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"Perfect... Absolutely fucking perfect..." thought Sasha, as her fingers delicately rubbed the slick surface of her notebook's trackpad. For a while now, her gaze had been focused on the screen, taking in all the info popping up on the rapidly scrolling social media windows.

"Sara Hernandez and Becky Jameson... You dumb, dumb little bitches..." she whispered under her breath as a light giggle escaped her plump lips.

Sasha was right, of course. The two young women she had crossed earlier on campus were just as she described - absolutely perfect. Their only sin had been to interrupt the pink haired brat in the middle of her reverie with big smiles on their pretty faces. Sasha had barely listened to them. She couldn't care less about whatever these two overly happy girls had to offer her. 

For Sasha, it was enough to bring them into her twisted and endless games. She knew she would enjoy toying with these ones. After all, irony was her dirty pleasure.

Sasha's gaze darted to the side of her computer for an instant, quickly checking on what could be mistaken for bread crumbs from her point of view. There, insignificant among the objects covering Sasha's messy desk top, laid Sara and Becky - still unaware of the twisted turn their future had taken.

It wouldn't take much longer for the two tiny students to wake up now. They would feel confused, as the strong feeling of nausea associated with the shrinking process overwhelms their senses. However, that wouldn't stop the little duo from keeping their heads straight in the face of this critical situation. Their smiles and happiness would remain strong as they'd trekked towards the titaness far into the distance, excited to ask the weirdly familiar face for help.

Their smiles, however, would not last for long once Sasha's gaze would zero in on the climbing specks. From there, making sure they'd never feel happiness ever again was the name of her game...

Here's a new little render and story featuring Sasha! You guys seem to really, really like her (you better, she doesn't take well to negative critics) so I decided to share one more snippets of her life. I also tried to keep the story a bit more open than I usually do - so you can imagine for yourself the kind of persons Sara and Becky are, and what Sasha has in store to wipe their positivity and happiness away forever ;)

Suggestions for their fate and general feedback are all welcomed in the comments! :D




Almost like watching someone stroll right into a car wreck after just getting into one tbh haha. Love the size she shrunk them to and even if you wanted it open ended, definitely would not mind a follow-up to the fate of these two. I'll look forward to whatever you got planned next as always though man. :)

Tiny Scribe J

Another brilliant piece of work based around this character, I love it. Also, the scale in the picture is superb, your so good at extreme size difference. Excited to see more, either from this universe or your other ones. Either way it will be good.


Thanks a lot for your very kind words of encouragement Jeremiah. I decided to get back to tinier sizes with this one since after all, it's not like Sasha can't decide how much she wants her victims to shrink. They can't ever grow back, but they can always get smaller ;)