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Friday. 7:30AM.

Life and activity never ceased within the confines of June's apartment. At any hour of the day or night, you would find someone hard at work for the woman they all looked up to - their Mistress. They all had different background, stories and memories from the old world. Depending on the time they had spent serving June's every requests though, they could more or less recollect what their lives used to be, before She changed them permanently.

Kate was on a night shift. She had been since John suddenly needed replacement. "These things happen all the time..." thought Kate as she struggled to keep the bucket that she carried leveled, on her way to the shoes her Mistress dropped by the sofa before falling asleep. "She came back late again last night, she should sleep more. No one can keep that rhythm up forever..." muttered Kate to herself. The minuscule woman stopped dead in her tracks. On the other side of the heels she was walking beneath, she heard movement. Her Mistress was waking up. "Did she hear me? Oh no, I shouldn't have said such things about Mistress June..." Kate thought, panicking that the young woman waking up could have somehow heard her inaudible remark. Remaining stoic, Kate suddenly realized she had stopped breathing, as the strain from the heavy bucket in her right arm started to burn her even more from the lack of oxygen.

So far and above from puny Kate, June was waking up.

Kate finally sighed in relief and thought herself an idiot. Of course her Mistress hadn't heard her, she was too small and far, even for June's keen senses. The shrunken woman still bowed her head apologetically before starting her march under the arch once again. The fear of her Mistress hearing her thoughts started to fade and the shrunken woman was once again alone with herself.

"Was I always such a wimp?" wondered Kate. Her memories from afore June failed her. She could still remember how hard the first few months with her Mistress had been. She had shed many tears and spent countless sleepless nights, where only exhaustion could finally bring her to rest. Sadly for Kate, she could no longer remember the reasons behind her sadness. After years under June's command, her entire world had been reduced to her owner's bedroom and the lack of stimuli had made her forget about who she used to be. "I probably was..." thought Kate, "life with Mistress June can only have made me stronger".

June had risen out of bed and was looking out the window. Outside, she could witness the city waking up. Shop owners opening their stores, early risers going for a morning jog, students running to the library... Looking closer, she could see herself. Well, her reflection in the glass. June was proud of her physique, even though she never had to work out for it to be so perfect. As perfect as it was though, it wasn't what caught her attention in the reflection in the first place. Her gaze stopped upon the row of shoes in the back of her bedroom. At this hour, she knew Kate would be around there, making sure the last pair she wore was shining, in case she'd decide to wear it again today.

"Poor little Kate..." June thought as her mind traveled back to her first high school year. "Back then I didn't know better, did I?" June continued. "She thinks I'm so perfect because she doesn't remember. Even I make mistakes. Made, at least.".

How do you like A Good Morning so far? Make sure to let me know :)




Such a great shot. Gigantic heels are amazing.


Thank you kindly Ben! It was a challenge to get the long arch of June's heels while also having her in the shot. Glad the result looks good to you :) And yeah, I agree, giant heels are always a winner. Kate might not be as enthusiastic though... :D

Tiny Scribe J

Amazing visual, I'd enjoy a stroll past heels like that. This story is quite intriguing too, I'm excited to see where it goes.


Thank you so much Jeremiah! It would be a blast wouldn't it? The vertigo inducing arch formed by those heels would be such an incredible place to be. The smell of leather so inherent to these shoes a constant reminder that yes, you're below someone's high heels... I'm glad you like the story so far. I'm taking my time a bit more with this one, as I have the opportunity to write more for each chapter than I would when writing for a comic. So I appreciate hearing you like it so far.