some empty box till a faceless scientist forgets to feed you? Cause believe me, that happened before and it'll happen again. Now, I have a long day ahead of me, filled with important things to do. I need you and your little friends to be good. Keep me... entertained. See it as a job! What did you do before you found yourself here little one?" Lena asked, hoping her pep talk would be sufficient to get her little toy to focus on her objective.

Mira didn't know how to react to what she was experiencing. She was asked to be a literal sex toy for some giant entitled brat.

"I'm an astrophysicist, not a sex toy!" Mira screamed, both angry and panicked at the prospect of being dropped in the opened panties below her.

"Ouch, yeah that's definitely a downgrade. But a job's a job! I'm sure you'll be an expert in no time" Lena replied, smiling down at the shrunken woman far too focused on what was below her to even notice.

"What? You can't-" Mira started. Unfortunately for her, the pressure around her ankle finally relaxed and she felt her stomach drop as she fell towards the titaness' crotch.

"I know you're mad, but I'm late. Figure it out while you're in there." Lena said as both tiny women tried to find their footing between the soft nylon and her warm sensible skin. A shiver of pleasure ran through the young Lieutenant as her panties' waistband snapped shut and the tiny women found themselves pressed against her already glistening sex.

"Be good to me, and I'll be good to you!" was the last thing the two shrunken toys heard before the sounds of the outside world became muffled through the thick denim of Lena's jeans. Of course, Lena knew this was an empty promise. Tiny anomaly victims did things to keep her entertained all the time and rarely got the opportunity to talk about it later. However, Lena had no time to dwell on it any further.

"Fuck! I'm really pushing it. Alright, got everything, let's go." she said to herself, finally getting on her way. As she locked the door behind her, the young hero felt what could either be a face or a fist hit through her lips right on her clitoris, sending a wave of pleasure through her entire body.

Despite being late, things could be worse for Lena Oxton today.

Looks like some Anomaly victims are luckier than others... I hope you've enjoyed this new render! I tried some things for the first time here - mainly the panties' morphing. It was not easy but the result isn't half bad I think.

Overall, it's still a simple piece than my usual content but I'm still stuck with nothing but a laptop and ideas :D
