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The night was cold, as is usual for late October. A chilling breeze swept through the park as Cody walked home after a long and tiring shift. He usually worked an 8-hour shift, but due to a sudden wave of clients coming to the local grocery store where he worked, his boss had asked him to stay for 3 extra hours. As a result, Cody found himself going home almost at midnight, with sore feet and not in the best mood.

At 25 years old, he was supposed to be full of life and big hopes, but his only goal at the moment was to get home and sleep for at least a few days. Despite being tired, he felt a sense of accomplishment for completing his long, hard day at work. He didn’t like his job that much but that didn’t mean he wasn’t proud of what he did. At the end of the day, it was enough to support himself, and he always preferred to find the positive side in everything rather than complaining.

As Cody continued his walk home, the gentle breeze rustled the fallen leaves scattered across the ground, drawing his attention to how empty the place was. He walked through this park daily, both during the day and at night, but never this late. He was used to finding people jogging or groups of friends just hanging out, but now the only sound that Cody could hear was the echo of his own footsteps against the pavement. Considering his 5’7” and 140-pound body, his footsteps were far from being loud, making him realize that the park was unusually silent.

Aware that he still had a 5-minute-walk ahead of him, Cody, who was not easily terrified, found the park looking particularly frightening that night. The occasional hoot of an owl just added some tension to the already odd atmosphere, making Cody speed up his steps. A part of him wanted to run home, but he resisted, not wanting to look like a coward. He tried to convince himself that there was nothing to worry about, especially because the full moon glowed bright on everything below.

The field in the center of the park was clear and it looked pretty cool. If Cody wasn’t somewhat scared, he would’ve definitely taken a photo. The problem was that the walkways were surrounded by tall, leafy trees that blocked the moonlight from illuminating the path Cody was walking on. There were some lights, but they didn’t help much. Cody had always seen that park as a peaceful place, but now it was turning into a threatening-looking area.

With two paths to walk through, one very dark due to the trees and the other brightly lit by the moon, Cody decided to go down the well-lit one. He tried to walk as fast as possible without revealing how scared he was, but the faster he walked, the faster his heart raced and the more he panicked. Another owl hooted and a distant howl finally made Cody lose the minuscule amount of courage he still had, and he started running in terror.

As Cody ran, he couldn’t help but feel like he was being watched. His mind was racing, but he needed a moment to think about his next move. He stopped for a second to inspect his surroundings, with a combination of fear and confusion. Now out in the open field, he could hear noises coming from everywhere. The constant hooting, the ridiculously loud sounds of leaves and sticks being stepped on, and on top of it all, nearby bushes moving and rustling, made him feel nervous. Cody usually had a curious spirit, but in this particular moment, he didn’t want to know what was hiding in the bushes.

Cody was in clear panic as he continued walking, resisting the urge to run again. However, a low, guttural growl echoed through the park, sending shivers down his spine. The sound seemed to come from behind some trees, and as much as Cody wanted to escape, he was too afraid to move. His heart raced, almost bursting out of his chest, and his body wouldn’t respond to his brain’s orders. His natural survival instinct commanded him to run away, but his body didn’t move.

Then, Cody’s eyes widened as he saw a tall, hulking shadow emerging from the darkness. Even though the moonlight was glowing brighter than ever, Cody couldn’t tell what the figure coming from behind the trees was. He wanted to believe it was just a hallucination after a very long day at work. But the closer the figure got, the more terrified Cody became.

When the massive figure was only 10 feet from Cody, he finally understood the nature of the monster standing in front of him. Terrified, Cody looked up at the 8-foot-tall werewolf that was looking at him like a predator observing its prey. With a terrifying snarl, the creature snapped Cody out of his trance, and he couldn’t help but notice the creature’s huge claws, sharper than anything he had seen. He realized there was no way to escape, but he still had to try.

In an unsuccessful attempt to save his own life, Cody tried to run away, but the werewolf was way too fast. Within seconds, he felt the creature’s powerful jaws crushing his left shoulder. Cody screamed as his blood poured down his body. The pain was so intense that his vision blurred, and the beast buried its claws in Cody’s abdomen, making him scream once again. Cody realized those were his last moments of life and prepared himself for death. Then, his vision went dark.


Cody didn’t know how long he had been out, but when he suddenly woke up, he found himself lying on the grass in the same spot where the werewolf had attacked him. Immediately, he reached for his shoulder and abdomen, the exact areas where the fangs and claws of the werewolf had torn his skin. Surprisingly, there were no wounds, not even scratches on his skin. He was really confused as he wondered if it had all been a dream, or a nightmare. However, he realized it hadn’t been a dream when he noticed his shirt had been shredded at the precise points where the werewolf had injured him.

While Cody processed what had happened, he sat up and found the same hulking figure that had attacked him, standing in front of him. This time, Cody didn’t feel any fear, instead, he was actually in awe at the sight of the huge creature, as he was finally able to see it in detail under the moonlight. Standing on two powerful hind legs, the dark fur and its massive proportions made the werewolf look incredibly imposing. It wasn’t just the werewolf’s frame, but it was clear there was an unbelievably developed muscular body under that thick fur.

Then, Cody observed the werewolf’s features, noticing that it resembled a canine in most aspects, but there was something about its eyes that made him gasp. Even in the moonlight, Cody could tell that its bright blue eyes were unmistakably human. He couldn’t explain why or how, but as he locked eyes with the creature, he felt a special connection between them, almost a brotherly bond. Cody was filled with many questions, but unfortunately he didn’t have time to ask any of them..

A sudden sharp pain starting on Cody’s previously wounded shoulder spread throughout his body, making him groan in agony. It hurt even more than the werewolf’s bite, and the pain was only getting worse. Cody felt as though every single inch of his body was burning, but even in his panicked state, he looked down at his body and noticed his pecs were bulging out further in front of him, and his arms were covered in thick veins.

Although it was difficult for Cody to admit, he had never had any muscle mass, so the realization that he was becoming more muscular was somehow appealing, even though he knew the transformation wasn’t normal. Cody’s muscles expanded some more, and he could feel the raw power rushing through his veins. He panted heavily, feeling both terrified and excited, as the pain intensified and his body changed even more.

In just a matter of seconds, Cody’s arms and legs swelled to three times their previous size. Previously lacking any muscle definition, or lacking any muscles in general, the indents of the thickening muscle fibers were clearly visible through his skin. The thick veins pulsing through his body only accentuated his newfound size, fueling his supernatural transformation through his blood. As he marveled at his expanding body, another sharp pain made him scream again, accelerating the growth even more. This caused his already stretched clothes to reach their limits, as Cody’s hulking body bursted out of his clothes, leaving him fully naked.

His already nice-looking chest got even broader in just a blink, as more muscle mass was added to his meaty pecs. The skin on his body stretched beyond its limits, struggling to contain the sheer size of his new muscles. His pecs were pushing outward like huge builders, obstructing his view as they grew. His previously unremarkable shoulders swelled to cannonball proportions, as his deltoids expanded rapidly. This broadened his whole shape, making Cody readjust the position of his arms. Additionally, his lats pushed his arms higher, forcing him to readjust his position once again to accommodate his new size.

Cody’s neck also thickened, and his traps grew so much that he could rest his head on his back muscles only by tilting it back. As the growth continued, Cody felt a sharp pain on the spot where the werewolf had buried its claws. Instantly, he felt his abs transforming into a chiseled wall of hard muscle. As he caressed his washboard-looking abdomen, the pain intensified. Cody arched his back and groaned loud, as a massive growth spurt made him grow beyond world-class-bodybuilder size and reach inhuman proportions.

As his muscles expanded even more, Cody turned around and got on his hands and knees. At this point, Cody was easily twice the size of the biggest bodybuilders out there and then some. One of his massive pecs alone contained more muscle mass than most people’s entire bodies. He was aware that a big change was coming, and even though he was in pain and incredibly terrified, Cody realized there was no way to stop his transformation that was reaching its peak. His limbs stretched and contorted, and he felt fur spreading over his massive pecs and then over the rest of his body. Cody was grunting in pain and fear, but a primal sense deep inside him assured him that everything was fine.

As his limbs grew even more and his whole body was covered in a dark, thick fur, Cody’s fingers extended, and he saw long, sharp claws emerging from his fingernails. At the same time, his features started changing. His face contorted, and his nose turned into a pronounced snout, accentuated by his enormous and sharp-looking canines. His ears elongated and became pointy as the dark fur spread across his head too.

Then, as he started to stand up, his knee joints shifted and his stance changed from his heels to the balls of his feet and his toes. As Cody’s werewolf form reached its full height, the other werewolf came closer and both realized that Cody was much bigger in every way. They exchanged some snarls before the first werewolf howled at the moon and ran away, leaving Cody completely alone.

Although driven by the most primal parts of his mind, Cody still had rational thoughts that prevented him from becoming a complete beast. Deep within his monstrous self, Cody was aware of everything that was happening and he realized that was why the other werewolf had human eyes. They retained some humanity even in their monstrous form. As he looked down at his enormous body, Cody snarled in some kind of excitement and let out a loud howl that echoed through the park. A new beast had been unleashed, and Cody was eager to test his newly acquired form.


The next morning, as soon as Cody opened his eyes, he realized he was staring at the familiar ceiling of his bedroom. Memories of the werewolf and the painful transformation flooded his still blurry mind, making him wonder if it had all been a nightmare. As he tried to fully awaken, he raised his right hand to his face, only to discover the unfamiliar weight and thickness of his arm.

Jumping, both in fear and excitement, Cody got out of bed in an instant and felt an unfamiliar heaviness all over his body. He looked down, and all he could see were his pecs. His previously flat chest had been replaced by a massive set of pecs, beyond his wildest dreams. He thought it was a hallucination, or maybe he had died when the werewolf attacked him, but as his hands caressed his massive meaty chest, he realized it was real.

Watching his hands caress his incredibly muscular pectorals made Cody notice his arms were unbelievably big too. He started raising his arms and moving them from side to side, in clear disbelief of how huge they were. With every move, he saw his muscles contracting and relaxing magnificently. Cody flexed his right bicep and was convinced that his arm was thicker than his own head. The thick veins adorning his bicep and forearm looked incredibly hot, and Cody couldn’t help but smile. Each arm was far thicker than his former average-sized legs, and he couldn’t wait to see how much the rest of his body had grown.

Cody walked, or more accurately waddled, to stand in front of a full-length mirror he had behind his bedroom door. He was taken aback when he realized his reflection didn’t fit in the mirror. He finally noticed how much taller he had become. From his new height, his room looked smaller and he estimated himself to be easily 7’0” tall. A big grin spread across his face, now aware that he was taller than most humans.

Cody stepped backwards, trying to get a full reflection of his body. He was surprised by how far he had to stand from the mirror in order to see his newly massive self. Cody took a deep breath and marveled at how big he had grown. It wasn’t just his new imposing height, but his body was also so broad that he knew that he wouldn’t be able to fit through regular doors like he used to.

Cody observed his own body in detail, sighing constantly with clear excitement. His thick, muscular neck was accompanied by massive looking traps that reached up almost to his ears. He sighed once again when he looked at his huge, bulging shoulders, giving him a super broad shape that Cody loved. And on top of it all, his massive lats spread so wide that his arms were permanently at a 45-degree angle, adding size to his already imposing figure. Cody was by far the biggest man he had ever seen, and still, there was more of him to explore.

As much as he was enjoying the show, he noticed something odd on his massively impressive pecs. They were the perfect touch to a flawless upper body, but he spotted something on the skin of his left pec that made him move closer to the mirror again. In the center of his left pectoral, there was now a 3-inch ring with two dots on the sides that hadn’t been there the night before. Strangely, it looked like it had always been there. He inspected the ring and the dots for a few seconds, but his overly excited mind quickly wiped his curiosity about the tattoo away, making refocus on his muscles.

Cody stepped back once again, positioning himself to see his full reflection in the mirror. He noticed his waist had also thickened slightly. What used to be a 26-inch waist looked to be around 32 or 34 inches now. Even with its new size, compared to the rest of his body, Cody’s waist was ridiculously narrow. He was glad his core was strong enough to support his upper body’s weight, not letting his waist snap under the pressure. His chiseled abs were proof of how strong his midsection was.

There was so much to take in, so he focused on his enormous thighs, that looked thicker than his waist, with an insane muscle definition. Cody understood that he needed strong legs to support his now heavy body. As he flexed his quads and calves, making them explode with size and power, he noticed something interesting behind him. Slowly turning around, he was met with the sight of the biggest muscle butt he had ever seen. His massive glutes had just the right amount of fat to give them the much-desired bubble-butt look, without losing the muscular shape.

His massive muscular back was beyond impressive, but Cody had been saving the best part for last. Cody faced the mirror again and looked straight at his groin. Since he was fully naked, as expected since none of his clothes could cover his massive body, his crotch was out on display, and Cody couldn’t believe his eyes. He had never been ashamed of his average-looking cock. At 6.5 inches when fully hard, it looked nice on his previously-small body, especially because it was accompanied by average balls. His jewels were nothing to be proud about, but nothing to be ashamed of either.

Now, after the craziest night ever, Cody was looking at his massive cook in its fully soft state, and it was almost three times its previous size when hard. He estimated his cock to be about 14 or 15 inches long with an unbelievable girth, still fully soft. He could barely contain his excitement as one of his hands reached for his balls and fondled them, realizing how heavy and full they were. He chuckled as he thought about something to compare his balls with, aware that calling them bull balls wouldn’t do them justice. Each cum-filled orb was close to the size of an ostrich egg, so Cody could barely fit one of them in his big hands.

Cody’s touch and his extreme excitement about his new size were turning him on, and making his cock grow and harden before his eyes. Overly excited, Cody looked at his already huge cock rising from its soft state to full mast in just a few seconds, measuring about 30 inches in length and easily 8 inches in diameter.

Cody couldn’t stop looking at his reflection in the mirror and rejoiced in the fact that this was his new fully human form. There was no fur and no canine features, meaning he was fully human, a huge human to be precise. Having tested the abilities of his werewolf form the previous night, Cody knew it was time to explore the capabilities of his newly enhanced human form as well.


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