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Hey everyone!

It's been a little while since I've been able to post here. It's been a crazy month for me and I hope you're all safe, wherever you are in the world.

I've just received some new hardware for my PC and I've put it to the test... The first results are incredible! My first experiment was to render Power Up in its original version (more vehicules, particles, people...) and see how long it'd take. In 30min, it managed to pulverize the published version's quality, which took 36h hours to render back then.

I can't wait to see all the things I can do with this. I'm most excited about the prospect of being able to render a scene in less than an hour and have it look great - compared to today where most of my renders have to process overnight.

By the way, this render is not post-processed so don't be too harsh. The published version is still up there in my heart and I think the final result with the post-processing remains to this day some of my best work ever.

Alright, back to testing I go :)




I too look forward to all the new possiblities this upgrade can mean for ya man. Pretty sure it's bad news for the tinies in the renders, but that's another matter. :p

Tiny Scribe J

Nice, that upgrade will help immensely I'm sure. Glad your back in realatively top form, and can't wait to see what you cook up.😁