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“What a buthh kill!” Alex exclaimed as she turned toward the door.

Jesse rushed past Alex and tried to catch the door as it closed. When she opened it, Amanda was already halfway to the kitchen, “Wait. It’s okay, Amanda.”

Amanda turned and stared at Jesse’s chest. Her shirt was lifted up exposing the lower half of her breasts. Jesse looked down and gasped as she pulled her shirt down, “It’s not what it looks like.”

Alex sauntered out of the room with her arms behind her back. “Actually it wath what it lookth like. But I owe Jethhe an apology. I’m thorry I did that to you, Jethhe.”

“What is going on?” Amanda demanded. “I went to sleep last night and the next thing I know I’m in the kitchen pantry. I look around and no one is here. Just to be sure I check the spare bedroom and I find my best friends making out. When did Jesse arrive? Where's Don? And what’s up with that lisp?”

Jesse grabbed Amanda’s arm and pulled her toward the couch. “This is a long story. You really don’t remember anything since you went to sleep?”

Alex crossed the room and sat at the dining table where her drink still was. She leaned forward to take a sip.

“Well, you won’t believe this but those wishes you made in that game last night. They all came true,” Jesse started.

“What do you mean they came true?”

“Alex over there is now the World’s Best Cock-Sucker.”


“And that lisp is caused by her magic tongue.”

Alex demonstrated her tongue's range once again. “I’m jutht not uthe to having tho much tongue in my mouth by mythelf.”

“So wait,” Amanda interrupted. “Why was I in the pantry?”

“It seems that you woke up this morning and decided to take a look at the sunrise or the view or something.”

“Oh, I sort of remember that. It reminded me of a store I once worked in.”

“And once you had that thought your body transformed into a mannequin.”

“I transformed into a mannequin?”

Alex nodded, “Tholid plathtic with removable armth, left leg, tortho and head.” When Jesse looked at her incredulously, she added. “I only know becauthe I drethhed her and there wath no way to do that without removing an arm and her head.”

“I transformed into a real mannequin?”

“Yes,” Jesse said.

“But I don’t remember it. Why don’t I remember it?”

“Actually, you are now a mannequanthrope according to your withh,” Alex said. “And there are plenty of werewolf thtorieth where the werewolf waketh up the nektht day and doeth not remember what happened the night before. Until you learn to control your tranthformationth, you might alwayth end up with thelective amnethia.”

Amanda sat back on the sofa. “How did I end up in the closet?”

“Oh, Don put you there when he realized you thought you were ‘on display’ --” Jesse indicated quotes with her fingers. “-- so he moved you to a location that we figured could not be mistaken for ‘on display’. We assumed you were aware of your being a mannequin though.”

“We haven’t obtherved her tranthformation,” Alex noted. “Thhe wath in the pantry for about half an hour. Could it take that long?”

“Who knows?” Jesse agreed.

“Have I missed any days?”

“No,” Jesse reassured her. “It’s around three o’clock now and Don, Steve and I have only been here since around eleven. In fact, we played the game again while you were upstairs.”

“Really? Who won?”

“Everyone. Just like in the game last night,” Jesse replied.

“What were the wishes?”

“Don wanted to help you so bad but he ended up getting -- what was the card? -- Artistic Wish? He had to pick a style of art to become good at. He should become an expert window dresser soon.”

“Oh, my,” Amanda said. “Just what a mannequin needs.”

“Steve will be in two places at once soon. Josh will not only control minds but read them too. Mine was the ability to become someone else.”

“You thhould thee all the cothtumeth thhe brought with her,” Alex interrupted. “And I altho took that withh ath my card wath called Duplicate Withh. I don’t know if I’ll do it juthtithe.”

“Oh, you’ll do fine,” Jesse quipped. A strange look crossed her face. “I feel funny.” Suddenly her torso shrank, her chest expanded, her hair grew out and lightened. Her face shifted into the spitting image of Alex. “My chetht! My mouth!”

“Holy ---”

“Your wish,” Amanda said. “I was wondering why you were dressed up like Alex.”

“I wanted thome tipth on blowjobth. Oh thith tongue ith annoying. I wath trying to get into character.” Jesse-as-Alex said.

“Wicked,” Alex exclaimed. “Let me go put thome of your clotheth on and become you. The guyth’ll never know.”

Jesse-as-Alex snickered, “I think I’m agreeing becauthe part of me ith you. But, I'm not doing anything funny with my brother. Okay.”

Alex raced into the bedroom, arms behind her back.

“What are her hands clasped behind her back?” Amanda asked.

“I’ve been meaning to athk.”

* * *

The guys walked quietly onto a favored trail to a certain local peak. After a while, Don asked, “Do you think it will work? Will Alex teach Jesse her secret craft?”

“What are you talking about?” Steve asked.

“I thought I heard Jesse ask Alex for some 'tips' on going down as we left.”

“I sure hope she does,” Steve laughed. He elbowed Josh, “Though if she doesn't you gotta promise to share Alex with us at least once.”

“Huh?” Josh said. “Sorry, I was thinking about Amanda's problem. I'm thinking she isn't aware in there. She should have come out of it sooner.”

“A man terrorizing the town each night as a wolf having amnesia about it next morning  is typical in werewolf stories,” Don said. “If she's aware, she's probably thinking like a mannequin.” He paused. “Now about this sharing idea. I think I should go first since I don't have a partner at the moment.”

“Are you two crazy?” Josh asked. “Alex will not let herself be traded about.”

“I don't know, Josh,” Steve said. “She was eyeing my pants throughout the game.”

Don nodded. “Mine, too. But unfortunately she seemed to prefer staring at Steve's package.”

“By the way, why is she holding her hands behind her back?” Steve asked.

Don laughed, “Hey, he noticed too.”

Josh said, “I think Jesse noticed as well. I hope she doesn't just ask her while we're gone.”

Steve looked at Josh waiting.

“Oh, she was asking me why I hadn't whammied her with the mind control. So I did two things. I did the hands and the tongue hanging out. When you guys arrived I fessed up to the tongue so she would really be surprised when she found out about the hands.”

“Work at that being evil a bit more and you may have something,” Steve said.

“Jesse did say she'd buy me the cat,” Josh enthused.

“Are you going to shave your head too?”

“No, Alex likes my hair.”

Hopefully she keeps you human.Steve thought.

“I'm hoping she keeps me hard,” Josh said.

“What?” Don asked.

Shit, Steve thought. He said, “Did you just read my mind?”

“I don't know. What were you thinking?”

Don thought, He must off heard something Steve thought.

“Did I?” Josh asked. “What was it?”

“Now you did it to me,” Don said. “I was just thinking you must have heard something Steve thought and you just responded to it.”

“You didn't say that out loud?” Josh asked.

“No, he didn't,” Steve said. “And I didn't say anything about hoping.”

“But you hoped Alex would keep me human?” Josh asked.

Don winced.

Steve said, “Yeah. And this is why. You are scary, Dude.”

Don thought, Maybe we should head back. He started to say, “Maybe we--”

Josh interrupted, “Yeah, let's head back.” He shook his head. “Sorry, I heard you think it first.” The started walking back to the cabin.

Steve said, “It's been what an hour. I guess it just takes an hour to get you wish.”

Don added, “Oh no, that bush is out of place.”

“Serioiusly?” Steve asked.

“No,” Don laughed. “But, I have to admit the colors of stuff are starting to look different.”

“Seriously?” Josh asked.

“Yes, they are. It's a little frightening. I don't think I ever really understood the word 'vibrant' until now.”

After walking a good distance back Josh started laughing out of nowhere.

“What?” Don asked.

“Him.” Josh said pointing at Steve. “He's doing multiplication tables in his head.”

“Try staying out of my head and you won't notice.” Steve said heatedly.

“I wasn't in your head. You're shouting those tables in your head. I tried to keep them out but you insisted on making me hear them.”

“Well maybe you 're the one who put them into my head in the first--” Steve winced. His body convulsed.

“You okay?” Don asked.

“I--” Steve convulsed again. “No.” And with that he let out a scream that doubled in volume as he shook himself in two. Just as suddenly he was sitting on the ground facing himself. “Whoa,” they said together.

“Damn, that was frightening. I hope that isn't what it takes to split each time.” Don said.

Josh was holding his head, “Ow, I felt that twice. How are you two?”

“I'm good,” said Steve-1.

“Never better,” said Steve-2.

“I'm twice as healthy as before,” bantered Steve-1.

“Where did the duplicate's clothes come from?” Josh wondered aloud.

“I want to know which is the dupe and which is original.”

“I don't know,” both Steves said.

“If you don't mind,” Josh regarded each of them. “It's strange. Their memories are identical, up until the scream. But they aren't thinking the same thing in sync.”

Don and the Steves looked confused so Josh continued, “Both of them are thirsty. But I'm not hearing 'I am thirsty' out of both of them simultaneously. It's just a stray thought that comes to their attention seemingly at random times. They are separate and individual. But, the differences are slight because they just separated.” He offered one Steve his hand as Don did the same for the other. The Steves stood up.

Don asked, “If you didn't put the multiplication tables in his head, maybe it was his minds way of breaking in half.”

“Perhaps,” Steve-2 said. “I had been wondering how I could split myself before the multiplication tables came to mind.”

“But the reciting multiplication tables was not my idea,” Steve-1 added. “At least I don't think it was. Maybe that's just how I affect the split.”

They were approaching in the cabin discussing whether division problems or subtraction tables were appropriate for joining him back together when Steve-1 said. “Wait. Instead of all four of us walking in, what if one of me snuck in the kitchen door or something. Then other me would go into our bedroom and the first me would walk out of the kitchen. See if the girls notice.”

“That mostly made sense,” Josh said.

“You had the benefit of hearing him work it through in his head first,” Don joked.

“If I had heard any of that in his head I'm sure I'd have a--” Josh paused. “Heh, heh. I'd have a headache. Oh that's rich.”

“What?” Steve-2 asked.

“I just heard Alex shout  'Wicked!' and I don't think you did. After that she thought something about being Jesse and vice versa. I think their powers to change their appearance have manifested.”

“Ni-i-ice.” Steve-1 said as Steve-2 said, “Awesome.”

“I didn't catch the whole plan. But if they did switch shapes we'll know immediately based on which one has her hands stuck behind her back.”

Don laughed. “Oh, you can offer Steve, well, you can offer one of them, Alex for a short time and you'll actually be sending him Jesse.”

“Exactly,” Josh said. “I'll put some control behind it as well so they think they have to play along for some reason. This is fabulous.”

Steve-2 laughed and as Josh looked at him he suddenly blanched, “You forgot.”

“I forgot.”

“Forgot what?” Don asked.

“Jesse is his sister.” Steve-1 chimed in. “And she'll look like Alex.”

“Maybe this isn't so hot.”

* * *

Alex closed the door to the bedroom with her foot. She looked at the clothes still on the bed. The command Josh had given her was working its magic to make sure she did not think about picking up the clothes or try them on so in her mind she figured being able to change her shape into someone else's included changing her clothes as well. Once this clicked in her mind she looked at the clothes differently. They were now suggestions on what to wear.

She finally decided on a beaded shirt with a ruffled hem, a black pencil skirt, and a pair of sandals. She thought about them over and over and nothing was happening.

“Hey, we're back,” she heard Steve's voice boom out from the other room. “Is Jesse in the bedroom?”

“Oh, no,” she thought transforming herself and suddenly felt light headed as the room’s ceiling suddenly became closer.

The door opened and Steve stood there looking at her. “Hey, Jesse, did you miss me?” He closed the door behind him and unbuckled his belt.

“Oh, definitely,” Alex-as-Jesse replied. She was surprised how much her voice sounded like Jesse's. As Steve undid his pants she could see areas of his thighs that needed to be touched.

“I have a surprise for you.” she said stepping up to him. “If he’s lonely?”

“Oh, um,” Steve had not expected Alex-as-Jesse to proposition him. As she knelt down in front of him she licked his thigh. His resistance, low as it was, was no match for the unexpected lick. “Oh, yes,” he said as he pulled his boxers to his knees.

Alex-as-Jesse hesitated. She was flooded with knowledge of how to pleasure the cock in front of her. But she realized her tongue was not as dextrous as she had gotten use to. She started by tonguing his balls in places he had never been licked. Then she used her lips to wet down his cock from stem to tip. At the tip she gently put her mouth around it. She was surprised by her throat trying to betray her. She shoved her head forward to show her throat who was boss and the shock seemed to work. The gag impulse subsided and she settled into the blowjob. She could sense missed opportunities that had she had her own tongue would have been more pleasurable but she still totally controlled his rise to orgasm. He was silent throughout the blowjob and she wondered if that was normal. She was glad he was being quiet because she could hear talk in the other room. Rather than draw it out, she took him to conclusion as soon as was convenient, swallowing every drop inside him.

* * *

Steve disappeared into the bedroom as soon as the men returned.

As Don entered, he immediately shouted, “Amanda.” She stood up as he ran into her arms. “I was so worried. How are you?”

“Shocked,” Amanda replied. “I don't remember a thing from being a mannequin.

Josh closed the door and saw Alex on the sofa. “Hey, Alex,” he said. “I see we missed the restoration.”

“We mithhed it too,” Jesse-as-Alex replied. “Thhe jutht walked in while Jethhe and I were talking.

Talking? Amanda thought loud enough for Josh to hear.

Josh had to remember to look into that. He walked over to Jesse-as-Alex and took her hand. “Did you miss me, Alex?”

“Not a lot,” Jesse-as-Alex laughed.

“I need a drink,” Josh called out.

Steve walked out of the kitchen carrying a few beers. “I got some drinks right here.” He tossed a bottle to Josh.

Amanda looked at Steve, “Wait.”

“You want one, Amanda?” Steve handed her his and went back into the kitchen.

“I thought he went in there,” Amanda said.

“He did?” Don asked.

Josh was suddenly hit by a wave of pleasure coming from the room. He whispered, “Follow me,” to Jesse-as-Alex. “You want to go upstairs?” he asked aloud. “Let's go.” And they walked upstairs.

When he closed the door, she said, “Jothh, I have to tell you--”

“I know who you are, Sis,” Josh laughed. “I just can't decide if I should be mad or not. You need to decide too. Alex gave Steve a blowjob looking like you.” When she did not react he asked, “What were you doing when Amanda came out of the closet?”

“Oh, god, Alekth ith like a thekth goddethh. You can't rethitht her. Thhe wath trying to thhow me how to give a blowjob and ath thoon ath thhe opened her mouth I wath methmerithed. I felt the need to kithh her and then thhe told me to kithh her and I crumbled againtht her. We were kithhing when Amanda walked in on uth.”

“She was always a bit loose but not like this. It has to have something to do with her new world top ranking.” He looked at Jesse. “So, can you change back? Or didn't you try?”

“I probably need to change clotheth to do it,” Jesse-as-Alex replied.

“You never would play make believe without costumes.”

There was a knock at the door.

“Come in, Steve,” Josh called.

“Oh, god,” Steve entered and was not expecting to see Alex. “Um.”

“Please tell me and Alex, here, what you were just doing?”

“I-- I-- I was just with Jesse and-- Oh, Fuck, you know what happened.” Steve exclaimed.

“Yes,” Josh replied. “And you know who is standing here.”

“Jesse,” Steve said to Jesse-as-Alex. “I'm so sorry. She just took hold of me and I wanted to leave the room but I just couldn't.”

Josh laughed, “And I'm the mind control monster. She seduced you both, huh?” He looked at Jesse-as-Alex and said, “Blow him so he can compare.” He looked at Steve. “Tell her how Alex did it if she goes astray.”

Steve looked at Jesse-as-Alex. “First she licked my thigh, here.”

Josh left the room. The living room was empty. He thought about Don and had an impression of him having sex with Amanda. At least something normal is going on. Then he thought about Alex and shook his head. He descended the stairs and opened the door to Steve and Jesse's bedroom. He found the other Steve getting blown by Alex-as-Jesse. “What are you doing, Alex?”

She twisted her head side to side and with a shudder, Steve obviously came. Loudly, she milked him down. Steve looked dazed as she stood up and faced Josh. “What does it look like I'm doing, Bro?”

“Change back into Alex!” Josh demanded.

Instantly, Alex was standing in place of Jesse. Even her clothing changed.

“Go find your girlfriend in my bedroom,” Josh told Steve. “Take her from behind if she hasn't finished the other you.”

Steve hurried out, half naked.

“Party pooper,” Alex said.

“You have been naughty,” Josh told Alex. “Don't even think it.” He told her preemptively before she could lick her lips and seduce him. “Don't suck any cock without asking me for permission first and know full well that I control the World's Best Fellatix's mouth.”

“I wath jutht rethearching. Jethhe wanted to know how to give a blowjob without gagging.”

“Researching?” Josh asked. “What did you learn?”

“When her gag reflekth thtartth, thhe needth to puthh down quickly to get hith cock patht her throat. If thhe manageth to get patht that, thhe thhould be able to finithh.”

“Wonderful,” Josh said. “Now, why the second blowjob?”

“I wanted to know how identical they were.” She shrugged coquettishly.

“Are they?”


“I need to punish you,” Josh intoned menacingly. “Jesse called you a sex goddess.”

She smiled at being called a sex goddess. She licked her lips lustfully, “Let'th fuck.”

“Wow, that is powerful.” Josh admitted. “But not very punishing.”

“You can thpank me later,” She stepped closer to him.

“You would be so much more seductive if you could move your arms.”

She hesitated, “Fuck. You fuck.” She complained. She struggled to separate her hands.

“I've found my punishment.”

“How long have my handth-- ?” She thought about it. “All day?”


“How have I managed to go a whole day and a couple blowjobth with no armth?”

“Part of the command was to find ways to get by without them,” Josh explained. He watched her struggle for few moments until he heard something in his mind. “Don't move. I'll be right back.” He left her immobilized.

He went upstairs and knocked on Don and Amanda's door. Something was not right. Don opened the door a little. “It just happened.”

Josh entered. He saw Amanda as a nude mannequin standing near the window. He listened for any thoughts but shook his head. “Her mind is there but it's like it's switched off. Blank. How did she end up in front of the window?”

“We just had sex and as I was laying here half asleep she got up and said she just had to look out the window. A few seconds later she just changed,” Don said.

Josh said, “I think she needs to change herself without the window if she's ever going to gain any self-control.”

“Yeah,” Don agreed. “I'll dress her up and put her in the pantry again.”

Josh turned and walked out, closing the door behind him. He stepped over to the other bedroom door and listened. There was no sound. Steve, Jesse and the extra Steve's thoughts were all a jumble of passion and pleasure. “Go, Sis,” he whispered as he went back downstairs. He re-entered the bedroom and found Amanda frozen and naked where he'd left Alex.

“What?” he laughed. “What are you doing? You can move.”

“I'm just sick of lisping,” Alex-as-Amanda said. “Whoa, how does she walk around in these long legs?”

“A lifetime of experience, I'm sure.” Josh said. He stepped up to her and planted his lips on her.

She kissed him back with aggression.

“Whoa, slower.” He said, backing up. “I just wanted to know what it was like to kiss a woman my height.”


“It was nice.”

“Please release my hands,” She begged. “I'll be good. And you can fuck anyone we can think of.”

“That's being good?” he asked.

She pouted.

“Fine, release your grasp.”

“My poor fingers,” she said rubbing her hands against herself. She turned the hand rubbing into breast fondled. “These are nice. Not as big as mine, but very firm. Want to check them out?”

“I don’t know how I’ll be able to look at Amanda after this,” Josh said. “But I’ll deal with that problem later.” They moved over to the bed and coupled naturally. “She is tight.” Josh commented.

“Slow down,” Alex-as-Amanda begged. “She doesn’t self-lubricate as fast as I do. She must dry out from standing around made of plastic.”

“You are cruel.”

“I’m dry as a bone down there,” Alex-as-Amanda complained. “More foreplay, please.”

“More foreplay?” Josh laughed. “You’re usually the slam, bang, thank you ma’am type. We’ll have to borrow this body more often.”

“Or I need to figure out how to keep my pussy while changing out the rest of the body.”

“Shut up and fuck,” Josh said.

“Oo, dirty talk,” Alex moaned. “More please.”

“Dirty talk works?” Josh asked. “So if I say you’re a filthy slut for giving me your body, that makes you wet?”

“Oh yes,” Alex-as-Amanda moaned. “Harder.” As he complied she let out a series of loud whoops and moans.

Suddenly the door flung open, Don looked at his friend seemingly screwing his girlfriend and exclaimed, “What kind of sick fuck are you? Is that your sister looking like Amanda? Pathetic. You ought--”

“Stop,” Josh commanded. “Close the door, don’t hear any more noises from this room, and forget you ever saw us doing this or that you even thought about opening this door.” As the door closed, they both laughed. “Try to keep it down.”

“I can’t,” she replied. “The moans just slip out before I’m aware of them.”

Josh found it hard to keep up the steady stream of dirty talk and decided to just rush to a conclusion. Alex found it unsettling to keep becoming a little dry during sex. But when her body was driven beyond the brink she found her orgasm to be far more intense than her usual orgasms. Josh was shocked by the amount of mental noise caused by her orgasm. They were laying quietly afterward. Alex had returned to her normal form.

Suddenly Josh heard more mental noise coming from Steve. Then he realized it was coming from several Steves. “Stay here, please,” he told Alex and he got up.

The living room was empty. He knocked on the upstairs door to his own room but there was no response. He was receiving thoughts of sexual pleasure in waves from the room. He opened the door and was shocked by what he saw. Two Steves were standing at the end of the bed and were intertwined in a manner that let them both penetrate Jesse lying down on the bed. Two more Steves were on either side of Jesse sucking her breasts. She had her hands on each of these Steve’s cocks and was weakly giving them handjobs. Another Steve was on the other side of the bed getting a blowjob from Jesse. There was cum everywhere. None of them even looked up as the door opened. Nor heard it close afterward.

Josh was going to head to the kitchen when he saw the door to Don and Amanda’s room was open. From the hallway he could see Don had decorated the window with various objects from the living room. He stepped in to say something when he found Don rubbing his dick against the face of Amanda’s dismembered head. He stepped out of the room as fast as he could and descended to the living room.

Alex was standing next to the dining room table. She picked up her drink and twisted it from side to side. “Fucking straw,” she muttered.

Josh walked up behind her and held her. “We’re keeping the downstairs room.”


“Because it will take a while for Jesse and Steve to sanitize our room after their gang bang.”

“How do two people-- How many Thteveth are there?”

He held up five fingers. “If Mom ever asks me anything about Jesse I’ll probably burst into flame.”

“What are all the Thteveth doing?”

“She got all of 5 Steves occupied. One dick per hand and one dick per-- ”

“You’re joking.” Alex said flabbergasted.

“I can’t believe she agreed to be gang banged. He must have just kept adding himself until she was surrounded.”

“Either that or he had her drethh up in a ’ho outfit firtht.”

“I thought she was dressed like you.”

“Ha, ha,” she replied. “What’th Don and Amanda up to?”

“She transformed earlier and he’s up there caressing her disembodied head on his dick.”

“Now I know you are kidding.”

He shook his head. “I couldn’t make something like that up.”

After an awkward pause, Alex asked, “Tho why did we thtop fooling around?”

* * *

Just before the Steve at Jesse’s mouth came he pulled out a splattered her face and chest with cum. “Who’s next?” he asked.

“No more.” Jesse croaked. “My mouth’s raw.” She lay her head down and wiped the cum off her face onto the blanket.

The Steves at her sides had the decency to stop sucking on her tits before she let go of their cocks. The two Steves behind her extricated themselves from her orifices with a pair of soft slurping sounds. Each of them rushed into the bathroom and jacked off to finish themselves off. All the Steves went into the bathroom to clean each other off. Then two of them held hands and concentrated. With a soft pop, one of them disappeared and the other one felt a snap of pain throughout his body. It was not too painful. As he thought about the pain he noticed his memories had some overlapping parts. This double had first appeared during sex with Jesse and now his memory of being part of a gangbang of one involved memories from two different angles. Shaking his head, he paired up with another Steve and they joined but this time it hurt more. He suggested that the other two Steves should merge before the final merge. The penultimate Steve agreed that spreading out the pain was better than the pain increasing with each join. The final rejoining was severely painful, but not unbearably so.

The memory of fucking Jesse five different ways felt really weird as he could remember being at each position around her simultaneously.

His reverie was interrupted as Jesse lumbered, bowlegged into the room. She was naked and had cum streaked all over her and dripping from her crotch. “Get out,” was all she said and he quickly complied.

Steve went down the stairs and saw Josh and Alex sitting at the dining room table. “Hi, guys.” He said nonchalantly and walked over to them.

“Are you all of you or did you leave some of you behind?” Josh asked.

“I’m all of me. Jesse is getting cleaned up,” Steve said. “Oh man, rejoining was really weird. Each rejoining hurt more than the last. And my memory of the last bit of time is like multiple memories overlayed on each other.”

“Thhould I thee if thhe needth help?” Alex asked.

“You know what we were doing, don’t you?” Steve asked.

She nodded.

“Yeah, go see to her,” Steve answered. “It wasn’t our plan to do that. But things got out of hand when the third me just jumped out and joined the fun.”

Alex was walking away as Josh said, “What fun?”

“What you told me to do?” Steve said. “You instructed one of me to take her from behind if she was still going down on me. So he did. And then he had another me join him so he could take her from behind both ways. And then once while she came up for air she joked that her hands were lonely playing with her own breasts. So another two appeared and got hand jobs. Each copy of me thought about attempting to 69 myself. That’s something I have to look forward to I’m sure.”

Josh laughed, “Enjoy that too much and you won’t get out much.”

Alex came down the stairs, “Thhe’th okay, but all her toiletrieth are in her old room.” She disappeared into the downstairs bedroom.

“Old room?” Steve asked.

“There is no way we’re thleeping on that bed after everything the thix of you probably got all over it.”

“Oh, yeah,” Steve laughed. “I’ll take care of that.” He concentrated and suddenly there were two of him. One stayed in the chair and the other walked up the stairs without comment.

“How did you know he would go upstairs?”

“I’m not really sure,” Steve answered. “We just knew which of us was which.”

Alex carried a bag upstairs and almost bumped into Steve carrying an armful of blankets out the bedroom.

Don appeared at the top of the stairs. “Why is everyone running up and down the stairs?” He saw Steve and Josh talking in the dining area and walked down the stairs to join them.

In the bathroom, Alex muttered, “I wonder if Don bothered to put Amanda back together before complaining about the noithe.”

Jesse looked confused, “Back together?”

“Jothh thaw him playing with her theparated head on his cock.”

Jesse whispered, “If you can, you should sneak into his room and check.”

Alex nodded and went to the bedroom door. She looked out and saw the men in the dining area. Don’s back was to her. She slowly opened the door and quickly rushed into the next bedroom.

Amanda’s body was fully assembled and standing in the window. She was wearing a yellow sundress, nude hose and slip-ons. Several of the small side tables from downstairs were arrayed nearby giving the room an interesting look. She wondered what it would look like from outside.

The door opened and closed as Jesse slipped in. “Oh god, he decorated the window with her again.”

“We don't know that he did anything to her.” Alex pointed out.

“I wonder what he'd do if Amanda walked downstairs right now,” Jesse wondered.

“I don't think that'th a good idea.”

“Don just annoys me sometimes.” Jesse said. She opened the closet and pulled out one of Amanda's dresses. She pulled off her top and handed it to Alex. She put the dress over her and said, “Zip me up?”

Alex said, “I'm not happy with thith.” But she still zipped the dress up.

Jesse reached under the dress and dropped her shorts and stepped out of them. She turned and Alex handed her some sandals. Then Alex picked up the shorts.

Jesse concentrated and nothing happened. “I'm not feeling it.” She stepped over to the window and posed like Amanda.

“No,” Alex said. “Your fingerth are too cramped. Relax them. Altho you thhouldn't be looking--”

There was a pop and Jesse's body was suddenly a couple inches taller and her chest filled out a little. The edges on her face sharpened while her skin became even in tone and somewhat shiny. In the blink of an eye, she was a mannequin.

“Holy thhit,” Alex said. She rushed over to Jesse-as-Amandaquin and waved her hands uselessly in front of Jesse's face. I knew thith wath a bad idea, she thought. “Jethhee!” she shouted. “Change back, now!” She rushed for the door calling out, “Guyth!” She opened the door and saw the great room was empty.


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