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If you haven't read any of the Ted's Dolls stories before, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane.

“So do you want to wear the yellow ballgown or the little black dress?” Ted said, holding up two clothing accessories for a very popular doll with pink packaging.

“I'm going to be a little doll?” Jane said.

“If you're life sized, we need to buy a ticket. Besides, you won't be alone.” He pulled out a doll box from his bag and turned it to face Jane. A toy-sized doll wearing a pink one-piece swimsuit, sunglasses, and chunky sandals was mounted to a piece of cardboard inside a plastic shell. The face was unmistakably Paris' face.

“Paris is coming to your house?”

“Yes, but unlike you, she'll be a doll most of the time.” Ted continued, “She said she wanted time to think over the weekend without distractions and without sex. I figure being a doll for my little sister will do her good.”

“Are you planning to mount me like that?”

“Only if you want it. It gives sis the impression they dolls are store bought.”

“Won't she be sad she doesn't get to keep the dolls.”

“She's use to the dolls being loaners. She just likes that I go through the effort of packaging them. She gets to keep the clothes you don't wear on the return trip.”

“Well, I won't be a doll on the return trip.”

“That's the idea. Now, gown or LBD?”

* * *

Ted sat on the train, reading some homework on his phone. At a stop, a woman in her early thirties came on board obviously upset. She sat across the aisle from Ted's seat and silently sobbed. He reached into his bag and pulled out a tissue and offered it to the woman. She accepted it with a nod.

He tried to continue his reading but he kept looking up to see if she was all right. He looked over and dug out another tissue.

“You don't have to...” she said.

“It's nothing. Anything else I can do?”

Her phone indicated a text had arrived. And it played a ring tone. And another text arrived. She turned her phone off.

“My boyfriend -- or my ex-boyfriend now -- broke up with me on the platform just a while ago. I had just gotten off the train. I wasn't thinking straight so I got back on the train, which is now taking me further from my home.”

“That's rough. You're welcome to come with me to my parent's house if you have no plans for tomorrow.”

“Oh, I couldn't impose.”

“I could call them and ask. It is another six stops, though.”

“Oh, I can't go that far. I don't even have a ticket to the next stop.”

“I can fix that too and help you mellow out. I promise you the conductor won't bother you at all. If you trust me.”

“I really shouldn't.”

“Perfectly acceptable. Do you need money to get back home?”

“No, no. How would you mellow me out?”

“Nothing dangerous. I won't even have to touch. If you just relax, I'll show you.”

“Okay,” she said hesitantly.


She dabbed her eyes again and nodded. “Okay.”

“3... 2... 1...”

* * *

“This is highly irregular, sir,” the conductor said.

“I know. I could put it in the overhead bin if you like. But there's plenty of space on the train. It's not like I'm denying someone a seat with it sitting there,” Ted said of the life-sized mannequin-looking doll in the seat across the aisle from him.

“Okay. Your stop is not the next one, but the one after that.”

“I know. Thanks.”

“Happy Thanksgiving.”

“You, too.”

When the conductor left the car, Ted leaned over to the doll, “I'll change you back shortly.”

As the train pulled out of the station, Ted was gathering his things. When the woman was human again, she said, “I don't know what you did but I am feeling much better. I couldn't move but that didn't bother me and I was able to think more clearly than I can ever remember.”

“I was hoping you would say that,” he said. “I called ahead. They will be happy to welcome you.”

“You are most kind. Unlike my ex. I realize now how controlling he was. I think he thought I would beg him not to dump me. Asshole. Can't believe I was crying over him.”

“That's the spirit. By the way, I'm Ted.”

“Oh, my god, I'm Zoey.” They shook hands.

“A pleasure to meet you.”

“Can you do that thing to me again sometime?”

“Yes, I thought you might ask.”

* * *

“Teddy!” Libby rushed across the room and gave her older brother a big hug.

“Are you taller?” he said, touching the top of her head and comparing it to a spot on his torso an inch or so lower. “You never got up to here before.”

“Am I taller?”

“I think so.”

“Theodore,” his mother said.

Ted hugged his mother. “I've brought home a few strays.”

“Mom, I'm taller.”

“Yes, you are dear.”

“Hi, I'm Zoey.”

“Hello, Miss.”

“Hello, Libby was it? How old are you?”

“I'm seven.”

“I bet you are very good in school.”

“I guess so.”

“You didn't mention a Zoey, Theodore.”

“She's the woman from the train. I didn't know her name when I called.”

“Oh, the woman from the big break up. I'm Patricia. We'll help you forget him, whoever he was.”

As the two women spoke, Ted pulled a couple of packages from his bags. “Now, Libby, remember you can't keep the dolls, but the clothes are for your own dolls after I leave Sunday.”

“Oo, two dolls? What are their names?”

“Squeeze the doll's right hand.”

She put one doll down and squeeze the hand of the doll wearing a black dress. The doll said, without moving its lips, “Hi, my name is Jane.” She squeezed again. “I am a fashion model.”

“Does the other one do it too?”


“Hi, my name is Paris,” said the doll in the one-piece swimsuit.

“You can play with them until dinner tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Teddy,” Libby said with another hug. She took her new toys and ran off to her room. One of the dolls could be heard saying, “I love wearing fancy dresses and high heels.”

“Where's Cat?”

“Upstairs. She's expecting you.”

Ted went upstairs to his other sister's room. In the room, standing in front of a mirror was a  mannequin wearing a bikini swimsuit. It was in the process of turning back into a woman, his sister Catherine. Ted waited a moment, standing behind her so she would see him in the mirror.

Suddenly, Cat turned around and hugged Ted. “Did you see?” She said.

“I saw. Well done.” He hugged her back.

“After your visit last month, I was able to turn back to normal within two days of you turning me into a mannequin. Now, I can do it myself rather easily.”

“Are you going swimming?”

“Oh, this? No, I just like watching myself change but I don't want to be naked in case someone comes in the room.”

“You can see yourself changing?”

“Is that bad?”

“No, it's just when I change someone else, they aren't aware of the change. Time for them jumps a few minutes.”

“What about when you change yourself?”

“I don't do that much.”

“Why not? It's fun.”

“I enjoy being the changer not the changee.”

“Suit yourself,” she said. “I'm going to get dressed. Go talk to Mom. I'll be down in a few.”

“Okay. If you want to check some changes I've done, Libby is playing with them now.”

“Little dolls?”

He nodded. She squealed. He left.

Zoey and Ted's mother were sitting at the kitchen table talking over cups of coffee. Ted entered. “Cat's abilities are improving.”

“We noticed. She spends a bit too much time playing mannequin.”

“Libby keeps asking her to let her play dress up. But Cat hasn't figured out how to shrink.”

“She'll get there eventually. I told her to check out the dolls I loaned to Libby just now. That might help.”

“It might.”

“She was surprised when I told her I don't spend much time like that.”

“Why is that?” Zoey asked.

“Just not my thing,” Ted said. “I get fidgety not doing anything.”

“That's ironic.”

“It is, isn't it?”

Hours passed and sitting at the kitchen table became cooking in the kitchen. Ted helped with prep and Zoey insisted on helping.

Cat entered the room. “I did it.”

Ted said, “I thought you'd be down in a few minutes.”

“Did what?” Her mother said.

“You sent me to see Libby so I would learn how to shrink. You devil.”

“Did I?” Ted said.

“I just spent a few hours getting my clothes changed as Libby played with me and your friends.”

“And you loved it.”

She squealed. “I did. It was all I ever expected it would be.”

“How did you tear yourself away?”

“I didn't. Libby took me into my room and put me down. She said I needed to go play with the adults now,” Cat said. “I can't believe she's just seven years old.”

“At least I don't have to worry about you pestering your sister into playing with you when she doesn't want to,” Mom said.

“She'll play with me when she doesn't have Ted's college girls to play with.”

“Do I need to leave one of my friends here so you have competition?”

“You wouldn't.”

“I would. But, I don't think either of them would be good with the idea. One is president of a sorority and the other is an up-and-coming fashion model.”

“Seriously?” Zoey said.

Ted took out his phone. “Here's Jane. She was paid for this fashion shoot. And she was the model for a line of mannequins.” He flipped past a few of Cooper's photos of Jane as well as a phone of her standing next to the mannequin in her likeness. “I don't have pics of Paris at her sorority. But, you can ask her at dinner tomorrow.”

“I can't believe a sorority president can stand being a doll.”

“She's really into it. Technically, she's my girlfriend.”

“You have a girlfriend,” Cat said with a squeal.

“Theodore?” Mom said. “Why didn't you say something?”

“We've only started dating last week. But, we've been flirting with one another for weeks now.”

“And she just happens to be a doll now instead of home with her parents.”

“She heard Jane was coming here and wanted to come as well. Her parents are in Greece so her Thanksgiving plans were up in the air.”

The front door opened and after a moment Ted's father entered the kitchen. “Ted, good to see you. I see you brought a friend.”

“Freshly friended today on the train. Zoey, this is my father, Arthur Ionescu. Dad, Zoey.”

“Zoey MacDonal,” she reached out her hand to shake Arthur's hand.

“Pleased to meet you, Zoey. Patricia told me to expect guests.”

“Thanks for having me.”

Arthur and Patricia kissed one another.

Cat said, “I'll go get Libby for dinner.”

“No dolling,” Patricia said.

“I won't.”

When she returned with Libby, the others were seated at the dinner table. Arthur was listening as Zoey told the group how she met Ted.

“You changed her on the train, without asking.”

“She was very upset and the conductor would have noticed her immediately,” Ted said. “And I did ask before I did it.”

“He did. Though, I wasn't sure what he was actually going to do. It really helped. I got to spend the train ride distraction-free.”

“When did you become so open with your abilities?” Arthur said.

“September. I changed Jane and then she said she wanted to be a mannequin in a store and I found a store looking for a part-time mannequin. Every weekend I drove Jane to the shop and changed her. People found out about it and some other changes I did and people just came to me almost daily for changes.”

“You're leaving something out,” Libby said.

“Yes, I am,” Ted said. “But that's okay. What I'm leaving out doesn't affect the story. It just makes it longer and frankly more boring.”

“Okay,” Libby said.

“And somehow it went from Jane being a mannequin in a store to Jane being the model for a line of mannequins?” Mom said.

“That is part of the longer story.”

“What does a model do to make a mannequin?” Libby said.

“There's a company that makes mannequins. Normal mannequins. Not the kind I make or Cat can do. Jane and I went to the company and I turned her into a mannequin. They took her apart and created a mold of her parts and then used that to have a machine create normal mannequins that looked exactly like she did as a mannequin. Normally when they make molds, they can't take the person apart. So these mannequins are extremely life-like. And they paid her very well.”

“They paid you?” Zoey said.

“Yes, I was paid less but very well indeed,” Ted said. “Jane got that job because she has a contract with a modeling agency.”

“Back to secrecy,” Arthur said. “What are you going to tell your grandmother about all this?”

“Nothing if can. Everything if I have to.”

After dinner, Libby returned to her room. Ted and Cat cleared the table with Zoey's help. Ted's parents went into the living room.

Cat said, “What did you leave out?”

“I'd rather not say.”

“You made those special dolls. Didn't you?”

“Cat, I'm not going to discuss those special dolls with you. You're my sister and you are still in high school.”

“Fine,” she dropped the dish towel she was using to dry the dishes and left.

“Special dolls?” Zoey said.

Ted looked around the room. “Sex dolls. Life-sized dolls with soft features designed for sexual fulfillment.”


“I'd rather not get into it. I'll probably end up having to tell Nana about it. And that will be embarrassing enough.”

“I can't imagine discussing sex dolls with my grandmother.”

“That's the problem. I can imagine it.”

* * *

The next day, Ted awoke to the scent of turkey cooking in the oven along with other scents of the dinner to come. He got dressed and knocked on the guest room door. There was no response. He heard Libby playing in her room and knocked on her door.

“Hi, Ted.”

“Good morning, Libby. Is that Cat?”

“Yes, she insisted on playing with me.”

“Just be sure she's herself by noon. Nana will want to see her, and not as a doll.”

“I know. You have to restore Paris before noon as well. You can check on her yourself then.”

“True. I'm here for Jane. I told her I'd revive her in the morning.”

“Okay, I have Paris and Cat still.” She removed the doll clothes from the Jane doll and handed it to Ted.

Ted went back to his room and laid out Jane's clothes on his bed. He then started the restoration process and left.

Downstairs, he found Zoey and his mother cooking breakfast. “Good morning.”

“Good morning. How are you feeling today, Zoey?”

“I'm good. You've all been very welcoming, far more so than necessary.”

“Think nothing of it,” Patricia said.

“No, I think very highly of it. You have a wonderful family and a thoughtful son.”

“That's one word for Ted,” Jane said as she entered the kitchen. “Hi, I'm Jane.”

“Jane, meet my mother, Patricia, and this is Zoey.”

“Thanks for having me.”

“I'd say think nothing of it but apparently I'm supposed to think something of being kind,” Patricia said.

“That's not what I meant,” Zoey said.

“I know, dear.”

Breakfast and dinner cooking overlapped for a while. Around eleven o'clock, the doorbell rang. From upstairs, Libby screamed, “I'll get it.” and managed to reach the front door before anyone in the kitchen could. “Uncle Henry!”

“Look at you, Libby,” he said, he crouched down and hugged her. “You're getting so big.”

“Look at what Cat did,” she said, showing Henry the doll-sized Cat.

“Did she do this herself?”

“She did.”

“Well done, Catherine.” He stood up and entered as Libby greeted his wife. He went to the kitchen to drop off a few dishes and greeted his sister-in-law, Zoey, and Jane. Ted passed him on his way through and they exchanged pleasantries.

“Is that Libby?” His wife Deanna said still at the door.

“Hi, Aunt Dee,” Libby said with a hug. “Where's Billy?”

“He's helping Nana get out of the car.” She then leaned down and whispered. “She doesn't need help. But she didn't want to say no to Billy.”

Libby waved to Billy, who waved back. Billy was a year older than Libby.

Everyone else gathered around the newcomers. Soon a group sat together in the living room and dining table and caught up on each other's lives.

Nana was greeted by everyone in turn. When Libby showed her Cat, Nana said, “Very good, Cat. Your brother has taught you well. Haven't you, Ted?”

“I did very little.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Nana said. “These two ladies have been changed by you, haven't they?”


“Don't forget Paris,” Libby said.


“I should go revive her.”

“I'll come with you,” Nana said.

Ted knew better than to say she did not have to. He went upstairs to Libby's room and retrieved Paris from a dollhouse. He removed her doll clothes. Nana was waiting in his room when he entered. “So, you've gotten proficient. How many changes can you do in a day?”

“A dozen, at least,” he said. “Probably more.”

“How have you gotten so powerful?”

He sighed. “I change folks into dolls as a service at college.”

“Dolls? There's a big demand for dolls at a college?”

“For my dolls, yes.”

She laughed. “What kind of doll are they as if I can't figure it out?”

“Guessed it in one.”

She pulled out her phone and showed him the Ted's Dolls app. “How much have you made doing this?”

“More than I'm going to tell you.” Ted said. “Have you seen this?” He squeezed the hand of the Paris doll.

The doll said, without moving its lips, “I am the president of the Eta Delta Tau sorority.”

“Is that true? And how did you do it”

“Yes. She is president of the sorority.”

“And she's here as an eleven inch tall doll playing with your sister.”

“She's like Great Aunt Tilly. If I left her changed for a year, she would probably only be mad afterwards because she didn't get a chance to notify people she would be missing,” he said. “As for how? I just imagine the electronics existing and they do.”

“I've never seen anything like that in our family.”

“Perhaps hiding the powers also stunts them.”

“Perhaps. I suspect that for you the genie is out of the bottle. But, you being so public probably puts Cat at risk. She isn't nearly as powerful as you.”

“Dad was warning me about that in his normal roundabout way. Cat did learn to shrink today,” Ted said. He put Paris on his bed and started the reversal process.

“Yes, but, I doubt spending time as a doll will give her the level of practice you have. How long will this take?”

“A little over twenty minutes. Which is actually faster than the time I turned someone into a figurine. I didn't expect the change times to decrease. I'll have to time my normal doll changes to see if they are faster now too.” Ted said.

“Any other transformations I should know about?”

“I turned someone into a flat panel that could be hung on a wall. I turned someone else into a life-sized ventriloquist's dummy. That required me add moving parts inside the doll and was the inspiration for the talking dolls. And I turned one person into a matching set of six drinking steins shaped like a head.”

“Fascinating. I never would have thought to try any of that.”

“That's because you spend too much time in your garden. How's that doing?”

“You're changing the subject.”

“Yes. And you want to talk about your garden.”

“I do.”

The gardening talk lasted until Paris reanimated. Ted had draped a robe around her before the reanimation occurred.

“How is Tilly doing?”

“She's standing by the azaleas these days.”

“When was the last time you spoke to her?”

“I speak to her all the time. I revive her once a year and she always tells me to turn her back, so I do.”

“I would love to see your garden,” Paris said, pulling the robe tighter around her. “It sounds amazing. Who's Tilly?”

“Maybe someday, dear,” Nana said. “Tilly is my sister. She never learned to do changes but she loves being changed.”

“How long has she been in your garden?”

“Close to thirty-five years now. She looks so young.”


“Don't get any ideas,” Ted said. “It's bad enough I'm going to inherit her.”

Paris could not stop herself from looking completely surprised. “It's true,” Nana said. “My will leaves the statue in the garden to Teddy. We should leave so you can get dressed.”

“Your bag is over there,” Ted said pointing to the corner behind Paris.

Ted and Nana went downstairs. More hugs and greetings were exchanged. When Paris came downstairs she slipped through the living room to stand next to Jane.

“How's the modeling going?”

“I did a print ad photo shoot last week. And I'm doing a runway show Tuesday and Wednesday. So, it's going quite nicely.”

“You should have pledged.”

“I'm doing fine on my own.”


Dinner started about an hour later. Everyone sat at the large table. Cat was no longer a small doll. Ted's family were excited to hear about Jane's burgeoning modeling career. Cat was most interested in the details of her being a mannequin to make molds for real mannequins. Zoey's story of meeting Ted was also popular at the table.

Libby said, “What about you, Paris? What's your doll story?”

“Not nearly as interesting as Jane's. My sorority asked Ted to make some dolls for a fundraiser around Halloween and I got a bit hooked on being changed, as I've heard your family calling it. On campus, the term dollified comes up. I've spent probably too much time as a doll in Ted's dorm room. That's why we went on a first date last week.”

“Where did he take you?” Libby said.

“I took him to a restaurant,” Paris said. “We wouldn't be dating if I'd waited for him to ask.”

“Probably true,” Ted said.

“You weren't forward with her?” Cat said.

“Sometimes you can't see what's in front of you.”

After dinner, more casual conversations happened, toward the end of the night, Uncle Henry found Ted upstairs alone. “Ted, tell me about these dolls you make on campus.”

“Why do you ask?”

“Because Deanna heard about them from your friends and wanted to know if I could do that. Apparently my changes aren't as complete as yours.”

Ted texted Paris a few moments later she joined them in Ted's room.

“You don't mind doing this, do you?” Henry said.

“Not at all. In fact, I wouldn't mind staying like that till morning.”

“We'll see,” Ted said. “3... 2... 1...”

Henry watched the change happen and asked some technical details of Ted. Once she was an anonymous doll, neither Ted nor Henry had any qualms about touching or examining the doll. Ted changed her back and then Henry changed her. Henry's change took more than twice as long as Ted's change. While waiting, they talked about technique and nuance.

Aunt Deanna knocked at the door. “Oh, my, she looks incredible.” Some envy could be heard in her voice. “You would never recognize her, would you?”

“I think I got it,” Henry said as he started the reverse change again.

When she was human again, Paris said, “It felt very similar and yet different than when Ted does it. Does that make sense?”

“Probably only because you are so experienced with being changed,” Henry said. “Or it might be because Ted is so much better at this than I am.”

“Your technique is smooth, Uncle Henry.”

“And your power is off the charts. I can't imagine what you'll be able to do a few years from now.”

“It's getting late, dear,” Deanna said. “We should get going. We still need to drop Nana off and get Billy to bed.”

“Yes, I'm sure we're both very concerned about getting Billy to bed on time tonight.”

Ted stifled a laugh. Paris just smiled without saying anything.

Soon, many goodbye kisses and hugs were shared as the four family guests departed.

When they were gone, Ted found Jane, Paris, and Zoey talking in his room.

Paris said, “We'd like you to turn me and Zoey into anonymous dolls.”


“I heard about the dolls you make at school and I'm... curious,” Zoey said.

“But, why the anonymous dolls?”

“After we're both dolls, you leave the room. Jane will place us on the bed and you won't know which of us is which,” Paris said.

“Then, I won't feel like you're cheating on her if you are having sex with me,” Zoey said.

“Not that I would care,” Paris said. “But, it makes her feel better about it.”

“And then you can turn me into a little doll for Libby,” Jane said.

“You've been planning this while I was saying goodbye to my Aunt and Uncle.”

“We have.”

“Works for me. 3... 2... 1...”

Zoey and Paris froze in place and began to transform.

“I've never watched a transformation,” Jane said.

“You get to watch two of them now. It'll be about three minutes before they are anonymous,” he said. “You don't have to play with Libby all weekend.”

“Well, actually, I was just checking my phone and the car I've been thinking of buying is available at a dealership not far from here. I can't keep asking you to take me places. You're far too busy with your dolls,” she said. “So, I'd like to be restored Saturday so I can go car shopping.”

“That was the plan. You know what you want?”

“Something newish or new with good mileage, four wheels, etc.”

“Not a brand name person, are you?”

“Not for cars.”

* * *

Billy was sleeping in the backseat of the car as Henry pulled the car into the garage. He lifted his son out of the car and carried him into the house. As he laid his down on his bed, Billy groggily said, “Where's Mom?”

“She's sleeping, too, Billy. Just go back to sleep and you'll see her in the morning.”

“Okay,” he said, rolling over and going back to sleep.

Henry finished tucking him under his covers and then left the room. He returned to the car where the anonymous doll he had created as they pulled into the garage was sitting in the passenger seat. He picked up the doll and straightened its legs into a standing position. He carried it into the foyer where he removed its coat and hung the coat up in the hall. He carried it up to his bedroom and stood it up next to the bed. He undressed the doll and put the clothes in his wife's hamper. He got undressed himself and laid the doll on the bed.

Without much foreplay, he had sex with the doll.

* * *

After dropping the toy Jane doll off to Libby, Ted entered his room and locked the door. The two anonymous dolls had been stripped of all their clothes and were laying on the bed as if engaged in mutual oral sex. He knelt on the bed and pushed his erection into the mouth of the face up doll. He lifted the pussy of the face down doll to his mouth and pleasured it while he fucked the other. Later, he switched the dolls and did it again.

In the morning, Ted had sex with both dolls again before taking them, one at a time to the bathroom to clean them up. On the way back to his room the second time, Ted said, “Close the door, Cat.”

The sound of her door closing, the handle clicking into place, could be heard.

Ted laughed as he returned to his room. He stood the dolls up beside his bed and started the reversal process for them. Once it started, he went downstairs for breakfast.

When Paris could move again, she realized she was holding something in her hand. It was her own panties. Ted had known which doll was which. Or he had made a really random guess. The other doll was still a doll so she quickly arranged her clothing from her overnight back and started to get dressed.

Zoey unchanged within a moment of Paris. “That was incredible. No wonder you spend so much time with Ted as a doll.”

“As good as it is, I need to start paying more attention to my responsibilities. Too much of a good thing and all that.”

“Oh, what were you neglecting?” Zoey put one of her suitcases on Ted's bed and rummaged through it for a change of clothes.

“My schoolwork, my sorority work, my presidential work, I had an entirely justified intervention by my sorority sisters last week. Frankly, that's what started Ted and I dating. He would probably take a doll out to a restaurant if dared to do it. But, being human on a date with Ted is almost as fun as being a fuck doll. Well, maybe not almost or even really close to similar. But, it's good in its own way.”

“It doesn't last,” Zoey said sadly. “At least in my experience. After the honeymoon period, people show you who they are and it isn't all fun and games any more.”

“Well, I have no illusions of who Ted is.”

“He isn't the sweet man who helped me out on the train.”

“Don't mention this to him. But, he has two other superpowers he hasn't mention to you. He can tell by just looking at someone how turned on they would be by becoming a doll. He probably intervened on your behalf because he could tell you would be amenable to his powers.”

“So, he was stalking me. That's how he ended up in seat next to mine?”

“Oh, no, that's his third power,” Paris laughed. “People who are most amenable to his primary ability are drawn to him. You most likely sat in the seat next to him unconsciously. He probably picked up on your proclivity and when you were sobbing in your seat, he decided to find out if he could help.”

“I was destined to be brought into this world of doll transformations?”

“Like I was. Like Jane was. Like a large number of people I know at college were.”

“Well, there are worse cults to get inducted into, I suppose,” Zoey said.

“I suppose.”

Fully dressed, the two of them went down to the kitchen. Ted's Mother was serving pancakes to Ted's Father, Ted, and Libby. Next to Libby's plate were the Jane and Cat toy dolls.

“Oh, everyone is here now, Dear,” Ted's Father said.

“Morning girls.”

“Morning, Patricia,” Zoey said.

“Do you have plans for today?”

“I should get on a train and go back home,” Zoey said. “I don't want to outstay my welcome no matter how many times you say I can stay as long as I like.”

“Paris and I will be going out in the afternoon,” Ted said. “We can check the train schedule and take you there if I can borrow Mom's car today.”

“Why didn't you drive down?” Arthur said.

“Jane wants to buy a car this weekend. I figured I ride back to the dorms in her car. I wasn't expecting to have to drive around while I was here,” Ted said.

“What are we doing later?” Paris said.

“Don't know yet. We'll figure it out.”

After breakfast, Paris and Ted settled on going to a movie. Zoey was packed and ready to go an hour before their date.

“I had a lovely time, Patricia,” Zoey said.

“You're welcome to come down for the holidays if you want.”

“Oh, no, I wouldn't want to impose. I'll probably visit my sister for Christmas. My old boyfriend didn't get along with her and now I wonder if he wasn't doing that on purpose.”

“Creeps are creeps,” Arthur said.

Ted and Paris brought Zoey to the train station and waited with her until the train arrived.

“You should go have fun,” Zoey said. “I'll be fine.”

“It's not a problem,” Ted said. “Do you have my number?”

“Paris gave it to me. I might give you a call if I'm near the university. Or I'll just use the app.”

Ted raised an eyebrow at that. He said, “Call me any time at all.”

The train pulled into the station.

“That's me. Thanks for everything, Ted. Nice meeting you, Paris.”

“Good luck,” Paris said.

Zoey got on the train.

“You think you'll see her?”

“I know I will,” Ted said.

* * *

As the movie credits began to roll, Ted started the restoration process. Paris had insisted on being a doll during the movie. The theater was empty when she was able to get up.

“Was it better as a doll?”

“It stopped me from munching on popcorn,” Paris said. “Though you didn't have to distract me with your fingers so much. I may have missed bits of the movie.”

“Even if you missed parts of it, it was a simple story to follow.”

In the car on the way home, she said, “I actually like dating you.”


“You aren't like anyone I've dated before.”

“How so?”

“Most guys find me intimidating, and I admit, I foster that impression. You are not intimidated by me at all. I even think you find the idea of being intimidated by me funny.”

Ted laughed. “I do. You're just a girl. Very, very pretty. But, that's pure luck of the draw. It doesn't actually make you special. You make you special.”

“I make me special? What are you an after school special? You like me because you were able to turn me into a sex addict.”

“That hurts. I like you because be we tease one another over who's in control of our relationship.”

“We both know that's you.”

“And a few weeks ago I'd be saying, 'Ha, ha, gotcha,' over that revelation. I still might. But, I like having you around. And I like that you want to be around. And I understand you have to back off a bit to deal with Eta.”

“And that's why I get to shout, 'Ha, ha, Ted has a heart.'”

“You tell anyone and your next change will be your last.”

“Oh, don't worry. It's not like anyone would believe me.”

“Jane would believe you.”

“She already knows.”



It's nice to see a family of magic users who don't treat everybody like metaphorical playthings. Only literal ones lol


This is my favorite chapter so far. I want to see more of Ted's family, especially Cat.