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Sasha was not kind. She was not merciful. If you were to meet her on campus and talk to her for five minutes, you'd probably think she's a bitch - and you'd be right. Sasha herself doesn't think otherwise. She just doesn't care, because she simply doesn't have to.

See, earlier in Sasha's life, she came to realize that she didn't have to bother herself with people's opinions. Actually, she didn't even have to bother herself with people at all. Unfortunately, this realization came at a cost. 

It had already been six years since Sasha discovered the power she held in a single snap. Today, the friction of her thumb and index finger was the promise of someone's life being reduced to nothing but a toy for her amusement. The young bratty woman didn't think much of it anymore. After all, what was one more life reduced to eternal misery and dread when she had done it so many times. Sasha couldn't care less for the people she would shrink - they'd be lucky to survive the week. Mostly.

There was a single exception to Sasha's lack of compassion for her victims - her name was Trish. Six years ago, she was a normal student in Watterson High School alongside Sasha. Actually, the two of them were close, almost inseparable. Until that fateful day where Sasha got mad at the world and poured her anger on poor Trish. The young brunette was used to her friend losing her temper. Exams were closed, her parents must have put pressure on her once again - she had excuses. However, that day, Trish's compassion would not be rewarded. In between classes, as Trish tried her best to keep her friend calm in the bathroom, she suddenly felt ill and taken with vertigo like she never experienced before. The loud and dry snapping sound still echoed in her ears.

Sasha hadn't meant it. She didn't even know she could do it. That day, Trish Peterson disappeared from the surface of the Earth, never to be seen again. Her parents would look for her, hire detectives, plead for their daughter's case to remain open - nothing would bring her back. That day, Sasha was scared and sorry. She tried again and again to reverse what she had done, but to no avail. She kept her away from the world who she believed could never know about what she had done.

Today, Sasha's compassion for Trish was mostly gone. The only reason the shrunken brunette was not dead like all of Sasha's subsequent victims was only for the vague memory of their distant friendship - that, and the hint of guilt she still felt when she was alone. At first, Trish had begged to be freed. Then, as she had to live with her former friend's shrunken victims only to see them die in the most gruesome ways, the little brunette had begged to be killed too. A gift that Sasha had made clear she would never give her. 

Six years later, Trish was only a broken shadow of the bright young woman she used to be. She had seen, done and lived through too much atrocities to ever feel normal again. She was just a toy like all the other - just one that would never receive the release of death. Because her friend felt guilty. Because her friend was selfish. Because her friend was a bitch.

Since you all seem to have loved Sasha in my last render, here's a little more on the young bratty college student. As you can see, she really isn't a kind soul - better pray you don't ever cross her :)




Wow, absolutely love this man. You've certainly sold her as terrifying and so delightfully cruel even when feeling such a human emotion as guilt. Sasha seems like a character who can also get up to all sorts of antics, no doubt you've many planned. I look forward to them as always!

Tiny Scribe J

Amazing as always. The way you personify Sasha is wonderful, and leading with a small amount of guilt she felt, still twisting it to be cruel by the end, is genius. Keep up the awesome work.


Thanks so much Cool. You know how much it means to me to receive such praise on my writing from you. I think I put a lot of the inherent darkness linked to size difference in her and see how she would react/evolve with it. She's definitely the kind of character that could be featured in many small scenes where she has her casual fun ;)


Thank you very much! I'm so glad you like her and her backstory. You really got what I was trying to express. I'm so glad to read your feedback :)


Still impressed how good this one looks


I'm not sure I'd be able to do it again - a happy accident of sort :D