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As the bedroom door closed behind Alex, Amanda said. “I want to try something.” She walked toward the kitchen. “Steve, come here and hold the door open. I'm going to become Amandaquin in the kitchen and then you close the door and sit at the table. Hopefully, I'll follow you out after a moment or two.”

Steve got up and followed her to the door. She walked a few steps into the kitchen and turned around. He said, “If you want to heighten the isolation, don't face me.”

“Right,” she agreed, turning around. “Okay, watch me transform then close the door.”

“Okay,” Steve said. Almost instantly he saw her turn into a mannequin. Silently he closed the door behind her. He walked back to the table and whispered. “She's a mannequin now.”

After a moment Don started to get up.

Josh held his hand out, “Wait.” He saw Don freeze and shook his head. “Sorry, you don't have to wait. But I think we should give her more time by herself to work this through.”

Steve said, “I wonder what's taking so long with the girls.”

Josh concentrated and said, “Alex is telling Jesse she needs to stop becoming and start being herself.”

Steve laughed, “I hope she learns how to do that leather outfit. With some nicely placed flaps, of course.”

“You guys are crude,” Amanda said as she entered the room.

“It's just Steve,” Don said, winking at Josh.

Josh shook his head. “How'd it go, Amanda?”

“I took my time,” she started. “After the door closed I just did nothing. I was checking out the range of my vision. The kitchen window is open and there was a light breeze on my upper body that I just stood there feeling. It's hard to do that when you're breathing. Then, I figured enough time had passed and I easily shifted back. When I got to the door I heard Steve talking about leather outfits with convenient flaps.”

Don got up and kissed Amanda as she arrived at the table, “Sounds like you enjoyed yourself.”

“I did,” she said. “Now I need to conquer the bedroom window. Join me upstairs, guys?”

“I never turn down a woman's invitation to her boudoir,” Steve said.

“You are crude,” Josh said laughing.

“I'm cultured,” Steve said. “I said boudoir.”

“Yes, cultured,” Amanda said, “Like bacteria.”

“Oo, snap,” Josh said.

They trooped upstairs to the bedroom. Amanda said, “Your display looks like it's missing something. Steve, let me know when five minutes have passed.” She walked over to where Don had placed her and transformed immediately.

Steve looked at his watch.

Don was surprised, “I expected her to ease into it.”

Josh went to the bed and sat on the end. “Well, let's chat and see if she can transform back.”

Steve said, “I suspect she plans to spend five minutes as a mannequin first.”

“We should get a deck of cards or something,” Josh said. He looked at Don and saw him looking around the room. “What's up, Don?”

“Part of me needs to turn her slightly to the right so her arm balances with the display.” He explained. “It's really weird having these thoughts.”

“Holy shit,” Josh suddenly exclaimed.


“Alex is blowing Jesse.”

“No way,” Steve said. “Wait, blowing?”

“Alex's thoughts involve a dick she's sucking and Jesse's thoughts involve the pleasurable feeling of having one's dick in someone's mouth.”

“One down,” Don said. When they looked at him confused he said, “She's changed gender, one down. I assume she still needs to change her clothes without changing her body. Then she'll need to transform into an inanimate object under total control.”

“Don't forget the wings,” Josh said.

“Alex hasn't done that yet.” Don concluded. “Who's dick did she copy?”

Josh concentrated, “Woah, that's weird. I think she looks like me.”

Steve said, “Alex would be more use to your dick.”

“Alex would not care,” Josh said. “If it were Jesse doing the sucking I'd assume Alex would become Steve to make it easier for Jesse to deal with. But I think it's weird for Jesse to turn into her brother to have a dick.”

“Speaking your concern is the weird part,” Don joked. “Who talks about their sister transforming into anything?”

“Why, people who sit in a room waiting for their friend to stop being a mannequin, of course,” Josh replied.

Steve looked at his watch. “Oh, Amanda, it's been six minutes.”

“Thanks, Steve,” Amanda said as she turned back to flesh as soon as Steve said 'six minutes'. “What did you want to change about my pose, Don?”

“Not the pose, the position,” Don explained stepping over to the window. “Your arm was here. If your body had been turned like this there'd have been more balance.”

“I see,” Amanda said. “You have an amazing eye for that.”

“What are you going to try next?”

Amanda went to her closet and took out a green, floral print tunic, a form-fitted, black and silver ribbed jersey skirt, and a pair of black hosiery. She turned around put her left hand just off her hip and raised her other arm up to her head as if touching the brim of a hat. She stepped forward with her left foot. “Okay, change me into those clothes, set me in your window display and then go outside and take two different pictures of me.” And with that she turned into a mannequin.

Steve started laughing, “Jumping in the deep end here.”

Josh laughed with him, “Can't really drown as a mannequin.”

* * *

“I have no idea why I did that.” Jesse said standing up. “I wasn't expecting to see a naked pussy suddenly.”

“You thtuck your tongue in my cunt.”

Jesse shrugged, “Why are you female?”

Alex did not answer.

“Yeah, heat of the moment, right?” Jesse said. “You were revved up just like I was.”

“Yeah,” Alex said, “Let's forget this happened.”

“Deal.” There was an awkward moment as they both looked away from one another.

“We should go rejoin the others,” Jesse said.

“Rejoin?” Alex asked. “We should walk out pretending to be a pair of extra Steves.”

“And how do we rejoin Steve?”

“I have an idea. But I think we should practice it a few times,” Alex said.

* * *

“Okay, you jokers,” Don said. “Help me take her head and arms off.”


“How else are we going to get that dress off?”

With a little fumbling, they removed her arms while Don removed her head. Once done he easily pulled the dress off her torso.

“Don,” Josh said, “She's not wearing any underwear.”

“She doesn't wear underwear when she's modeling so there are no panty lines showing through her clothes.”

“Won't she mind us seeing her naked.”

Don indicated her nippleless breasts with one hand and placed his other hand on her smooth crotch. “There's nothing to see here.” Then he twisted her torso and it separated from the legs. Tucking the torso under his arm he held the legs upright. “One of you grab her by the hips while the other removes these hose. Then put the other hose on.” As they did this, he grabbed the skirt and waited for them to finish. They did it without laughing too much. Then Don said, “Hold her legs up while I put the skirt on. Steve, grab her torso so we can reattach it.”

With the skirt on, they reattached the torso and put the tunic on the body. Don reattached her head as the others dealt with her arms. “Put her in the window,” Don said. He went to the closet and got out a sun hat. He put it on her head and the raised her hand to meet the brim in just the right way. He spent a few minutes making sure she was in just the right spot.

Josh and Steve watched in silence as Don went around the window making sure everything was just right. Then, Don stepped back and said, “Okay, let's go outside.”

They descended the stairs and walked to the front door. Don was halfway out the door when a voice called to them from behind. “Hey, where are we going?”

They stopped and turned seeing two Steves exit the kitchen.

Steve's jaw dropped, “I'm not missing any of me.”

Josh laughed, “It must be the girls.”

One of the new Steves said, “It must be the girls' what?”

The other new Steve said, “Let's rejoin.”

The previous new Steve reached up and grabbed the other new Steve's wrist from below and the other new Steve disappeared. The remaining new Steve looked at the empty space for a moment before turning toward the front door.

Don slowly said, “Maybe it's not the girls.”

The remaining new Steve said, “See? Now let's rejoin so I can find out what's going on.”

The new Steve walked toward the Steve at the front door who stepped back, saying, “I'm not missing part of me.”

The new Steve stepped up to Steve and kissed him on the mouth. After a second, the new Steve changed into Jesse and she continued to kiss Steve.

It took Josh and Don a moment to realize what just happened. Josh asked, “Where's Alex?”

Jesse stepped back from Steve and held up her hand. She removed a ring from her finger and held it out palm up. “This is Alex.”

As she said that, she dropped the ring. As it fell, it expanded suddenly into the shape of Alex's body. “One Fellatrikth to rule them all,” Alex said. “Damn, forgot to fikth my tongue.”

“You transformed into a ring?” “How did you do it?” “What was it like?”

Alex held up a hand and they stopped barraging her with questions. “It was very empty. There was noise but it was just a dull rumbling, completely unintelligible. There was an ambient light with nothing to see, like floating in an empty gray room.”

“So you couldn't see or hear anything?” Josh asked. “How did you know when to transform back to normal?”

“It was also very chill except when I was on Jesse's finger. That felt warm. And the temperature change was pretty quick. I knew to change back when my temperature cooled down.”

“When Jesse dropped the ring,” Steve asked.


“But how'd you get on her finger?” Josh asked.

“Practice,” Alex said. “She had to grab my arm in just the right spot. When I transformed into the ring, I had to make sure I kind of flowed into her hand. Then she just slipped me onto her finger while you were confused.”

“Actually I just closed my hand into a fist,” Jesse said. “I didn't slip you on my finger until I was kissing Steve.”

“How did you know how small to shrink yourself and still fit on her finger?” Josh asked.

Alex took his hand and pulled him into the room away from the others. She stuck her hands down his pants and placed her index finger and thumb around his dick. Quickly, she winked at him and disappeared. He felt a metal ring around his dick and it was making him get an erection.

“Where'd she go?” Steve asked.

Josh started pulling down his pants, “She is crazy. Don't look.”

“Where is she?” Jesse asked.

“She is currently a cock ring. And if I don't take it off soon, she'll end up stuck there till I cum.” He grabbed the ring on his shaft and started sliding it off as quickly as he could without causing himself to engorge. With some effort, he got the ring off the end of his dick. Then he closed his fist around it. He pulled his pants back up.

“You got it off?” Don asked.

“Without getting off, yes.” Josh answered. “I'm going to keep her in my hand so hopefully she still thinks she's still on my dick.”


“I suspect she also has little sense of time while she's a metal ring,” Josh explained. “I want to see how long it takes until she gives up.”

Jesse laughed, “I've got to buy that cat. So, what are we up to?”

Don exclaimed, “Oh, yeah, let's go out and check out the window.”

“Amanda has also been getting lessons from Ringalex,” Josh told Jesse. “She had us change her clothes and set her into the window. Now we're supposed to take a couple photos of her and then go back to the room.”

They walked around the house and looked into the picture window. “Hey, look at her. She moved.”

“She's moving?” Don asked.

“No, she's a mannequin.” Steve said. “But she changed poses after we left the bedroom.”

Don snapped a few pictures.

“Do we go back inside now?” Josh asked.

“She really didn't say,” Steve recalled.

“Let's wait,” Don said.

Steve asked Jesse, “What did Alex teach you?”

“To be myself,” Jesse said. “Not to become other people.”

“How was receiving your first blowjob, Sis?” Josh asked.

“How did you know?”

He tapped his head, “The mental noise from an orgasm is hard for me to ignore. Wondering why you were orgasming I discovered you were not quite yourself so much as you were me.”

“Actually I learned quite a lot,” she stated. “I always wondered...”

“She moved,” Don interrupted, pointing at the window. “Look she's facing the other way. And she's Amandaquin again.”

“I'd say she's got her control,” Josh said. He held up his clenched hand. “Well done, Ringalex.”

“Let's go inside,” Don said after snapping another pic. “I think we were supposed to snap two pics, each with different poses and we've done that.”

As they walked back to the cabin, Steve said, “You were saying, Jesse?”

“Oh, I always wondered why guys were so macho before ejaculating and so subdued afterward. I'll stick to female orgasms from now on though.” She continued. “Men feel like a god before hand and like a rag doll afterward.”

“Yep,” they agreed. “Pretty much.”

Don opened the door to the cabin and entered the great room. Amanda was descending the stairs. “Did you see?” she asked.

“You changed poses a couple times while on display,” Don answered. “I'd say you've learned how to be a proper mannequanthrope.”

“Congratulations,” Steve and Josh said.

“Where's Alex?” Amanda asked.

After Josh quickly explain what happened to Alex, Amanda laughed hard and jumped up suddenly. “How evil are you?” she asked and ran up to her bedroom.

“Any idea what she means?” Josh asked Don.

He started to shake his head, then nodded. “Wait, you'll like it.”

Amanda came back a moment later with one hand behind her back. “Will she fit on this?” She had a large, cock-shaped dildo in her hand. She flipped a switch on the bottom of the dildo.

Josh looked at it. “Looks like she might fit but...”

“Feel it,” Amanda said handing the dildo to him.

It was warm to the touch, “It's heated?”

“Maintains a perfect 97.5 degree temperature in most climates.”

He opened his hand and slid the ring onto the dildo. It didn't quite slide all the way on but was settled in the heated area. “This is too funny. How long will it stay this temperature?”

“Only two to three more hours on those batteries,” Amanda answered. Looking at the ring she said, “Alex makes a flawless gold band, doesn't she?”

“I hadn't gotten a chance to look at it,” Josh said. “Yes, she does.” He set the dildo down on the table. “Who wants to make dinner?”

Don had fish marinading in the refrigerator. Jesse had side-salad fixing that needed to be put together. Josh helped Don grill the fish. Amanda helped Jesse fix the sides. Steve helped where ever he was needed, sometimes in several places at once. Shortly, dinner was ready and Steve told everyone to sit down so he could serve dinner. Five Steves appeared from the kitchen, each carrying a plate. They set the plates down for each guest simultaneously. Then they rejoined Steve at the table.

“Cute,” Amanda said.

Jesse pointed at the dildo, now a centerpiece on the table, “Is it my imagination or is the Ringalex band wider than before?”

“I suppose she's trying to get my attention,” Josh said. “I'm going to put this on the coffee table by the sofa so she doesn't reappear on the table while we're eating.”

At the end of dinner, Steves were collecting the plates. “We should play the game again,” one of them said.

“Really?” Josh asked.

“Only you and Alex have two wishes granted. Shouldn't we get a shot at a second wish?”

“True,” Josh said.

“I'll set it up,” Amanda said. She got up to get the game. As she passed the sofa she said, “Guys, check out Alex. She's really trying to get your attention, Josh.”

The Ringalex ring was more properly called a cylinder and was about an inch long now.

“She might decide to free herself soon,” Josh said. “I can't really read her mind. It's like she's thinking in slow motion.”

Amanda sat down at the dining table and started setting up the game. Jesse helped setup the player pieces since she knew which pieces everyone had played with before.

Don said, “You were right then, Josh. She probably doesn't realize how much time has gone by while she's been made of gold.”

“I’m guessing rock or stone, any dense material, would do the same thing.” Josh added. “Though metals are far more dense then stone.”

Steve sat down at the table, “Let's start.”

Josh received the first wish card. “Intuition Wish. If you could intuitively know something, what would it be?” Josh answered immediately, “That's easy. I'd intuitively know when there was danger in my near future. I can deal with almost anything with mind reading and mind control. But, dealing with being surprised is not on the list of almost anything.”

“Danger Sense.” Steve called it.

Amanda received the next wish card. “Duplicate Wish.” She said, “Isn't this the wish Alex used to copy Jesse's wish?”

“It is,” Jesse said.

“I'm not really interested in having a sense for danger.”

“Read the card again,” Josh suggested. “It doesn't say your wish has to duplicate one made during this game does it?”

Amanda reread the text. “No, it doesn't,” she agreed. “To not take Jesse's wish would be wasteful. Based on what Alex has done, it would supersede everything I can do as a mannequanthrope.”

Don said, “Actually there is one thing you can do that we haven't seen Jesse or Alex do.”

“What's that?”

“As a mannequin, you can exist as discrete pieces,” Don answered. “Jesse and Alex haven't turned themselves into anything that could be separated into two or more pieces.”

Jesse concentrated and sunglasses appeared on her head. She took them off. “How about that?”

Don held out his hand, “Can I hold them?” She handed them to Don but she couldn't let go. He let go. “See?”

Jesse unmade the sunglasses by turning back into her normal self. “I didn't even know they were part of me until you tried to take them.”

“Alex will be jealous,” Steve said.

“Or she'll prove Don wrong,” Josh said.

They all looked at the dildo as he mentioned her name and saw that the Ringalex band was now about two inches long. “She wants something to happen that isn't happening,” Josh said.

With Amanda's choice made, play resumed. Don was the next player to get a wish card. “Convenience Wish,” he said. “This was Steve's wish, wasn't it? I don't want to be the duplicating man. It's just not me. Instead, I'd wish for anything I want or need to appear in my hand the moment I really want or need it. Imagine decorating a store window and deciding you need a certain color ribbon--”

“Or chair,” Josh chimed in.

“-- or chair, yes.” Don continued. “That would be... convenient.”

Josh was two spaces and Don one space along on the fulfillment track when Steve got his wish card. “Awareness Wish. If you could be continually aware of something, what would it be?” He thought for a moment, “I guess the normal answer for this would something like the weather or a girlfriend's mood. But for me being aware of what all my other selves are up to continually would make coordinating several activities at once much easier.”

Everyone else was one or two steps away from victory by the time Jesse drew a wish card. “Personality Wish. Is there some personality trait that you wish you had or had more of? Is there some personality trait you would remove or reduce? Choose a personality trait and decide how much you would like it changed in you.” Jesse said, “I think I’ve discovered I need more self-confidence. So I wish I had a lot more self-confidence but not so much that I am constantly overconfident.”

She landed on a practice space on her next turn and spent the next round of play saying she was going to win. When she consulted the Outcomes Ball it read, “Exceptionally Done, +3” This put her one step from victory as well.

Two hours into playing the game, it was no surprise when Josh triggered the end game and everyone else had Ride The Wave cards.

“I’m confident this game is rigged,” Jesse joked.

“I get a sense of that myself,” Josh agreed. He got up and looked at the coffee table.

As he just stood there the group looked at what he was looking at.

The dildo was sheathed in gold.

Amanda got up and stepped toward the coffee table.

Josh concentrated for a moment and said, “Don't touch it. She is hoping I'll touch my dick so she can encase my hand.”

“Danger Sense kicking in already?” Steve asked.

“No,” Josh said. “Slow as they are, her thoughts are pretty single minded at the moment and thus easily read.”

“I could use a cold beer right now,” Don said looking at his empty hand. “Not yet.”

“That would be convenient,” Steve said.

Jesse said, “I’d like to know how much slower she’s moving. Let’s experiment. I’m going to count silently to myself from 1 to 10. Time how long it takes me, Steve. Say go and I’ll turn my hair blond and then start counting.”

“Okay,” he said, looking at his watch. “Ready? Go.”

Jesse’s hair became long and blond and she closed her eyes.

The group stayed silent patiently.

As Jesse’s hair turned back to normal, Steve announced, “Eight seconds. Try it again to make sure you have it right.” After Jesse nodded, he said, “Ready? Go.”

This time her hair was short and fiery red. Shortly, it returned to normal.

“Perfect,” Steve said. “Eight seconds.”

“Okay,” she said. “This time I’ll become a gold ring like Alex did the first time.” She said, sitting on a dining chair with her hands in her lap. “Hopefully I’ll stay on the seat of the chair. Say, go.”

“Are you sure?” Steve said looking at his watch. “Ready? Go.”

Jesse seemed to disappear except for a gold band placed on the seat of the chair.

“If it weren’t for the gold-plated dildo I’d call that weird,” Don said.

Amanda looked at him, “Oh, you can’t wait until I can do that.” She paused then added with a smile, “Or at least something like that.”

Amanda cleaned up the game and put it away while they waited.

Don held his hand out, “I could still use a beer.”

“Be more specific,” Josh said. “And say ‘want’ or ‘need’.”

Don left his hand out, “I want a bottle of imported beer, cap already removed, properly chilled.” It nearly slipped out of his hand as it appeared. Recovering from almost dropping the beer, he nonchalantly took a sip. “That’s good.”

“And fast, too,” Steve said. “All the other wishes took hours to come true.”

“Or we didn’t try hard enough,” Don said taking another sip. “Jesse sure seems more confident.”

Steve split in two. The duplicate immediate went to the bedroom. “Tell me to get something from the room.”

“A hair brush,” Amanda suggested quietly.

“Good one,” Steve said and he concentrated. After a few seconds he clapped his hands together. “Yes.”

“It worked?” Don asked.

The door to the bedroom opened and the other Steve stepped out. “I believe Amanda requested a hairbrush,” he announced. He walked back to Steve and rejoined. “I guess Jesse might want to use this went she returns.” He looked at his watch. “Over five minutes so far.”

“Hey, I did it too,” Amanda announced. Her hair had obviously become platinum blond but she was looking at her hands. They were freshly cleaned, manicured, painted and polished. “That will save a lot in manicures and nail polish. But I’ll hold off on becoming a gold ring for a while.”

“Now I’m wondering,” Josh said. “Did I try to read Alex’s mind about touching the dildo because I was suspicious or because I sensed a danger?”

“That’s the problem with danger sense,” Steve said, “you don’t know if it’s working or not until it’s too late.”

“Couldn’t you just command Alex to return to normal?” Don asked.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Josh asked.

Amanda got up and walked over to Don. She whispered something in his ear and headed for the staircase.

Don watched her walk up the stairs and close the door to the bedroom before putting his beer down. “With any luck, I will catch up to the number of blowjobs received in the cabin that Josh is up to in the next few minutes. Have fun.”


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