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If you haven't read any of the Ted's Dolls stories before, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one. Is it obvious that chapter 22 and part 5 for Emily might not be a good jumping in point?

“Why is she gray?” Murat asked as Earl carried a nude doll that resembled Rhana turned to stone into Rob's apartment.

Earl put her down next to the scantily clad Beverly doll. The Rhana doll was posed standing with its legs slightly bow-legged. Its hands formed a square around its labia lips. “I've told you about our game. She'll be a doll all day tomorrow until Friday morning.

“When Emily here rescues her?” Rob said, carrying a doll resembling Emily into the room and setting her down next to Rhana. Emily was wearing just a bra and panties like the Beverly doll wore. The Emily doll was standing with its backside to the poker table. It was twisted at the waist so it could see the game over its shoulder.


“Why is Emily here?” Richard asked. “Are you dating two women?”

“Emily is both Rhana's and my gaming friend. And she likes being a doll. When Rhana heard about Beverly's appearance at last week's poker game, not only did Rhana want to be here but she convinced Emily to tag along.”

“Don't ask me. Being a doll is somewhat fun. But...”

“You've been a doll, Earl?”

“Ted had an exhibit on Halloween in the Student Center. Rhana and I were dolls as part of the show.”

“You were the Medusa?” Murat said.

“Gorgon. Yeah,” Earl said. He opened the book bag he was carrying and pulled out two placards. He placed one in Rhana's hands. It read: Finger me for good luck. He placed the other placard in Emily's hands: Squeeze my ass for luck.

Rob laughed. “So we have a choice of the source of our luck.”

“Apparently,” Murat said, running a finger downward within the Rhana doll's square.

The door opened and Burke entered with his own doll. The Whitney doll was dressed in a pink, bikini swimsuit, standing up straight, its arms akimbo. Burke set her down next to Beverly. “Sorry, I'm late. Whitney couldn't decide what she wanted to wear.”

“Did she say how she conveys luck to us?”

Burke read the other signs. “I only told her about Beverly's sign. I think Whitney just assumed it was always just boobs.”

“Fair enough,” Richard said.

“So, are you two finally dating?”

“We finally had a dinner date last night. She's here now. I believe we are dating. Yes,” Burke said.

“How about we play some poker?”

* * *

The Emily doll was in one of Owner's canvas bags slung over Renter's shoulder. As Renter walked back to his apartment, the doll felt itself bumping against his back and against the Rhana doll in a similar bag slung over his other shoulder. The Emily doll was feeling oddly uncomfortable. Renter's friend Richard had gotten up between every hand and rubbed the doll, not just its ass as instructed. He had rubber its ass, its tits, its labia lips, its neck, its mouth, anywhere and everywhere, for so-called luck. He actually was ahead at the end of the night so maybe the doll had been lucky, it thought. But for now, all the doll wanted was release. The doll had never spent so much time just being teased and groped without some attempt at intercourse taken by its Renters.

Renter said, “Rhana, you said to fuck Emily in the morning if necessary. I think that's going a bit far. But based on how horny you are Friday mornings, I'm going to hopefully take the edge of Emily now.” He sat Rhana up so she could watch as he plowed into the Emily doll. The doll was so happy and entered a bliss state of unconsciousness soon after he started. The next thing the doll knew, it was morning and Emily was not longer a doll.

* * *

The door opened. “Hi, Emily,” Earl said pulling her into an embrace.

Emily hugged him back, her elf ears poking the side of his head. “Hi.”

“What time did you sneak out this morning?”

“It was before six, I think. I had to get home to take care of some business,” she said with a kind of wink. “I agreed with you that even though she said it was all right, it wouldn't have been right.”

“Not worth dwelling over. I hope you're hungry, I have made too much.”

“Can't wait.”

* * *

With the dinner dishes cleared and washed, with Emily's help, she insisted, the game began where it left off. “'Abraham, I had a thought. You and your men should wear blindfolds. The gorgon cannot turn you to stone if you don't look it in the eyes. I will be our eyes.'”

“'That is brave, self-sacrificing, and utterly stupid,' Abraham tells you.”

“'Stop!' I command. 'I am useless without my sight. I must see to cast my spells. You and your men, I am certain have trained in fighting in total darkness. Sometimes when you fight, your opponents might throw mud at your face to blind you. You are inconvenienced by a lack of sight. I am as useless as my maidservants in a fight without my sight.'”

“'I cannot take the risk that you will be petrified.' Abraham pleads.”

“'And if you and your men are petrified there might not be enough blood to restore all of you and all the other victims above. If I am the only victim, there is probably still enough blood.'”

“'She speaks soundly, Sir,' one of the men-at-arms says.

“'I know, Wallace. I know. Everyone put on blindfolds.' After a few moments, you direct the men into the tunnel. It slopes downward. A row of sconces with lit torches in them line the tunnel. It extends for about a hundred feet before you spot an opening on the left side of the tunnel about thirty feet away.”

“I tell the men to line up along the left wall and walk with their hands on it so we will all enter the opening.”

“They grunt acknowledgment. Where will you be in relation to them?”

“Toward the back but walking along the right side of the corridor so I can see a little into the room before they pour into the room beyond.”

“The men disappear one-by-one into the room. When you get to the opening you see a sparse bedroom with a table and a couple chests.”

“Really?” Emily said. “This is the room Lady Elswood exited to the left. If she had gone right, she might have made it to the basement and outside before falling asleep.”

“Yes, that is correct. But the Princess doesn't know that.”

“Oh, I know. I just think it's ironic. If she had gone the other way, I would never have gotten to play this game.”

“I doubt that. You had the itch. You'd have met Rhana and I at some point in the future and asked to play, I suspect.”

“Maybe you're right. Mylya says, 'It's a bedroom. We can continue in the corridor we entered from or there's another opening on the other wall. The corridor that way seems dark compared to the one we were in.'”

“'I don't believe either way is better.'”

“'Let's turn around and stick to the lit area. A gorgon probably prefers it lit as well. But, a lit area means I will see her from far away at first.'”

“Your men file out of the bedroom and follow the left hand room into a maze of tunnels.”

“Can I figure what is above us?”

“Make an intelligence check.”


“The Princess thinks the tunnel runs under the garden but you are probably beyond the walls of the monastery by now.”

“'I wonder who built these tunnels,' I say aloud.”

“'That has had me confused as well,' Abraham says. The tunnels turn and twist.” Earl rolls a die as the pass each intersection.

After the fifth such roll, Emily says, “Damn, you. You have such a good poker face. You have no tells.”

Earl laughs as he rolls another die. “As you pass this intersection, you look down each direction you do not take but they are empty. A moment later you hear one of your men behind you cry out.”

“I run forward without looking back.”

“You run into several of the men who have turned around. 'Princess?'”

“'I haven't looked behind us yet.' When I get to the end of the soldiers, I turn.”

“At the former rear of the group, you see a woman who seems to be eight feet tall but then you realize she doesn't have legs. She has a serpent's body from the waist down. She has one of men, Purnic, in her muscular arms. She pulls him helplessly to her face and removes his blindfold. He is squeezing his eyes closed. 'That won't help, deary,' she says and several of her hair snakes bite into his face. He face turns green and she drops him to the floor like a sack of flour. 'Who's next?'”

“'She killed Purnic,'” Emily looks at her notes. “'Lyonel and Stepan, she's right in front of you.'”

Earl rolls some dice. “Lyonel manages to stab the serpent body. Stepan barely avoids stabbing Lyonel. The rest of the men are hesitant to rush forward. What do you do?”

“I'm too far away for my charm.”

“As a sorceress, you know that probably wouldn't affect the gorgon anyway as it is not humanoid.”

“Okay. Um. Rays of Fire, they won't hit my men will they.”

“No, there are no rules for that. You get two rays roll two attack rolls with your spell attack bonus.”

She rolled the dice. “Does a 17 hit?”


“Then, they both hit. Let me check the damage.” She gathers more dice and rolls. “15 and 18 fire damage each.”

“The bolts strike true. They leave some scorch marks on her flesh but the only reaction she makes is anger. The gorgon pushes through the men. You call out to the men as she passes but they can't see so they can't react.”

“I look away as she approaches.”

“Good, still you need to make a Constitution saving throw.”


“You feel you body stiffen.”


“You now have the restrained condition. If you fail the next save, you will be petrified. But, as you cry out, some of your men remove their blindfolds and strike at the gorgon. One, two, three of them strike true. Abraham strikes twice and both hit. The gorgon is looking rather hurt. She strikes with her taloned hands at your men. You see one of the men instantly turn to stone. Another two are severely injured by her claws. A third is poisoned by her head snakes. It's your turn.”

“I cast the ray spell again. 15 and 16 to hit.”

“They both just hit.”

“Only 8 and 13 fire damage.”

“Is that all you do this turn?”

“That's all I can do.”

“Constitution saving throw.”


“Your body freezes up as you are turned to stone,” Earl says rather loudly.

The door to the apartment opens and Emily laughs as Ted appears. She suddenly cannot move. The next thing she is aware of is Ted looking at his watch. “She should be aware by now. Hey, Emily, I have to admit. Observing this game is kind of fun. Enjoy your night. You'll return to normal at dawn.”

After Ted leaves, Earl says, “Four more of your men die before they kill the gorgon. Abraham acts quickly when it dies and has the men staunch the wounds on the creature. He takes a cloth covered in the creature's blood and rubs it on your arms and face. But nothing happens.

“One of the men suggests that they have to cover your entire body with the blood. And we'll have to stop now until morning.”

Earl carries the stone-colored doll to the bed where a similarly colored Rhana doll has be waiting this whole time. Earl services the two dolls to the best of his ability before falling asleep.

The Emily doll is still laughing at the idea that Ted would wait so long to spring out and “petrify” it. As Earl makes use of the doll, it remembers the poker game from the night before. All day today, it was thinking about the poker game and being teased so much by Richard. The doll wonders if it should seem him out today.

Thoughts of being a doll for Richard distracted the doll all night. For the doll, the idea made perfect sense. The doll barely noticed when it became Emily again.

Rhana said, “Finally.”

“Oh, yeah, finally.”

Rhana gave Earl a shove.


“It's morning and we need to finish the game properly.”

“Okay. Let me get up and go to the bathroom.”

“I'll start the coffee pot,” Rhana said. She did not get dressed as she headed to the kitchen.

Emily joined her. “I think I did it.”

“Maybe after Thanksgiving we'll continue the game with two players.”

“That would be great.”

Earl left the bathroom and grabbed a cup of coffee.

They sat at the table.

Earl said, “It takes five minutes to restore the Princess. The men start to restore their comrade as color is returning to your body. 'Oh, thanks the gods,' Abraham says. 'I don't know how I would have told the king you had been petrified.'”

“'We must hurry to Lady Elswood.' I say.”

“The men drag the gorgon's body past the bedroom.”

“'Do we want to see what was in the chests in the bedroom, Abraham?' the Princess says.'

“'There were chests in the bedroom? Oh yes, you did mention that. I don't see why. Maybe after we have restored more of the statues.' Rather morbidly, the body of the gorgon is drained of blood. A couple of the men worked at an abattoir and knew how to drain the blood from the body into buckets found in the basement of the monastery. I assume you start with Lady Elswood's body.'”

“If the man outside the gardens is Sir Wentworth, him too.”

“Okay. Five minutes after you cover the nude form of the lady with the blood, she returns to normal. Abraham lays his cloak over her body.”

“'Mylya?' the lady says,” said Rhana.

“'Oh, gods, I'd thought your were lost forever,' I say and give Jaina a big hug.” Emily got up and hugged Rhana.

“You remember her first name? I don't think we even really mentioned it in the games you saw.”

“It's on my character sheet under 'motivation'.”

Rhana turned and kissed Emily, with tongue. And neither broke up the kiss for a moment.

Earl cleared his throat and said, “Abraham clears his throat and says, 'Ladies, this public display is disturbing the men.'”

They separated.

Earl continued, “Although now that you are no longer fully concentrating on one another, you notice there's quite a bit of whooping coming from the men. Followed by some expressions of disappointment. As you help Jaina off the plinth, your men and Sir Wentworth approach. 'Forgive me, Royal Highness, I am deeply ashamed that you needed to rescue me from my rescue mission.'”

“'Think nothing of it, Sir Lyle. All that matters is that the Lady Elswood has been found.'”

“'Sir Lyle, if you'll accompany me,” Abraham says. 'We have only enough blood left to rescue maybe three more of these poor souls. Maybe four. You and I should examine those found here and determine which are not so weather damaged that they might survive being restored to flesh.'”

“'Yes, the two of you should do that while we rest here,' I say as regally as possible. 'Oh, and send someone to the encampment and have them come here if the carts can navigate here.'”

“The men leave the two of you alone. What do you do?”

“Probably make out,” Rhana said.


“We can end it here or we can say you all make it back to Highpointe or all the way home.”

“I like the idea that we're still out in the wild,” Emily said. “Lady Elswood is rescued. But she had none of her gear and we are a long way from home. And you'll have two weeks to figure out what's next.”

“That does sound like fun,” Rhana said.

“Okay. How about I make breakfast?”

Emily said, “Like I'd say 'no' to homemade breakfast.”


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