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Friday. 7:35AM.

Lost in her thoughts, June continued to watch the world wake up outside her bedroom window. Remembering what had happened to Kate, the puny woman currently trekking under her high heels, was never a pleasurable experience. "Water under the bridge..." thought June, "She doesn't even remember who she used to be. It would only hurt her if I ever said anything. She's happy now." she continued, half-heartedly.

The young woman's reverie was suddenly interrupted, as an angry commuter honked to another in the street below. "Right..." she whispered, as she repressed her negative thoughts into the back of her mind. Gazing one last time upon the urban spectacle going on outside her window, she finally turned around and with a confident step, made her way towards her bathroom. 

As she walked, a slight tingle along her gum reminded her that she still had to take care of something before she could move on with her day.

Almost out of breath, Kate couldn't see the end of the road as her Mistress' towering heels seemed to go on forever. The tiny woman took comfort into seeing the light pierce in between the shoes. "Every time I pass through the rays, it means I'm getting closer..." muttered the little woman to herself. As she walked by her Mistress' boots, Kate couldn't help but glance into the distance, in the hope of seeing June, even briefly. There she was, standing in all her glory watching a world Kate did not belong to. Thinking about the outside and how dangerous it would be to someone like her, Kate felt grateful, knowing she was under June's protection.

After a few seconds and a dozen of centimeters traveled, the light warming her skin through June's boots suddenly vanished - the sight of her owner disappearing as the same time. However, it seemed Kate couldn't escape the thought of her Mistress, as she suddenly felt the floor rumble with a familiar vibration. June was moving, each step a reminder of how powerful she was compared to her servants. As the vibrations got closer, Kate gripped the bucket she carried with more strength, as the ripples across its content grew and started to make the recipient unstable.

Looking forward to basking into the early morning sunlight once again, the shrunken woman walked faster, hoping to bridge the gap to the next shoe in no time. But, as she prepared to enjoy the warmth against her skin once again, the rays piercing through the gap disappeared. Confused, Kate suddenly realized the cause - it was June. Looking in between the titanic boot and Mary Jane shoe she walked beneath, Kate could see her Mistress' foot crash onto the floor in a thunderous boom. As the shockwave shook Kate, the puny woman lost focus and spilled a chunk of the water she had so carefully carried for so long. Before she could react, the light was once again flowing, blinding her. 

"You should know better by now, dummy..." thought Kate, looking down at the small puddle of water and her half-empty bucket. Kate felt small. Even smaller than she normally would. She could feel the thunder of June's footsteps getting further away. After 8 years, the power her owner had compared to her still inspired awe from the minuscule woman. Looking back up through the gap, she could see one of the newbie getting back up right near where June had stepped a second ago.

"Looks like this one's lucky..." thought Kate. She smiled, as she started walking again, her destination in the distance. "No she isn't, our Mistress is simply merciful today..."




This story has been aptly named so far. It's a treat to wake up and find a new update for it. A good morning indeed. Keep it up man.


Good morning Cool! Thank you so much for the kind words :)

SW Riddick

Love how you keep dropping in little details with every story chunk.


Thanks a lot! Glad you like it. It's always a struggle to find the right balance and the good point at which to stop writing. I could go on and on but I remember I also have to keep the reader engaged and wanting to read more ;)

SW Riddick

Well...mission accomplished! :D

Tiny Scribe J

Always nice to wake up and see another chapter ready to read. Your attention to detail is as superb as ever, and the picture really sells the feeling of being insignifigant to a superior being. Can't wait for the next part.


So happy to hear that it made your morning! Thank you so much for the kind compliments, I appreciate it dearly :)


Absolutely divine! Love the size differences here. Like living in two worlds at once!