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Hoping to talk to a cute girl, instead, you end up as her toe ring.


Walking through the mall, you were shocked when this pretty girl stopped you. She wanted to talk to you, and your heart started racing. She was drop-dead gorgeous, in a black top, black leggings, and some cute sandals. You noticed some sexy toe rings on her feet as well. You were crushing already.

“H-h-hey…” you manage to stutter out.

The woman strangely doesn’t reply, only scanning you up and down like you were some sort of piece of meat. Her eyes seem to glaze over yours as you open your mouth to speak to her, seemingly having no interest. She raises her hand and finally replies to you.

“You’re cute.”

You watch her snap her fingers, and in an instant, your world goes black. You feel yourself falling through the air, before hitting the dirty, tile floor of the mall with a clink. You seem to roll around a bit, before finally stopping.

A clink?

Your vision returns, and you look around to see that you’re on the floor, except you’re really tiny. You try to get off your ass but you can’t seem to move, looking up at the blonde above you and begging for help. Realizing you lost your ability to speak, you just sit and wait for her help, watching her bend over and grin as she picks you up. She seems to be able to put her fingers inside of you, and you feel hollow on the inside. The girl’s pink lips part and she begins to speak.

“What a nice toe ring…”

What? No! You weren’t a toe ring, you were a human!

Strolling over to a bench with you in hand, your owner didn’t seem to care. You doubted she could hear you scream for salvation. Plopping her peach-shaped butt on the bench, she reached down and introduced you to her toes. Her pretty feet were already decorated with 3 other toe rings, and you were sickened at the fact that these were most likely people, people doomed to a life of being on some white girl’s toes. Seemingly having made a selection of where you were going to spend the rest of eternity, she slipped the end of the second toe on her right foot through you, and you slid down the digit.

“Aww… so cute…”

Rubbing along her toe, all you can taste is a thin layer of sweat and lotion. You freaked the fuck out, screaming in frustration at the life you’ve been condemned to. You were in anguish as you finally stopped at your final destination, the woman slipping her foot back into her sandals, leaving you around her toe and between the insole and it. Feeling your body mash into the sandal as she took her first step with her new prize, you, you were at least glad she took good care and took pride in her feet. You couldn’t imagine what it’d be like if she was some slob.

The heat from her body seems to warm up your cold metal form, and a few beads of sweat seem to stick you to the skin. Watching her walk to the exit of the mall, you realized you’d never get back to your original life.

All your dreams, hopes, and aspirations for the future were silenced as you became some random girl’s toe ring.



Kevin Cruz

This was great!