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“Uhh… ahh… wha-what the fuck are you talking about? Tha-that’s not fucking funny… uugghh, there’s something wrong,” Hunter managed to say through gritted teeth, clearly in pain. He was squeezing my hand really hard, his breathing became heavy, and his belly kept contracting. Tears streamed down his cheeks, showing how much pain he was experiencing.

“I’m not kidding. Just look at the movie and then look at yourself. It all makes sense. Somehow, I knocked you up. It makes sense,” I explained, but Hunter looked harsh at me, clearly not believing me.

“I’m a man! Men can’t get pregnant... aaaggghhh… I don’t wanna hear your… uugghh… jokes about my weight,” Hunter replied, crying even harder. He suddenly got all emotional, another proof to confirm my theory.

“Hey, I’m not kidding, and you know I’d never make fun of your weight. I like you, Hunter, I like you this big or with abs. It’s time we stop pretending we’re still just friends,” I said, looking him in the eyes. He breathed heavily and rubbed his belly. “I think you’re my man, Hunter. The one that I want,” I added, leaning in to kiss his lips. However, before I could do it, he screamed in pain once again.

“Ryan, take me to the bathroom. Please… uugghh… I need to go unless you want me to… aahh… ruin our couch,” Hunter said, struggling to move from the couch without success.

“Did you even hear what I said?” I asked, feeling confused and hurt.

“BATHROOM! NOW!” he shouted. I stood up from the couch and extended my arms to help him stand.

I grabbed both his arms and pulled him up, hearing him groan and grunt all along. He was heavier than I expected, probably because he wasn’t making any effort to stand up. It seemed like he was in so much pain that his legs weren’t responding, or maybe he just wanted me to do all the work. Whatever the case was, as strong as I was, it was very difficult for me to get him off the couch.

Tears of pain were running down his cheeks, and his belly was still shaking violently. Realizing that moving him off the couch would be too painful for him and nearly impossible for me, I instead pushed him and helped him lie down on his back on the couch. He was clearly mad at me and tried to resist, but he was clearly in too much pain to have the strength to do so.

“Hunter, listen to me. You’re in labor. Just trust me, okay? Look at me, I’m not joking,” I said, and his teary eyes locked with mine. I saw the fear in his eyes, and I couldn’t blame him. I was scared too, and I wasn’t in his position.

“Ryan, it can’t be. I’m a-a-aahhhhhhhhh… Please help me!” Hunter screamed out, and clutched his big belly tightly. Now that he was lying on his back, his belly looked tighter and bigger than ever.

“Just breathe, Hunter. We’ve watched TV shows about this. Well, not exactly this, but I guess it works the same. You have to breathe until you feel the urge to push,” I said, while Hunter groaned and rubbed his belly.

“Ryan, stop. I’m not pregnant. I’m not in labor. I’m not having your child… ugghh… man, I’m going to poop on the couch… aaahhh!” he screamed, and it took me a moment to realize he was feeling something coming out of his ass. “I swear, if I survive this, I’ll kill you. Take me to the fucking bathroom,” he managed to say, unintentionally lifting his legs, getting in the right position to push.

As he kept breathing heavily, I tried to recall any knowledge I had about childbirth, which was limited considering the unusual scenario. However, I tried to calm myself down and think about what I could do to help Hunter. Memories of movies and videos I had seen rushed to my mind, and I quickly ran to the bathroom to get the supplies we needed. Even from the bathroom I could hear Hunter’s groans and labored breathing.

As I collected towels and a pair of scissors to cut the cord, I realized that I was about to become a father, at least if my theory was correct. That realization hit me hard. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, contemplating the idea of myself as a dad to the baby Hunter was giving birth to. Many thoughts crossed my mind, especially since we were both males and only supposed to be friends. Also, Hunter’s lack of response to my love declaration earlier made me feel insecure about what would happen between us if he was really having my kid.

Lost in my own thoughts, I heard Hunter calling my name and I quickly ran back to the living room with the towels and scissors in hand. Hunter was in the same position, with his knees bent, and this gave me a clear view of his gaping hole. I knew nothing about the process of childbirth, but I was sure Hunter was dilated enough to push. As I got closer, I noticed the undeniable shape of a baby’s head slowly emerging from Hunter’s hole.

“Hunter, I know you don’t believe me, but I really need you to trust me. I need you to push. and I promise this will be over soon,” I said as I knelt next to the couch and took hold of Hunter’s hand.

“No, no, no. This can’t be real. Ryan… uuugghh… I don’t want to push… I-I need this to stop,” he said, with teary eyes, and I kissed his cheek.

“Hey, I promise this will be over soon. I’m here with you. Now, trust me, you need to push,” I said firmly. After a few seconds of hesitation, he took a deep breath and started pushing.

“I can’t… be doing… this… uugghh,” he said, groaning through the effort. He still seemed to be  in denial but at least he was making some progress.

“Don’t worry, it will all be over soon and… and… well, we’ll deal with the results later,” I kissed his belly and positioned myself between his legs, still holding his hand.

I was in awe of Hunter’s strength and how he was dealing with what was definitely an incredibly painful experience. As I looked at his hole opening more and more as the baby’s head crowned, I couldn’t contain some tears of joy, aware that I was watching my child being born.

As the baby’s head was crowning, Hunter was clearly struggling to make progress due to the size of the baby’s head. He was definitely pushing with all his strength, I could see it on his face, but the baby was really big and it made it difficult for Hunter to clear the head.

“Come on, Hunter. You’ve been doing amazing. Just push,” I said, but he just looked harsh at me.

“I don’t even know what I’m… ugh… doing! I feel like… uuuhh uuuhh… like my guts are coming out… uugghh… of me!” He said, and I smiled kindly at him.

“Give me a second, and I’ll give you some good motivation to keep pushing,” I said and quickly ran to grab my phone. I quickly took a photo of the baby crowning and showed it to Hunter. He instantly became speechless. “You see? just keep pushing, and we’ll have our baby in our arms”. I added, and he started crying.

As he started pushing again, I noticed he was making great progress immediately. With a deep breath, he focused all his energy on pushing, determined to meet his baby. It was a surreal scene, with each push Hunter gave, more of the baby’s head emerged, and the more emotional I became. I was glad to be there for Hunter and for our child, and deep inside, I wondered if this would change something in our friendship.

After several strong pushes, the baby’s head finally popped out, followed by more fluids. Hunter took a short break before the baby started turning and the shoulders slowly came out, while Hunter screamed out in clear pain. I had neer witnessed a birth before, and I had never seen a newborn this close. but I knew our baby was bigger than average. Not only was the head huge, but the broad shoulders were a clear indication that we were having a little giant.

“Why is this baby so big?” Hunter managed to say as the shoulders came through and the rest of the body started slowly sliding out.

“You’ve been eating a lot over the last few months. You’re the only one to blame for this,” I said as I placed my hands under our big boy, holding him while his torso came out, soon followed by his hips, legs and finally his legs.

When the baby was finally born, Hunter finally lay back and took a deep breath. He was clearly relieved, and I couldn’t blame him. As I cleaned our big baby boy, I marveled at his size and weight. I estimated that he weighed around 12 pounds, which was incredibly impressive. What impressed me the most, however, was how perfect he looked.

The baby looked like a perfect mix of Hunter and me. As I cleaned his face and cleared his nose, he started crying really loud. I saw Hunter jumping in excitement, trying to sit up to see the baby.

“Just give me a minute, Hunter. Let me finish cleaning our big baby boy before you can hold him,” I said, tears of joy streaming down my face.

“A… boy? Did I really just have a baby?” Hunter asked, still confused, even though he could clearly see the baby in my hands.

“Yes, you did and he’s perfect. You did a great job,” I said as I finished and carefully placed him in Hunter's arms.

Hunter started crying instantly as the baby cooed in his arms. It was such a cute scene, but as I looked at Hunter and the baby, I noticed Hunter’s belly was still pretty big. Even though it had definitely deflated, it was still too round to look empty. Shivers ran down my spine while I considered the possible implications.

While Hunter got our baby close to his nipple to feed him, I started rubbing his belly and immediately felt that it was still too hard to be just skin. I didn’t know how to tell Hunter that I thought there was still another baby. So, as I cut the cord of the first baby, I looked at him, waiting for him to realize it on his own. The thing was, he was too entranced with our first baby boy that he wasn’t paying attention to anything else.

“Hunter, I think… I think…” I was trying to find the words to tell him, but a loud gran interrupted me as his belly started contracting again and his hole started opening even faster than before. “There’s another baby coming,” I finally managed to say. but Hunter was unconsciously pushing by then.

“What? Another one? No, no… no… uugghh… Fuck!” Hunter managed to say, clearly confused. The first baby was suckling on his nipple, and now there was a second one slowly making its way out of him.

“Hey, you’ve got this. You did it once, you can do it again,” I added as I got between his legs again, trying to sound supportive.

“This is all your fault. You did this to me. You… uughh… uuhh… you knocked me up… uuhh uuhh uhh… now… I-I…aahhhh” he said, clearly mad at me. But since we both knew what to expect, he started pushing, and the baby was coming out much faster then the first one, even though it looked just as big.

I just smiled at him as our second baby was already crowning. His strong pushes were very effective, and that made me feel really proud of him. As I looked at Hunter bringing our second child into the world, I felt like my heart would burst out of my chest. Having a family had crossed my mind a few times over the years, and there was no better way to start it than doing it with Hunter.

“Why are you looking so… annoyingly happy? Do you like seeing me in this position?” Hunter asked as the second baby’s head popped out.

“Well, yeah. I do. You look hot,” I replied. Even though he was in pain, he looked at me in surprise as the baby turned.

He didn’t respond and kept pushing, while I noticed the second baby was definitely just as big as the first. The head was big, and the shoulders were broad. Although I was aware of Hunter’s discomfort, it all felt like a dream to me. As I placed my hands under our second baby to support him, I couldn’t help but smile, and tears of joy streamed down my face. I felt a little silly for being so emotional, but what I had just witnessed was simply too amazing to contain my feelings.

Once the second baby’s feet had slid out of Hunter’s body, I heard him breathing heavily as he collapsed back on the couch, completely exhausted. He was holding our first baby so lovingly that it warmed my heart. It was as if a paternal instinct had been activated in Hunter’s mind, making him aware that he had to protect the baby. So, while I cleaned the second one, he softly caressed the first one.

“Another big and healthy boy,” I said with a big smile on my face as the second started crying loudly.

“I-I still can’t believe they came out of me… and… I think it’s over now?” Hunter said as he rubbed his deflated belly.

“I think the placenta still needs to come out, but after these two babies, I don’t think you’ll have any problems with that,” I said as I finished  cleaning the second baby and placed him on Hunter’s free arm.

“He’s just as perfect as his older brother, and just as big. No wonder why my belly was so big and so heavy,” Hunter said as he looked down at the babies and the second one started nursing on his free nipple.

“We’re both big guys, so it was only logical we’d have big kids,” I smiled and caressed the babies’ hands.

“Do you really understand those words? We have kids, we’re both men. How are we going to… uuuggghhh… no, no, no… there’s another one?” He said, between groans, as he experienced more contractions.

“No, no, no, I think it’s the placenta. It shouldn’t be…” I was saying when the placenta came out of him, along with lots of fluids. “... easy for you. See? No more babies. You did it, you gave us two wonderful boys. And I couldn’t be prouder of you,” I said and kissed his cheek.

While our big baby boys were nursing on Hunter’s nipples, drinking the huge amount of milk his pecs had been producing, we remained silent for what felt like an eternity, just looking at our kids. I had no idea how we would explain the babies to our friends and family, but at that moment, all I cared about was Hunter and the kids in his arms. I wasn’t even sure about Hunter’s feelings towards me now that we had kids together, but I knew we could make things work.


About an hour after the delivery of the placenta, our babies were peacefully sleeping in my bed, wrapped in improvised blankets made from our clothes and sheets. Hunter was lying next to them, still processing the fact that the babies had come out of his body. Then, I lay down right behind Hunter and carefully hugged him.

“We make handsome kids together, right?” I whispered, reaching over Hunter to touch our babies’ hands.

“We do, but I still can’t believe they’re ours. I mean, how?” he said as he slowly turned around to face me.

“Well, I think we both know how. When I fucked you and…” I said, and he chuckled.

“Ryan, you know what I mean. We’re both men. We’re just friends, and now we…” He said but I interrupted him with a kiss.

“And now we have kids together. We’re a family,” I said as we looked into each other’s eyes. “You didn’t respond earlier, but I meant it when I said you’re the man I want. I don’t want to pretend we’re just friends anymore. I’ll be honest, I love you, Hunter. I know it’s not just lust because I’ve never felt like this before, and these kids helped me realize how true love feels like,” I added, and he started crying.

Without saying a word, he wrapped his arms around my neck, and pulled me into a passionate kiss that left me breathless. I didn’t need his words to understand he felt the same way as I did. I didn’t need him to tell me he also wanted us to become a family. After months of living under a ‘friends with benefits’ tag, we were finally embracing our true feelings and showing them to each other.

“Ryan, I love you too. Despite the pain you put me through while giving birth to your kids, I wouldn’t have done it for anyone else but you,” he said as he wrapped his legs around my waist and guided one of my hands to his fat ass.

“Is this some kind of invitation to… have more kids?” I playfully said as I firmly grabbed his ass.

“Well, it’s still movie night and we have a routine after the movie ends. Do what you want with me. We’re no longer just friends, so this ass belongs to you,” he said as our lips met again and my hands kept playing with his ass.

“Let’s move to your room so we don’t wake the babies up,” I suggested as we continued making out. “Hmm I love how movie night always ends like this.”

The End


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