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You're going to be a toilet forever.

Patron-exclusive due to nudity.


You wondered what you had done in a past life to deserve this.

Still gagging on the past customer’s waste, you hear the stall door swing open, and in walks in a  brown-haired chubby looking woman, wearing a tan shirt and white leggings. In a past life, you would have found her attractive, but nowadays all you can think about is the contents of her bladder and colon spewing into your mouth, before simply swallowing it with the flick of a lever on the toilet.

You were the toilet, of course, the disgusting, public, retail store toilet, and you didn’t have a clue of how it happened. You were working the night shift, cleaning the toilet when all of the sudden you started sinking into it. Maybe you mixed some bad cleaning products, maybe there was a magic spell, maybe it’s a disease? Nonetheless, you were a toilet now, and you were praying it wasn’t permanent.

Your first visitor was your manager, and you prayed and pleaded for help from her, but toilets don’t have mouths. You finally got a view of that ass you always admired, but it was quickly dropped on top of you as she took a piss. The first thing that hit you was the bitter, disgusting taste, and human reflex made you try to spit it out, but you couldn’t. You were forced to taste it as it splashed into your water. It was humiliating and dehumanizing, not to mention disgusting. Then, she farted on you, and her asshole started to expand and then it all-

The woman above you bends over, revealing her white thong behind her white leggings. You still felt human feelings of attraction for her, imagining that tight thong wrapped around her fat pussy and-


That’s the first thing you saw when she pulled down her pants, her big, jiggly cheeks coming into view. She wasted no time in sitting down, a feeling you were all too familiar with. All the times you’ve been used seem to blend into one, and you don’t really have a clue how long you’ve been a public toilet. Weeks, at least. Her cheeks are spread as she sits down, giving you a good view of your two tormentors, her sweaty pussy and asshole. She had a serious case of swamp ass, and you would’ve gagged at first, but you were used to it. Grossly used to it.

“Ahhh….” the woman above moaned.

Piss begins spraying at a high speed, hitting the front of the bowl and then splashing into the water with a sour undertone. Judging from the color and foul taste, she wasn’t well hydrated. The loud piss drowns the sound of SnapChat stories above. The stream of urine seems to last forever as she continues to unleash her bladder on you, but the torrent soon slows into a few droplets remaining. You prayed that was it.

Slowly, in the darkness, you can see her monster of an asshole begin to flex, and you realized that it wasn’t the end.

Her anus begins pushing out a solid log of excrement, and you were disgusted that you were happy about this. Better than the fat chick from earlier’s diarrhea. Slowly, like a snake, it made its way out, with a disgusting scent. She did not have a good diet, though you could spot some pieces of undigested sweet corn in there. That was rare. Eventually, her anal muscle cuts the log, and it begins falling, hitting the water.


It still tasted so fucking bad, you were never going to get used to it. You thought that was it, but she had two more softer logs of shit inside of her that she decided to release into you, landing with a lighter plop, one of them leaving another brown mark on the porcelain, to add to your existing collection. Grabbing the toilet paper and beginning to wipe, you notice she only took two squares, probably all that was left. She goes front to back, cleaning up her genitals as much as she could, but you still noticed some faint residue on her asshole.

She didn’t notice though and got back up, pulling up her leggings and thong, flicking your lever and sending the entire mound of waste down your throat. What a pathetic existence.

Staring up at the ceiling, all you could do now is wait for the next customer.



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