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If you haven't read any of the Ted's Dolls stories before, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane.

The doll could not believe it was doing this. It was standing outside a dorm room next to Owner. It was dressed in a tight black dress with a plunging neckline and an asymmetrical mid-thigh length skirt. Owner knocked on the door. The door opens and standing there was not Renter. The doll had rented itself. It did not know what to call the man at the door.

“Richard?” Ted says.

“Is that Emily?”

“It is a doll that is Emily when it isn't a doll.” Ted picked up the doll and carried it into the room.

“That almost made sense. Why is she here?”

“It's here because it has rented itself to you for the weekend.” Ted put the doll down.

“For the weekend?”

“It will be restored to human form by itself Sunday night around eight in the evening.”

“It's Friday. She's my doll for two whole days? That's...”


“That's one word.”

“There's a note in its bag. Emily said don't read it until Saturday morning,” Ted said. “Take care.” He closed the door behind him as he left.

Richard looked at the doll. Was that a smirk on its lips? “I don't know why you're here, Emily. Maybe I overdid it at the poker game rubbing your... your lovely body. Did that turn you on so much that wanted more? Duh. Obviously, you want more of something.”

He picked up the doll and positioned it so it was sitting on the bed. He laughed. “I don't know how you're doing it. I mean, you aren't actually doing anything at all. But, I feel very intimidated now. I don't want to be too aggressive and don't want to be lame. Ugh.” He kissed the doll. As he did, he slid the dress straps down off its shoulders. The dress dropped down around the doll's waist. It was not wearing a bra. Richard pressed himself against the doll's chest. Its breasts were even softer today than they were a couple nights ago.

He broke the kiss and raised the doll's arms. He pulled the dress up over its head and neatly placed the dress over his desk chair. He straightened the doll's knees and pushed the doll backward onto the bed, its leg spread and pointed at the ceiling, still wearing black, fuck-me pumps.

After he spent himself in the doll he rolled off and stared at the ceiling. The doll was still spread open   with its legs in the air, ready for more. He lowered its legs and removed the doll's shoes. He carried the doll upside down to the shower so it would not drip.

In the bathroom, he started the shower and removed his clothes. He rinsed out the doll before stepping fully into the shower and washing the sweat off himself. He did lather the doll's body, but did his best to keep its hair out of the stream of water. Once he was done. He dried himself off and then the doll.

The doll had never been washed in a shower before. It enjoyed being lathered, rinsed, and dried.

He carried it into the room and laid it down under his desk chair. “Sorry about this,” he said. “I have a report to write. But, I'll do what I can to entertain you.”

He sat down at the desk and opened his laptop. He rested his feet on the doll's chest and rubbed its tits as he worked. Occasionally, he would rub a toe under its chin, across its lips, up its jaw line to its ear and back. If he had ever been a doll, he would have known just how much the doll was enjoying this level of attention.

After an hour he got up and grabbed a soda from his mini-fridge. When he returned to the desk, he turned the doll over and rubbed his feet on the doll's ass. This was much spongier. His big toe would sometimes lazily slip between the cheeks and poke at the orifice there.

After several hours, sodas, and rotations of the doll, he picked the doll up and lay it on the bed. “I hope you enjoyed your evening, Emily. I have no idea what I'm to do with you tomorrow. Good night.” He removed his clothes and spooned up against the doll and fell asleep.

The doll had blissed. It had became aware that the Man was no longer foot-fondling its breasts while the Man had flipped it over. The ass massage had made it bliss again. Only short glimpses of the evening registered in its memory as it blissed again and again.

When it next became aware, the room was quiet and it was in bed. The Man was spooned up against it. His breath warm against its neck. Morning light filled the window. Had it blissed the whole night?

The Man awoke slowly and mumbled something like, “What's this?” He leaned away from the unfamiliar hair in his face and the shook his head. “Morning, Emily,” he said. He grouped her tits as he slipped out of the bed. “Is it finally time to read the note?”

The doll realized it had probably missed out on more sex because the Man was curious about the note. It could not see the Man but it presumed he was fetching the note.

“Dear Richard,” he said, reading from the note. “I know this was rather forward of me. I spent most of Thursday thinking about your hands playfully groping my body. What was meant to be a carefree lark seemed somehow more than that. You looked me in the eyes as you rubbed my body. Your eyes said you wanted more. I wanted more. Thankfully, I had Earl and Rhana's game Thursday night to distract me. But, long story short, I ended up dolled last night and all I thought about was you. My distraction was so high, I don't know if went to the right classrooms on Friday.

“So, here I am. I really don't know why either. And perhaps I should have told Ted to restore me now in the morning rather than Sunday evening. I don't want you to feel obligated to entertain me 24/7. Being a doll makes long passages of time doing nothing a breeze. I don't need constant stimulation. I wouldn't mind constant stimulation, don't get me wrong. But, you probably have things to do. Please, go do those things. When you return, you can tell me how it went. Or tell me nothing. I'm a doll.

“Finally, while I will restore automatically around eight on Sunday, if you think it would be too awkward to talk to me after spending the weekend with me, or if you just get bored of me, I won't be upset if you take me back to Ted's early. As I'm writing this, if you aren't there when I return to flesh, this will have been a silly weekend I'll remember fondly. Otherwise, I wonder how I'll feel if you are there when I return to flesh. Ooo, chills just ran up my spine.

“Your Doll, Emily.”

The doll still could not see the Man. It sounded like he was getting dressed. He came into view suddenly. He straightened the doll up and stood it up. He redressed it and placed it by the window, looking out toward the center of the campus. He kissed its cheek and said, “I'm going out to breakfast. I'm guessing I shouldn't bring anything back for you. See you later.”

The door to the dorm room opened and closed. Moments later, the doll saw the Man walking away from the dorm toward the student center's cafeteria. The doll was experiencing a flood of unexpected emotions. The Man had been thoughtful enough to give the doll something to watch while he was out. He had also not just stood the doll up naked in the window. Could he really be this caring or was he just trying hard? Was he trying too hard? Had it been a mistake to come here? When was he going to foot rub its tits again?

The play of people moving about below it on the campus square helped to distract it from all these thoughts. It tried hard to focus in on just one small group of students moving about, wondering what they were doing so it did not have to think about the Man the whole time he was gone.

* * *

“Slow down,” Earl said. “Emily did what?”

Richard sat at Earl's dining table and took a drink of water. “She had Ted turn her into a doll that looks exactly like, like she did on Wednesday. Ted delivered her last night and said she was staying until Sunday night.”

Rhana bit her lip and said nothing.

“And you're here now because?” Earl said.

Richard handed Earl the note Emily had written. Earl read it quickly and handed the note to Rhana.

Richard said, “I feel like I'm being setup for failure. I can't live up to whatever fantasy she's concocted about my eyes looking into hers. I was just rubbing her for luck.”

“Were you, Richard?” Earl said. “You didn't rub any of the other girls. Even I gave Whitney a few rubs.”

“I meant to tease you about that,” Rhana said. “I would have rubbed Whitney too. Damn, she's fine.”

“I didn't rub the other girls?”


“No. I was mildly disappointed. Your hands look big and strong.”

Richard looked at his hands.

Rhana laughed. “I'm only teasing a little. But, seriously, you didn't just give that girl a quick ass grab or a nipple flick, you rubbed every inch of her body. You were in her face and lingered over her body a few seconds longer than just a playful rub for luck.”

Earl was nodding. “Murat didn't tell you to get a room, twice, for nothing.”

“I think it was three times.”

“No, the third time it was Simon.”

“I couldn't see their lips move from where I was standing.”

“This is not helping. You make it sound like I led her on,” Richard said.

“Are you not interested in getting to know her?” Earl said.

“I don't know. I've never had a conversation with her.”

“You aren't turned off by her, are you? You don't think less of her for doing what she did, do you?” Rhana said.


“So, just go with the flow,” Rhana said. “An attractive woman who is apparently into you has dropped into your lap from out of nowhere. See where that takes you.”

“Yeah, don't over think it,” Earl said. “And based on her note, don't smother her. She knows she's a doll. Don't go overboard giving her attention.”

“Especially since it will make her black out,” Rhana said. “Overstimulating the dolls makes them black out from a pleasure overload. It's called blissing by the dolls. Dolls don't sleep except when this happens.”

“And that's bad?”

“No, it's fucking amazing. But, I don't think Emily wants to spend a lot of her time with you completely unaware of what's happening around her.”

“I wish I'd known that last night.”

“What happened?”

He told them how he rubbed while he did his homework.

“She must have blissed most of the night away,” Rhana said. “We have to try that, Earl.”

* * *

“Yes?” Jane said, opening the door.

“Hi, I'm Richard. Is this Emily's room?”

“You're Richard? Why are you here?”

“I was hoping I could borrow a few of her normal clothes.” He pulled an overnight bag into view.

“Come in,” she said stepping back. “What do you mean by normal?”

“You know where she is, right?”

“I assume your dorm room.”

“Yes. She arrived in a sexy dress and heels.”

“I know. I watched her spend an hour trying to decide what to wear.”

“Oh. Well, she shouldn't wear the same thing all weekend. I thought she might enjoy some casual clothes.”

“Okay,” Jane said, turning away from him to point out Emily's closet. “She likes those jeans hanging there, but having watched her squeeze herself into them, I can't imagine you could put them on her rubber-skinned doll body. How about this blue pleated skirt? And this white blouse? You'll never see her wear it on a date because she would spend the whole date worried about getting food on it. But, since she won't be eating while she's there, it's perfect. And, um, these tan flats.” As she mentioned each article, she removed it from the hanger and folded it. She handed the bundle of clothes to Richard. “You don't need pajamas, do you?”

“Probably not,” he said, taking the bundle. “I suppose she doesn't need a bra.”

“No, her current tits don't sway much.”

“Ah, but she will be returning to normal without Ted's help tomorrow night.”

Jane paused. “Do you really like playing dress up or are you trying too hard?”

“Too hard? I just want this to feel normal for me.”

“Playing dress up with a doll is normal.”

“No. But, you know. I don't want her to be self-conscious when she's herself and she isn't wearing underwear.”

“Okay, she's your date.”

“No, if she were my date I wouldn't have to make these decisions.”

“True. Here's a simple white bra and pair of her classroom panties.”

“I'm not going to ask.”

“I wasn't going to explain.”

* * *

Several hours had passed as the doll watched the students pass below her. Four students were sitting on the green talking. One of them pointed toward the doll in the window. The other three students observed the doll for a moment. They all nodded. It guessed they realized it was a doll standing in the window, not a fellow student. It was not sure, but it believed one of the students was in the same English Lit class it attended on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The doll was not filled with anxiety about being recognized by the student, Tony was his name, it believed. Through, realizing who the student was, he was the type who might ask the doll about it the next time they crossed paths.

The doll was happy to see the Man walking toward the dorm. It hoped he was coming to play with it again. The Man disappeared below the area it could see, presumably to enter the dormitory. Soon, the doll heard the door open. The Man took off his jacket and hung it up.

“I hope you didn't mind the window. I hadn't realized how easily someone could see your face from below,” The Man said. He carried the doll away from the window and removed its dress. The doll was excited until he pulled out a blouse out of the bag he had laid on the bed. It was its white blouse, its special white blouse. Where had the Man gotten it? He then wrapped its blue skirt around it and zipped the back. He put its tan flats on. He carried the doll to the floor length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. “How do you look?”

It could not answer. The doll had no idea what was going on. He picked up the doll and left the dorm room. In the parking lot, he bent the doll into a seated position and placed it in the passenger seat.

* * *

The Man got in the car and pulled out of the dorm parking lot.

“I bet you're confused,” he said. He did not elaborate.

He drove to a fast-food restaurant and ordered a meal for himself. Leaving the drive-thru, he drove to a local state park and found a secluded picnic bench. He carried the doll out to the bench and sat her down. He went back to the car and retrieved his meal. He sat down on the opposite side of the bench and ate.

“I love finding places like this to eat,” he said.

“Can you hear the brook? It's about four hundred feet in that direction. It has a nice babbling sound, I think.”

He tilted the doll's head to the left and up slightly. “Can you see the cardinal in that tree?”

He wiped his hand on a napkin before he turned its head back to looking in his direction as he ate a handful of fries at once. Playfully, he lowered the doll's chin and placed a fry in the dolls mouth. He raised its chin back into place. “I like the fries at this place. I think they use sesame oil.”

* * *

When they returned to his dorm room, he sat the doll down on the chair next to the bed. He removed the fry from its mouth and threw it away. The taste of the fry lingered in the doll's mouth for a while. The doll was not use to the taste of food being in its mouth when it was a doll. Somehow, the Man had figured out how to share a meal with a doll.

The Man spent the afternoon doing more homework. As it got dark he went out to dinner. He kissed it on the cheek when he returned. “Miss me? There was some kind of Mongolian barbecue at the caff. Not horrible. But, probably not exactly Mongolian either. I have about an hour of reading to get done.”

After about an hour, he got undressed. He removed the doll's top and skirt and put the doll on his bed. He lied down beside it. He placed his laptop on the bed and opened a streaming service. “Not sure what you have or haven't seen so I thought we'd watch a classic.”

The movie was in black and white. The doll had never heard of it. It was a cold war drama of some kind. The Man cuddled against it as he watched the movie. This was not exactly what the doll had expected this weekend to be like. The Man had been so aggressive at the poker game. Was he one of those guys who puts on a show in front of other men? When he changed the doll's clothes the doll was extremely confused. It had expected the weekend to be mostly a snooze peppered with intense sexual encounters. It had not expected to have its clothes put back on until Sunday. It also loved being dressed up by the Man. He had put the blouse over its head and then ensured it was straightened out and that its hair was not under its clothing in the back. When he had sat it down on the chair, he made sure the skirt was under its legs so its bare ass was not sitting on the chair.

It wondered if that was what Jane liked about being a mannequin. Those finishing touches that as a person it did without thinking about it. When putting clothes onto a doll or mannequin, the Dresser had to think about it. They could ignore it, the doll or mannequin would not care. Yet, they still did it to make sure the doll or mannequin looked right.

He closed the laptop as the movie ended. He kissed the doll on the lips. “It is amazing how these doll lips feel,” he said. He brushed a few hairs from her forehead. “I'm rather tired. Good night.” He turned the doll on its side and spooned up against it.

The doll tried to relax and let the night slip away and after a while it did.

Later, the Man was rubbing himself against the doll's backside. After a long slow rub, he turned the doll face up. He pushed himself into the doll and, making eye contact the entire time, he slowly fucked the doll. Each stroke was deliberate, careful, and different. Over time, his pace increased. It was never rushed, never frantic: merely an increase in pace and stroke length. The doll felt that bliss was coming but the Man managed to stave it off for an excruciatingly long time. His strokes in were punctuated with a hiccup of a pause before he pulled back and brought it home again.

The Man was no longer on top of the doll. In fact, the doll was not in bed. It must have blissed out, it thought. It was once again dressed and seated on the chair next to the desk. The doll could not hear the Man at all. How long had the doll been blissing? The doll thought the Man might be in the bathroom at first. It was only then the doll realized that minutes had passed into hours.

Around noon, the Man returned to the dorm room. The doll was unsure where the morning had gone. “Hope you didn't miss me,” he said. He stripped the doll of its clothes and laid it under the desk again. The doll blissed away most of the afternoon as he massaged it body with his feet as he used the computer.

When the doll become aware again it was on the bed and he was slowly fucking it again. Soon, it blissed again and become aware in the shower as the Man washed both the doll and himself. After the shower, the Man put on some underwear. He dressed the doll in the black dress and shoes it was wearing when it arrived two nights ago, as well as the underthings he picked on Saturday. He sat the doll on the chair and got dressed. He was looking at his watch somewhat frequently.

The doll transformed shortly after eight. When she moved, Richard said, “Good evening.”

“Hi,” Emily said.

“Are you ready for dinner?”


“You're all dressed up. I thought I'd take you to dinner.” He handed her her purse and held out his hand.

She took his hand and stood. “That would be lovely.”

* * *


Beverly was surprised. Mike closed the door to their apartment as well-wishers gathered around her. “You said you weren't going to throw a party for my birthday,” she said to Rob.

“Originally, I thought about throwing a BYOD – Bring Your Own Doll – party. But, I figured you would be upset if you were a doll for you own party,” Rob said.

“We'll save that for your birthday in February,” she said and they kissed.

All of the poker players and their girlfriends were there as well as several members of Eta Delta Tau. Many of them crowded around Beverly to wish her a Happy Birthday. Once the crush of folks returned to gathering in smaller groups Beverly walked over to Emily and Richard who were holding hands.

“Are you two...?” Beverly said.

“Seems that way,” Emily said. She regaled an ever growing number of people with how she spent the weekend. Richard added helpful commentary and filled in some of the blanks where she had been blissing.

“Where did you go for dinner?” Whitney asked.

“A quaint Italian place near New Harbor.”

“Burke recommended it,” Richard said.

“Giovanni's? He took me there last week,” Whitney said.

“Isn't that the same restaurant Ted took Paris?” Trish said.

“Ted and Paris went on a date?” Emily said.

“Was she a doll at the time?” Simon said. “That would make it a cheap date.”

“She actually took Ted out on the date,” Whitney said. “I told her about the place.”

Murat said, “Cradle robbing, Richard? Dating a freshman.”

“It's not like I asked her,” Richard said.

“What's wrong with being the only freshman here?” Emily said.

“If we'd known you'd become part of this circle of friends, we'd have tried to get you to pledge,” Trish said.

“We don't require the poker players to only date sorority girls,” Burke said. “Do we?”

“No,” Earl said.

“I'm not in the sorority either, Em,” Rhana said.

“Not like we didn't invite you,” Gianna said.

After a few hours, there was a knock at the door and Ted and Paris came in. “This is where all my girls are,” she said.

“Happy Birthday, Beverly,” Ted said. “Nice crowd.”

“Thanks, Ted,” she said. “Since you're here...”

“That is why we are late. I thought the birthday girl might like a gift only I can give.”

“Hold it. Hold it,” Mike said. And he pulled a cake out of the fridge. “We haven't had the cake yet.”

The group sang the birthday song to Beverly and as it ended she blew out the candles.

“What did you wish for?” Someone said. But Beverly was still bent over looking as if she were still blowing out the cake.

“She'll be herself around six in the morning,” Ted said. “Anyone else?”

“So, she got her wish.”



Interesting bit of world building with figuring out how to give the dolls attention and stimulation without blissing out. I also really like the implication of the suddenly doll themed surprise party at the end. Think of all the doll-themed party games