Gods Graveyard (Patreon)
During the test stream where I was fixing auido issues I ended up inking everything, this video isnt saved as I didnt have the option turned on. But you can see how it looked when I was done below.
And then in the next video I did all the base colours and overall shadows.
Finally, on the steeam today I finsihed up the water and added all the little highlights, glowy effect and added brightness and more shadows.
I will aslo save the streams to my youtube channel for archiving, and one of my patrons Jhamm has started editing the streams into a timelapse so that might go up on there as well. But i'll keep people posted in the discord regarding new videos. The youtube channel link is below for anyone that wants to watch things on there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDo65dFBOg8
I was going to stream once every sunday.. But I will probably start streaming alot more over the next few weeks. I find it very relaxing and the interaction with viewers is really awesome, Im even going to try make some cool little rewards for viewers with a gold system but more about that when its actually finished!