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The pressure and the discomfort that I was experiencing were beyond my wildest nightmares. My hips felt like they were about to crack, and my hole was on fire. I looked at my belly and couldn’t understand why it hadn’t deflated; it was definitely bigger instead. Even for twins, my belly seemed too big. The more I pushed, the fuller I felt, and the worse the pressure became. Even then, I tried to focus on the baby that was coming out of me and making me feel like I was tearing in half.

“Uughh… Matt, catch the baby. Uughh. He’s coming out so fast, and it hurts so much,” I said as I cried out and kept pushing. Our big baby boy stretched me more than I ever thought was possible. “I should’ve fallen in love with a smaller guy. Uugghh, please, he’s so big.”

“Ouch. You have always said that you love me big, babe,” Matt said, kissing my cheek. “I told you we should’ve gone to a hospital. You know they have ways to make this process easier.”

“Easier, my ass... fuck... don’t you dare to say anything,” I shouted as the baby continued his way out, and Matt chuckled. “We’re too late for that. Just... Uugghh... catch him, Matt. You can get all fatherly later. Uugghh. Now I just need this kid out of me,” I added, trying to stay calm, but I was already freaking out like never before.

The pain had taken my attention away from my expanding belly for a few seconds, but as I continued pushing, I felt the pressure on my abdomen increasing instead of decreasing. I was on all fours, with my big belly hanging low and almost touching the mattress, half a baby out of my body and surely another one rolling inside me. I could barely focus on what I was doing, but I felt like with each push, my belly reached lower, feeling heavier than before.

I took deep breaths before each push, and even though I knew I was making good progress with our big boy, at the same time, I felt like I was far from being done. Matt was very excited as he described how our baby boy was coming out. He described how big the head was, which I could feel without any description. He said the kid had broad shoulders like him, which I totally expected, and as the rest of the baby’s body slowly slid out of me, Matt described, inch by inch, how big the baby was.

When I finally felt the baby’s feet leaving my body, I tried to catch my breath, and I felt as if a truck had just run over me. The worst part was that, considering the size of my belly, I knew I had to repeat the process again, and very likely not only once.

“He’s perfect. Joey, you did it. Our big boy is here,” Matt said as the baby started crying. “He’s so strong. I-I-I promised myself I was not going to cry, but he’s so perfect,” Matt added as he started cleaning the baby and followed the instructions from a YouTube video on how to cut the cord. I felt proud of him, but was too exhausted to compliment him.

“Matt, let me... see him, and... I need you. Uugghh,” I cried out as I felt another contraction taking over my belly. Simultaneously, my belly expanded to rest heavily on the mattress.

“Joey, what is it? Are we really having twins?” Matt said, but he finally paid attention to the size of my belly, and he got speechless.

“I don’t know! Just… Please catch the next one. He’s getting out so fast,” I said between grunts as I started pushing once again because I felt the huge head of a second baby already getting into my birth canal.

I couldn’t see Matt’s face; but I knew he was scared. He had been waiting for the arrival of our boy with such excitement that the possibility of something going wrong or even the fact that there was a second baby was definitely terrifying for him.

I closed my eyes as I dealt with the pain, which was worse than I ever imagined. I pushed with all I had, but I felt Matt placing the first baby in bed and positioning himself behind me once again. Everything was so strange. I always thought I’d feel emptier once the baby was born, but with each passing second, I felt fuller and heavier. I heavily panted as I felt like dying. I groaned in agony because the pressure was terribly intense as the second baby was crowning.

I opened my eyes and immediately noticed Matt had placed our big baby boy beneath my face, so the first thing I saw was the most beautiful baby in the entire world cooing very peacefully. I couldn’t contain my tears when I saw my big boy, but his brother was in a rush to come out, so I had to focus on pushing.

Also, my belly hadn’t stopped expanding, so it was firmly pressing against the mattress, making me arch my back to give it more space to grow. I was overwhelmed by all the things happening at once, but with my big boy there, I got the courage to keep going.

Even despite the pain, I focused on the baby boy that was in front of me, and I picked him up to hold him against my chest with one of my arms. He started suckling immediately, and I couldn’t contain more tears streaming down my face. Even though I was having painful contractions and Matt was in a panic because the second baby’s head was already halfway out, I enjoyed the moment between me and our firstborn.

All along, the second baby continued his way out, and I could only hear Matt saying, “Push,” while I wanted to kick his ass because I already knew I had to push, and his commands weren’t helping at all. My hole stretched beyond my wildest nightmares, but at least I felt the baby moving at a good pace.

Then again, I was overwhelmed because, as the second baby’s head finally popped out of my hole, I felt more movements within my belly, and the pressure increased. After all, it was getting too big for me to stay on all fours. I was freaking out, but I tried to remain calm because of the baby nursing on my chest.

I felt the shoulders of the second baby starting to come out, and I could barely breathe. The pain was horrible, and was all Matt’s genes’ fault. As the baby continued coming out and his older brother continued suckling on my nipple, Matt started to change his mind, and the fear faded away. The initial shock and the fear were quickly replaced by the joy of welcoming another baby. He had always wanted a really large family, so having two babies instead of one was definitely positive.

Even though it was pretty obvious, Matt hadn’t noticed, or maybe he was trying to deny it, that my belly was still expanding, and it was making it really difficult for me to stay on all fours. There was no more space left; my belly was pinning me down to the mattress, and I knew there were at least two or three more babies in there because I could feel all the kicks in different directions.

I grunted and groaned as I continued pushing, and the second baby slowly slid out of my body. I was extremely tired already, and even though I wanted to enjoy having another of my kids in my arms, I had to use the small window between contractions to change positions. I had just given birth to a second baby, even though I was expecting just one, but I knew more were coming.

I softly placed my firstborn on the mattress, and he cooed in disagreement. The second baby cried loud while Matt cleaned him, so a soft cooing wasn’t a big deal. With my hands free, I lifted my upper body and got on my knees instead of on all fours. I groaned because I felt heavier than ever before, and when I finally was able to see the size of my belly, I groaned in horror.

In my new position, I wasn’t squeezing my belly between my actual body and the mattress, so I was finally able to see its full size. I gasped in surprise and slowly placed my hands on it, like trying to convince myself that it was real. My belly had been big when I went into labor, due to the size of the baby I was carrying, but now, even though I had already given birth to two babies, my belly was at least three times its previous size.

I knew something was wrong, or too right, but I didn’t have time to process what was happening because another contraction made me clutch my belly as it expanded once again. I took deep breaths and gave my belly gentle rubs as I felt a lot of kicking and rolling inside it. The pain was terrible, but the fact that my belly continued to expand was more terrifying than anything I had ever experienced before.

“Joey, what the fuck is happening? Why? How?” Matt shouted as he finally realized what was happening. He had been too busy cleaning the baby to notice I was in another position, and my belly was growing even more, but as he placed the second baby next to his older brother, he placed his hands on my belly and started rubbing it. “Are there more babies? But… I thought…”

“Matt, just shut up! Ugghh. Just... get these kids out of me!” I shouted out in anger because I was confused and in pain, but he kept lovingly rubbing my belly. “Sorry… I don’t want to be rude, but... Matt, please, please, please, oooh fuck, take these kids out of me.”

“I can’t do much, babe. I have no idea what’s happening, but you’re doing great,” he said, approaching to kiss my lips very passionately. His kiss helped me relax a bit, but then the pressure on my belly skyrocketed and also spread to other parts of my body.

The third baby was almost crowning, so Matt positioned himself behind me again. I continued clutching my belly because the bigger it got, the more painful the contractions became. With each passing second, I felt more kicking and more rolling in all directions, and I was simply scared. Even then, when I looked down at the two beautiful babies peacefully sleeping next to me in bed, I felt somewhat happy that I was having even more.

By the time the third baby’s head popped out of my hole, my belly looked like a mid-sized beach ball attached to my torso, resting heavily on the mattress. Thankfully, the third baby was coming out much easierly than the previous ones, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t painful. My hole was on fire, but it was just a part of the immense and overwhelming mix of sensations happening everywhere in my body.

Apart from the pain caused by the baby coming out of me and the pressure caused by my belly expanding to unprecedented proportions, a strange tingling sensation spread through my chest and ass. It started as a subtle tingling, but as the baby’s shoulders came out, I realized the tingling sensation wasn’t just discomfort.

I looked down, inspecting my belly because the many babies inside me were kicking up a storm, and I noticed my pecs were also expanding. It wasn’t that obvious at first sight, but as I paid close attention to them, I saw them slowly filling up and getting so heavy that in just a few seconds, I had big and round “tits” that rested heavily on top of my belly.

My “tits” weren’t that soft or saggy like breasts, and they retained their usual pectoral shape, but they were growing bigger than any bodybuilder’s, and they didn’t feel like muscles. I knew they were feeling up with milk, and it made me feel like a cow because I had never seen pecs this big.

This realization made me freak out even more, but then I felt Matt’s hands grabbing my ass and kneading it, taking me out of my trance. I tried to look back at him to see why he was doing that, but the combined size and weight of my pecs and belly at the front didn’t let me turn around entirely.

“What are you doing? It’s not time for that,” I angrily said because I was in pain and thought he was thinking about having fun.

“Joey… I don’t know how to say this, but... your ass is growing,” he said, sounding really confused and somewhat excited. “I thought I was hallucinating, but, babe, your ass is really growing.”

I moved my hands to my ass, and it actually felt plumper. I panicked even more because I was still growing everywhere. It wasn’t just the belly anymore. My body was changing, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was all happening so fast that I didn’t have time to process it all.

My hands traveled from my belly to my pecs, then to my ass, to rub them, trying to ease up the pressure, but it was simply too intense to handle. I was overwhelmed, between a growing belly, butt and pecs, a horde of babies moving in my belly, and the ones out of me cooing and crying in long for my attention.

I couldn’t focus on one thing because there were too many things happening at once, so when the third baby finally left my body, I thought I would have time to think or do something, but the fourth baby quickly entered my birth canal, and I had to restart the pushing while Matt cleaned our third baby boy. My belly was similar in size to a yoga ball, and my pecs were bigger than my own head.

Since I had already given birth to three huge babies, the fourth one was coming out much faster without me having to push that much. Even then, it was incredibly painful, so my groans and screams of pain were getting louder.

Meanwhile, I could hear Matt talking to our third boy as he cleaned him, and the baby was crying loudly. Then, I felt my nipples leaking like fountains, and I knew it was because of the baby’s cry. Sadly, I was too busy and overwhelmed to hold the babies and feed them. Again, it wasn’t only the pain caused by the birth but also the increasing pressure on my belly, pecs, and ass expanding to ridiculous proportions.

I rubbed my belly and felt even more kicking in response. I couldn’t even count or imagine how many babies I had in there, but it seemed like the number was getting higher every second. The fourth baby was almost out of me, with a fifth already in position to come out, and even then, I knew I had many more still in line to be born. I had no idea what was happening, but the only thing I could do was push and wait for my body to stop producing kids, eventually.

I looked down at my pecs, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. My “tits” had grown beyond anything I had seen before and were not only resting on my belly and blocking my own view, but also pushing against my chin. I was starting to feel a bit suffocated by them, and they just continued expanding like my belly.

Also, I couldn’t see my ass, but I could feel it had become enormous, and my hips had widened a lot. My thighs were also getting thicker, so I had to separate my knees more than before because of how much they had grown. It was a surreal but interesting feeling. I felt like a balloon being filled, but it wasn’t just air but babies, milk, and fat.

“Joey, you have to slow down or... just stop,” Matt said, fully freaking out when he had to catch the fourth baby and saw the fifth one crowning just a few seconds later.

“Does it look like I’m doing... uugghh... this on purpose?” I replied angrily, but I couldn’t blame him. I was in pain, and he was worried about me, and on top of that, he had to take care of a pile of babies that was just getting more numerous.

“No, no, I mean, this is just too much. We have four... soon to be five babies, and you look like there are a dozen more in your belly... or more,” he said as he quickly cleaned the fourth baby because the fifth one’s head had already come out. “Joey, I think I should call 911.”

“For what? Ooohhh… catch him, Matt... catch the baby,” I shouted as the fifth baby slid out of me, and Matt barely had time to catch him. Immediately, the sixth one started crowning, and there was nothing I could do to hold him in.

“I don’t know, Joey! I’m just worried you’ll explode or die,” Matt said as he placed the fourth baby in bed and quickly cleaned the fifth because the sixth was already halfway out. “I can’t help you, and I don’t want to lose you, Joey.”

I heard Matt snuffling as if he was crying, and I realized he was really scared. I knew it was normal for first-time dads to be scared, even more than the pregnant ones, but in this particular case, Matt had all right to be nervous. I didn’t know what to do because my belly expanded even further, and I felt a seventh baby right behind the sixth, and I knew there were even more still inside me. We were both terrified.

As expected, the sixth baby came out, and the seventh soon followed. The eighth baby barely gave Matt time to clean the previous baby. With each birth, the babies were came out much faster, and my body became even bigger. My belly was already bigger than I was, and my pecs were each like enormous milk-filled beach balls. Baby after baby, I felt how my body filled up instead of getting emptier, and the faster they were born, the worse the pain was.

The ninth and tenth babies were born just a few seconds apart, and after that, my belly finally stopped growing. I felt as big as a house, but a part of me was glad the growth had finally stopped growing. I looked at my belly and it seemed to extend at least 5 feet in front of me and three feet wide. It was much bigger than me and much bigger than Matt. I was literally bursting with life.

The sensation was strange but pretty enjoyable at the same time. Knowing that I had so many lives inside me felt pretty fulfilling, but then all the babies started moving like never before, leaving me breathless as baby number eleven moved to my birth canal, and from there, things got wild.

I didn’t have any control. I didn’t have to push. I couldn’t even count the babies. My body just let all the babies out one after the other without giving me a break. I felt like a machine gun, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Meanwhile, my big, strong man was behind me, doing his best to catch and clean all the babies. All I could do was groan and grunt in pain and let my overfilled body do the rest.


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