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As mentioned before, this is a collaboration with the amazing @brimmingbelly04 


After pulling into the driveway and shutting off his Tahoe, Marcus leaned back in his seat and smiled. Following nine hours at the office and two at the gym intensely working out, he was exhausted. He was happy to be home.

There were many reasons why he’d come to love the place, one of them, crazy as it sounds, being the fact he’d given birth to his three nephews there. Back then, it’d only been his “friend” Gavin’s place whereas now it was their home. That fateful day had changed a lot and the changes continued to come all this time later.

As he thought back on all the changes and about all those still to come, daunting as they were, Marcus’ smile grew on his handsome face. Following a few more quiet moments of reflection, he popped the door open and worked himself out from behind the wheel, eager to head inside. Before he did though, he opened the back door of the Tahoe and grabbed a perfectly wrapped box with a big red bow off the seat.

Door closed and locked, Marcus tugged at the back of his gym shorts. They (and almost every other pair of shorts, pants or underwear he owned) were constantly sliding down his enormous ass, never quite able to reach its rounded top. Marcus had a very hard time finding clothes that properly fit his body unless he got something custom made, which he had, but he served those pieces for special occasions. Daily, he made do with whatever he could find close to his size that could mostly accommodate his unusually muscular dimensions.

Above his shorts, massive as it was, the tank Marcus had changed into at the gym, which was now drenched in sweat, was so tight and skimpy, it left just about nothing to the imagination. Again, he would've gone up a size or two had they been readily available, but since they rarely were and because he liked showing off his body, he made do. After fruitlessly tugging at the tank's hem, trying to get it to reach the strained front of his shorts, Marcus gave up and headed up the walkway.

While it'd been over a year and a half, he still vividly remembered how much strain he'd been under the first time he entered his now home, on the cusp of the arrival of his sister, Cynthia and her husband, Mike's triplets. Pretty much everything had gotten to be difficult for Marcus at that point, but things were different now. Many were still a challenge, but not in the same way as back then. That being said, he considered all the changes and challenges totally worth it.

Following he and Gavin's mutually belated yet impressively rapid first births, EMTs had been called. They arrived at the house just before the “friends” felt the need to start pushing again. Given the situation, the EMTs decided it would be safer for Marcus and Gavin to deliver the remaining babies at the house rather than transport everyone in the middle of things. It may have been safer, but it certainly wasn't any easier…

Neither Gavin or Marcus received the epidural they'd been looking forward to. Needless to say, their labor and delivery experiences ended up being very different than either had imagined them to be, but giving birth together took their friendship to another, another level, creating a bond between them they'd share forever.

Same as Gavin, Marcus also ended up giving birth to all boys. Once he'd gotten his nephews out, his 6'3” body remained enormous. After having had to do so much stretching, he was left with a sizable belly that he hated, but it was still a vast improvement over and so much easier to manage than the planet he'd been forced to lug around at the end.

It took time and a lot of hard work at the gym but eventually, he was able to turn most of the extra weight he'd been left with following the pregnancy into even more muscle. Marcus had the biggest in town by far, all of them. He was truly gigantic, his thighs so huge now, he moved at more of a waddle than he had at his most pregnant.

Already massive to begin with, his ass had also grown pre-pregnancy. At the moment, it and his overfilled bulge were really putting his shorts to the test. No matter what he wore, most especially the button downs he had to wear to work, Marcus had a permanent “about to burst” look but thankfully, now from being all muscle, versus from gestating three huge babies. He wondered how much longer that was going to be the case?

While the belly he'd been left with shrunk a lot, try as he might, Marcus was never able to get back his chiseled abs. Fortunately, he and Gavin liked his “tummy” as he now called it. As overwhelming and cumbersome as his pregnancy had come to be at the end, sometimes, Marcus found himself missing the sensation of “little” lives moving around inside of him, but then he'd remember how painful giving birth had been and didn't miss it so much anymore. That was something that was going to change again too…

Now that they weren't producing milk anymore, Marcus’ pecs were less bloated to the touch but still as massive as ever, now with added muscle. His nipples never went back to their pre-pregnancy size, but he was surprisingly OK with that. Marcus came to love how thick and sensitive they remained, and they'd become a focal point of personal pleasure and arousal whenever he and Gavin had sex. He only knew of one person who had a bigger chest and nipples than he did, and that person was waiting for him inside.

As he entered the house, Marcus wasn’t the least bit surprised to find it just as messy as when he left that morning. As much as they tried, cleaning simply couldn’t be he and Gavin’s top priority. When they did have the time or energy to clean even just a little, their efforts were almost immediately undone. They knew they needed to do netter and/or maybe finally hire someone to help, but they never got around to doing either. All things considered, they had other, more important things to worry about and tend to.

Not long after Marcus and Gavin gave birth five times in total on the same day, they took some time to themselves. Marcus did anyway, whereas Gavin now had the twins to externally care for. Back at his own home, Marcus reflected on all that had been said and had happened between him and Gavin, whom he now shared a “birth day” with. Considering he’d never had any gay thoughts or desires till meeting the other man, Marcus found it difficult to come to terms with his feelings for Gavin and the promises he’d made to him in the heat of the moment, like getting him pregnant again, this time with his children.

But two days later, when Gavin called to check in with him, any hesitation Marcus had went right out the window. He got over the anomaly that Gavin was a man, unable to deny the unexpected bond they’d come to share. A bond that continued to grow when he agreed to move in right away.


The twins were only two months old when they found out Gavin was pregnant for the second time and already two months along. Apparently the quickie they’d had in their shared hospital room the day after they gave birth had resulted in him getting pregnant with Marcus’ quadruplets. Marcus thought he’d noticed his… partner’s body starting to change again, especially around the middle, especially when they were breaking in their new bed just about every night, but he hadn’t said anything.

While he was initially nervous, he soon became happy and excited. Gavin on the other hand, took a little more time and convincing before he fully came around to the idea. He was worried because he’d seen (and felt) how massive Marcus’ nephews had grown to be before they were born. Overall, Gavin was much smaller than his sexy, younger stud, and now he was expecting one more baby than him (not to mention twice as many as he’d carried his own first pregnancy.) As such, he fretted over how big he was going to get, and if he’d be able to handle it?

Gavin didn’t get big, he got huge. Despite being the notably smaller half of the pair, during his second pregnancy, he really outdid himself, proving to be just as capable as the larger of producing multiple big babies. The quads grew so big, so fast, no one expected Gavin to make it to his due date this time around, let alone go overdue again, but he did both.

By the time he went into labor some fourteen days after miraculously having reached his due date, Gavin’s belly was so big, he could barely walk despite all the accommodations his body had made to try and handle such a massive and heavy load. Not one of the quadruplets weighed less than 12.5 lbs, which meant he was carrying over 50 lbs of babies, plus everything else that came along with the pregnancy. Some six weeks before he gave birth, Gavin was already really struggling with just about everything, yet he was incredibly happy.

And of course, Marcus was there to help. When he hit seven months, it became impossible for Gavin to take care of the twins on his own, so Marcus took over as many daddy duties as he could. Not that he hadn’t already, but now that the twins' care fell almost solely on him, he formed a deep and emotional bond with them. Shortly before the quadruplets were born, Marcus and Gavin decided he would adopt the twins, officially making them theirs.

All this meant that formerly strictly straight Marcus was now in a committed relationship with another man, with whom he shared a (growing) family. Still, he didn’t consider himself gay, just gay for Gavin, which worked for them. Marcus wasn’t interested in anyone else (male or female.) He and Gavin were much more than friends now, they were in love and so happy with the family they were creating together.

During his second pregnancy, Gavin’s body thickened so much, he could hardly remember what it was like to be thin (relatively speaking, anyway.) Over the course of his second pregnancy, his prominent ass ballooned up even more and his hips widened so much that he too experienced difficulties finding clothes that fit, but the changes to his body didn’t stop there…

Gavin’s tits (which had never gone down after having the twins) doubled in size as they went into overdrive to produce enough milk to feed six children. Aside from his head and hands, pretty much everything else about his body had gotten bigger and seemed destined to stay that way for the foreseeable future. Fortunately for him, Marcus loved it… He could hardly keep his huge cock under control when he saw his partner, he just looked so incredibly beautiful to him and goddamn breedable.

As such, they didn’t stop having children. Anyone else with six under the age of two, probably would’ve curtailed their reproductive efforts, but not Gavin and Marcus. That being said, having so many children to care for wasn’t a joke… It was exhausting and a lot of times overwhelming, but they didn’t let that or the thought of adding more to their brood stop them from having fun without protection.

Just two nights after the birth of the quads (which incredibly, were also all boys,) on Gavin’s first night home from the hospital, he and Marcus lay in bed, enjoying one another’s company during a rare moment of quiet. What started out as sweet and tender cuddling, soon transitioned to Gavin pushing Marcus onto his back and crawling on top of him with the intent of riding his huge cock all night long (or at least as long as the kids allowed.) Marcus quickly lost himself in ecstasy as Gavin bounced up and down on him.

He watched almost hypnotized as his partner’s enormous, milk-filled breasts bounced up and down, slapping gently against the top of what remained of his latest big belly. Even though he knew they were tender, Marcus wasn’t able to resist taking an orb in each hand and giving them a squeeze, causing powerful torrents of milk to gush from both of Gavin’s nipples.

Even though he also knew he still had to be at least a little sore since it was so soon after he’d given birth to their four newest boys, Marcus also couldn’t resist thrusting up against his partner’s downward movements. It’d been over a month since they’d last been able to have sex facing each other, Gavin’s belly having grown too big for him to ride Marcus and too heavy for missionary to be an option. Both of them moaned and groaned as quietly as they could, wishing they could be louder as they lost themselves in the passion of their love making.

Speaking of love, Marcus would’ve loved to have lasted longer and had every intention of doing so but then between breaths, Gavin panted out, “Come on, stud… Put another big batch of… your babies in me!” and he lost it, unable to hold back a moment longer.

Part of him knew he really should’ve pulled out, but another part of him wouldn’t let himself. Instead, biting his bottom lip hard to keep from screaming out in delight, Marcus released a tsunami of hot cum deep inside his partner.

As he came and came and came, his entire massively muscular body shuddering, he moved his right hand to Gavin’s hip and his left to his belly to keep himself steady. Marcus came so much, Gavin’s squishy, deflated midsection quickly started to bloat back up again, becoming firm to the touch and noticeably more prominent by the time he finally stopped shooting.

He stayed inside longer than he usually did, both unable and unwilling to move, other than to pull Gavin down against him so he could relish in the sensation of his warm, hugely bloated and dripping breasts pressing against his hugely muscled, sweaty torso as they kissed. Eventually, Gavin rolled off and both of them lay there panting as they fought to catch their breath.

“You should really go… get rid of all that,” Marcus somewhat reluctantly suggested. “If that huge load doesn’t knock you up… again, nothing will!

Gavin giggled as he snuggled back against him, pushing his fat ass against Marcus’ huge left thigh. “Oh, I’m counting on it!

“Are you sure that’s… what you want?” Marcus asked.

Are you?” Gavin questioned as he looked back over his shoulder at his man.

Marcus didn’t answer directly. Instead, he replied, “We have six kids, Gavin…”

Gavin didn’t answer directly either. Instead he asked, “Well do you want more?

Marcus thought about it some before responding. “Six kids is a lot, babe. It isn’t easy…”

“No, it isn’t,” his partner had to agree. “But to me, being pregnant and getting all huge with your babies, makes it all worth it, so, I’m game if you are?

“I’m game,” Marcus replied as he took Gavin Gavin in his arm and kissed the side of his neck before they both quickly drifted off for however long the six, very young children they already shared would allow.


When Gavin went in for he and the quads’ two month checkup (with Marcus in tow, of course,) he requested a pregnancy test to confirm what he and his partner already knew. His bewildered doctor confirmed he was pregnant again, then after performing a sonogram, informed the still relatively new couple that this time, Gavin was pregnant with sextuplets. Massive Marcus’ equally massive load had really done the deed!

When they found out “they” were expecting again, the guys switched one of their previous roles… This time it was Gavin who was immediately happy and excited, whereas Marcus was the one who was shocked and worried. When he agreed to them trying again, once again, so soon, he hadn't anticipated they'd end up doubling the number of children they already had?!

As much as he loved them, and as much as he'd loved seeing (and feeling) Gavin grow and change while he carried them, Marcus had been under the impression that the quads had been a fluke! Obviously, multiples ran on both sides of the families, but quadruplets followed immediately by sextuplets?! Holy shit!

Ohmygod, babe!” Gavin gushed once everyone was back in the car (actually, a full-size van.) “Do you know what this means?!” He excitedly asked.

Still rather shell shocked (understandably so) Marcus did not know what this meant. “No, what?” He cautiously asked.

“It means that this time, I'm gonna get beyond huge!” His excited, older partner grinned at him from the passenger's seat he'd soon enough be too big to fit in again.

I bet!” He grunted, half happy, half aghast. “And you're really OK with that?” He asked, even though if Gavin wasn't, it was already too late. There was no going back now.

Gavin nodded as his grin continued to grow. “I love being pregnant with your babies! With six of them in me at once, I'll probably blow up into gigantic territory!” He predicted with what sounded to be an absolutely thrilled giggle.

As much as they both actually really wanted that and despite the history they had to go on, neither man could've guessed how gigantic Gavin would go on to get… If they had, they probably wouldn't have been quite as excited, even Marcus, who quickly came around to the thought of seeing his partner get bigger than ever (again) as he created just as many children as they already had all at once.


When Marcus entered their bedroom, the first thing he saw was Gavin's gigantic, half sheet-covered belly… The first thing he noticed about it was how much of their king-size bed it was taking up, which looked to be slightly more than just that morning, probably because it was…

Others may have been shocked and he should've been too, but the fact that Gavin and the six babies inside him were all still growing at some forty-two plus (15 days overdue to be exact) weeks along, impressed, amazed and turned Marcus, the man whose potent seed was responsible, on to no end. He found each and every of the many inches of his partner's ever-expanding body unreasonably hot and almost too tempting to resist for even one single moment longer.

Marcus’ huge cock began to brick up so quick and hard in his confining shorts, he was pretty sure he heard a couple seams break… At that moment, he almost wanted nothing more than to jump on what very little remained of the bed, take his man in his arms, make out with and then have his way with him (again,) but before he could do so, there were some other, little “men” who required his love and affection first.

All six of the boys Gavin had already given birth to were present in the room, taking up the rest of the bed that he and his mountains of supportive pillows weren't. Gavin was sitting up but slightly reclined, his shoulders and upper back propped up against the headboard. The position wasn't a comfortable one for him (not that any one particularly was anymore,) but it was the best for tending to the boys, mainly in the form of feeding them from his now kickball-sized breasts.

The quads were right next to him, two on either of his bloated sides. Half of the set were feeding, the other were leaned against his belly which looked almost big enough to contain a man Gavin's size before he'd gotten his incredibly productive pregnancy career underway. The twins, who'd already eaten, were now both dozing, snuggled up on top of the sheet against their birthing father's thighs, tummies full of his warm, nourishing as it was plentiful, breast milk.

Gavin had his forearms gently but securely wrapped around the lower backs of the quads currently getting their fill from him. He held them under his arms, right behind where his gigantic belly started to jut out from his now seemingly permanently expanded rib cage. His pregnancy not only took up his entire lap, but then some…

The boys who were currently feeding were barely able to reach Gavin's large nipples standing. Massive as they'd bloated to be, his enormous tits so full and heavy despite the constant feedings they performed, sagged more than somewhat to the sides, yet were still held so high by his current pregnancy that Marcus wasn't able to see his partner's chin.

Gavin's breasts bulged and bloated out in each and every direction: up, down, to the sides, out and together. During each pregnancy, his nipples grew in size and darkened a little more. Marcus’ cock twitched again and his mammoth balls began to rise and churn in his sack, he was so enthralled and aroused by how especially overly plump and fertile his incredible partner looked right then and there.

Realizing he was about to lose himself to temptation, he quickly refocused his attention on the six baby “elephants” in the room, rather than the literal one, who truly looked ready to burst. Marcus smiled and shook his head as he set the gift box down on his bureau, saving its presentation for later when he had Gavin to himself.

What's that?” Gavin asked quietly so as to hopefully not disturb anyone. As he did, the twins gently stirred.

“Don't worry about it for now,” Marcus replied as he approached the bed empty handed.

As soon as the sleepy twins saw him, they both pushed themselves up and held out their arms. Marcus’ smile grew tenfold as he promptly scooped them up in his massive, powerful arms. He loved he and Gavin's sons so much, all of them… It didn't matter at all that the twins, his oldest children, didn't biologically belong to him. Marcus loved them just as much as he did the quads and the soon to arrive sextuplets.

“How are my biggest boys?” He quietly and lovingly asked them after having planted sweet kisses atop both of their heads. “Did you take good care of Daddy while I was at work?” He questioned as he warmed physically and emotionally at the tender, delicate embraces they treated him to in return.

Since they were half asleep and still not quite capable of a full verbal response anyway, Gavin answered for them.

“They were great today. We have the best sons in the world, babe,” he smiled up at Marcus. “Even though they're little, well, not really…” he chuckled before amending, “Even though they're young, they seem to know I'm pretty much nothing more than a nourishing beached whale at the moment, so they were on their best behavior.”

Good job, guys!” Marcus commended his oldest, planting more kisses on their crowns. “Now how ‘bout I take you to bed?” He asked as he slowly turned and started to exit the room. When he got no response, he quietly chuckled as he held them a little tighter. “I'll take that as a yes. Be right back, babe.”


Fifteen minutes later, he'd gotten the quads down as well and finally, Marcus was able to lay down next to his partner. Well, sort of… He had to lean against the bulging left side of Gavin's belly and wrap his arm around it to keep from falling off the side of the bed he was perched on, but he didn't mind. As much as Marcus loved his sons, he was very happy to have Gavin to himself. He knew alone time was going to be extra hard to come by with the impending arrival of six more babies, so he planned on making the most of what they still had.

“So how was your day, stud?” Gavin asked him. “Tell me everything!” He requested. “What did the hottest man on the planet do all day while I just laid here growing and feeding his boys?” He winked.

Marcus grunted, rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I'm not the hottest man on the planet, you are! But to answer your question, my day was long and boring. I couldn't wait to come home and see you, so much so that I almost skipped the gym.”

“I missed you too. A lot, but I'm glad you didn't skip the gym!” Gavin smirked as he reached out and rubbed Marcus’ muscular shoulder before setting his hand on his belly. “Anyway, I think we need to talk…”

About what?” Marcus asked before pulling the sheet covering most of it down and planting six kisses on his belly, one for each of its inhabitants.

“A few things,” Gavin replied, sounding uncharacteristically hesitant. He and Marcus always readily talked about everything. As such, his partner frowned.

What's up?

“Don't worry, nothing's wrong,” he assured. “First, I just wanted to let you know that I think the babies will finally be coming soon.”

Oh? Did you start having contractions?”

Gavin shook his head. “They just moved around a lot today. All of them, all day… That and my milk really started to come in, which tends to be a sign that babies are coming,” he patted his belly. “Even after feeding everyone multiple times, I never stopped leaking,” he shook his head again as he looked down, his chin disappearing between his mammoth, indeed, still leaking tits. “It's like I'm a dairy cow!” He groaned and rolled his eyes.

But you love that, don't you?” Marcus chuckled.


“You are still really engorged,” he noted as he reached out and took Gavin's left breast in his hand, giving it a gentle shake. Tight as the orb was, he swore he felt its contents sloshing around. “So we're gonna have twelve kids soon, huh?”

“We are,” Gavin nodded. “Which brings me to the next topic… I think it's time for a change.”

What kind of change?” Marcus asked as he frowned again.

“Well like always, the baby babies will sleep with us in our room for a while,” Gavin continued. “But after that, we're gonna need more space, so I think we should start thinking about moving.”

“I've been thinking that too,” Marcus nodded. “I love this place and know you do too, but big as it is, we need something bigger.”

So you'd be OK with moving?

“Of course, babe,” he nodded again. “Whatever we need to do for our family.”

“Well how much bigger of a place do you think we need?”

“That depends… Do we plan on having more kids?

Do you want to?

I'm game if you are!” Marcus winked as he used a line his partner had previously.

I'm serious…” Gavin groaned. “If we do keep going, we…”

So you do want to?

He nodded. “I do, but…”


“But if we do, I think the next place we get should be really big. That way, it'll fit us for a while,” Gavin replied.

“Makes sense.”

And…” he continued. “I think it's time we hire some help. A nanny… With a bigger place, twelve kids and more to come, even if I don't get this big again,” he gestured down and around his bloated belly. “I…”

“We'll still need help,” Marcus finished for him.

Gavin nodded as he was the one to frown this time. “Would you be OK with that? I don't wanna let you down…

“You could never let me down, Gavin,” Marcus assured. “You and our boys are my everything, so like I said, whatever we need to do for our family,” he nodded. “Besides, even with a nanny, us adults will still be outnumbered four to one, for now!” He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

Gavin laughed as he shook his head. “What the heck is wrong with us, babe?!

Marcus scoffed. “Absolutely nothing! We love our kids and we're great dads! We just both happen to really like you being really pregnant!”

Yeah, we do!” Gavin agreed. “But about that… Maybe we should wait a little longer than we usually do before I get pregnant again?” He shrugged, causing his boobs to bobble.

Marcus nodded in agreement. “I think that would be a good idea.”

You do?” His partner asked in surprise. He'd been expecting at least some resistance.

“I do,” he nodded again as he carefully pushed back and off the bed. “At least a few months this time, maybe longer,” he said as he got to his feet.

Gavin sighed. “It'll be weird to not get pregnant again right away, but it'll also be good.”

About that…” Marcus said as he grabbed the box off the bureau.

Immediately, his heavily pregnant partner got distracted. “Oooh, present time!

“Don't get too excited…” he cautioned. “It's nothing big. Not yet, anyway…” he trailed off as he handed the box over.

As he took it, Gavin frowned slightly. “It's so light… I'm not complaining, I just…”

“Like I said, it's nothing big.”

“I'm sure I'll still love it,” he said as he switched back to smiling. “I always love and appreciate anything you give me, babe.”

Remember you said that…” Marcus muttered, more to himself.

Gavin undid the bow and set the ribbon next to him. With so many children and therefore, birthdays, he'd definitely be able to put it to use again. He wasn't careful with the wrapping paper other than to make sure he kept it in as few pieces as possible to avoid making a mess.

He pulled off the top of the box and rifled through the tissue paper it was packed with, searching for its actual contents. When his hand blindly found and wrapped around it, he frowned at the familiarity of its shape and feel.

One of my old pregnancy tests?” He asked once he'd pulled his hand and gift from the tissue and box.

“It is one of your tests, but it's not an old one,” Marcus shook his head. “Not a used one, I guess I should say. Used by you, anyway…”

I'm confused…

He cleared his throat. “Do you remember the last time you fucked me?”

Gavin grunted. “Of course I do! You rarely let me so whenever I get to, it's a treat!” He smirked. “But that's not why I remember the last time!” He grunted again. “I remember it ‘cause I was thirty-two weeks along with these guys and was barely able to get my belly up on your back and ass!” He laughed.

Right?” Marcus chuckled. “But you did. Obviously…

Obviously?” Gavin repeated, still clueless. “Sorry, I…

I took that pregnancy test, Gavin.”

Gavin looked from his partner back down to the test and really looked at it this time. It was positive.

Ohmygod…” he said as he quickly put everything together. “I got you pregnant?!”

Marcus nodded. “I'm ten weeks along. And…


“I know we don't usually find out what we're having,” he continued. “Not that we really even need to since we seem to only have boys, but I had to find out. Do you wanna know?”

Yes!” Gavin nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

“Boys. All boys.

How many?!” He asked, eyes widening.

Marcus took in a deep breath which he held for a few seconds before responding. “Five.”

Quintuplets?! Ohmygod!

Yeah… Had to fill in that gap!” He chuckled.

Ohmygod!” Gavin said again. “We're gonna have seventeen kids, Marcus! Seventeen! Now we really need to get serious about moving!” He groaned. “Speaking of which is literally something I can barely do right now!” He chuckled as he shook his head.

“I know, and I love it!” Marcus chuckled and smirked. “So are you happy?

Happy? I'm ecstatic!


Gavin nodded emphatically. So hard in fact that big, bloated and heavy as they were, his tits rocked from side to side. “I get to see you blow up again, with my babies this time! Ohmygod, babe… You're gonna get enormous!

Marcus groaned and rolled his eyes. “Don't remind me… I got enormous last time! I'm gonna get even bigger this!”

“I know, and I can't wait!” Gavin grinned before suddenly getting serious. “But shit, babe… We might seriously need to think about hiring two nannies?!”

“That would probably be a good idea,” Marcus nodded as he started to back onto the bed only for his partner to stop him.

“No,” Gavin shook his head as he held his left hand that was holding the pregnancy test firmly against Marcus’ bulging right pec.

No? But I wanna cuddle!” The younger man pouted.

“We can cuddle later,” he said. “Right now, I want you to fuck me.”

Oh yeah?” Marcus grinned as his cock started to stir again.

Gavin nodded as he eyed the growing erection he'd come to crave, especially now. “I want you to use that…” he nodded at the bulge. “To fuck your babies outta me tonight.”

Tonight?” Marcus frowned. “But you haven't even started having contractions yet. I thought we agreed we were gonna see how long you could go before you popped this time? How big you could get…” he wagged his brows.

“Well there's been a change of plans.”

Aww, but why, babe? I…

I know how much you were looking forward to seeing me grow to the verge of exploding…” Gavin rolled his eyes. “But you went and got yourself knocked up, stud!” He giggled.

You're at fault too, sir!

“I suppose I am,” he nodded as he took his hand back and set the pregnancy test down on his nightstand. “So I'll accept some of the blame, but anyway… Now, I want you to fuck your six, big babies out of me tonight, so we can start focusing on and enjoying your pregnancy!” He grinned as he placed his hand back on his belly.

“I'm only ten weeks along, Gavin… We have plenty of time to…”

“No, we don't,” Gavin shook his head. “Our boys will be here before you know it!”

Oh, I think I'll know it!” Marcus chuckled as he shook his head again. “I can't believe I'm pregnant again!”

You can't?

No!” He huffed. “That was never the plan!”

“I guess now's as good a time as any to tell you I always hoped it would be!” Gavin giggled.

“Well you got your wish!” Marcus laughed. “Anyway, you know what I almost can't believe?”

“What's that?”

“That I'm pregnant again ‘cause the babies were fucked into me!”

Right, ‘cause you're not gay!” Gavin laughed, shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“Just for you!

“I'm flattered…”

You should be!” Marcus nodded. “You're the only man I've ever loved and ever will like this!”

What about our boys?

“I love them too, but that love is different. Our love is extra, extra special.”

Aww, babe…” Gavin sighed as he held his arms out for an embrace. “That's so sweet!

Oh, no!” Marcus huffed and shook his head. “Don't get all sappy on me now! We have some babies who need to be born!”

His partner nodded. “And in order for that to happen, you need to fuck them outta me… It might take more than once though… Think you're up to it, preggo?” He winked.

That's what friends are for!” He winked back.

Gavin rolled his eyes. “You're not my friend, Marcus…”

I'm not?” He frowned.

Well I mean, of course you are, but you're also way more than that… You're my…

Stud?” Marcus smirked.

That, but I was going to say my everything.”

Aww, babe…” he cooed as he held his hands out this time and started to lean in.

Oh, no!” Gavin scoffed. “Don't get all sappy on me now! Use those big, strong arms to help roll me over and fuck your sons outta me!”

Wait… Did you find out what we're…

“No, but I know.”

“I do too,” Marcus chuckled and smirked as he leaned in for a kiss on the lips, which of course, Gavin allowed. “Now allow me to do the honors of popping you so we can meet them!”



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