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If you haven't read any of the Ted's Dolls stories before, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one.

“Hello, Ted.”

“Trish? To what do I owe the pleasure?” He said.

“I'd like to make a rental.”


“Paris, I'd like to rent Paris till morning.”

“Paris isn't usually up for rent.”

“I don't care. I just want Paris to spend an evening in the sorority house. And if I have to rent her from you to do it, then so be it. But I'm not leaving here without Paris.”

“Do you have any idea how many times people ask if they can rent Paris?”

“Don't really care.”

“I suppose you don't. Okay, two dollars.”


“One seems cheap. And my dolls get half of what I get. So just give me a dollar and be sure she receives a dollar.”

“Make it so she automatically restores in the morning.”

“I should charge more for that,” Ted said. “But, her being here every night has gotten a bit ridiculous. Do you want a bag?”

“No, I'll just carry her out.”

“Suit yourself. But you also have to take the content of her crate.”

Trish looked at the crate with books and clothes in it. “I'll send someone by to retrieve it later.”

“No problem.”

* * *

“Wanna try it?” Elly said. She was holding up a large and heavy, for her, roll of duct tape.

“I'm game,” Paris said.

“What? Really?” Tara said.

“I saw the same show Elly saw. It looked cool.”

“Are you sure? I think I would freak out.” Sandra said.

“Only one way to find out.”

The girls, all around the age of nine, dressed in their pajamas for the slumber party at Elly's house, spread out around Paris. Paris wrapped herself in her blanket. Elly pulled the end of the tape up and stretched out a long piece. She hovered over Paris' leg and said, “You're sure?”

“Just do it already.”

Elly wrapped the tape around the blanket around Paris' ankle and slowly wound the tape up her legs. Tara sat on the other side and Elly would hand her the tape roll. Tara would pass it back under her Paris' pinned legs. When they reached her knees, Tara said, ”We're going to run out. Let's skip up to around her belly.”


“Sit up.”

Paris sat up and was fascinated by the look of her lower legs, the light reflecting dully off the gray tape.

The other three girls surrounded Paris and the tape was slowly wound around her stomach and chest trapping her arms down by her side. The tape roll was finished when they reached her shoulders.

“How's it feel?”

“Like a big hug,” Paris said. “I can still squirm a bit.” She swished her legs back and forth.

Tara pushed her forehead.

“Hey,” Paris yelped as she fell back onto a pillow.

The girls giggled.

Paris struggled for a moment to sit up. “Warn me next time.”

“I'm going to push you over,” Tara said and Paris was once again laying on her back.

The girls giggled.

Elly said, “Okay, no more of that.”

“I'm just not going to sit up,” Paris said.

“Aw, that was the best part,” Sandra said.

The girls gabbed for another hour before the yawns became contagious.

“You want to be unwrapped, Paris?” Elly said.

“Sh-h,” Tara said. “I think she's asleep.”

“Well, that's unfair,” Sandra said. “How do you prank the girl who falls asleep first when she's already wrapped up tight?”

The girls giggled.

* * *

“Paris?” Randall said, appearing in the doorway to her bedroom.

“What?” she said to her brother.

“I need your help with a film project.”

“What kind of help?”

“I need footage of a kidnap victim.”

“You want to kidnap me?”

“No, that happens off camera. I want to tie you to a chair.”

“Are you serious?”

“You said you would help.”

“I said I would appear in a scene. You said nothing about being tied to a chair.”

“Oh, c'mon, it'll be fun,” he said holding up the rope.

She was not sure why she agreed but she did.

Shortly, he was tying her legs to the legs of a chair and her hands behind her with her arms pulled through the spindles on the back of the chair. Before they finished, she said, “Rand, my leg feels funny.”

“Oh, crap,” he said as he saw her leg was a bit bluish. He cut her leg free with a knife she had no idea he had on his person. He rubbed her leg. “I'm sorry. I was reading about it and every safety warning said to look out for pinched circulation. Let me study the roping techniques again before we try again.”

“Do you need help with that? If I know what to look for, I might spot your mistakes before you do.”


They spent the evening search websites for information about tying someone up, along with getting the occasional eyeful of stuff they did not want to see. It was several days later, after several nights of research and Randall buying more rope that Paris found herself well-secured to a chair.

“Where did you get that?” Randall said.

“Why would your kidnapper allow the victim to yell for help?”

“Okay.” Randall pushed the ball gag into Paris' mouth and buckled the strap behind her head. “Can you talk?”

“Nff mffff.”

“Okay, let me check the camera,” he said. “When I say, 'action', struggle against the ropes and make those noises. Pretend you get tired of struggling and go limp. Then I'll say. 'cut'.”

They did a couple takes before Randall said that was good. He removed the gag and a wad of spittle dropped from her mouth.

Paris worked her jaw muscles for a moment before saying, “That explains why they put a handkerchief of some kind of cloth in their mouths first in the videos.”

“When did you start watching those kinds of videos.” Randall untied Paris and they watched the footage.

“Research. And I can do better than that.”


“It's lame. We'll do it again. Look, you can see where I had to pretend my right wrist wasn't free. We'll do it again, better this time.”

* * *

A few years later, Paris returned to flesh in her bed. The scent of plastic lingered in the air for a moment. She had not laid down on her bed in a few weeks, she realized. She sat up. It was just before dawn. She saw her books sitting on her desk and wondered when she had last done any of her homework. She got up and went to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was not sure what she expected to see but she did not look significantly different, maybe slightly thinner in the face. She started the shower.

The memories of her youth rattled around in her mind along with the recriminations all the sisters had laid out for her the night before. When her intervention took place last night, her doll mind did not register the gravity of what was being said. But in the shower, the amount she had let her sisters down weighed heavily on her mind. She should resolve never to go back to Ted's room. But, that was not a promise she could make with any serious intention to keep it.

After drying off, she dried and brushed her hair and made up her face before she finished getting dressed. She left her room and went into the kitchen with her books. She worked on her homework in the kitchen as she sipped a cup of coffee.

Whitney entered the kitchen shortly after her. “I heard you moving around. How you feeling?”

“Defeated, but not beaten.”

Whitney got a cup of coffee and sat at the table.

“It's not like I didn't know what I was doing or how people would feel about it,” Paris said, putting her book down. “I fucked up. Now, I have to decide if it's worth trying to stay president or step aside cleanly.”

“No one really wants to see you go. They just want the old you back.”

“I don't know if there is an old me to come back.” She looked up to see Karen at the doorway. “You were refreshingly brutal last night.”

“Whitney isn't wrong. No one want to see you go. But, you needed a kick in the teeth. Is the fucking really that good as one of those dolls?”

“Probably not,” Paris laughed. “But, it's not just the fucks that attracts me. It's the head fucks. Ted and I are playing a game neither of us know the rules to. He puts me in humiliating circumstances and I don't complain about it. It irritates him that I'm not some stuck up bitch with a holier than thou attitude. I probably need to start dating him like Burke and Whitney, here.”

Trish entered and sat down.

“How do you stand the humiliation?”

She whispered, “I'm kind of into that. A couple days ago, instead of turning me into a doll as soon as I arrived in the evening, he did nothing. I'm standing there naked and he's ignoring me. Game on. I stood there as if I were a doll and out-waited him. Every time the door opened there was a rush of fear and excitement.”

“You are crazy.”

“Perhaps,” she said. She looked at her watch. “Time to head out to class.”

“Have you decided to be our president again?” Trish said.

“I don't know. Give me a couple days.”

* * *

"Come on home, girl" he said with a smile
"I cast my spell of love on you, a woman from a child"
But try to understand, try to understand
Oh, oh, try, try, try to understand,
He's a magic man, oh...
– – – Ann & Nancy Wilson, “Magic Man”, 1975

After a day's worth of classes, Paris went directly to Ted's dorm room. Usually she would change into something easier to take off before going to his room. She took the earbuds out her ears before she knocked.

“Come in,” Ted called from within.

She opened the door and walked up to where he was sitting, “We need to talk.”

“Have a seat,” he said pointing to the end of the bed.

She sat. “Let's go out to eat.”


“Right now. Put a post on your app that you'll be out for a couple hours. We're going on a date.”

“A date? I'm flattered. I didn't think you actually liked me.”

“I don't think I do. You push all my buttons, bad and good, buttons I love having pushed and buttons I despise getting pushed. You get so under my skin, you strip it away and leave me bare naked, sometimes literally in that window there. Like you? I love you.” She leaned in toward him.

Part of him wanted to deny her the kiss. And the rest of him told that part go fuck itself. They embraced and kissed. It was the first time they kissed one another and it did not disappoint either of them.

The door opened and closed without them noticing.

As they separated, she said, “Get dressed. You're driving; I'm buying.”

“You can be a bit bossy when you aren't doll.”

“I've got layers. And no dolling me tonight. I need to repair my relationship with the girls.”

“So, Trish's intervention helped?” He said getting up and changing his shirt.

“You knew they had an intervention?”

He headed toward the bathroom. “Not explicitly. But Trish was rather obvious why she wanted to rent you last night. Oh, that reminds me. I owe you a dollar.”

“I'll add it to the tip at the restaurant.”

“Sounds good,” he said closing the door to the bathroom.

While he was in there she noticed there was an anonymous doll sitting on the sofa. “Whoever you are,” she said to it, “I hope you enjoyed that.”

The doll did not respond.

* * *

“I've never been able to share this with anyone, Paris,” Donald said. He unlocked the door to a small ranch-style house and led her inside.

“How can you afford a house as college student?”

“I graduate in May. I inherited the house when I turned twenty-one. When I took possession I was dying to know what my Uncle Al kept in his locked basement all these years.” He led her to the door to that basement, which based on the uneven finish on it and the doorjamb, use to have two deadbolt locks that someone had recently removed. He went down first. In the center of the room was an old-fashioned wooden bondage stocks piece: two pieces of wood that when locked together have three small opening for the neck and wrists of the supposed ne'er-do-well. This stock also had boards at floor level to lock the person's feet in place as well.

“You want to lock me in there?”

“If you are willing. I have other stuff that goes with it, too.”

“I'm not into pain. No whipping.”

“Okay,” he said with less enthusiasm. “How about this?” He pointed to a box-shaped machine with shaft sticking out of the sides. At the end of the shaft was a phallus shaped dildo.

“That's hot if it isn't dangerous.”

“I've turned it on and it seems to run smoothly. But I have no idea what it will do to a pussy.”

“It isn't off the table. Let me try the stocks.”

“O-kay,” he said. He bent down and removed the back half of the floor board.

She reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. She picked them up and put them on a nearby chair. She put the front of her ankles against the board still attached to the rest of the stocks. Her legs were spread a bit wider than she expected just looking at the holes in the boards.

He slid the back board back into place and latched it into place. “Any problems?”

“No, it's nice a snug.” She took off her top and tossed it onto the chair. Wearing only her heels, a bra and a loose skirt, she leaned forward and put her neck and wrists in place. The lower board was lower than she thought it was making her lean down a bit lower than was comfortable.

He dropped the top board into place and latched it in place. “How is it?”

“Wow, that's some fast bondage.”

He opened a drawer nearby and held up two gags in either hand. “One of these interest you?”

One was a ball gag, the other a penis shaped gag. “Not yet. Set up the machine.”


“Don't make me change my mind. I'm very curious about the machine.”

“Okay.” It took him several minutes to wheel the machine into place and adjust the height. He flipped her skirt up onto her back. “Whoa,” he said with a laugh. “I guess I won't need lube.”

“Put it in already.”

“I'm still going to get the lube, just in case.” Once done, he put the tip of the dildo into her labia at the edge of her vagina. “This is going to be slow.” He turned a flywheel on the machine and the dildo slowly pushed inside her.

“Ohh,” she said. “That's a little cold. I'm sure it won't stay cold.”

After turning the wheel a half turn, it started pulling the dildo out. He stopped turning the wheel. “Do you want me to leave it here for a moment to warm up the cock?”

“I don't think that's necessary.”

He finished another rotation of the wheel to make sure the dildo would not withdraw from her pussy. He then pulled the throttle back and said, “Here we go.” He started the machine. The dildo slowly pushed in and then out of her.

“Oh, that's nice. Faster.”

“Of course,” he said. He pushed the throttle forward and the machine's pace picked up.

“Oh, god, yes. Oh, oh. Oh, aaaaah.” She moaned and moaned as he varied the throttle. When her moans became steady. He got up and got in front of her. He dropped his pants and put his erection in her face. Her mouth was lined up with his cock explaining why she was leaning so low. Her mouth opened and soon he was moaning with her. Just before he came, he pulled out and sprayed her face with his cum.

He grabbed the trainer ball gag and pushed it into her mouth. He pushed her head down so he could buckle it in the back. The gag also had a pair of straps that framed her eyes in two triangles and attached to the back of the gag.

She was surprised when he picked her head up and latched the top of the face straps to the stock forcing her to keep her head upright. She protested with a grunt but the machine kept her from being able to dwell on the minor discomfort.

He held up a pair of clamps and she shook her head back and forth as well as she could but he either did not notice or pretended not to. He unclasped her bra and attached the clamps to her hardened nipples.

Her moans became groans. The groans got louder as he attached small weights to the ends of the clamps. But as the machine continued to work her pussy, the groans turned back into moans. She lost track how many times she orgasmed. Her legs were tired but the shaft held her up.

Eventually, he slowed the machine and stopped it. With the flywheel, he withdrew the dildo and then moved the machine out of the way. Her legs were barely hold her ass up and she thought he would take her out now.

Her eyes bugged out as a flog struck her ass. A scream escaped the gag in her mouth. She managed to make a distinct, “No” sound. The flog struck again and again. After ten strikes he rubbed her raw ass. Her ass felt hot to her, not sexy, actually hot.

* * *

In the present, as they got out of his car, Ted said, “So, the bondage attracts you because you like being out of control or you like being controlled.”

“A bit of both,” she said. “When I first discovered it, it was with my brother Randall and there wasn't any sexual component beyond the titillation he was seeking for his student film. With Donald, and with your ability, it takes it to a whole other level.” They reached the hostess stand. “Table for two by window, please.”

“Right this way.” The hostess at the little Italian restaurant at the edge of town sat Ted and Paris at the same table Burke and Whitney had had the night before. The waitress took their drink and appetizer orders.

Paris dug into the appetizer. “I'm sorry. I feel like a pig.”


“I've gotten use to not needing to eat. I went most of today without food and I'm starving now.”

“I don't think I can sell my doll process as a weight loss process.”

“I think you can. I noticed in the shower this morning I've lost some weight. I need to check a scale.”

“I hadn't noticed.”

“How do you do that?”


“Your self-confidence is amazing.”

“Is it? I'm just honest, basically.”

“When Whitney and I, two juniors from the HΔT sororitycame to you about the pledge night. You, a freshman, were completely composed and seemed like you owned the room. I'm no slouch and Whit is stunningly beautiful. How did you not only keep your cool, but manage to get us to pay with our bodies and the bodies of our sisters?”

“Oh, well, being able to do what I do has made self-confidence a necessity. I could not do what I do if I had doubts. The knowledge of how to do it is only a small part of it, most of it requires great willpower, surety, and a bit of gumption. And it didn't hurt that I could tell you, and to a lessor extent Whitney, wanted to know first hand what being a doll was like.”

“You knew that at the time?”

“You might want to have a chat with Tamara. Yes, I have two powers. You are intimately familiar with the first. The second is the ability to sense how much or how little someone would be interested in my ability. As soon as you walked into my dorm room, I knew you would end up a doll sooner than later.”

She laughed. “You're saying I was doomed to become your plaything.”

“I didn't put it that way. But, after that story about getting fucked in stocks, you must know yourself well enough by now.”

“When Donald let me out, I punched him in the face. Afterward, laying face down in bed with a raw ass, I kind of wanted to feel it all again. But, since I couldn't trust him, and I didn't know anyone else with bondage equipment, I never go to feel anything like that until I was your doll.”

“Yet, you trust me.”

“I know. It's not the same with you. For Donald, it was power he never had before and he immediately abused it. For you, you always have power. You could change this entire restaurant to dolls and no one could stop you. You have nothing to prove.”

Ted looked around the restaurant. Using a nod of his head to point them out, he said, “Those two guys would freak out as dolls. The blond girl with them would enjoy it. The brunette could take it or leave it. Our waitress would be mildly into it. The hostess would tolerate it at best. The booth along the wall behind is a mix of mild reactions. The redhead with the tall guy behind me would kill to be dolled if she knew it was possible.”

“How do I read to you?”

“You want it only a bit less than the redhead over there.”

* * *

Paris entered the sorority house around eight at night. Several of the sisters pounced her immediately. “Was that Ted's car?”

“Ted and I just got back from dinner.”

“A date?”

“A date.”


“There isn't much to say. Frankly, it was the most chaste time I've spent with Ted. We kissed a few times, ate dinner, and talked about ourselves.”

“What makes him tick?”

“Still don't know. But, I hope to find out eventually,” Paris said. “Enough about Ted. What's the word on the plans for the Alumni dinner? Did our budget get approved by the Alumni office?”


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