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Martin’s breath grew shallow as he felt the intensifying changes in his body. He was aware that his pecs and arms were getting bigger, but the tingling sensation was quickly spreading to the rest of his body, making him feel hot. There was massive pressure built up within his belly, giving him a lot of discomfort, yet the pleasurable sensation of the growth spurt was more intense, and Martin couldn’t help but moan.

Martin instinctively rubbed his belly, feeling Jared’s hand doing the same. His skin was so sensitive that Jared’s touch weakened his knees. It was so overwhelming that Martin felt as though his mind was cracking under the increasing weight of his expanding body and the pleasure it brought. Unable to concentrate enough to really comprehend what was happening, Martin looked down at his own body for a brief moment and noticed his pecs sticking out several inches in front of him already.

Even though he was in discomfort and pretty scared, Martin felt his dick getting painfully hard under his massive belly. He had never felt so aroused before, which made him feel weird since it was his own growing body that was turning him on. Trying to comprehend what was happening, he turned his head to look at his arms, and the sight was so hot that his own dick throbbed in excitement. His shoulders were broadening, and his arms were covered in thick veins, giving him the appearance of a character from a freakish cartoon.

Meanwhile, Jared smiled because he knew his friend was going through a similar transformation to what he had experienced just a few minutes before. Jared couldn’t see Martin’s entire transformation happening because of his own pecs obstructing his view, but Jared’s dick started to harden again just from the feeling of Martin’s body expanding on top of him.

“Martin, take slow breaths, and you’ll enjoy what’s happening. Just don’t grow as big as me, or we won’t fit in this room,” Jared said playfully as his hand rubbed Martin’s belly.

“No, no, no, no. I can’t get that big, Jared. No. I-I, oh, come on, this is too much!” Martin said, trying to make sense of what was happening, but his mind was overwhelmed by the changes in his body.

Martin closed his eyes and tilted his head back as the growth intensified, and he lost control of his growing body. He felt an increasing tightness in his chest, and he knew his pecs were expanding. Instinctively, his right hand reached for his own right pec and couldn’t help but gasp as he felt his chest thickening, getting heavier and firmer to the touch.

Under Martin’s palm, his pecs felt as if the muscle tissue was getting denser, and even though the idea of him getting more muscular sounded somewhat appealing to him, considering how much Jared had grown, it was also a pretty scary thought. Martin found giant Jared attractive but didn’t want to become as big as Jared.

Despite his fear, Martin was somewhat enjoying the growth. With each heartbeat, his pecs expanded, stretching his skin to its limits. The tightness and the pressure he applied with his hands made Martin groan in discomfort, which was music to Jared’s ears. As Martin kept growing, Jared noticed the guy’s belly was slowly shrinking, but he knew there was still a long way to go before the growth was over.

Martin’s touch sent shivers down his own spine, intensifying the overwhelming sensation. It was all so intense that he couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes. He couldn’t see how big he was getting, but he could still feel how every inch of his body was expanding in different directions. Even between his legs, Martin was feeling a significant change that almost sent him over the edge. He started panting in pleasure, but the growth showed no sign of coming to an end.

Martin’s upper chest swelled with unprecedented size and definition, slowly getting close to his chin. He continued massaging his pecs and could feel the muscle fibers thickening under his palm. With each passing second, there was more area for him to massage. His pectorals were thickening in all directions, pressing tightly against each other, deepening and accentuating the cleft between them.

The striations of Martin’s pecs were becoming more defined as his hands gently massaged them, feeling the new mass adding size and weight with each heartbeat. It was as if every section of each pec was expanding individually yet harmonizing. This growth resulted in outstanding expansion while being magnificently balanced, giving him an impressive chest. Martin’s lower chest was getting so big and heavy that his pecs rested on top of his belly, giving a close-eyed Martin a clear indication of how big his chest was becoming. This growth caused his entire chest to grow higher, reaching up to his chin and broadening to match the width of his shoulders. Each pec was a masterpiece of strength, still growing larger and heavier.

Thick veins covered Martin’s entire arms, but as his shoulders broadened, he felt an electric sensation coursing through his deltoids. His deltoids became fuller and bulged outward with each heartbeat, giving him a superhero-looking physique. The growth was already intense, but it also caused Martin’s skeleton to get broader and his bones to thicken, resulting in intense discomfort. However, his whole frame broadened, giving him more space for his deltoids to grow.

As his shoulder expanded further out, the expansion focused on his biceps, and the sensation intensified as Martin instinctively flexed his bulging arms. With each flex, the peaks that his biceps formed became more pronounced. Even in a resting state, their new size quickly surpassed that of any bodybuilder’s arm that had ever existed. The transformation continued as Martin’s triceps expanded, completing the massive proportions of his enormous biceps and shoulders. Martin’s upper body was so magnificently thick that only Jared’s immensity outgrew it.

While Martin kept growing, Jared enjoyed the sound of his friend moaning in pleasure, and the weight of Martin’s body on top of his pecs felt fantastic. Jared couldn’t see much beyond his pecs, but he could feel Martin’s body changing as his massive belly was slowly shrinking. Jared knew what Martin was experiencing, so while Martin kept growing, Jared couldn’t wait to see the final result. If just the weight was any indication, he knew Martin was getting really big.

Then, Martin’s growth focused on his back, where his lats swelled and pushed his arms higher. As his lats thickened and his shoulders broadened, his superhero-like physique reached another level of greatness. Even on his larger frame, his muscles were fighting for space. This kind of issue had always been a very hot thought for Martin, as he loved how bodybuilders’ bodies couldn’t handle their own mass. However, the sensation of his body not having enough space for his growing muscles was better than he had ever expected.

Martin’s lats, shoulders, and traps were expanding, adding thickness to his neck and making his head feel somewhat locked in place. He had seen Jared’s back muscles grow far above his head, and now that he was on the same path, Martin realized it gave him an incredible sense of power. He didn’t want his head to become immobile like Jared’s, but he couldn’t deny that everything felt great, making him moan and gasp for more. He was so excited that his dick had been throbbing all along, and unbeknownst to Martin, with each heartbeat, it was getting bigger too.

As wonderful as his upper body’s growth felt, Martin noticed changes in his lower body taking effect much faster than on his upper body. He felt his hips widening, and his skin stretched so fast over the newly added mass that he felt tightness and heat spreading from his hips to his legs and ass like wildfire. His entire lower body was heating up more than the rest of his body, and his mind couldn’t fully comprehend what was happening, but the sensation was so intoxicating that his moans grew louder.

From Jared’s position, Martin’s growth was so exciting and fun that he couldn’t help but burst out in laughter, making his pecs tremble beneath Martin. This laughter seemed to accelerate Martin’s growth as if the shaking made him grow faster. Martin’s pecs bounced, and his ass jiggled while his belly quickly shrank. Martin was gasping, unable to breathe normally due to Jared’s earthquake-like laugh and the increasing intensity of his growth.

As Martin’s lower body expanded and thickened, he noticed that this growth felt different than on his upper body. It wasn’t just more intense; it felt like it reached deeper. His lower body’s bone structure thickened and readjusted as his legs, ass, and hips kept expanding. Soon, this same sensation spread throughout all his muscles, making him pant even more. The intensity of the feeling was so overwhelming that Martin feared he might faint. His body felt like it was about to explode, and he worried he wouldn’t survive the transformation.

“Jared… I think... it’s too much!” Martin said, and Jared couldn’t help but laugh again. He had undergone an even bigger transformation and had survived, so he knew Martin would be okay.

“Hey, calm down. You’ll be fine. I bet you’re one massive stud now. I can tell because I can feel your body on top of my pecs,” Jared said as Martin finally opened his eyes and managed to turn around and face him.

Between the immense wall of muscle that was now his body, Jared’s handsome, smiling face gave Martin the peace he needed during his own changes. Jared playfully winked at Martin, and despite feeling nervous and scared, Martin couldn’t help but smile. As their eyes locked into each other for a few seconds, Martin’s body expanded in all directions in an instant, making him moan louder than ever before. The sudden growth was so intense that he fell on his back on top of Jared’s pecs in pure ecstasy.

Sweating and heavily breathing, with a broad smile on his face, Martin felt his growth spurt finally stop. His hands instinctively reached for his abdomen as he noticed his belly had almost shrunk down to normal. Additionally, Martin felt his dick throbbing violently, almost on the verge of a massive orgasm. His entire body still felt on fire, but he slowly calmed down. Lying on his back on top of Jared’s pecs, Martin was looking at the ceiling in the afterglow of the most intense sensation he had ever experienced.

While catching his breath, Martin couldn’t stop thinking about the gigantic body beneath him. Martin knew he had grown a lot, but Jared’s transformation was still a hundred times better. Martin knew he was nowhere near Jared’s colossal proportions.

“So? Is it over? I want to see you closer,” Jared said as he flexed his pecs, making Martin’s entire body shake again. Martin laughed this time at Jared’s silly way of getting his attention.

“Yeah, I think it’s over, and it was incredible,” Martin said, still breathing heavily, as he started to roll on Jared’s pecs, allowing Jared to see him. “At least I didn’t get as big as you. I wouldn’t look as hot as you if I turned into a massive wall of muscle.”

Martin moved closer to Jared’s face, and the big, immobile guy couldn’t believe his eyes. Martin’s whole frame had grown to proportions that would make any pro-bodybuilder envious. His traps reached up almost to his ears, framing a strong-looking, masculine neck and making Martin look hotter than ever before. A subtle layer of fat covered his entire body, which was ticker in some areas, making Martin look even bigger and incredibly hot.

Martin’s shoulders were easily wider than regular doors, with enormous bulging deltoids connected to the thickest arms Jared had seen, apart from his own. The biceps alone were bigger than Martin’s head, and his triceps seemed surreal, making his upper arms look as thick as a bodybuilder’s torso. Even his forearms looked like enormous, powerful hamstrings.

Even though Martin’s arms and shoulders looked incredibly impressive, his chest was the most remarkable feature of his upper body. Among his massive muscles, his pecs looked enormous, and there was something so appealing about them that Jared’s dick shot a thick glob of pre into the ceiling when he noticed how full Martin’s pecs looked. They had the shape of a massive muscular chest, but they also had a thick layer of fat all over them. Also, Martin’s nipples had grown so much and looked so engorged that Jared couldn’t help but lick his lips in anticipation of having them in his mouth.

“So, do you like what you see?” asked Martin, pressing his pecs together to emphasize how big and juicy they were.

“Yes. Fuck yes! Dude! That’s so hot!” Jared replied in excitement. Martin moved closer to the big guy’s head, giving him a close-up view of his new chest.

Martin smiled and leaned forward to kiss Jared’s lips while his massive chest pressed against Jared’s enormous upper pecs. Martin could feel Jared’s breathing becoming more shallow, indicating that he was getting hornier by the second. It was evident that the big guy was enjoying the show as much as Martin had enjoyed the result of Jared’s growth.

“The show is not over. I think you’ll like this. I’m loving it,” Martin said, playfully shifting his position to get on his knees on Jared’s pecs, revealing how much his lower body had grown. “So, what do you think?”

Jared’s shocked expression revealed his lust over Martin’s incredibly thick lower body. Martin’s hips were nearly as wide as his shoulders, giving him an hourglass shape due to his narrow midsection. Also, Martin’s 2-and-a-half-foot-long cock looked fantastic on his larger frame. Each of his balls was as big as a soccer ball, and they looked full to the brim with cum. Jared knew his own genitals were way bigger, but Martin’s were incredibly hot.

As Martin slowly turned around, his hands explored his own body, showcasing the biggest and most delicious-looking bubble butt that Jared had ever seen. Each ass cheek looked like a beach ball, and Jared couldn’t contain another glob of pre-cum escaping his dick. When Martin playfully gave his own ass a hard slap, making it jiggle, Jared lost it, and his pre started flowing out like a river.

Martin noticed Jared’s dick leaking and, with a mischievous smile, pulled Jared’s colossal dick to press it against his newly grown pecs. Martin teased Jared’s dick slit, making the big guy moan. Jared couldn’t believe how hot Martin looked now, and the way he was teasing the massive dick slit was simply out of this world.

“There’s so much to explore, but... I have an idea. It might be crazy, but deep inside me, I know it’ll work,” Martin said, turning back to face Jared again.

“Man… I wish I could fuck that ass. I wish I could suck on those tits. I’ll explode if you don’t help me; it’s driving me crazy,” Jared pleaded in a desperate tone, and Martin smiled at him.

“You read my mind, big guy. We’ll explore all of that and many more things. I know my body changed to take good care of you,” Martin said, and as he kept kissing Jared, he pressed his pecs together again, and he felt something coming out of his nipples and dripping onto Jared’s pecs.

Martin stopped when he noticed the dampness around his nipples, and with a big grin on his face, he positioned his leaking nipple in front of Jared’s mouth, who instinctively started sucking on it, receiving a strong flow of fresh muscle milk in response. Jared was surprised when he noticed Martin was actually providing him with milk, but it was so hot at the same time that he couldn’t help but moan while he kept sucking.

Then, while still feeding Jared, Martin reached back and pulled the massive head of Jared’s 10-foot-long dick and pressed it against his own huge ass. Jared’s entire body violently shook when his dick came in contact with Martin’s ass, and the leaking intensified. Holding Jared’s dick in place, Martin looked into Jared’s eyes, and he could see the excitement in the giant guy’s face while he kept sucking on Martin’s nipple.

“You and I are going to have so much fun. I’ve turned you into an immobile mountain of muscle, and now I have to take care of all your needs. Every single one of them,” Martin said as he pushed his hips backward against Jared’s dick head, attempting to make it fit in his hole.

Jared thought it was physically impossible, but Martin was determined to get that massive dick inside him. Both guys groaned as Martin’s hole initially resisted, but after several attempts, Martin felt his body welcoming the most gigantic dick that had ever existed. Moans filled the room, coming from both guys as Martin’s abdomen bulged with the shape of Jared’s dick head. Simultaneously, Martin’s own hard dick started leaking.

“You were right; this prank didn’t go wrong. It’s absolutely the best!” Martin said, feeling Jared’s pre already rounding out his midsection. Martin found himself trapped between Jared’s hungry mouth, suckling on his nipple, and the enormous dick that was stretching him beyond human limits. The fun was starting, and Martin and Jared looked into each other’s eyes, talking without words in their newfound love.

The End?


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