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So this month, in addition to the village building series I'm going to try and tick off a few of the backlogged patron requests I've been trying to get done. Normally I do one map at a time but I needed to get a lot of the requests out of my head and onto to paper to speed things up in the long run.This is just a quick sneak peek at some of the sketches, none of these are inked yet but the world map of Firas is on the top left, the Gods Graveyard I was working on last night in the top right, a zombie green dragon token in the bottom left and a tentacled horror lady in the bottom right! 

The zombie dragons head is a little large, but I can fix that in the inking stage, and you can't really see the world map of Firas at all but there's a lot of detail there that i'm itching to ink on sunday on the stream! :) 



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