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A cheesy-vampire Halloween special. [Art]


As lightning and thunder struck outside, illuminating the dark night sky, Henry groaned in pain as his belly contracted so hard that if he still breathed like regular people, he’d be out of breath. He was sweating like a pig, while everything else was freezing due to the thunderstorm. His body was sore, which was unusual for someone like him, but at the same time, he was more excited than ever before in his life, or in his death.

Henry adjusted himself on the sofa, trying his best to get comfortable while more contractions kept coming. He never expected to experience contractions, since he never expected to become pregnant, considering he was a man. His condition was shocking, to say the least, for many reasons. He was a pregnant male, but more accurately, he was a pregnant male vampire. He obviously never expected to become a vampire either, because he didn’t even know they were real, but his previous knowledge about the world had proved to be wrong.

As another contraction hit him, Henry groaned and started reminiscing about the night his life changed. He used to be a regular guy. He used to be a good-looking 19-year-old guy who attended college like most people his age. He went to the gym regularly, and even though he wasn’t the most muscular, he was proud of his gains. Everything was normal in his life, until he met Sorin.

9 months had passed since that night when they stumbled upon each other at the gym, after everybody else had left. Henry, standing at 6’0” tall, was immediately captivated by the towering 6'3” tall wall of muscle that had nearly knocked him to the ground. Their eyes locked for a few seconds, making Henry’s knees weak. No one had ever caused such an awkward reaction on him, leaving him speechless.

“Sorry, I should’ve been more careful,” Sorin apologized, extending his arm to shake Henry’s. “I’m Sorin. I’m new in town and I was looking for a gym. Now that I saw you here, I think I found the right one for me,” Sorin added with a grin, leaving Henry frozen in place.

Henry was captivated by Sorin’s piercing blue eyes and pretty pale skin. Sorin was very good-looking, and even though he looked as young as Henry, he somehow gave a sense of maturity. There was also an atmosphere of mystery surrounding him, which got Henry even more interested in the new guy. Henry felt like a character in a cheesy teenage movie, but Sorin was worth every bit of the ridiculous feeling.

“I’m Henry, nice to meet you. Sorin? I’ve never heard that name before,” Henry finally managed to say, breaking free from his initial shock.

“Romanian,” Sorin said. “I’m from Romania and it’s a common name there. The meaning is related to the word ‘sun’,” he chuckled a bit.

That initial interaction was enough for Henry to accept Sorin’s invitation to his apartment even though Henry was supposed to know better than to go to private places with strangers. However, Sorin didn’t seem like a threat, so Henry didn’t hesitate to surrender to the big guy’s kisses when they were alone in the apartment. The kissing and the touching felt fantastic, and the only thing that Henry found a little bit strange was how cold Sorin’s skin was. Nevertheless, he didn’t pay much attention to it and preferred to focus on how good Sorin’s kisses felt.

Before Henry could fully comprehend what they were doing, he found himself on Sorin’s bed with his legs up in the air, while the big guy pressed what felt like a massive cock against his ass. It was Henry’s first time, and even though Sorin’s cock was truly huge, he was so gentle that Henry only felt pleasure. There was no pain as Sorin started pounding really hard against Henry’s ass, and both guys started moaning. Henry had no idea something could feel that good, so he just wanted more.

After what seemed like an eternity, Sorin leaned down and started kissing Henry so passionately, making it a bit difficult for the smaller guy to breathe. Sorin seemed possessed because as his fucking intensified, the kissing became more passionate. Henry was on cloud nine while Sorin kept going like an unstoppable force of nature. He was pounding Henry so fast and so hard that the whole bed trembled.

Sorin kissed Henry so passionately that Henry felt like he would pass out from pleasure. Then, suddenly, Sorin moved up and looked at Henry with a big smile, while his hips never stopped moving.

“I need to ask you something,” Sorin said, while Henry moaned out loud. “If you could, would you stay with me forever?” he asked, pounding Henry’s ass even harder.

“Yes… a thousand times yes,” Henry shouted out, not fully registering the words coming out of his mouth.

Sorin smiled big, without stopping his thrusts, and Henry noticed large fangs emerging among Sorin’s teeth. Henry’s heart skipped a beat but there was nothing he could do. Sorin buried his fangs into Henry’s neck and began sucking his blood. Henry felt like he was drowning as his body started feeling weak. He could hear Sorin sucking his life away, and at the same time, he felt Sorin’s dick shooting buckets of cum deep inside him. It was a very odd way to die, but he just surrendered to his fate in the hands of the hot vampire.

It wasn’t until hours later, when Henry woke up again, that he finally understood the extent of what had happened to him. As soon as he woke up he knew he was different. His whole body was cold and his skin looked somewhat pale. At the same, his body felt more powerful than ever before, even though he had felt like dying while Sorin sucked his blood. Henry’s neck had the visible marks of Sorin’s bite, but there was something else showing off what the vampire had done to him.

While Sorin explained to Henry that he was now a vampire too, the young guy couldn’t take his hands away from his round belly. He had been proud of his chiseled abs, as a result of his devotion to the gym, but now his midsection looked like he was about 5 months pregnant. Henry knew that thinking about him looking pregnant was ridiculous enough, but considering the bloated belly was filled with Sorin’s cum, it made it sound even more like a joke.

Even after Sorin’s explanations, Henry was still very confused for a while. He never asked to become a vampire, and obviously it wasn’t in his plans, but the more he stayed with Sorin, the more he forgot about his plans and convinced himself that things could work just fine as a vampire. The fact that Sorin was a total hottie was a major bonus for a somewhat horny Henry.

What sealed the deal was Sorin’s love declaration about 2 weeks after they had met. With an outdoor dinner, surrounded by candles in the middle of the night, Sorin had even kneeled to ask Henry to become his partner. He explained that he had never intended to kill Henry, he only wanted to turn him into a vampire because it was the only way for them to be together. Even though Henry was still a bit confused, he gladly accepted and embraced his new life and his new boyfriend.

Henry’s nights were then filled with long sex sessions, where his belly always ended up really bloated. He wasn’t sure if it was a vampire thing, or just Sorin being so virile, but he was amazed by how much com the big guy was capable of pumping into him. The more they fucked, the more bloated Henry’s belly became. The weeks passed and even though Henry was already used to being a vampire, he started feeling off every morning, and he experienced some cramps on his lower abdomen.

Within a few weeks, Henry’s belly grew from a bloated middle, to a ball beer gut that was still growing. Both of them were surprised, and obviously worried about Henry’s belly growing, but on a cold night, in the middle of the night, they were hugging in bed since Henry had been feeling off and they suddenly felt something running up their spines, making them jump in shock. Both their hands reached for Henry’s belly and started feeling around, finally aware of what was happening.

They were in shock to say the least but the more they thought about it, and caressed Henry’s belly, the more they convinced themselves that Henry was pregnant. There was no way to know for sure and doctors were not an option, for several obvious reasons, but the only confirmation they needed came from within them. They could feel the babies growing inside Henry’s belly. Something deep inside them was connected to each baby so they even knew how many there were. Sorin called this: Vampire Sense.

The months had passed, and now, 9 months after the night they met, Henry had been having contractions for a while, making him groan and scream in pain. He knew he was really close to meeting their kids and even though he was still unsure how it was even possible for him to become pregnant in the first place, he could only wait for the best as he felt as if his hips were about to crack under the immense pressure.

Henry rubbed his massive belly in large circles, as the movies turned and stretched inside him, clearly getting in position to come out. While more groans escaped his lips, he couldn’t stop smiling even though he was in pain. His condition was truly unique, both for a man and for a vampire, so he couldn’t wish for anything better.

“Why are you smiling? Aren’t you in pain?” Sorin asked as he entered the room with some towels in hand, and found Henry with a big smile.

“I am. It hurts more than the day you killed me, but at the same time, it’s cool. I mean, we’re having kids, that’s cool. Ugghh..” Henry said, as he clutched his belly again when another contraction hit him.

“I didn’t kill you. Stop saying that. I left a small amount of blood inside you so you could survive. Well, you’re not exactly alive either, but I didn’t kill you. I turned you into a vampire, that’s different,” Sorin said and kissed Henry’s lips. The fact that Sorin had sucked Henry’s blood had become a recurrent joke between them.

“I’ll tell our babies that their dad killed me, ugghh…” Henry replied, dealing with yet another contraction. “Just wait ‘till they’re born, and I'll tell them everything about it. Just a few more hours and they’ll be here,” Henry added once the contraction had passed

“They chose the worst night to come out, so cliché. Baby vampires being born in the middle of a thunderstorm? Count Dracula would be proud of us,” Sorin said, and kneeled next to Henry.

“Hey, this isn’t a cliché. Have you heard about Count Dracula giving birth? I don’t think so. I’m dead, but I’m bringing life into the world, that’s new,” Henry said, making Sorin smile. “Apart from the fact that I’m male. As a human, this wasn’t possible, and as a vampire, it shouldn’t be either, but… ohh please, this hurts,” Henry was interrupted by contractions. “Here I am. A big vampire, whose name is related to the ‘sun’, which is ridiculously ironic, killed me and knocked me up on the same night, that’s new,” Henry added, and Sorin chuckled a bit.

“Nu v-am putut rezista,” Sorin said in his mother tongue, aware that Henry loved how it sounded. “Which means…”

“‘I couldn’t resist you’, I know. And I couldn’t resist you either. I mean, I let you kill me,” Henry said, laughing. Right after, another strong contraction hit him, and this time he knew it was different. The babies had been moving a lot, but now they felt like they were fighting to get into position to come out.

“Breathe. You can do this,” Sorin said, sounding scared.

“You made sure I won’t breathe ever again so… sorry, can’t do that… Oh fuck… I think one of them is getting in position,” Henry said between groans, as his belly shook violently. “Please, help me up. I need to… ohhh, aahh, aahh… fuck, what am I doing? Just take me to the bed” Henry added and extended his arms, asking for help.

Sorin helped Henry get on his feet, and immediately, the pregnant guy felt liquid coming out of his ass and running down his thick legs, soaking his shorts. He had watched enough videos about childbirth to know that this meant his water had broken, and things were about to get even worse for his already sore and exhausted body. Henry clutched his belly while Sorin held him in his arms to prevent him from falling to the ground.

“BED! NOW!” Henry shouted, expecting Sorin to help him waddle to their room. However, to his surprise, Sorin effortlessly lifted Henry up and carried him like newlyweds. Despite being surprised, Henry could only groan as his belly kept contracting and the first baby got in position to come out.

“Hey, stay calm. You can do this,” Sorin said, trying to be supportive as he gently placed Henry on their bed.

“Shut the fuck up! You have no idea how much this hurts and you’ll never understand,” Henry said, clutching his belly as Sorin helped him remove his shorts. “Sorry, I sound like a woman but… man… this fucking hurts, and it’s all your fault!” Henry added, and Sorin chuckled.

“It’s fine. Curse as much as you need to, I’ll give you your punishment later,” Sorin said, giving Henry’s hips a loud slap that made the pregnant guy frown.

“I already know what that means, and HELL NOOOOO!” Henry screamed, feeling the first baby entering his birth canal. He lifted his legs and positioned himself to push. “The first one… is coming… ohhhh fuck this hurts. It hurts so much. I’ll fucking kill you when this is over!”

Sorin just laughed as he saw Henry screaming and shouting, fully aware of the pain he was experiencing. Sorin got between Henry’s legs, watching in awe at Henry’s hole opening and a bunch of dark hair slowly coming into view. The sounds of Henry groaning and cursing became meaningless for an emotional Sorin, who couldn’t believe he was finally going to be a father.

Ever since the night he had been turned into a vampire 102 years ago, when he was just 21 years old, Sorin had always resented the fact that he couldn’t have a family, which had always been a dream of his. He had spent a long time alone, so the dream had faded away over the years. But now, as he watched the head of his baby emerging from his boyfriend’s body, he realized that his dreams had been surpassed by his reality.

After a few minutes of Henry screaming loudly, the first head finally popped out of his hole, giving him a few seconds to rest. Meanwhile, Sorin marveled at how perfect the baby looked. Even though it was only the head, Sorin knew the baby was perfect and pretty big. The baby looked a lot like Sorin, but he had some of Henry’s features sprinkled here and there. When the baby continued coming out, Henry restarted his screams and pushed with all his might.

As the baby turned and the shoulders popped out, Henry was in tears, and his loud groans were drowned out only by the thundering noises outside. Henry felt inch by inch how the body of what felt like a huge baby moving out of him. Once the shoulders were out, Sorin helped the baby come out faster, which was really painful for Henry. However once the feet slid out, the pregnant guy could finally take a break while tears streamed down his cheeks.

Sorin was crying even more, but with happiness instead of pain. He was carefully cleaning the baby while his tears blurred his vision. He felt ridiculous since he was a big, imposing vampire, but having his big and healthy baby in arms was simply too much for him to handle his emotions. When the baby started crying, the emotions intensified.

“Those are some strong lungs. I guess you didn’t inherit your dads’ dead lungs,” Sorin joked as the baby cried loudly.

“Is the baby fine? Is there something wrong with… him?” Henry asked, as he extended his arms longing to hold his baby, already pretty sure it was a boy.

“He’s fine. A big and healthy boy. We were right, I told you the vampire sense worked better than any ultrasound. You were carrying three boys,” Sorin said as he wrapped their first boy in a blanket and placed him on Henry’s arm.

“Oh come on, look at this handsome boy! You’re so cute, so perfect… and so big. I can’t believe you came out of me. Look at you… You… my boy,” Henry also started crying while Sorin was cutting the cord. “And… you’re breathing. Maybe you’re not like your dads… or… are you?” Henry stopped when he noticed the baby’s upper gum, where two tiny pointy teeth were clearly visible exactly where the canines would be.

“What? What is it? He stopped breathing?” Sorin asked, clearly scared.

“No. He’s fine, but he already has fangs. That’s pretty cute,” Henry said as he showed Sorin their baby’s tiny pointy teeth. All along, the baby had been crying loudly, and Henry knew that meant he was hungry. When the baby managed to latch onto Henry's nipple, he started sucking like his life depended on it. As milk flowed into the baby’s mouth, Henry could feel the tiny teeth gently scratching his nipple. “He definitely knows how to suck liquid out of me, just like his dad,” Henry joked and pulled Sorin into a passionate kiss.

The kiss was suddenly interrupted by Henry screaming in pain, as the second baby got in position to come out. Now that the first baby had been born, Henry tried his best to be quiet, not wanting to scare their son. Pushing without screaming wasn’t that easy, as the second baby felt just as big as the first, so the pain was as bad as the first time. Even then, Henry pushed with all he had and Sorin patiently waited to catch their second baby.

Similarly to the first one, Sorin was amazed as he watched another dark-haired head emerging from Henry’s hole. This time, he knew what to expect, but even the simple moment when the baby was crowning, making Henry groan in pain, looked like the most beautiful moment for Sorin. He was madly in love with his boyfriend, and now he couldn’t even explain how he felt about his sons.

When the head of the second baby popped out, Sorin noticed he was identical to the first one. Meanwhile, pushing the rest of the baby out of him wasn’t easy for Henry, but when he finally felt the baby’s feet leaving his body, he couldn’t help but cry in joy again. He still had another baby inside him, which meant he still had to deal with lots of pain, but that just made things even better. He couldn’t get enough of his sons.

The third baby didn’t wait long after his older brother was born. While Sorin was still cleaning the second baby, Henry started groaning and pushing again. It seemed like his cervix had finally dilated enough for him to give birth a bit more quickly. By the time Sorin was placing the second baby in Henry’s arms, with the cord already cut, the third baby’s head was already crowning.

“You’re almost done. He’s almost out. Just push,” Sorin said as the third baby’s shoulders came out and the rest of his body slowly slid out while Henry pushed.

“Just… catch him,” Henry said and with a final strong push, the baby softly slid out of him. Sorin started cleaning him carefully, crying for a third time, amazed by how perfect the third boy was.

“Another perfect boy. You did it, Henry. I have no idea how you managed to do any of this but… look… our third baby boy,” Sorin said as he handed Henry their third baby boy and took the first one, who had already fallen asleep after drinking a good amount of milk.

“How is it possible for them to be so cute? I mean, look at them,” Henry said as he placed the third baby on his nipple so he could have some milk too.

“Well, they have the cutest daddy so… that was to be expected,” Sorin said and lay down next to Henry with their first boy in his arms.

“Yeah, but I’m still a monster. Vampires shouldn’t be cute. This shouldn’t be possible and we…” Henry said but was interrupted by Sorin’s lips kissing him.

“Who the fuck cares if this was possible or not? I’m aware this is strange but… I’ll be honest with you, I’m willing or even eager, to see if this can happen again,” Sorin said as he placed his free hand on Henry’s deflated midsection.

“What do you mean? Wait… are you serious? Three kids at once isn’t enough?” Henry asked, with a shy grin on his face.

“Well, considering we’ll never age, we have centuries ahead of us so… why don’t we spend those centuries raising kids? We might be monsters, but… we make cute kids together. So, what do you say?” Sorin said as his dick hardened, making Henry chuckle.

“I say that I crossed paths with the craziest and cheesiest vampire ever,” Henry replied, and Sorin kissed him.

As the new dads kissed, Henry felt the placenta leaving his body. Immediately, he felt his entire body healing and recovering from the birth. He wasn’t sure if he could get pregnant again, but something deep inside him was telling him to try. He wasn’t sure what it was but as their kissing became more passionate, Henry realized Sorin also felt the desire to try for more kids. With three kids in arms, and a thunderstorm raging outside, it was the perfect moment for them to seal their commitment to bring many kids into the world for centuries to come.

The End


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