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The bus stop wasn’t far from Steve’s building, but with his heavy belly and huge pecs slowing him down, it took him almost 15 minutes to complete the short walk. By the time he finally reached the bus stop, he was heavily panting, and sweat was glistening on his forehead. Navigating public transportation was a major challenge for a guy in Steve’s condition, but there was no way he could drive with his enormous belly and lactating pecs on the way.

As he waited for the correct bus to arrive, Steve looked around and noticed everybody was staring at him in disbelief. He couldn’t blame them because his overloaded body was a true sight to behold. Steve pulled the hem of his shirt down, making sure that his belly was fully covered, knowing that no matter what he did, he would draw too much-unwanted attention toward himself. Even though it covered his plump body, his shirt left nothing to the imagination because it looked painted on his skin.

Steve felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, and he already knew who it was. His friend, Jack, had invited him to his apartment ‘to talk,’ and Steve was aware of the topic Jack wanted to talk about. They had met at the gym and had worked out together for months because they had similar goals. The problem was that after Steve got pregnant and started showing, Jack noticed, making Steve feel ashamed and prompting him to leave the gym. Jack had done nothing wrong, but Steve felt bad whenever he saw Jack getting great gains, while Steve only got thicker and rounder everywhere.

Steve had been hiding from Jack for months, but an invitation and a warning had obliged Steve to come out of his burrow and visit his friend. Jack had told Steve that if he didn’t accept the invitation, he would go personally to Steve’s apartment to talk. Considering his apartment was a mess, filled with bottles of breastmilk everywhere, Steve preferred to make the uncomfortable journey to Jack’s place rather than explain why he had so much milk stored.

“Dude, you coming?” Read Jack’s message. “If you don’t, I’m coming over,” Jack added.

Steve sighed as he typed his reply. “Yeah, on my way now.” He sent the text and sighed deeply, feeling the babies roll as he did.

Looking up, he saw the bus that passed by Jack’s neighborhood, and as it stopped, Steve faced another challenge. The bus’ door was somewhat narrow, or at least it looked like it for a very broad Steve. Also, the first of three steps at the front door was several inches from the floor, meaning that a very heavy Steve had to make a great effort to climb in. For regular people, it wasn’t a problem; even elderly ladies managed to do so, but the closer Steve got to the door, the more he feared he wouldn’t be able to get in.

Steve read a “Watch your steps” sign, and he couldn’t contain a chuckle because he hadn’t been able to watch his steps in months. Bravely, Steve took a deep breath and slowly lifted his right leg to climb up the first step. He made a first attempt, not succeeding, and making him blush. He grabbed the edge of the door and had to combine the strength of his legs and the power of his arms to very barely lift his heavy body from the ground and into the bus. From there, the other steps were equally challenging, but Steve pretended to be fine.

Unable to estimate the space he had in front of him, as he reached the final step, his belly bumped against a glass that separated the driver from the rest of the bus, making the driver gasp in shock. The driver couldn’t hide his surprise and curiosity as Steve tried to regain composure and act cool. It was evident that he hadn’t seen a belly as big as Steve’s before.

“Good morning. Sorry for bumping against... you know,” Steve said very politely, and the driver just nodded, not finding words to respond.

Steve smiled and absently moved his right hand to the small of his back and started slowly waddling through the aisle of the bus. This position made his belly stick out even further than usual, but Steve’s back was too sore for him to care about the shocked expressions of the other passengers. He was panting as he took slow steps, looking for a seat near the back, where he thought nobody would pay attention to him.

Once the driver made sure that Steve had found a seat, clearly concerned about the young man’s well-being, the bus started moving, and the passengers tried to mind their own business and stop looking at the man with the enormous belly that traveled among them. Even then, Steve could feel some of them looking at him, still in shock, every once in a while.

As Steve settled into his seat, the babies continued making their presence known by stretching inside their daddy’s belly almost rhythmically. As much as he wanted to act as if nothing was happening, the constant movement and the kicking made Steve groan and moan. Also, every once in a while, a strong contraction reminded him of the impending birth of his babies and made him clench his jaw in an attempt to deal with the pain.

He gently rubbed his belly as the bus continued its route, trying his best to calm down and maintain an appearance of normalcy, but his abdomen tightened, and Steve gasped as the babies kicked him really hard in response. This repeated several times, each one more painful than the last, and Steve knew this meant his body was getting ready to give birth. Each contraction sent a wave of discomfort through his body, making him groan very loudly.

“Are you okay, young man?” A middle-aged woman sitting across from Steve finally got the courage to speak.

Steve took a deep breath and looked at him with a broad smile. “Oh, I’m fine. Just… a bit of indigestion,” he said, hoping she would believe his lie.

The woman nodded and kindly smiled at Steve, who looked around and noticed other passengers staring at him. As his abdomen tightened violently and the babies stretched in all directions all at once, Steve groaned and clutched the sides of his massive belly, alerting another passenger that something was wrong.

“Seriously, dude, are you sure you’re okay?” A young man in his mid-twenties leaned over to check on Steve. This young man had noticed the size of Steve’s belly as soon as he walked into the bus and hadn’t been able to look away ever since.

Steve chuckled, attempting to look cool while being in clear pain. “Yeah, yeah, I’m good. I just had a big breakfast—too much bacon, you know? Nothing to worry about,” he said, playfully patting his belly, which he soon discovered was a bad idea because the babies started moving even more.

The young man frowned, clearly not believing Steve’s story, and sat back in his seat once again. Steve took another deep breath and tried to regain some composure as his belly continued contracting. It was inevitable for the curious passengers to fix their eyes on Steve and observe every single one of his moves, making it more difficult for him to pretend to be fine. A mix of sympathy and concern was visible in the eyes of the passengers, but the longer Steve stayed on the bus and the stronger the contractions became, the less he cared about the curious glances.

The contractions were becoming more frequent, and beads of sweat formed on his forearm as Steve dealt with each wave of pain and discomfort. Aware that he had to keep his hands off his belly to avoid raising more suspicions, he clutched the sides of his seat when another contraction hit him, silently counting the seconds until the next one would come. With each passing minute, the challenge of hiding the signs of labor grew more difficult, and Steve pondered his options, knowing there was no way to stop his labor.

A part of him wanted to go back home and squirm in pain in private. Another part of him wanted to head to a hospital and let doctors and nurses take care of everything, but he wasn’t quite sure about letting so many people see him giving birth to his babies. And lastly, a tiny little part of him wanted to keep up with his plan and visit Jack to keep him away from the coming mess. Steve knew that if he didn’t reach Jack’s apartment, his friend would chase him around the city until they could “talk.” So, against all logical thoughts, Steve decided to go to Jack’s place, stay for about half an hour, and then head back home.

By the time the bus approached Jack’s neighborhood, Steve’s breaths were coming in short gasps. The sweat on his forehead glistened, and his attempts to mask his pain were pointless. Most of the passengers had recognized the signs of labor and speculated that the young man was somehow pregnant, but the only reason that stopped them from calling 911 was that Steve’s belly was too big to be really pregnant. They thought there was no way a person could be that pregnant, so they figured it had to be something else.

As the bus pulled to a stop, Steve sighed in relief and struggled to get his heavy body off his seat. Over the bus trip, Steve’s belly had dropped a bit, making it more difficult for him to stand up. Surprisingly, the young man who had asked Steve if he was okay quickly got by his side and helped him get on his feet. As sweet as the action was, Steve blushed in shame because he had never needed help just to get on his feet.

In front of the concerned glances of all the other passengers, Steve slowly waddled through the aisle again and somehow managed to get off the bus without falling. His legs were shaky, and his back was killing him, but he had at least reached Jack’s neighborhood in one piece. Trying to mask his pain with a kind smile, Steve noticed even more people staring at him as he absently placed his right hand on the small of his back once again and started waddling to Jack’s building.

With each step, the pressure in his abdomen increased, and Steve had to take breaks when strong contractions hit him, leaving him breathless. Even though he wasn’t on the bus anymore and there weren’t many people on the streets, he had to act as normal as possible to avoid drawing too much attention toward himself. The contractions weren’t discreet and manageable anymore, their strength and frequency increased while Steve waddled to Jack’s building.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally reached the building, and he quickly entered the elevator, where he could have at least a few seconds of privacy. While the elevator took him to Jack’s floor, Steve rubbed his belly frantically, trying to calm the babies down so they would stop kicking and rolling. Then he reached up to his pecs, which had been getting tighter all along, but he hadn’t been able to give them the attention they so badly needed.

“Oh please, please, please, don’t make me burst. Just half an hour, and then I’ll call an Uber to the hospital... or home; just don’t make me burst,” Steve said, looking down at his pecs and his belly. He wasn’t sure what he was referring to because his belly and pecs felt equally full and uncomfortable. “Damn, I’m just a massive time bomb,” he said, and he sighed in disbelief.

As the elevator stopped and the door opened, Steve fixed his clothes again and waddled to Jack’s front door. As he approached it, he felt a contraction building-up in his lower belly, quickly taking over his belly, hips, and back. It was the strongest contraction Steve had experienced so far, and he couldn’t contain a loud groan as the contraction peaked. Simultaneously, he heard a loud pop sound and felt a gush of warm fluid coating his inner legs and pants. Panic took over Steve as he realized his water had broken.

“Oh, no, no, no,” Steve muttered to himself, looking around to make sure no one had witnessed the ‘embarrassing’ event. “Stay calm, Steve. You can handle this. No need to panic,” he added, trying to cheer himself up.

He pondered his options for a second, but before he could formulate an escape plan, the door swung open, and Jack walked out of his apartment with a wide smile. Steve pretended to be fine, but he noticed how Jack’s smiley face changed to a concerned look when he saw how big Steve had gotten over the last few months. Even then, Jack acted as cool and polite as ever, even giving Steve a tight hug.

“Hey, Steve! Long time no see, man!” Jack said as he released Steve from the hug and patted his shoulders. “I heard a noise and thought it had to be you. You’re pretty late but don’t worry, I didn’t have any more plans for the day,” Jack added, ignoring Steve’s gigantic belly and massive pecs, or at least trying to.

“Hey, Jack! Yeah, it’s been a while, but... Something just happened, and I think I have to cancel our meeting. I really need to get going now,” Steve said, forcing a smile and suppressing the panic that consumed him.

“Absolutely not. I told you that if you didn’t come, I’d go anywhere so we could talk. Now, come in. I have some snacks and beer. You seem to be having way too many snacks and beer, though,” Jack joked, and Steve pretended to laugh. “Wait, did you pee your pants?” Jack added as he grabbed Steve’s hand to pull him into the apartment.

“What? Oh, no, no. I… It was this kid. He was running on the streets, and he stumbled in front of me. He had a bottle of water, juice, or something, and when he fell to the ground, the liquid just fell over my pants. Yeah, that’s how things happened,” Steve said, knowing that it was very unlikely for Jack to believe that lie. “Dude, I really need to leave. I promise I’ll come back in a few days.

“I said no. We really need to talk. You have been avoiding me for months, and now that I have you right here, I’m not letting you go,” Jack said, carefully guiding Steve to the living room. “Now sit down, and I’ll get you the snacks I promised you. Don’t worry if you get the couch wet; I’m buying new furniture soon anyway,” he added, helping Steve sit on the couch.

Steve was surprised. Jack acted like he knew Steve couldn’t lower down his heavy body with ease, making him appreciate his friend’s kindness. However, when Jack went to the kitchen, leaving Steve alone, another painful contraction hit him, and a groan escaped his lips. The contractions were becoming more frequent, and the pain was unbearable. Steve rubbed the sides of his belly and noticed his skin was tighter than ever before.

On top of it all, Steve felt a very familiar sensation spreading over his chest. It started as a simple tingling, barely noticeable considering the immense pressure he was experiencing with the contractions. As the minutes passed, Steve couldn’t ignore the increasing pressure in his chest anymore. The fullness had returned, a signal that his milk production was going over the charts once again. The subtle pulsations in his pecs hinted at the inevitable leakage that would follow.

Already overwhelmed, Steve tried his best to act normal when Jack came back with the snacks. Funnily enough, they were all lactose-based, making Steve chuckle. He wondered how Jack would react if he knew Steve produced enough milk to start a dairy factory. As funny as the thought was, the pressure on his pecs increased, and more contractions hit him, taking Steve’s mind back to the enormous discomfort he was facing.

“Dude, are you okay? You’re sweating, and you look... pale,” Jack asked, sitting across the living room with a concerned look.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just indigestion. I ate too much bacon this morning, and I’m not feeling well. That’s why I said I had to leave. I really want to go back to my apartment,” Steve said, forcing a smile, but as another contraction came, he clenched his jaw and absently rubbed the sides of his belly.

“Oh, sorry to hear that. Maybe you should slow down with the food? I mean… You’ve grown a lot already, and I’ve been worried. I mean, I say this very respectfully, but...” Jack said, struggling to find polite words to confront Steve.

“But I’m a blimp. I know and don’t worry, I…” Steve had to stop as contractions left him breathless and his pecs felt tighter in his undershirt. He had to take a few seconds to catch his breath, and his hands absently moved to his pecs to rub them.

“Are you okay? I don’t think it’s just indigestion,” Jack said, looking worried as Steve rubbed his overfilled pecs, trying to ease up the increasing pressure.

“I’m fine. I just... I think... I… May I use your bathroom, please?” Steve said with short breaths as the pressure on his pecs became too intense to ignore it.

“Sure. You know where it is,” Jack said, hurrying to help Steve to stand up.

Steve was surprised Jack had done the same as the guy from the bus; maybe it was too obvious that he could barely move on his own. Whatever the reason, he was thankful for their kindness.

As he waddled into the bathroom, the discomfort in his chest intensified, and the contractions persisted. Behind the closed door, he leaned against the sink, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He sweated profusely, and the quintuplets continued their restless kicking within him. Additionally, his pecs felt fuller than ever before, prompting him to press his palms against them, as if trying to contain the inevitable. Steve looked down at his contracting belly and his overfilled pecs, which looked bigger than ever, and realized he wouldn’t be able to keep the facade of normalcy if he stayed any longer.

“I have to get out of here. I… uuugh…ahh… gotta get home,” Steve muttered as he felt his pecs getting uncomfortably tight in his undershirt. “I just hope it’s not too late,” he whispered as he tried to pull himself together, ignoring the wetness already spreading around his nipples.



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