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7:30AM. Friday.

You would be excused for missing the activity happening at all time in June's apartment. Truth is, you would be equally lucky. In 24 years, June had never let anyone in on her secrets - she was exceptional in every way.

As the phone on her bedside table suddenly rung, June was brutally expelled from a very pleasant dream she was having. She opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the sudden burst of light coming from her bedroom window. She never understood other people's aversion for waking up early. Instead, she found that moment of the day to be the most beautiful - the lightly golden tint the Sun emits, the sound of nature waking up, the smell of dew... She loved all of it.

"Perhaps if you felt exhausted once in a while like everybody else seems to be, you'd love waking up a lot less June..." she muttered to herself as she lifted the warm bedsheets away from her and let her feet touch the slightly cold wooden floor.

She was right, of course. June never felt exhausted in her life. She would tire from time to time, but never to a point where she felt getting out of bed wouldn't be possible. Just like she never felt the alcohol of the 5 shots of tequila Elise had dared her to drink a few hours ago. Not to say she never got drunk... When she was 17, annoyed to see her schoolmates brag about "how drunk they were last night", she decided that she'd see for herself what it would be like. So, she drank. Bottles after bottles. Until she felt it, a slight buzz. It had only cost her $659 of booze to reach that point - all the money she had earned the past summer gone. An endeavor she would not reproduce as she deemed it "inefficient at best".

June brushed the memory aside as she finally rose from her bed and looked at the window, ready to begin the day. However, she felt something. A reminder she had to do something before today could truly begin...

Zoey was almost done. "Just in time..." she thought, as she saw her Mistress wake up in her bed below her. This always was a moment she treasured. When the morning light were shining enough that she could see Her below, sleeping peacefully. Zoey thought herself lucky to be able to see her Mistress from such a privileged point of view - one that most slaves like her would never get the chance to see in their lives.

The little woman could barely remember her life before June. After a few years, one lonely afternoon during which her Mistress was away, Zoey realized she didn't remember her name. The only person who could ever remind her was also the one who explained her so kindly she didn't have one. The tiny woman had felt sad for a little bit, feeling like she had lost a part of herself. One of the last link she had with who she used to be. However, June had been kind enough to spend time with her that evening and explain her why it was a good thing. Her Mistress had smiled at her so kindly as she dried the tears on her cheeks. She was suddenly reassured.

It had been a few months now that Zoey was tasked to clean her Mistress' spectacles every morning. At first, she had been taken by surprise by this new job - June never seemed to search for her when she had something to tell her. She always knew where she stood with one look, even at her minuscule size. However, Zoey knew better than to ask. This was the kind of information privy to the heavens she did not belong to anymore. It's only recently that she understood. She could see perfectly through the towering lenses she was cleaning every day. The glasses were not needed. Just an envy from her Mistress. A new slave's spirit would have shattered at the thought that their life's purpose were to clean unneeded glasses. But not Zoey. She knew better. She was thankful.



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