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The stopwatch beeped at 6 am, waking Don. The bedroom was brightly lit with an orange hue by the light of the sunrise. He looked at the closet and the box with Amandadoll in it was still on the shelf. He got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned he took the box off the shelf and opened it. He took Amanda out and smoothed her out on the bed. “It’s 6 am, Amanda.” He felt silly saying it aloud.

After thinking a moment he said, “I need whatever it will take to get Amanda to turn back to normal.” An air pump appeared on the bed next to Amanda. “Ah, you want the full treatment,” he said to her.”

He attached the pump to the air nozzle that should be a belly button. He turned it on and watched her quickly inflate. Once she was full, he disconnected the air pump and closed her air nozzle. He put the air pump in the closet and waited. He really wanted to do her and since she showed no sign of changing back, he guessed that was part of the requirement. He put his rising dick in the exaggerated pussy hole and awkwardly tried to fuck the blow up doll.

After a moment she returned to flesh, her mouth rose up and kissed him as he changed his motion to better pleasure her. Her pussy was much wetter than it usually was and that made it easier for him to thrust into her faster and longer. Within a few moments they both came. “I watched you sleep,” she said as they lay still entwined.

“I was a bit lonely.”

“You took up the whole twin bed by yourself,” Amanda said. “That's why I decided to spend the night elsewhere.” She rolled over to get up and pointed. “Look, the pump and the box are still over there.”

“I guess whatever I decide I want or need stays around.”

“Do you want me?”

“You're not going anywhere .”

* * *

Alex awoke before Josh. She could tell her tongue had returned to its swollen size in the night. She was looking at Josh’s semi-erection when she heard a chirping. Looking out the window she saw the nest in the tree and the mother bird was feeding her young. She tried to ignore the fate of the worms as she concentrated on watching the mother bird fly around the nest.

She raised her arms and suddenly the room is swelling up in size around her. Everything looks weird and disjoint. There is no depth but she can see almost all around her. She flaps her wings and climbs upward toward a cliff. Above the cliff is more ground with a predator on it so she turns and flies toward another cliff. She is in a cave and does not know how she got there. Where is her nest? She flies around the cave several times until the predator starts moving. It roars and she flies deeper into the cave where she finds a branch to perch on.

* * *

Jesse heard Steve waking up and kissed him. He kissed back. “Morning.”

“Did you just wake or is part of you roaming around?”

“I’m all me,” he replied.

“Let’s go start breakfast.”

They got dressed and went into the main room. Immediately the smell of bacon hit them. Amanda waved from the table. “Good morning,” she said.

Don entered from the kitchen. “We made enough for everyone.”

“Should we wake Alex and Josh?”

“They’ll wake up when they're ready.”

Jesse and Steve sat at the table just as they heard Josh call out Alex’s name. The door to their room opened and Josh stepped out. Looking at the other four sitting at the table, he asked, “Where’s Alex?”

“Isn’t she with you?”

“No, I just woke up alone,” he replied. “Did she go out early?”

“We’ve been up for only half an hour, Josh,” Don said. “Sit and eat. She’ll come around.”

Josh sat down and ate. “I slept like a log. I’m wondering if all the body changing is affecting your metabolisms.”

Steve said, “I am eating more than usual but not more often.”

“Me, too,” Jesse said.

“I’m actually eating less,” Amanda said.

“Other than craving expensive lattés, I’ve noticed no difference,” Don joked in a poorly-executed, vaguely British accent.

There was a fluttering noise and Jesse said, “Did you hear that?”

Steve said, “There’s a bird in the house. It just flew from the landing to the big plant in the corner.”

“A bird? We have help it out of here,” Amanda said.

Don raised his hand, “I need an inviting bird cage.” When the bullet-shaped wire cage appeared he got up and placed in on the coffee table in the living room. Backing away he said, “You should be able to influence the bird into the cage, Josh.”

“It’s really frightened,” Josh commented. He concentrated on making the bird think the cage was its home. The bird flew to the cage. “I’m projecting calming thoughts to it, you can close the cage.”

Don then stepped forward and closed the door to the cage. He picked it up and brought it to the table.

“That looks like one of the birds from the nest right outside our window,” Josh said.

Steve tossed some toast crumbs into the cage. The bird ate them up quickly. “Josh, can you read the bird’s mind?”

“Not really. It’s afraid of us but it doesn’t really think thoughts like you do. When you put the crumbs in the cage thoughts of hunger cross its mind and once it eats those thoughts evaporated.”

“So it really is a birdbrain.” Don joked.

“I suppose so,” Josh said.

“Are we going to let it go?” Amanda asked.

“We should take it outside.” They got up and Don carried the cage outside. He opened the door and stepped back.

The bird flew out, made a few circles and flew back into the cage.

“What happened?”

“It’s thinking the cage is its nest.”

“What do we do?”

Steve interrupted. “Don, why don’t you say you need a picture of Alex where ever she is right now.”

“What does that have to do with the bird?” Jesse asked.

“I think I understand,” Don answered. “I need a picture of Alex taken when I just said her name.” A photograph appeared in Don’s hand. As soon as he saw it he rushed forward and closed the cage door.

* * *

The cave wall moves and she sees daylight. She quickly flies out of the small cave into a much larger one. There are many predators so she changes direction. There is a tree so she flies to it. She waits for the predators to move off.

One seems to spot her. It is carrying something safe. It puts it down and moves off. The urge to get to safety fills her. She takes flight and flies into the safe place. The predator stalks her again but she is safe. The safe place opening closes. She is much safer. The predators cannot get in. The branch she is on moves and she takes flight until the branch stops moving.

Food! She checks the food and it is safe. She hungrily eats the food. She hops back up to the branch. The branch is moving again and she flies around. There is an opening and she flies out. She does not know where she is. She returns to the perch.

* * *

“What?” Several of them chimed in unison as Don turned the picture around. It showed the bird in the bird cage through the open door.

Josh laughed. “Let’s bring the birdbrain inside.”

“Why doesn’t she turn back?”

“She doesn’t know she’s human,” Josh replied.

As they walked back into the house, they spoke.

“But she was a gold band and a mannequin. They don’t know they're human,” Steve said.

“But when she turned into them her ability knew that and compensated. When she turned into the bird, she must not have kept her mind out of the change and she ended up with a birdbrain.”

Inside, he opened the cage door and reached in. He coerced her into hopping onto his finger. “You are human. You are Alex. Transform.” When nothing happened he tried again, and again. Finally he concentrated his entire mind on her mind and said “Transform!”

Alex appeared naked standing on his hand and dropped to the floor. “What happened?” she demanded.

Jesse grabbed a blanket from the sofa and tossed to Alex who wrapped herself in it.

Josh collapsed on the sofa holding his head.

“Are you all right?” Amanda asked.

Alex changed her form from naked to wearing a robe. “How did I end up in the living room?”

Josh sat up, his head pounding.

“Josh, you are bleeding from the eyes,” Steve said. He split up sending one of him into the kitchen for some wet paper towels.

“I’ll be okay,” Josh said. “What did you do when you woke up, Alex?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “I was in a cave and then there was a branch and a scary monster. Then a bigger cave and then I was home. Next thing Josh screams something unintelligible at me and I’m naked in the living room.”

Don handed her the photo, “This is what you looked like a few minutes ago.”

“A bird?”

“You did what you told me not to do,” Jesse said. “You became the bird. And birds have little brains.”

“And that must be why Josh is bleeding. He took him a lot of effort to get through the bird brain to get you to transform back,” Amanda said.

“Well, I did fly,” Alex laughed. “That'th not what I wath planning though. I remember now looking at the bird outthide to thee how wingth work. I wath trying to imitate the wing movement and overdid it. Do I thmell bacon?”

“Yes, we were eating breakfast a few minutes ago when you flew out of the bedroom,” Amanda said.

“Actually, I wasn't finished,” Josh said moving over to the table.

Don shouted pointing at where Alex was, “Holy...”

Alex spread her arms and shrunk down to bird size again. She flew up from the chair and almost nosedived to the floor. She made a few wide scary turns before settling into an easy pace. She turned toward the dining room and hovered over a chair. In mid air, she transformed back into herself wearing a robe. She reached out to put some bacon on her plate.

“Wicked!” Steve shouted.

“I'm not trying that,” Amanda said as she returned to the dining room.

“I'm not trying that right now,” Jesse said.

“Jesse?” Josh said.

“I'm sure I can do it,” Jesse explained. “But I want to see how Alex does it again.”

“After I eat.” Alex said piling on a plate of food.

“Hungry?” Josh asked.

“Famished,” Alex replied. “Too much time with a high metabolithm I think. Even just flying acrothh the room I felt hungry.”

“What was it like the second time?” Don asked.

“The thecond...” Alex cleared her throat, shrank her tongue, and more clearly restarted. “The second time, I was in total control of my mind but it took a few tries to get the flying down. I think spending time as a real” – she made finger quoting motions as she said 'real' – “bird made flight possible. The more I thought about it the harder it was to stabilize. I don't know if you'll be able to fly, Jesse.”

“So, what are we going to do this morning?” Steve asked.

Almost as one they looked toward the side table holding the game box.

Josh laughed first, “Maybe we weren't allowed to play the game because it's addictive.”

“Or we might have turned into birds and gotten stuck,” Jesse added.

There was an awkward pause broken by Don saying, “I want the game.” The box disappeared from the side table and appeared in his hands. “I didn't want to stand up,” he said flatly as he opened the box.

Several Steves suddenly appeared to clear the table in under a minute.

“We've gone mad,” Amanda said.

“But we're having fun,” Don said.

“We're having a lot sex,” Amanda said.

“That's fun, right?” Asked Alex.

“This is the first time it's all six of us,” Jesse noted.

“Alex, do you want to switch from the pumps to the birds?” Steve joked.

“Ha, ha,” she replied.

Don started. On Alex's turn she drew a Wish Card, “Similar Wish. Does someone else have a wish you would like with just a slight change. Make that change and make that your wish.” She looked around the table. “I think Don's ability to have anything 'at hand' is almost perfect. I'd like to be able to have anything I want or need not necessarily at hand but at anywhere I need the thing to be.”

“What's the difference?” Don asked.

“I could want a cool pair of shoes – on my feet. Then rather than having them in hand, I'd be wearing them already.”

“Nice,” Jesse said.

Amanda landed on practice. “I haven't made a wish yet.”

“Wasn't there something about doing a prior wish in the rules?” Josh asked.

“You're right,” Amanda said and instantly turned into a mannequin right at the table.

“That's too easy,” Jesse protested.

“I agree,” said Steve taking a card from his hand. He read the card aloud, “Redo. Player restarts the current action but may not make the same decision as he or she did the first time.”

“What?” Amanda asked returning to flesh.

“You can't just turn into a mannequin for your practice round.”

Pouting, Amanda thought for a moment, “Okay, when it's my turn again, open the lid.” With that she seemed to disappear.

“What happened?”

Don laughed. He reached to Amanda's seat and picked up a small wooden box with a hinged lid. “I'd say she switched wishes.” He put the box on the table in front of Amanda's chair.

“There's a winding mechanism,” Steve said, pointing toward the side of the box only he could see.

Don picked up the box and wound the mechanism once. “Nothing happened.”

“She's clever,” Jesse said. “She's a music box. But we can't hear the music until you open the lid and she asked not to be opened until it was her turn.”

Play passed Don and Steve uneventfully. On Jesse's turn she drew a Wish card. She read it aloud, “Inverted Wish. Choose someone else's wish and reverse, invert, or in some way make opposite some part of their wish. That is your wish.” Jesse sat back. “I don't know.”

“What's the inverse of a window decorator?” Steve needled.

“How about sending your thoughts into people instead of reading minds?” Josh asked. “You could be a voice in someone's head.”

“I'd say the opposite of mind control would be becoming an automaton obeying any command anyone gives you.” Alex asked.

“I don't think that's for me,” Jesse said.

“What's the opposite of being a mannequanthrope?” Josh asked.

“There is none,” Don said. “But you could invert it by causing mannequantrhopy in others.”

“That's it,” Jesse said. “But my original wish. My wish was to be able to change anything about myself. So the inversion is to be able to do the same thing to others.”

Steve let out a low whistle, “And I thought our sex was weird before...”

Jesse winked at him.

After Alex's turn, Josh drew a Wish card. He read it to himself first, “Forgotten Wish. Choose one of your previously fulfilled wishes. No one will know you had that wish fulfilled. That and the following are your wishes. Read the following aloud, 'Memory Wish. Is there something you can't remember that you wish you could? That is your wish. You do not need to practice for the rest of the game.'” He mentally picked the mind control wish as his forgotten wish.

“That's boring,” Alex said.

“I know what I want to remember,” Josh said. “The sound of my grandmother's voice. Mom's mother died when I was young and I recall she was always giving me advice but I have no idea what that advice was. So hopefully I can hear those words again and remember them.”

“Okay, that's cool and sweet,” Alex said. She gave Josh a kiss. “And boring.”

Jesse wiped a tear with a napkin, “I never knew Mom's mother. I was too young when she died.”

After a moment, Don said, “Time to open the music box, I think.”

“Go ahead,” Steve said.

A plastic four-inch tall ballerina standing en pointe in a pink tutu and white tights popped up from the velvet interior of the box. Her one leg was bent at the knee with her ankle against her straight leg. Her right arm was raised over her head and her left arm was out in front of her. Both arms were curved in the way a ballerina usually holds her arms. The plinking sounds of  a music box played as she slowly rotated.

“That is beautifully done,” Steve said.

“What's the song?” Don asked.

“Don't look at me,” Alex said. “I never took ballet lessons.”

“It's from the Nutcracker,” Josh said.

After two rotations, the music slowed and soon the ballerina stopped. A few seconds later Amanda appeared sitting on the table. “Oops,” she said hopping down. “Why was I on the table?”

“So everyone could see you,” Don replied.

She picked up the Outcomes ball. “Fabulous, +3.” She advanced her token on the fulfillment chart.

“Did you take ballet lessons?” Jesse asked.

“Of course,” Amanda said. “And The Nutcracker was correct. It was Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies.”

After her turn and Don's turn, Steve picked up a Wish card. “Knowledge Wish. What do you want to know? Become an expert of something or always know what the weather will be. Knowledge is power.” Steve put the card down and immediately said, “I'm always putting my foot in my mouth. Always knowing the right thing to say would be great.”

“That's the really subtle version of my wishes,” Josh said.

“As long as I don't have to buy him a Persian cat,” Jesse added.

“Hey, you'll be able to turn people into music boxes and you think I'm scary?” Josh pointed out.

Jesse shrugged. Her turn followed and she landed on a Practice space. She jumped up and ran to the bedroom.

“Oh, no,” Steve said. “She's getting one of her costumes. Most likely to inflict on me.”

“How's she going to turn you into a music box?” Alex joked.

“I don't have the equipment for that,” Jesse said exiting the bedroom. She walked up behind Steve and put the platinum wig on his head. Then she stuff some padding into his shirt. “Ms. Sundance has returned.”

“Juhst wahndahrful,” Steve replied with his best Southern accent.

“Ms Sundance?” Amanda asked quietly.

“I'll explain later,” Don whispered.

Alex and Josh's turns were uneventful. On Amanda's turn she drew a Wish card. She read it aloud, “Arresting Wish. Is there anything you have trouble stopping and starting? Choose that thing and you can stop and start it. That is your wish.” She put the card down. “Does mean like starting a car?”

“Being able to stop panicking could be useful?” Josh offered.

“I have no idea what to do with that wish,” Amanda said.

“Would you prefer a different one?” Don asked.

“Yes,” she replied.

Don took a card from his hand and read it, “Steal Wish. If another player has drawn a Wish card and is unable to decide on his or her wish, you may steal the wish card and play it yourself. Play the wish card immediately then skip your next turn. Other player finishes his or her turn normally. You may not do this if you already have chosen a wish this game.”

“Oh, thanks, Don,” Amanda said handing him the Wish card.

“I wish to be able to stop and start time itself either for all others allowing me to move about while time stands still or on specific individuals leaving them stuck as if between ticks of a clock until I restart them. That is my wish,” Don finished.

“So you can make your own mannequins and your victims are totally unaware of the passage of time?” Josh asked.

“I suppose so,” Don said.

“Or you can seemingly teleport by stopping time, moving somewhere else and restarting time?” Jesse said.

“That would be part of the idea,” Don replied.

“You're welcome,” Amanda said.

“I thank you deeply,” Don added, taking her hand and kissing it gentlemanly.

After finishing Amanda's turn, skipping Don's turn, Steve's turn followed. He took off the wig and padding. His token landed on a Practice space. “A whole turn without putting my foot in my mouth, I can handle it.”

Jesse, Alex and Josh's turns were uneventful. Amanda drew another Wish card. “Finally,” she said, reading it aloud, “Ridiculed Wish. During the game players are encouraged to give other players suggestions choosing their wishes. Sometime these suggestions are meant in jest, irony or are otherwise impractical. Unless you can use one of them. You may select such a wish as your wish or draw a new card.”

“She could be patient zero for a mannequanthropy outbreak,” Don said.

“Or turn herself into an automaton,” Alex said.

“No, no,” Amanda decided. “Thought projection is the right one. Being able to communicate while inanimate solves lots of logistical problems.”

“And just imagine messing with people from the storefront window,” Josh joked then added frantically, “I swear that mannequin is talking to me.”

A few turns later the game ended predictably with everyone winning. As the last Ride the Wave card flipped over Don shouted, “Freeze!”


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