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Don sat down next to Steve. “So what’s everyone been up to?”

Josh laughed, “Steve here has figured out how perform a solo gangbang.”

Steve looked at Josh funny, “I’d prefer to say I made love with my girlfriend in various ways all at once.”

Don laughed, “Was she someone else at the time?”

“No, she was herself. She’s probably taking a shower now.”

“What's he up to?” Don asked as the other Steve walked through, into the kitchen, and presumably on to the mud room/laundry room off the kitchen, carrying sheets and a blanket.

“Cleaning the bedroom,” Steve answered. “Josh is upset that we may have left evidence of our orgy behind.”

“And you just split yourself to clean it up?” Don continued.

“That's about the size of it.

“So where's Amanda?”

“In the window, I grabbed the side table over there and that plant to decorate the window. Looks nice. We should go outside and check it out later.”

“Seriously?” Josh asked.

“Hey, you have mind powers. He's a one man orgy. I decorate. It's nothing to be ashamed of.” Don defended.

“Did she want to be in the window?” Steve asked.

“Yes,” Don said. “She actually wants me to take a picture from outside.”

Josh said, “This is me. I'm not going to judge you. So you don't have answer out loud. And I won't look. Did she want you to-- Let's call it-- play with her head?”

“How did you--?”

“I walked in on you earlier,” Josh said. “You left the door ajar.”

“I have no problem answering that. She knew I would do it. She said it would turn her on. We won't know if she was aware until later but I certainly had her permission to do what I did.”

“That is so cool,” Steve said. “Fucked up. But really cool.”

At that moment, the other Steve came in from the kitchen. He walked over to Steve and put his hands on the seated Steve’s shoulders. There was a small popping sound as the standing Steve vanished. Steve winced a little and said, “Sheets and blankets are changed and the old ones are in the washer.”

“That’s convenient,” Don said.

“Actually,” Steve said rubbing his shoulder. “It’s not. I feel like I just ran around the cabin a few times doing the laundry.”

“Well, you did.”

“And I didn’t.”

“Let's go outside and snap that picture.” Don said.

They got up and walked through the kitchen to the back door. They walked around the corner of the building. “I'm just hoping I get more than just a reflection of the sky in the window.” As they looked up at the bedroom window, all they could see was sky. “We need to back up.”

“I think I see her,” Steve said, pointing to the right.

“Where are you pointing?” Don asked looking at the view in his camera. “No, she should be on the left.”

Josh said, “There's definitely someone on the right.”

They looked at the window. Don said, “I dressed her in the yellow dress, on the left. It looks like she's on the right as well.”

“Could it be Alex or Jesse?” Steve asked.

“Alex could never stand that still,” Josh said.

“Guyth,” came Alex's voice from the front of the house. They saw her heading toward the car.

“Over here, Alex,” Josh yelled.

“Holy shit,” Don said. “Look at the zoom. Both figures have Amanda's face.”

She turned and ran toward them. “Do you thee her? Jethhe'th a mannequin!”

“That explains that,” Josh said.

“Jesse's what?” Steve asked.

Alex explained how Jesse wanted to play a prank on Don that did not go as she planned.

“Let's stay calm,” Josh said. “We'll put them in the pantry and hopefully they will transform on their own.”

They walked back to the house and moved both mannequins to the pantry in silence. They sat down at the dining table.

“So, why did she turn into a mannequin?” Don asked.

Steve explained, “Because her transformations involve role-play. She wanted to become Amanda and sometimes becoming Amanda means becoming a mannequin.

“But that'th not her withh, ith it?” Alex asked. “I have the thame withh but I can do thingth I don't think thhe'll ever be able to do.”

“Her wish was to be able to change everything about herself.” Josh continued. “But she invents personas that she then becomes. Alex has the same wish. But she just imagines a change and it happens. She could probably just make herself taller or bustier with just a thought.”

“I can?” Alex inquired as she stared down at her breasts. Her already curvacious mounds expanded a couple inches while they watched. “I guethh I can. Wait a thecond! That means I can thhrink thith damn tongue.”

“Of course,” Josh said. “When you took Jesse's and Amanda's shape you had their tongue.”

Alex stuck out a much smaller tongue, “How'ssss that?” She held the sibilant sound longer than necessary. “I can speak like me again.”

“I was kinda getting use to the lisp-thing,” Steve said. “Every time I heard it I was reminded that you are The World'th Betht Fellatrikth.”

She slapped his hand, “That's Fellatrix.”

“So she could become a mannequin, too.” Don noted.

“I wouldn't recommend it,” Josh said. “So far becoming a mannequin means being unaware of your inanimate state. So how would she transform back?”

“How does Amanda do it?” Don asked.

There was a scream from the kitchen. They heard the pantry door bang open and footsteps rush toward the kitchen door. Amanda in the yellow sundress burst into great room. “What the hell was with me in the pantry?”

“Not what? Who?” Josh said.

“It was Jesse,” Alex said.

“It didn't look like Jesse. It looked like me as a mannequin.”

“Jesse had a bit of a problem with her transformation ability.” Alex explained and they brought Amanda up to speed on how Jesse does her transformations.

“Well, then you may as well get her out of the pantry. It won't work on her,” Amanda said.

“Why not?” Steve asked.

“She's still dressed as me. So why would she transform?” Amanda explained. “Put her in her own clothes and put her in front a mirror if possible so she'll think she's herself and stop being a mannequin.”

“Makes sense,” Josh said.

“I'll take care of this,” Steve said. “There's a full length mirror in the upstairs bathroom.” He split into three copies of himself and two of them went into the kitchen.

“That's creepy,” Amanda said. The Steves carried the mannequin that looked just like Amanda through the great room and up the stairs. “I don't want to know what it feels like to have a bunch of hands all over me.” She looked around the table and everyone was smiling. “Did I say something funny?”

Steve said, “I've had five of me exist at the same time and all of them were engaged in sex with Jesse in some manner all at once.”

“I really need to get good a being a mannequin so I can pay attention to what goes on while I'm frozen.”

“You need to turn into a mannequin without being on display,” Josh said. “Then the condition to change back wouldn't involve being taken off display. You should concentrate on wanting to stay aware and having the transformation only last a certain amount of time.”

“Where would be a good place to do this?” Amanda asked.

“No, you don't want to find a good place. You want to do it anywhere,” Alex said. “Do it right here at the table. Transform and concentrate on being able to follow the conversation and then transform back in five minutes.”

“Okay,” Amanda said. “Here I g--” Instantly, she transformed. Her mouth was shaped into a small circle. Her left hand was flat on her lap and the other was leaning on the chair's armrest. Her posture was straight, though casual.

“Think it worked?” Don asked.

“The becoming a mannequin part certainly did.” Steve answered, looking at his watch. “We'll know in 5 minutes.”

“Amanda, change back now if you can,” Alex said. “We could know now if she transforms.”

“We should keep saying Amanda's name,” Don said. “That might keep her from losing awareness.”

“Do you think that will help, Amanda?” Alex asked.

There was a commotion upstairs and one of the Steves came down the stairs. “She's back to normal.” He walked over to the table. “What happened to Amanda now?”

“We're experimenting. Rejoin and you'll understand.” Steve told himself. As they undertook that process, Jesse and the Steve still with her appeared on the landing. The new Steve said, “Look, they won't laugh at you. C'mon down and join the others.” With that he descended the staircase.

The original Steve stood up, “C'mon, Honey. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want. We're experimenting with Amanda now.” The Steves rejoined as Jesse descended the stairs. “Rejoining standing up is definitely less painful than doing it one of us sitting one of us standing,” Steve commented.

“I'm sorry, Jesse. But I'm curious,” Josh said. “How did you get her to transform back to herself?”

Steve sat down. “First I took the dress-- Amanda's dress-- off her. That wasn't too hard with two of me but I made it more difficult because I didn't want to reinforce her mannequinity by taking her arms or head off. Dressing her in shorts and a tee seemed the easiest thing to do. The shorts barely fit over Amanda's hips but the tee was fine. It did tent outward a lot more with Amanda's solid boobs inside.

“Then I put her in front of the mirror in the bathroom. I waited a few minutes until I said, 'She's looking at Amanda's face. How will she think she's Jesse if she sees the wrong face?' I found a bag and put it over her head and within seconds she was wondering who turned out the lights.”

“Do you have any idea how disorienting it is to go from standing in front of a big window one minute to standing in a bathroom with a bag over your head?” Jesse asked. “Then the bag comes off and there are two copies of Steve asking me if I'm alright in mock stereo. Of course I freaked out.”

“That'll teach you not to imitate Amandaquin,” Alex said.

“Amandaquin?” Don asked. “That's funny.”

“Josh made up the name last night.”

“I like it,” Amanda said, suddenly shifting back to human form. “Hey, it worked.”

Steve looked at his watch, “Not quite five minutes. I guess you were aware of what was going on.”

“The whole thing,” Amanda admitted. “I tried to change back when Alex suggested it but it didn't happen. I just had to say something about Amandaquin. And suddenly I was able to speak.”

“You need more practice,” Jesse said.

“Yes,” Amanda agreed. She waved her arm in a circle indicating the table and said, “Keep talking here. I'm going to try it ag--” And she suddenly transformed. With her hand in mid-air and her head turned awkwardly to the side, it was obvious she had transformed sooner than she had expected.

“Amanda also needs to practice not becoming a mannequin,” Don noted.

“Not that you mind,” Jesse said. She held her middle and index fingers together and ran them over her face.

Josh interrupted, “Jesse, Amanda gave Don permission to do what he did. Let it go.”

“She did?” Jesse inquired. “Why?”

Don sighed, “If you must know, I have a highly developed kink for mannequin and statue transformations. Amanda has always indulged my fantasies by pretending to be a mannequin. In fact, she asked Josh to hypnotize her once so that she could pretend even better. I suspect that is why she is having trouble with her control. But she doesn't just do this because I asked her to. As you know from her own wish, she wants to become a mannequin as much as I want to have a mannequin for my personal use. Does that satisfy your curiosity?”

“It kind of peaks mine,” Josh joked. “I didn't know Amanda knew about the trigger I gave her three years ago. Let me tell you, a post-hypnotic suggestion normally doesn't last three years without extremely frequent use.”

There was an awkward pause broken by Amanda saying, “Damn, how ridiculous did I just look? I just have the slightest thought of becoming a mann--” And she froze solid again with her hands clenched in frustration staring up at the ceiling.

“Much better,” Alex joked.

Jesse looked at Alex, “Are your breasts bigger?”

“Oh, yes,” Alex enthused. “You could do it too if you weren't so into role-play. Watch.” Alex looked down at her breasts and they shrank a couple inches. “My back was straining. I need to grow them more slowly so my body gets use to them being bigger.”

“Or you just build up your back muscles the same way,” Josh said.

“I can’t see my back,” Alex said. “If I do that blind I’d probably end up looking like a bodybuilder from behind and porn star from the front.”

“So what’s the problem?” Steve jibed.

Jesse elbowed Steve. “How did you do that exactly?” She asked Alex.

“I just looked at them and imagined them looking differently.”

Jesse looked at her chest and stared. “Nothing’s happening.”

“Don’t be negative,” Alex said ironically. “Look under your shirt and imagine bigger breasts where your breasts are.”

Jesse pulled her shirt forward so she could see her small breasts. She concentrated. Suddenly her shirt was straining to contain mammoth breasts. “Oh, my,” she exclaimed.

“Damn, Jesse,” Steve exclaimed. “How big are they?”

“Alex said something about pornstar breasts,” Jesse said. She splayed her hands against her shirt on the sides of her breasts and pushed them inward. “Somehow that’s what I was thinking when they changed.  Squeezing them like this feels really good.” She moved her hands forward and as her fingertips encountered her hard nipples she squealed. “Oh, my, they are disturbingly sensitive.”

“That’s probably because you've given your breasts a role: porn star breasts.” Josh said.

“-- equin and I--” Amanda blurted out. “I did it again. Jesse, your top is starting to rip in the center.”

Steve looked at his watch. “Three minutes. The time you are stuck is getting shorter.”

Amanda sighed, “That’s good to know. Not getting stuck in the first place would be an improvement, too.”

“I need to change my shirt,” Jesse said standing up. Her breasts bounced joyously and her shirt barely contained them. Instinctively she put her hands to her chest to stop the bouncing and all that did was contributed to how well they were charging her libido. “Help me get a shirt, Steve.” She grabbed him by the arm and headed toward the stairs.

“Excuse me,” Steve said as he got up. “I need to give her a hand.” As he turned he said, “No, we have the lower floor room remember. I just cleaned the upstairs room out for Josh and Alex.”

“Whatever,” she stated, changing direction for the lower floor bedroom. As she reached the door, she stepped into the room and pulled the remains of the shirt over her head. Steve hurried to close the door behind them. She went to the suitcase and grabbed a tube of lube. She turned around and rubbed it all over her breasts and nipples. The she tossed the tube in the suitcase and grabbed a handful of breasts, shoving them toward his face, “Fuck these titties, Stevie.”

As much as he hated the nickname ‘Stevie,’ he did not argue as he dropped his pants. He swept her into his arms and onto the bed where he straddled her, laying his dick on her chest.

As his cock touched her chest she immediately grabbed her boobs from the side and squeezed his cock between them. “How about having some friends shower my titties with cum, Stevie?”

Duplicates jumped out of Steve and stroked their dicks over her chest. Steve on top of her began humping her tight breasts.

She turned her head and grabbed one of the standing Steve’s cock. She pulled him into her mouth like an expert and he did not complain.

Steve on top came first, spraying cum on her neck, shoulders and chin. He was surprised to feel a tap on his shoulder. It was another Steve who said, “My turn.” So he stepped down and let the next Steve enjoy her tight chest pussy. The Steve who stepped down went to the bathroom adjoining the bedroom.

By this time a few of the spare Steves had cum on her chest and that added to the slickness of her breasts.

As the Steve in her mouth was about to cum she pushed him back and said, “facial”. He did not mind adding to the cum already peppering her face. As he did she reached out for another Steve’s cock and pulled it into her mouth.

The Steve in the bathroom walked through the room pausing only momentarily to observe the bacchanalia. Then he left to return to the dining area.

When the Steve on top of Jesse was ready to come he pulled out and split into two Steves. Both came on her face and chest at once. Soon she was covered from forehead to nipples in cum and all the Steves were spent.

The Steves started rejoining as that reduced the number of dicks they had to wipe off. One Steve got a couple towels and a washcloth and started washing her off. “You’re all done.”

“You milked us dry,” the Steve with the towels said. “Shrink them back to normal so you stop feeling like a pornstar.”

In an instant she was back to her normal breast size. “Becoming myself is easiest to visualize.”


* * *

As the door to the bedroom shut, Alex said, “Maybe I need some pornstar breasts.”

“Your libido doesn’t need enhancing,” Josh shot back.

“Please don’t run off,” Amanda begged. “I need people around talking so I can practice. Don can’t talk by himself.”

“And I would be too tempted to convince her not to change back,” Don admitted.

“Shouldn’t you let her get control of herself first,” Josh asked.

“I should,” Don agreed. “Some guys are leg men. I’m a mannequin man. In the presence of a nice piece of mannequin, I don’t think straight.”

“Hold him down,” Amanda joked. “I’m going to try again.” She paused. “To change again,” she added waiting. “I didn’t change. That’s great. That’s the first time I thought about changing without changing.” She paused once more, then she brushed some hair off her face. “Now that I can not change…” And with that she changed, her hand still up near her face, her other hand on her lap, her legs crossed demurely.

“That is cool,” Alex said. “I think I know how to do it.”

“Alex?” Josh warned.

She put her left arm on her hip and held her right arm to the side with her palm facing up like she was holding a small product. Her body shifted material, becoming as plastic as the smile on her face.

“Alex?” Josh inquired. “Can you change back?”

Don laughed, “If it works you’ll have to convince her to look like Amanda when she becomes a mannequin. Then I could do some cool displays with three identical living mannequins.”

Amanda shifted back and said, “I don’t think you would convince Jesse to become like me again.”

“That’s easy,” Alex replied. “Once you have total control, she’ll have total control when she imitates you.”

Amanda was surprised. “How did you control your shifting so easily?”

“Simple,” Alex answered. “I have no real desire to be a mannequin. No more than I want to look like you.” She instantly switched into a carbon copy of Amanda. “Or Jesse.” And she became Jesse. “Or a blowup doll.” And she turned back into herself but made of cheap vinyl. She was inflated and her face had a fake looking mouth obviously designed for a man to masturbate into.

“Nice,” Don said.

“Oh?” Alex inquired returning to normal. “You like more than one kind of plastic woman, do you?”

“So you mean I need to desire to be a mannequin less?” Amanda wondered.

“I suppose so,” Alex said. “Maybe it’s because you’ve had that desire unfulfilled for so long that when it happens it is hard to let go of. You need to realize deep down that you will have that feeling available to you forever. And so you don’t need to cling to it when you get it. Once you can stop clinging to being a mannequin, you should be able to switch at will.”

“I wonder what would happen if you were taken apart as a mannequin,” Don said. “Or if we had deflated the blowup doll. Would you still have control?”

Alex considered for a moment and said, “Not a problem. It might take some effort on my part not to panic. But consider this transformation.” She retained her own body but made her clothes disappear, replaced by a black leather catsuit with a plunging v-neck that went from her neck to her belly button. It not only fit her like a glove but there was no obvious stitching or zippers. It was literally a second skin. “I didn’t really change my physical form but I did change something about me.”

Amanda’s jaw dropped. “How is that possible?”

Don’s jaw was not doing much better. “If you had wings, could you fly?”

Alex looked at Don, “What a cool idea. But it’s getting toward sundown. I'll try that tomorrow.”

Steve entered, having just walked through the orgy in his bedroom, “Try what tomorr--” He stopped when he saw Alex. “Where did you get that outfit?”

“Etsy,” she joked. “How many of you are still doing Jesse?”

“Six or seven I think,” Steve replied. “It’s all tit fucking and blowjobs in there.”

“So, what are you doing here?” Don asked.

“I went first,” Steve grinned. “I’m spent. Now, what’s being tried tomorrow.”

Josh said, “Elastic girl’s going to grow wings and fly.”

“Did I miss something?” Steve asked. “You didn’t play the game again did you.”

Don laughed, “No, Alex was just demonstrating what it really means to be able to change everything about oneself.”

Steve still looked confused.

Amanda tried, “Look at what she's wearing. How did she put it on?”

Alex stood up and did a little spin.

“There are no zippers.”

“No seams either.” Alex added.

“How did you encase yourself in leather?”

“Same way I changed myself in Amanda.” Suddenly it was Amanda’s body in the leather outfit. “Or a mannequin.” The catsuit disappeared and standing there was a mannequin resembling Amanda. It was wearing no clothes. Just as suddenly, the mannequin was replaced with a replica of Josh, clothed. “Or Josh.”

Josh said, “I don’t swing that way.”

Alex-as-Josh replied, “I do.” She stepped up to the seated Josh and pressed her crotch up close to him. “Ever wanted to suck what’s in here?”

Steve shook his head, “Jesse could do all this too?”

“Don’t interrupt.” Alex-as-Josh quipped. Then she shifted back to herself, wearing a cut-off tee and a black skirt of mid-thigh length. “Yes, she could do all this. But I’m guessing it will take her longer to master than changing back and forth into a mannequin did for Amanda.”

“You figured it out.”

Amanda responded by not responding. Instead she stood up and became a mannequin.

“I’ve seen that,” Steve said.

Alex ran up next to her and also turned into a mannequin that looked like Amanda

And then Amanda changed back. “Ta! Da!” she exclaimed. She turned to Alex-as-Amandaquin and commanded, “Stop that.”

Alex turned back into herself, “But it’s fun. We should do a window sometime.”

“I haven’t seen that.”

“I’d like to see that,” Don said. He stood up and kissed Amanda, “You did great.”

Josh laughed, “Alex might have trouble staying still for very long.”

Alex laughed, “I hadn't considered that.”

Don said, “Now you need to help Jesse get good at this so I can have three Amandaquins in my window.”

Another Steve entered the great room. “Amandaquins?”

“It's easier to say than Amanda as a mannequin,” As Don explained, Steve walked up to the other Steve and they rejoined.

“Is Jesse showering again?” Alex asked standing up.

“She doesn't need to.” Steve said, “A quick standing bath from the waist up should suffice.

“I'm going to help her out.” Alex walked to the bedroom door and knocked. “Can I come in?” She heard a positive response and entered.

Jesse was in the adjoining bathroom washing her normal-sized breasts. “I don't really need any help.”

“I'm here to help you get a handle on your ability,” Alex said.

“I'm doing pretty good I thought,” Jesse said.

Alex turned into Steve, “Are you?” Her body was clothed in a dress shirt unbuttoned to mid-chest. The pants were beige dress-khakis. The shoes were loafers.

“I never thought about becoming a man.”

“Did you wonder where the clothes came from?” Alex-as-Steve said, “You have to stop using that word: becoming.”

“What word is better?”

“Changing or changing into.” Alex-as-Steve said. “Watch this.” Steve clothes disappeared. In their place were a set of manacles and chains. A posture collar forced his head upward and held his arms behind his back. His legs were held apart with a spreader bar nearly three feet long. His package was erect and somehow encased in a seamless leather sleeve with no snaps, zippers or clasps. She continued, “We can do anything. Be anything. We don't become. We just are this or are that. You can change your body without becoming someone else. You are always Jesse.” She transformed into a mannequin of Steve, dressed normally.

“You're right.” Jesse admitted.

Alex turned back into Steve. “Now how about trying to turn into Josh for me without any of his clothes or stuff around. Don't pretend to be Josh. Just make yourself look like Josh while still being Jesse.”

“I'll try.” Jesse seemed to just be standing there.

“Relax,” Alex encouraged. “Just take your time. There's no pressure. When you want it, it'll just happen.

Another moment passed and Jesse said, “I can't.”

“Yes, you can,” Alex turned into Josh. “If I can do it, you can do it. We have the same wish.” She turned back into herself so Jesse couldn't copy her.

Another couple moments passed then suddenly Jesse turned into Josh. “Do I look right?”

“Perfect,” Alex said. “Now whip out your cock.”


“Unthip your pantth and whip it out,” Alex said with a waggle of her long tongue. “Haven't you ever wonder what a blowjob feelth like for the guy?”

Jesse was surprised how little the idea shocked her. Alex was her best friend since grade school. They use to practice kissing on one another. And she found it hard to resist both her own curiosity and her new body's hormonal response. She started unzipping her pants.

Alex knelt down in front of Jesse-as-Josh, “When I'm done I'll become Thteve and you can do me.” Her tongue danced along Josh's cock like a concert pianist playing his piano. Shortly she ran her lips up and down the outside of Jesse-as-Josh's erect cock. Slicked up, she parted her lips and took the cock all the way in. She paid close attention to the amount of pleasure she was delivering considering Jesse was a virgin with a cock. She fell into a simple rhythm that let her control how fast the pleasure rose within Jesse-as-Josh.

Jesse-as-Josh heard herself saying, “Harder. Faster.” She was usually quiet during sex and blurting out directions to her partner was foreign to her. Likewise, her hands grabbed the sides of Alex's head and she tried to modify Alex's motion on the cock. Alex let her take over and soon Jesse-as-Josh was using Alex's mouth as a masturbatory object pumping up and down on the cock. Jesse-as-Josh felt she could do this all day. Why do men ever stop fucking? She wondered. I'm never going to stop. Never ever. She came. The surge of fluid running through the cock and balls was strange and thrilling. And she felt drained. She knew why men had trouble finishing a woman off if they came too soon. She understood in ways she never would have without having done it. She realized she was still holding Alex's head and let go. Alex was still sucking the cock and she felt more fluid moving through the cock and balls. It felt good but not as good as the first time. She opened her eyes and Steve was looking at her from below the flagging cock.

“My turn,” Alex-as-Steve said and he stood up. He was buck naked.

Jesse turned back into herself. “That was--”

“Don't spoil it,” Alex-as-Steve said. “Just do it to me.”

Jesse knelt down and found an erect cock waiting for her. She took it in one hand and rubbed the balls with her other hand.

“Oh, my.” Alex said.

Jesse licked the tip of the cock, rolling her tongue around it. Then she slid her tongue down the sides of the cock. She put her lips on the tip of the cock and pushed onto it letting the cock spread her lips slowly apart. Ever so slowly she moved down the cock until she had it fully inside her mouth. Then she sucked and could feel Alex-as-Steve's body shudder. She started sliding up the cock holding her lips tight to create a natural vacuum. At the tip, she dove back in pumping the cock in and out of her mouth rhythmically. Alex was moaning with pleasure quietly. Jesse felt the cock contract and knew Alex was trying to hold back. She put her hands on his firm ass and went at it with abandon. Soon the cock was shooting warm jizz into the back of her throat. She swallowed some of it down and tried to milk the cock dry.

After a moment, the cock in her mouth disappeared, replaced with a bare pussy inches away. Before Alex could say something, Jesse pulled Alex into her face and shot whatever cum was still in her mouth into the pussy with her tongue. She let go of Alex's ass and looked up at Alex's shocked and amazed face.

“You thlut,” Alex wiggled her hips trying to get the jizz to run out of her pussy.



This story is becoming super hot! I'm glad I joined up for this. :3