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A story commissioned by JakobK. I hope you all will like it.


As Jamar completed another set of chest presses, he felt his massive pecs filling his tight shirt nicely, straining the fabric to its limits. Deep inside him, he wondered how his shirt hadn’t ripped yet. As he did every time he completed a set, Jamar stood up and flexed his impressive muscles, making them bounce magnificently. Then, he squeezed them and marveled at how big they felt. He loved how big his pecs were becoming, but he was far from reaching his ultimate goal. That’s why he had loaded the barbell he had just benched with multiple heavy plates on each side. Looking around at the other guys in the gym, he noticed that nobody was benching as much as he had just done, but he also noticed no one else had such a glorious chest as he did.

With a grin, Jamar continued to bounce his pecs and then moved on to the next machine. He started doing chest dips, as he envisioned himself with the biggest set of pecs that have ever existed. While he had seen other guys with big chests, he wasn’t modest in admitting his pecs were already incredibly magnificent among them. However, there was no limit for what the chest size truly desired. With each rep, he felt his already massive chest becoming more pumped than ever before, only encouraging him to keep working out to see them blowing up with size. He was making some great efforts to achieve the massive chest he had always desired, and he knew he could go beyond his wildest dreams.

Jamar had been focusing his recent workouts on his chest, as he wanted to live up to his nickname: ‘King of Pecs’. Every single inch of his body was incredibly impressive, but he had a special liking for unbelievably big pecs. He was called ‘King’ for a reason, and if he wanted to maintain his title, he really needed to have the biggest pecs ever. That’s why, even though his routine was supposed to end with the dips, he moved to another machine and started doing cable crossovers repeatedly. He could feel his pectoral muscles burning, knowing that it would lead to astonishing growth. He knew it was not time to stop, it was time for him to workout even harder. Nothing was gonna stop him now.

After what felt like an eternity, Jamar finally stopped and marveled at how massive his chest looked. He was sweating profusely after the hardcore workout, but it was all worth it. Despite the soreness on his chest, Jamar was so captivated by its size and shape that he didn’t care about the uncomfortable feeling. Instead of complaining, he took his tight shirt off and started flexing his pecs again, because he loved seeing them bounce. Then, he grabbed his phone and recorded a short video of how amazing his pecs looked, knowing that his audience would love to admire how much their ‘King’ was progressing after his workout.

Once Jamar had uploaded the video, he continued squeezing his pecs, trying to deal with the incredible, yet pleasurable, soreness. He knew very well that the uncomfortable sensation was a good sign for gaining more muscle mass. Even then, he also remembered hearing great comments about a nearby massage clinic. He had never been there before, but some guys he knew enjoyed visiting the place after their workouts. As he looked down at his ridiculously pumped pecs once again, a big grin spread across his face, and he decided to pay a visit to the massage clinic.

Jamar went to the locker room to shower and grab his bag. All along, Jamar couldn’t resist squeezing his pecs whenever he had the chance, still amazed at how thick they were looking. By the time he arrived at the massage clinic, his pecs were feeling somewhat sensitive after all the squeezing. Aside from that, as he looked down at his pecs and continued massaging them, he started to feel aroused. The sensation was different, but it only got Jamar even more excited.

“Good evening, sir. Welcome to Muscle Mastery Studio. My name’s Jake and I will be assisting you today. How may I be of service?” Jake said with a friendly smile.

“I was hoping to get a massage? I just finished a long workout and my pecs are kinda sore. Do you have anything that could help? My name’s Jamar, by the way” Jamar said as Jake picked up some forms and started filling them up.

“I’m sure we can help, but before we proceed, may I confirm if your workout was intended for muscle development? If so, I have a very special massage in mind that can help you with the soreness and provide other benefits,” Jake said, looking enthusiastic.

“Well, yeah. Of course it was for muscle development. I want to build bigger muscles. Does the massages depend on that?” Jamar asked.

“This one does, but I’ll explain more once we have begun. I signed you up for our UYP massage, which stands for Unleash Your Potential. I’m sure you’ll like it. Please, follow me,” Jake added and led Jamar down the hallway.

When they entered a small room, with a bed, Jamar immediately felt at peace because It was a nice place. The room was small and dimly lit, candles flickering on the wooden walls. The smell of lavender and eucalyptus immediately gave a relaxing sensation. As Jamar took a deep breath, enjoying the smell, Jake asked him to take off his shirt and lie on his back in bed. Jamar nodded and obeyed, already excited about the massage. He had some questions about the technique, but Jake looked professional as he prepared for the session. He decided to relax and enjoy the service instead.

Jake took some coconut oil and made sure to coat his hand with it to reduce friction during the massage. The oil also helped relax and stretch the skin, which was perfect for an everly growing Jamar. With a kind smile, Jake stood behind Jamar’s head and leaned forward to lightly tap the man’s pecs with his open hand. As Jake continued this and eventually started rubbing Jamar’s chest very softly, he explained that it helped increase blood flow and relax the muscle. Even this simple warm-up, as Jake called it, was already making Jamar feel nice.

Once the warm-up was completed, Jake used the palm of his hand to apply gentle strokes that started at the center of the chest and moved outward towards the shoulders. Although it was a simple motion, some soft moans escaped Jamar’s lips as the sensation exceeded his expectations. Every time Jake’s hands stroked his pecs, Jamar felt a peculiar surge of power building within his muscles. It was as if the massage was activating his muscles and actually unleashing their full potential.

Jake continued with the sweeping strokes, and Jamar couldn’t contain soft moans. As Jake worked on his pecs, Jamar looked down at his pecs and got confused as they looked thicker than before. However, he didn’t mind this change as he really wanted bigger-looking pecs, but he didn’t know a massage could achieve such results. As Jake spread more oil over Jamar’s chest, it was undeniable the muscles were relaxing, but also thickening a lot.

Then, with more coconut oil in hand, Jake placed his fingertips on Jamar’s pecs and started gently kneading the tissue using circular motions. He started with light pressure and gradually increased it, as Jamar felt all the tension going away. Another sensation spread through his chest, as Jamar let out several “mmm” and “oohh, ahhh”. Jamar paid close attention to his chest as Jake continued kneading, and he finally confirmed his suspicion, his pecs were getting bigger right before his eyes. The more Jake kneaded the flesh, the bigger they looked, and the more aroused Jamar became.

Jake applied even more oil to the visibly expanding pecs and started squeezing the muscles using his fingers and thumbs. This sent shivers down Jamar’s spine and made the growth speed up. The more Jake squeezed and released the pectoral muscles, the more they grew. In just a brief moment, Jamar’s pecs went from huge to massive, quickly approaching inhuman proportions.

Jake continued his handy work and paid special attention to some knots he found, causing the muscles to expand even more. Jamar moaned and looked down in awe as his pecs swelled to the size of basketballs, and they were only getting bigger.

With each passing second, there was more surface area for Jake to work on, but he gladly kept spreading oils over Jamar’s massive pecs. Jake started applying deep and targeted pressure using his thumbs, and this stimulation made Jamar pant heavily. As a result, his massive pecs heaved up and down with every breath he took, visibly growing  larger with each rise. Jake started working on small circular motions, feeling  the muscle tissue thickened under his touch. He knew that the pectoral muscles were quite sensitive, but Jamar’s overdeveloped pecs were giving him immense pleasure at the moment, causing the big guy’s cock to harden in his shorts.

For Jamar, the sensation was better than anything he had ever experienced. While Jake continued stroking Jamar’s pecs, paying close attention to the area around his overly sensitive nipples, the massive chest was close to beach-ball proportions.

The sheer size of Jamar’s pecs was accentuated by his heavy panting, which made them bounce. Also, the oil coating the overly stretched skin made the chest glisten magnificently under the light. Additionally, his nipples looked thicker and hard, prompting Jake to playfully tease them. All along, Jake continued massaging the massive muscles that now stuck out several feet in front of Jamar.

The muscular chest looked incredibly strong, and when Jamar raised his arms, the motion that it caused on his pectorals was truly hypnotic. Jake smiled once again, as his hands released Jamar’s newly enhanced pecs and shifted his gaze to another big thing bulging on Jamar’s lower body.

“How do you feel? Has the tension disappeared?” Jake asked, moving around the bed as Jamar came down from his high.

“It did and… fuck, that was intense. What did you do to me?” Jamar asked, sitting up and feeling the new weight of his massive pecs. They weren’t only truly gigantic, but the heaviness was just as amazing.

“Unleash your potential. That’s the primary purpose of this massage. I must admit, I’ve never seen such impressive results after just one session, or after any number of sessions. It seems you have incredible potential for muscle development,” Jake explained, sitting beside Jamar and gently tapping his massive chest. “Which brings me to another big thing that I can take care of.”

“Oh… well, I guess I got a bit excited,” Jamar said when he realized Jake was referring to his huge dick that was painfully hard in his shorts. “Well, if you don’t mind, sure, go ahead,” Jamar added and took out his foot-long thick cock that was already throbbing with anticipation

Jake looked at it in awe and immediately grasped the massive cock, to start working on it with the same passion he had shown for Jamar’s pecs. He had some tricks up his sleeve, so it didn’t take long for Jamar to start panting heavily, gasping for breath and desperate for release. With a playful smile, Jake started moving his hands up and down on Jamar’s huge dick. The man-meat was so thick that Jake had to use both hands at first to pleasure his clients, but the loud moans coming out of Jamar’s mouth were proof that he was liking it a lot.

As Jake started firmly stroking Jamar’s huge dick, a constant stream of pre started leaking out of it. This helped Jake to massage the skin more passionately. With his right hand, he started using his thumbs to press subtly at the thick base, then extending the motion to the glands. This sent shivers down Jamar’s spine and made him tremble in pure ecstasy. As Jake repeated this process a few more times, he noticed Jamar’s cock looking more pumped than before, as the massage increased the blood flow.

As Jake’s right hand kept stimulating Jamar’s cock, his left hand moved to the big guy’s plump balls. After carefully fondling them, Jake started squeezing them with passion and this increased the moans echoing in the room. Jake rubbed small circles around the area near the base of the dick, and he saw Jamar’s body trembling even more. Jake felt the flawless cum-filled orbs getting even fuller, because of Jamar’s arousal. Jake’s skilled hands were working wonders and Jamar could barely contain his horniness and excitement. He was so incredibly aroused that he couldn’t resist rubbing his own massive pecs, losing control within a second.

“Ohh… dude… mmm… I can’t hold back anymore…” Jamar managed to say between moans. The heavy panting, the loud moans and the fact that Jamar’s dick was leaking lots of pre, were early signs that he was about to shoot a massive load. “Aahh yes… fuck yes… Jake… I’m cumming… ohh… ahhh… FUCK!” With a loud groan, Jamar’s cock started shooting huge globs of thick pre.

Both of them were astonished by the sheer volume of Jamar’s the cum load, as it was like a gushing firehose. Massive globs of thick cum landed on Jamar’s abs and pecs, and even on the walls beside him, as buckets of cum also coated his groin. The wave of cum was so immense that Jake’s hands and the mattress were also covered by a thick layer of cum.

He looked around and noticed the massive mess he had created, but he was simply too excited about his newly enhanced chest to care about the big mess. As Jamar marveled at the biggest orgasm he had ever had, Jake smiled at him and started carefully cleaning the massive amount of cum from Jamar’s body.

“That was quite a big load. The biggest I’ve ever seen. I think I truly unlocked cock’s and balls’ potential too,'' Jake said as he carefully wiped off the cum that had landed on Jamar’s chest. The big man burst out in laughter, making his ballooned pecs jiggle hypnotically.

The End


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