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A criminal has an interesting way of robbing the gas station you work at.


You were working the night shift at your gas station clerk job, and it was especially slow tonight, and you found yourself browsing your phone. Hearing the ding of the door opening, you look over to see a woman enter the store. Nodding your head at her and muttering a greeting, you watch her walk to the back of the store, noticing her big, leggings-clad butt swaying as she walked. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it, seeing her red thong through her pants as she bent over to pick out some snacks.

Her ass completely swallowed up her underwear, and you could only imagine what was behind it. You normally didn’t go for bigger girls, but your cock stiffened at the thought of it. Quickly averting your gaze as she turns around to walk to the cash, you hoped she didn’t notice. She sets down her items.

“That’ll be $11.53, ma’am.”

Reaching into her purse, you watch her fish around for her money, seeming to-

The blonde quickly pulls out what looks like a gun, and you immediately put your hands up. What? This can’t be happening! Her finger seems to itch the trigger of the modern-looking weapon.

“What do you want?” you meekly say. “I’ll give you whatever you-”

“I’m sorry…” she says with a smirk.

You flinch as the weapon is fired, and in an instant, your world goes black.

You’re alive! The first thing you hear when you awake is the muffled noise of the woman fishing through the register. The shuffling of bills, and the clinks and clangs of coins. Trying to open your eyes to get a look at the perpetrator, you discover your world is in complete darkness. You can’t move either, you feel yourself almost strung up. Did this bitch tie you up and blindfold you? And what is that smell?

It reeked of ass with undertones of shit, and you felt smothered against something oily and warm to the touch. You’re surrounded by fleshy mounds that seem to move as you hear your criminal move. You hear something hit the floor next, and you get your first view of the store. Your blindfold stretches out, and you see the back of your cash register and the white ceiling through a thin, black mesh. You seem to sink further into the doughy globes, and you come to a realization.

You were her thong. The smell and oily, warm body part was her asshole, and the fleshy mounds were her huge, fat ass cheeks.

She stands back up, having collected all of the money from the store, mashing you further into her disgusting anus. The orifice rubbed against you, and your cotton form absorbs some of the unidentified ass gunk. You were a self-admitted ass man, but this was horrible. This thong was clearly well worn today, and she seemed to have worked up a sweat, not to mention the scent of her last bowel movement. Her cheeks rubbed together as she walks out of the store casually, knowing her little red thong won’t be able to call the cops on her.

The criminal slams her ass down in her car, putting all of her weight on her asscheeks, the fat smothering you. Her oily asshole seems to chew on you, imbuing you with its disgusting flavors. You would gag if you still had a mouth. Her car starts up, and she starts to head home. You hear her crack open a bag of chips that she stole. She’s not even acknowledging you!

Her asshole seems to tense up and twitch and unleashes the worst thing you’ve ever experienced.

A loud, wet fart erupts from her brown asshole, rippling her fat cheeks, and letting loose a wave of hot, swampy flatulence. You feel particles of whatever the fuck settle onto you, leaving a faint stain and imbuing you with the smell of colon air and greasy shit. The taste is abhorrent, the horrid gas seeming to not even disappear between the massive cheeks. You’re ruined.

“Ha, get used to that,” the muffled voice says. “I’m headed to Chipotle with all your money.” she giggles.

You realize slowly that she wasn’t going to change you back, that’d be stupid. You’d snitch.

You were going to spend the rest of your existence as some criminal’s thong.



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