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New version of a story I posted on tumblr a few months ago, written by the great Brimmingbelly04. If you enjoyed the original, you'll LOVE this one.

The moment the music stopped, those in the crowd who weren't already on them, jumped to their feet and burst into applause. The absence of music was replaced by claps, whistles and shouted “compliments” at the performer(s) standing center stage. Bright flashes added to the visual mix as countless pictures were taken of Todd, who tried to keep smiling (and standing) as he fought to catch his breath.

The club was always full on Fridays but was particularly crowded this one. Between the bright glare of the stage lights aimed at him, the incessant flashes from phones and the sheer number of the crowd, Todd couldn't come close to counting how many men were in attendance, but the number didn't matter. What mattered was the fact they were all there to see him.

Todd was only twenty-three, but he was a true, professional stripper. His dance and pole-working skills rivaled that of anyone who'd ever graced the super successful “Magic Mike” stage. At one time, he'd thought of auditioning for the big-time Vegas production, confident he'd easily land the gig, but then some things… changed. Now, while he was even better at putting on an incredible show, he lacked the mainstream appeal he once had, though obviously, he still had many, many fans.

A lot of strippers find themselves out of breath following an intense, crowd-riveting performance, so the fact he was standing there panting and gasping while dripping with sweat didn't make Todd unusual. What made his latest performance unusual, not to mention all the more impressive, and the reason he'd now probably never go on to grace a “Magic Mike” stage, was the fact Todd had a belly rivaling the size of a small planet sticking far out in front of him.

Sometimes, he still quite honestly didn't understand the draw he possessed… Sometimes, he still couldn't believe his performances were the best… More often than not, Todd thought he looked incredibly awkward up on stage, oftentimes truly struggling to swing his hips and the rest of his bloated body around to the beat, but no matter what he thought or couldn't believe, people loved it.

That being said, he could hardly call what he'd done that night “dancing.” But the most guys still came to the club whenever he performed, watching intently as he took off whatever random clothing he'd struggled into backstage, all of which was always way too small for a guy his size, sometimes to the point he was showing more skin than not at the beginning of his routine. While Todd might not've fully understood his appeal, he certainly appreciated it…

Being a stripper (especially a pregnant one) brought in more than enough bacon for him and his four year old twins. Being a young, single dad of two wasn't easy. Finding a good-paying job that didn't require too many hours was even harder, so if guys were willing to pay big time to see him get naked and increasingly, just waddle/totter around the bigger he got, he wasn't about to complain.

Being a stripper was still far from his dream job and he considered his “profession” rather ridiculous, but he was good at it and the more Todd thought about it, he realized he did enjoy it for its (relative) ease and financial benefits. Even now, a single, soon-to-be single dad of six, a full week overdue with quadruplets, exhausted as he was following his routine, Todd couldn't help but perk back up from all the attention and admiration he was getting. And money, of course…

Though he'd stopped “dancing,” even more guys were now crowding the stage, some throwing their money at him, some doing their utmost to beckon him over so they could stuff their bills in the thong he still had on or the tiny undershirt (more barely chest-cover crop top) he'd always worn since he started “filling in up top” to further tease the crowd.

It was at moments like this that Todd considered his job oddly fulfilling. He realized most would consider being a stripper (successful or not) a last resort and in some ways, maybe they were right, but it paid for everything and anything he and his boys could want or need. Outside of “work,” thanks to it, Todd was able to provide himself and his sons a happy and enjoyable life.

They had a nice, big apartment, and all the toys and food they could desire. Todd wasn't ashamed of his job but he knew he couldn't keep stripping forever… The boys were young, four of them not even born yet, but he didn't want them to find out what their daddy did to keep them clothed and fed so eventually, a change would have to be made, but what?

Take the thong off!” A guy with a particularly deep and booming voice shouted, bringing Todd back to reality. “It's too damn small, anyway! We wanna see it all!!!

No matter what one does or gives to them in even a remotely sexual manner, men always seem to want more… Todd's thong was nearly translucent and yes, too small, leaving little if any to the imagination, but apparently, that wasn't enough… On a different night, he might've just collected what money he could and then departed the stage with a gracious wave, smile and exaggerated waddle, but since he knew tonight was more than likely the last time he'd perform for a while, he decided to go with the “suggestion…”

Now that he'd caught some of his breath, keeping a smile on his handsome, sweaty face had become slightly less difficult. As such, he increased his efforts and transitioned to a cocky grin as he slowly turned, taking his left hand from that side of his belly and moving it down and back to slap his huge ass. As Todd's left cheek continued to jiggle, he received more appreciative grunts, whistles and catcalls from the crowd.

God, damn! I wanna get lost in that valley between those mountains!!!” Another man shouted out.

If you get any bigger, you're gonna need your own damn zip code! So fucking hot!!!” Another yelled.

Can I be your next baby daddy?!” A third loudly requested, this comment making Todd laugh.

He'd heard it before. Many times, in fact, but he still found it as equally funny as he did ridiculous. As he continued to chuckle, Todd slowly leaned forward more, then even more slowly, turned from left to right as he picked up some of the clothes he'd shed, purposely showing his massive ass to everyone for their further enjoyment. He also made it a point to pick up as many bills as he could because even though the stage crew was good and he trusted (most of) them, the money on the floor belonged to him and his children, so he collected as much of it as he could himself.

Once he had, he slowly straightened back up. As he was about to turn back to face the audience, Todd's ass was slapped hard. Fortunately for the offender, he'd been expecting this and was genuinely surprised this was the first such contact that evening. Just before he'd turned fully back around, another “fan's” hand reached in and grabbed the strained left side of his thong, pulling it as hard as his ass had been slapped…

Already fighting hard to cover what little it could of his ass and his equally large package in the front, the thong immediately produced an audible tear. For whatever reason, the sound turned Todd on so much, his dick went from chubbed-up, to fully erect as he slowly and ponderously exited the stage with a final smile and wave, clutching his clothes and errant bills to his bulky chest with his other hand.

As if you could forget, that was Todd, everyone!” His boss, Derek, boomed over the speakers. “He was due seven days ago, with HUGE quads, so he might go anytime now, but if he doesn't pop between now and then, he promises to be back on stage tomorrow night, shaking his huge belly and ass for you again! Now, our next performer isn't quite as big, but just as sexy, in his own way, so please, welcome to the stage…

As soon as Todd started to make his way off stage and Derek started making his announcement, the crowd started to thin. The guys had come to see Todd. In his absence, maybe around half of them would keep coming to see Andrew, who was getting to be big enough in his own right, but didn't have half of Todd's talent, but then again, maybe not…

Todd felt bad for Andrew as he took the stage. The guy was nice and eager to earn, but he wasn't him… As much as he felt for Andrew though, he felt for his own hips, which were always particularly sore after performing, especially now… Todd didn't have much time to more than let out a tired and pained groan before Derek approached as the song he'd just set to play started booming through the club's speakers.

“You were amazing!” He commended. “God knows how, but you just keep growing and getting better! How do you feel? Any signs of labor?!” He asked as he guided Todd towards his dressing room at a suitably slow pace.

Exhausted…” Todd groaned. “Huge as they are, still no sign of labor,” he shook his head.

You sure about that?” Derek asked with a frown as he pressed his already wandering hand harder against his belly, feeling movement beneath his palm and fingers. A lot of it.

“They're just restless and hungry… That's normal after a show,” his biggest, most successful performer assured him with a grunt from the pressure he'd added.

Is it though..?” Derek frowned as he continued to press and prod.

“Yep,” Todd nodded as he moved his hands from his back to his belly and started to rub it, trying to calm the four babies within him back down.

Big as they were, and big as his belly had grown and expanded to try and accommodate them, it didn't seem to be enough… Just about whenever the quads moved now, especially if they kicked, it was so forceful and painful, it often left Todd panting, the present being no exception.

I can't believe I'm saying this!” Derek huffed and shook his head. “But I think you should take a few days off.”

What?” Todd frowned as they reached his dressing room and he entered first because his belly wouldn't allow them to enter at the same time.

Don't get me wrong…” Derek said as he followed behind. “I'd love to have you around! You bring in more money than any guy in the club's history, but I've never seen anyone get as pregnant as you've gotten!” He shook his head. “And as much as some guys would love to see you pop these four kids out right on stage…” he said as he gave his belly a pat. “They don't deserve that!”

Well-intentioned as it was, Derek's enthusiastic, less than gentle pat, left Todd groaning in discomfort. The overdue man, half the club owner's age, looked down and saw several large protrusions forming all over his bare middle… heads, hands, feet, all pushing out against the confines of his womb.

“You're… sweet to offer that Derek, but if I don't go into labor come tomorrow night, I…”

Do you think you will?” The club owner cut him off.

Todd shook his head. “I started having Braxton-Hicks this morning but last time, I had them for days before I actually went into labor.”

Oh!” Derek grinned. “That's good!

Didn't you just give me time off?” The younger man frowned again.

Well, yes… But, if YOU think you'll be able to perform again and consent to stopping as soon as I say you HAVE TO, well, then I…

Todd understood Derek was just covering his bases. He had to… As much money as he was bringing in for all of them, if he ended up going into labor on stage and didn't get off it quickly, before his water broke and he started pushing, he knew Derek risked losing his business and liquor licenses, so they were walking/waddling a fine line.

Who knows..?” Todd said quietly as he waddled further into his dressing room. “Nothing points to it yet, but I might go into labor tonight?” He shrugged. “But… If I don't… I'd definitely appreciate having at least tomorrow night off, and then, I guess we can go from there?” He smiled at the club owner, hoping he was masking his continued discomfort as the quads continued to distort all sides and segments of his gargantuan belly with their strong movements.

“Just keep me posted,” Derek smiled and nodded back as he turned to leave, but not before peppering Todd's belly with another series of rubs. “And stay as long as you need to tonight… In fact, but I strongly suggest it, ‘cause there's a big crowd waiting out back, thinking you're gonna leave soon. I'll get rid of ‘em now if you want?”

“Let ‘em hang,” Todd waved him off. “I hate to disappoint fans, but maybe I won't have to, at least not to their faces, if we hang here for a while?” He shrugged again.

Like I said, take your time,” Derek smiled and winked before closing the door behind him.

As soon as he was gone, nearly naked, Todd released another ragged breath as the four boys inside him wouldn't stop moving.

Wonder-ful…” he groaned as he looked down at his belly. “Now, I have a street fight going on… Settle down, guys! My skin feels ready to rip!” He griped as he tried to remain calm even though his belly felt particularly tight.

Fortunately, since he was the star of the club, Todd's room had a small bed there. Taking in a deep breath, he waddled towards it, hips aching and back killing him. As soon as he sat down on the bed, he heard another rip, the thong finally giving up, practically shooting across the room, leaving his cock and balls on full display beneath his mammoth belly.

“Well, at least I won't have to struggle taking it off?” He sighed as he slowly laid down.

As soon as he was laying down, Todd's hands went to his belly. The babies were still moving, pushing the walls to his overloaded womb to their limits. He felt full. Too full, ready to burst and yet the quads didn't seem to be ready to come out. Derek was right about one thing: he'd never seen anyone as pregnant as he was. Obviously, this wasn't a “regular” pregnancy and Todd had no idea why he'd been the one to “luck out?”

Todd sighed and closed his eyes as memories of the night the quads were conceived came back, making him smile…

He didn't know the other guy's name and he'd just been visiting so it was unlikely they'd ever cross paths again. They met after one of Todd's shows, the guy had come into the dressing room while he'd been getting ready to head home. He was taller than the stripper which was impressive considering he was 6'3” tall. He wasn't just tall though, he was big, wide to be specific. He looked to be a little older than Todd, maybe in his mid-twenties and looked like he'd been lifting weights since he was a baby.

The guy was jacked. Like pro-bodybuilder level. His muscles caught Todd's eyes till they wandered lower to his crotch and saw the very prominent bulge in his pants. Apparently, he'd paid Derek to have backstage access and he was willing to pay even more to have a quicky with Todd. Todd usually didn't do that but between the money and the huge guy's stellar looks, he was easily convinced this time. He accepted the money with a big smile and then they both started to undress.

Once it was revealed, the guy's dick was even bigger than Todd had expected. It wasn't the biggest he'd seen, but it came in third, his own cock holding second place.

Todd climbed onto the bed on all fours, aiming his huge ass back at the hunk. He handed him a condom and then a few seconds later, that huge dick was buried all the way inside his ass. It felt incredible. Todd's mind went blank as the guy started to thrust into him with such force, the bed creaked non-stop beneath them even though he was standing at its side. To this day, he could still feel how hard the guy's hips had smacked against his ass and how much he'd moaned and groaned in pleasure.

The big hunk took a firmer grip on Todd’s waist as he leaned forward and covered his body with his as he bucked his hips uncontrollably. Todd had never been fucked so hard and aggressively in his life, but he loved it. He would’ve been happy to have kept going all night, free of additional charge, but between grunts, the guy told him his friends were waiting for him. Todd grunted and nodded back as he was thrust into harder and faster.

Both of them were panting and moaning in pleasure when a couple minutes later as the guy came, Todd literally felt the tip of the condom start inflating inside of him. As he came (and came and came,) the guy told him he’d been saving up his load for weeks, waiting to put it in a guy as sexy as Todd.

The stripper let out an appreciative grunt as he felt the ball of cum continue to grow, further expanding his hole. Huge as this one was, Todd couldn’t believe one man was capable of producing such a load. His balls were big, but they weren’t that big… The thought of so much cum was so insanely hot to him, his dick, hard but untouched, started to spurt, coating his… belly?

But Todd didn’t have a belly… He had enviable and defined abs he’d worked long and hard to get back after the birth of the twins. The last time he’d had a belly was while he’d been pregnant with them and then for some time after till he got back in shape. The last time he’d felt bloated like this was…

Before he could finish the thought, he heard a muffled pop that was coupled with a sharp sensation that caused him to grunt in surprise. Todd grunted again when he felt what seemed to be gallons of cum coating his insides, filling them to the brim. Between the size of the guy, the force of the intense fucking and the copious amount of cum filling it, the condom had broken.

Oops!” The guy chuckled as he pulled out and saw the broken condom. “Don’t worry, I’m clean,” he assured as Todd rolled over onto his back and started to rub his bloated midsection. “But you probably wanna go get rid of all that!” He winked as he eyed the bulge he’d left behind.

Todd knew he was right, but he didn’t want to move. He didn’t think he could at the moment… He knew there was a risk of pregnancy, but he had some time before he had to get up and empty out. Besides, the risk was low and he never imagined he’d end up as pregnant as he eventually did. How could he have?

The guy hurried to get dressed then came over and planted a kiss on Todd’s forehead. Todd was still smiling and tried to speak to ask the guy for his name and number so maybe they could do this again, but his brains had literally been fucked out. Smirking, quite pleased with himself, the guy left, closing the door behind him, leaving Todd to drift off and dream about the amazing encounter they’d just had.

Even after waking a few hours later and getting rid of what he could of the load before heading home, Todd’s lower abdomen remained bloated. It stayed bloated for another few days.

A few weeks later, he started to feel sick. Thanks to his first pregnancy, he knew the symptoms quite well. Todd didn’t need to take a pregnancy test to know he was knocked up again. Once the morning sickness passed, he made an appointment with his doctor to find out how knocked up he was, assuming he was expecting his third child. One more wouldn’t be too hard to manage alone…

But the big stud hadn’t knocked him up with one more. He’d knocked Todd up with quadruplets. By the time Todd had gotten around to confirming his pregnancy, not that he actually would’ve, but it was too late to do anything about it. He’d been OK with that when he assumed he’d been having one, but four?! That was way more than he’d bargained for but there was nothing he could do about it now other than hope he’d be able to manage.

There was a lot to worry about, first and foremost being his job… With two children already, Todd literally couldn't afford to lose it, nor could he afford to take time off while he grew (and grew and grew) and then gradually, hopefully got back in shape. Now that money was a concern, Todd started working more, performing almost every night, even during the week when the club was much less crowded.

Between all the work, caring for the twins and growing the quadruplets, Todd quickly became exhausted but that was how it had to be. He figured his days as a stripper were numbered, that as soon as he started to show, Derek would fire him and he'd be left without a job and seven mouths to somehow feed. Just when his fears grew to practically consume him, Todd's belly had grown enough to be noticeable and Derek pulled him aside. As soon as he sat down in his office, Todd thought for sure he was about to get fired.

“You're pregnant, aren't you?” Derek asked, quickly cutting to the chase.

Todd nodded.

“How far along are you?”

“Two and a half months,” he replied.

And you're already showing?” Derek frowned.

“Quads,” Todd explained. “A result of that guy who paid you for backstage access and me for a quicky…”

“Shit, man. I'm sorry,” the club owner shook his head. “You should've told me sooner.”

“Would it have made a difference?” Todd huffed. “You probably would've just fired me then!” He rolled his eyes.

Fired you?

“That's why I'm here now, isn't it?”

No!” Derek laughed. “I brought you in here to confirm my suspicions and then confirm that you want to keep working for me!”

Really?!” Todd asked in surprise, not having expected this.

Yes! I think guys will be into a pregnant stripper. I think they'll really be into a really pregnant one!”

Thankfully, it turned out Derek was right. The bigger Todd's belly got, the more people started coming in to see him. As his pregnancy progressed (which it quickly started to do,) whatever he wore looked even smaller and tighter than it already actually was. The bigger he and his quads got, the more money Todd started bringing in. He got countless more offers for more “backstage fun,” but now that money wasn't an issue, he turned them all down, no matter how high the offer was.

Only halfway through his pregnancy, in just one night, performing twice, Todd made more than he made in two weeks before getting pregnant. Now, overdue, all it took was one performance for him to make as much as he used to in a month. The money had gotten to be so good, Todd couldn't help but already start to wonder if he should go and get knocked up again as soon as he could?

But not really… He did want to have more kids, but not like this. He wanted to have them with someone. Todd wanted to find a man who would love him and the kids he already had, as well as the ones they'd go on to have together. He wanted a big, bustling house he could stay home at and take care of while his man worked his big, important, well-paying job and provide financially for them.

Todd knew this was a dream and an unlikely one, but he still held out hope. Sometimes, he wished he could go back in time and do things differently so he had a better chance. He didn't regret his decisions, but he wanted more for himself and his children. As he reminded himself nothing was impossible, Todd smiled and continued to rub his belly.

Finally, the quads started to calm down. After performing and all their excitement, he was still sore all over, but at least his belly didn't feel like it was about to burst if he got kicked too hard…Todd took that as a sign it was time to get dressed and head home.

After his thong broke, all he had left to take off was his teeny, tiny shirt. Todd had some trouble getting his underwear on. Not only did his belly get in the way, his big cock, full balls and massive ass all made it hard to pull the briefs all the way up. A lot of guys had told Todd he had the biggest dick he'd ever seen. Big and marvelous as it was, he was lucky enough to say that he'd seen (and experienced) bigger.

At the moment though, there was a very good chance he had the biggest balls ever… When some guys get pregnant, their balls really swell up with cum thanks to all the hormones, and Todd was one of them. Even though he'd ordered the biggest briefs he could find online, he was really putting them to the test in front and back, same as with his sweatpants.

Anything and everything Todd wore now was tight, which wasn't very comfortable when he was so tight himself. His massive t-shirt fit a little better than his bottoms, but not by much. After a lot of tugging, he realized he was as covered as he was going to get, so he turned and slowly waddled out of his dressing room, wondering if he'd still be pregnant the next time he returned?

As he exited the back door of the club, Todd was relieved that he seemed to have waited everyone out. As much as he loved his admirers, he was happy he wouldn't have to stop and chat, eager to get home. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, Todd realized someone was waiting for him though… He could've felt scared or nervous, but he didn't. Something immediately told him not to worry, so he continued his slow and ponderous approach.

Todd's instincts proved correct. As the guy pushed off the wall and stepped into the light, his heart skipped a beat as he smiled at him. Todd recognized the grin, those beautiful eyes and perfectly sculpted brows… He knew them all very well, though it had been some time since he'd seen them last.

Dustin Bauer was Todd's best friend growing up. They'd grown up and gone to school together till they graduated from high school. The guys had been inseparable and Todd had had a major crush on Dustin for well, forever, including to this day. When he thought about the man of his dreams, it was Dustin. Dustin embodied all his desires and requirements and it was him Todd wanted to spend the rest of his life with and at one point, thought he might be lucky enough to do just that?

But then everything changed. Life got in the way and they hadn't seen each other since shortly after graduating, almost five years ago. If Todd thought Dustin had been hot back then, now he looked incredible. Even though he was wearing a suit (which was perfectly tailored,) it was evident Dustin had taken excellent care of himself, all his muscles bigger than ever. As Todd stared up the inch Dustin had on him, he couldn't help but get immediately turned on (again) by the most perfect man he'd ever met.

W-what are you doing here, Dustin?” He asked, voice shaking in disbelief.

Surprise!” Dustin smirked down at him.

I'll say!

Me too,” he chuckled. “You look… amazing.”

Todd chuckled. “Right…

“I'm serious,” Dustin nodded. “Can I give you a congratulatory hug, or would that be weird?” He asked as he opened his arms.

For the first time in years, Todd felt that amazing feeling he'd almost forgotten about as without a second thought, he waddled forward and wrapped himself in Dustin's embrace. It felt like home.

What the heck are you doing here?!” He asked after a few seconds, still in shock. “At the club! In the city?!” He questioned as he forced himself to step back and leave the arms he found so much comfort in.

“I moved here a couple weeks ago and one of my co-workers invited me to come out and see the hottest pregnant guy he's ever seen,” Dustin winked down at him. “Imagine my surprise when I realized not only was he right, but said guy was you!

Ohmygod…” Todd groaned. “I'm really happy to see you, but I can't believe you saw me perform?!” He rolled his eyes. “I'm so embarrassed!

“You shouldn't be.”

Right…” he said again. “So where's your co-worker?” He asked as he looked around, not seeing anyone.

“He left, I obviously stayed. I wanted to catch up and see you up close.”

I'm pretty hard to miss!” Todd chuckled as he looked down at himself. “Quadruplets. Lucky me…” he smirked up at Dustin. He was about to say more when one of the babies suddenly kicked really hard, right behind his right lung, making him gasp in discomfort.

Are you OK?” Dustin asked, voice filled with concern.

Todd nodded. “Just a strong kick. They still take me by surprise sometimes and needless to say, they don't feel too great.”

May I feel?” Dustin asked, raising his brows.

You didn't feel that planet between us while we hugged?!

Not as much as I'd like to,” he winked again.

“You can feel,” Todd nodded.

Dustin grinned as he placed his right hand on his belly and started to rub. Instantly, his gentle touch made Todd's entire bloated and tired body shiver but it also seemed to calm the babies back down. In just a few seconds, his belly had stopped trembling, now only his hands did as he anxiously held them at his side's, fighting the urge to reach out, grab Dustin and never let go.

“I’m happy for you,” Dustin said as he took his hand back. He said he was happy, but he didn’t look it. He looked like he wanted to keep his hand where it had just been.


“‘Cause you’re getting what you always wanted… You always talked about wanting a big family, and here you are having four kids at once,” Dustin smiled. “You must be so happy and I’m sure your…” he paused to look at Todd’s left hand, not seeing a ring. “Husband? Boyfriend? They must be too.”

“No husband or boyfriend,” Todd replied quietly. “Just me and the kids. So not exactly what I wanted, but I am happy.”

Dustin seemed to perk up a little. “Oh! Well, even if things didn’t exactly go to plan, you’re still four steps ahead of me, or soon to be!” He chuckled as he looked at Todd’s belly again, seemingly unable to keep his eyes off it. “No kids for me. No husband or boyfriend either…” he trailed off as his cheeks flushed just like they used to when he got embarrassed.

The guys continued to catch up standing there in the dimly lit alley, though Todd did waddle over to lean against the wall for support. He sighed as he leaned back, his belly really thrusting out in front of him, catching Dustin’s gaze yet again.

“You can rub it some more if you want,” Todd offered with a nod.


“If you want to. If you don’t…”

He didn’t finish his sentence before Dustin’s hand was back on his belly, which was quickly followed by his other. As he stared and rubbed, he started filling Todd in on his life… After high school, he’d gone on to college and then landed a great job in London. His recent move to town had landed him an even better one with pay so incredible, Todd couldn’t believe there were people who made so much, but if anyone could or deserved to, it was Dustin. He’d done things right… He’d done things by the book and it had literally paid off for him. Todd was happy for him, really, he was. Dustin had always had big dreams and had done whatever he needed to to make them into realities.

Todd had always admired him for that and so much more… Dustin had always encouraged him to be the best he could be, and look where that had gotten him. Todd didn’t blame him for any of the choices he’d made, but now he disliked some of them even more. He could only imagine how disappointed Dustin must’ve been to find him dancing, no, stripping to feed the four babies he knew of, who didn’t have another father.

Quite literally, Todd had been exposed many times before but now as he stood there in front of his friend, fully clothed (or as close to it as he could currently get,) he'd never felt more so in his life. It felt like good and/or bad, Dustin could see right through him.

Dustin went on about himself. He had more to share and be proud of. In just a few years, he’d achieved so much and obviously had more good luck and fortune coming his way. But eventually, all good things must come to an end. Dustin noticed that Todd seemed tired and offered to take him home. Todd had a car but hadn’t driven it in over a month on advice from his doctor not to get back behind the wheel till the babies were born, so he was just going to get an Uber or something. When he told Dustin as much, the taller man scoffed as his sexy smile grew.

I’m taking you home,” he said as he took his hands from Todd’s belly and wrapped his left around his widened waist before slowly leading him to his car, a brand new Maybach.

The big, fancy car illuminated as they slowly approached, Dustin's arm still wrapped around Todd's waist. Only when they neared the passenger door did he relinquish his grip to open it for his fecund friend and move the seat back. All the way back. Even with it all the way back, there was only just enough room for Todd and his belly, which made him feel like a whale, but he wasn't too far off the mark.

As they drove the ten minutes to Todd's apartment, Dustin shared more. As it turned out, he ended up saving a lot of money while living in London. Since he didn't know anyone and was so busy and focused on work, he hadn't bothered renting somewhere fancy like he had now. He minuted the name of the street he'd moved to and Todd recognized it right away as it was the one he really wanted to live on because of how nice it was, but yeah, right!

Dustin's plan had been to pull up in front of Todd's building to help him out but when they arrived, he lucked out and found a spot almost just as close so he parked. After turning the Maybach off, he hurried around to help Todd out of it. Once his once again slightly breathless stripper friend was back on his feet, Dustin stepped back and offered him another one of his charming smiles.

“Can I walk you in?”

Todd wanted to say yes right away, but he felt bad for having already accepted a ride home, so he politely declined. “You don't have to. I'll be fine.”

“I'd like to be sure of that,” Dustin replied, still smiling as he looped his left arm and nodded down at it, indicating he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

With a nervous smile back, Todd looped his right arm through then slowly set the pace towards his building. Once again, Dustin kept contact till he had to step forward and open the door. He kept his hand on his friend's back as he gently ushered him through, then continued to keep it there as Todd led the way through the lobby to the elevator.

As they rode up to his twelfth floor apartment, Todd caught Dustin looking directly at his belly and then at his ass in the elevator's mirror. The stripper was used to men staring at him, especially now, but Dustin's attention made him blush, so as soon as the doors opened, he waddled out of the elevator as fast as his heavy body allowed.

“Here we are… 12E,” he said once they reached his door. “Thanks for seeing me up. It was really nice to see you again, even if it was slightly embarrassing!” He chuckled as he shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” Dustin assured with a shake of his head.

Easy for you to say!” Todd huffed and rolled his eyes again. “Anyway, maybe we can keep catching up over coffee or something?” He suggested, sounding uncharacteristically nervous.

“I switched to tea thanks to London.”

“Tea works,” he nodded. “When I can't say,” he switched to shaking his head. “Kinda depends on when they decide to finally come out,” he said as he dipped his chin towards his belly, the bottom of it almost getting lost between his large, milk-filled pecs.

“Why wait?” Dustin shrugged. “They're giving us time now, aren't they?”

“I don't think they'll be coming tonight,” Todd confirmed. “But…

“I have so many questions and we haven't seen each other in years! I dunno if I can wait till you have time again knowing you have it now… I talked to your boss, Derek, right?


“Well and he told me he gave you off tomorrow and since it's Saturday, I'm off too, so please…” Dustin said as he stepped closer, as much as Todd's belly allowed him without putting too much pressure on it. “Let me come in.”

While his touch was once again gentle, it was firm enough for Todd to be able to feel each and every one of Dustin's washboard abs, all eight of them. He fought hard against the urges to moan and (immediately) cave.

Dustin…” he sighed. “I really do wanna catch up more, but I'm tired and I…”

The next thing he knew, Dustin's face was right in front of his, his lips barely but definitely touching his own.

“I know you want me to stay, Todd… It was dark, but I saw how much your face lit up when you saw me,” Dustin said in a whisper. “And I've seen how you've been looking at me with lust ever since… Haven't you noticed I've been looking at you the same?” He asked, raising his brows. “I've really missed you all these years, he nodded. “I want to…”

Before he got the chance to say anything else, Todd smashed his lips against his, keeping words from coming out, but not moans… Both of them moaned as they started making out in the hall. Dustin's hands started to roam his belly and now chest too as Todd frantically gripped at his shoulders, digging his fingers as deep and hard into the firm muscles as he could, like he was holding on to them for dear life. Maybe in a way, he was? He couldn't let go of Dustin now that he'd just gotten him back…

It was one of the best kisses Todd had ever had in his life. Not the best, but close… Not ready for it to end, he fumbled behind himself to open the door, more grateful than ever that he'd spent the money on a lock that recognized his hand print.

“Just… promise me…” he whispered between kisses. “You'll be super quiet. I have… I have neighbors, OK?”

You know… I know… how to… behave,” Dustin replied as he carefully guided Todd backwards into the apartment, then silently shut and locked the door behind them.

He wanted to keep kissing… He never wanted to stop, but Todd knew he had to focus so he gently pushed himself back from Dustin then took his hand in his left while holding his right to his lips, indicating he wanted him to be silent. Dustin nodded, then let himself be led to Todd's bedroom, where after his friend closed the door, they got back to making out like, well, teenagers.

As they kissed, Dustin shed his suit coat, then his pants. All of a sudden, clothes were all over the floor. Stupidly, Todd thought he'd have the chance to set some guidelines, like “keep your shit together for when you leave,” but obviously, he'd lost himself to his lust, hormones and horniness.

As his slightly taller, slightly beefier friend uncovered more and more of his amazing body, Todd finally let his hands roam… He explored all the highs and lows of Dustin's heavily muscled torso, quickly honing in on his abs… The rest of him was great, but those abs were perfection. If he'd known how, Todd probably really could've done laundry on them, but till he learned, he'd be happy to “practice” with his hands and hopefully, mouth!

Still making out, Dustin gently guided Todd backwards till his calves bumped the foot of his bed. Their mouths remained locked as he slowly and carefully helped Todd sit, then he pulled back, giving his fecund friend his first good look at him naked.

What Todd saw was a body that would put any fitness model or pornstar to shame. Dustin wasn't as jacked as the guy who'd fathered the quadruplets, but his muscles were really big and perfectly shaped and proportioned, making Todd jealous miss his own muscles (mainly, his abs) all the more.

He lamented their loss till he lowered his gaze to Dustin's crotch. The biggest dick Todd had ever seen, the one that was bigger than his own, belonged to Dustin, and he knew how to use it!

“You look… amazing,” Todd said, almost totally entranced as Dustin moved closer, coming between his legs, his dick growing harder, bigger and longer as he did.

“Not as amazing as you,” Dustin replied as he reached out, grabbed Todd's shirt and started to pull it off, leaving him close to drooling in anticipation of what was to come.

Safe to say, he didn't want Dustin going home anytime soon. Ideally, not ever…


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