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With a playful smile, Hunter nodded, and I helped him take the apron off. I loved seeing his big body in its full glory, and with each passing day, there was more of him to admire. Taking the bowl of popcorn from his hands, I grabbed his hand to lead him to our dining table. On our way there, I started taking my shirt off, and even though Hunter was behind me and I couldn’t see his face, I could feel his lust and desire for my muscles.

Things between us had been developing strangely nice. We were only friends, or at least, that’s what we told ourselves. Part of me had considered making it official because it was clear we were more than just friends. However, there was still a part of me that wanted to remain friends with Hunter. It wasn’t that I didn’t want him, but rather, I wanted to avoid complicating our friendship.

“Ryan, slow down. I’m kinda heavy, and I can barely keep up with your pace,” Hunter said, and I turned back to him with excitement. The fact that a short walk inside our apartment was a challenging task for him was a major turn-on for me.

“Sorry buddy, you know I get kinda excited about movie night, and I want you to see all the food I brought for you
 I mean, for us,” I replied as Hunter placed his free hand on his lower back, making his big belly to stick out even farther in front of him.

“Yeah, right. We both know I’ll end up eating most, if not all, of it,” Hunter laughed, and I smiled at him. He already knew how much I loved it when he surrendered to my desires, which aligned perfectly with his constant hunger and unstoppable growth.

Just a few steps ahead of us, the dining table was full with bags of food. I knew Hunter’s favorites very well, so I always made sure to bring him the things that would make him eat the most. He had a special liking for cheeseburgers and french fries, so I had a few dozen burgers and tons of fries for us. Apart from that, some donuts for dessert since the sweets always got him in the mood for some wild sex. It was strange but I knew better than to deny him what he wanted.

I took part of the food out and placed it on the table for him to see the amount I wanted him to eat. I showed him the burgers, french fries and donuts, and I could see his eyes shining bright. He started rubbing his belly even more in anticipation for what was about to come. He came closer to me, and even with his big belly in the way, he kissed my cheek. He always did that to say thank you. I had already learned his nonverbal ways of communicating, so I knew he was super excited.

“What do you say if you go take a seat on the couch, and I’ll bring this all for us to enjoy? I’ll let you pick the movie if you promise me all this food will be gone before the movie finishes,” I said and winked at him, already knowing what his answer would be.

“You have a deal, mister,” he kissed my cheek again, and he started waddling to our living room. It still felt a bit strange when he kissed me, or when I kissed him, but it felt nice at the same time. I guess we weren’t only friends after all.

I couldn’t take my eyes off his ass as he walked away. I couldn’t help but get hard whenever we played this horny game, which was happening quite frequently. My cock got hard as Hunter waddled away, prompting me to take my clothes off, and my cock was finally able to stand at full mast. I sighed in relief.

Some specific aspects about Hunter’s appearance were turning me on a lot, and the more I looked at him, the more I convinced myself that it was gonna be a super special night. I noticed that Hunter’s waddling was more pronounced than ever before, or perhaps it was due to his undeniable wider hips. It was clear he couldn’t walk normally, but given the size and weight of his big belly and his huge ass, it was to be expected. It was just a result of his heavy body being so

Part of me wanted to skip the movie and the food and jump straight to fucking him, because there was another detail that caught my attention and turned me on even more. With each step he took, a soft moan escaped his mouth, and I was sure he didn’t even notice. It was like his own body was shouting out, both to him and to me, that he was getting way too big. Those moans, however, sounded so sexy that I could barely contain myself.

“Don’t leave me waiting for too long. I’m starving,” Hunter said as he reached the couch and plopped down heavily. I loved when he did that because it was proof that he couldn’t handle how heavy he was getting

“I’m on my way, big guy,” I replied, grabbing the bags of burgers and bringing them over to the couch.

Hunter was frantically rubbing his belly, but his face showed some discomfort. Considering his size and the amount of food I knew he had eaten, it was to be expected. However, I couldn’t help but get a little bit concerned when I handed him the bags of french fries and suddenly, Hunter gritted his teeth. He was almost clutching his belly and his breathing showed he was in some kind of pain. Even then, he managed to force a weak smile to reassure me that he was okay.

“Told you. I’ve been having cramps all day, but they come and go suddenly. I’ll be alright,” Hunter said as the cramp passed and he tried to get comfortable again. I nodded in response, but deep down, I knew the cramps weren’t that normal.

“If you say so, but if you’re too full, we can leave all the food for tomorrow,” I replied as I sat next to him on the couch. He smiled at me and, without saying a word, he took a burger out of the bag and quickly unwrapped it. I smiled as he took a big bite into the burger and chewed with clear hunger. In just a few seconds, the burger was gone, and he just rubbed his tight belly.

I looked at his midsection for a while and noticed it was heaving up and down more than ever before. It was strange but so amazing that I couldn’t stop looking at it. The more I looked at it, the more it looked like it moved. Hunter had been complaining about an annoying gas problem for a few months, so I thought the movement was related to that.

Hunter took another burger out of the bag and used the remote to search for a movie while he devoured the second burger like it was nothing. With one hand busy with the remote, and the other with the burger, I reached out and started rubbing his big belly. I was amazed by how taut it was and how his skin had stretched so much over the past few months. What amazed me the most was that it didn’t matter how full and bloated Hunter looked, he always wanted more.

While I rubbed his belly and he kept eating burger after burger, accompanied by some french fries, memories of a special night flooded my mind. After the first time we had sex, the two of us didn’t do it again for 4 months. Even though we hadn’t fucked again after that night, we were already getting closer because we rarely wore clothes in front of each other.

On that particular night, when I arrived home from work, I found Hunter looking at his reflection in a full-length mirror he had in his bedroom. He stood sideways in front of the mirror, proudly holding his belly. While I had noticed his weight gain, it was only at that moment that I finally realized how big he was getting. His once-defined abs were gone, replaced by a round belly that made him look incredibly hot. He was completely entranced in his self-reflection while holding his belly, so he didn’t notice I was getting closer until I was right behind him, with my bulge pressing against his ass. I made sure he could feel my hard cock.

Hunter couldn’t contain a soft moan as we both rubbed his belly. It was getting pretty round, and I was amazed by how firm it was. While most of his body was getting fatter, which meant it was softer, his belly was different. My hands traveled up to caress Hunter’s pecs, which felt fuller than before. As soon as my hands touched around his nipples, he let out a deep gasp. He said that his nipples were really sensitive, and unable to contain myself, I continued teasing his chest to hear him gasp and moan some more. Those sounds were like music to my ears.

As I continued to caress Hunter’s soft pecs, his hands remained on his belly, rubbing it in big circles. I was getting really horny, and Hunter was panting. Part of my mind was shouting out to me that we were just friends, and what we were doing wasn’t right. However, the more Hunter moaned and gasped, the more my horny thoughts took over me, making me long for more. Then, three words escaped Hunter’s mouth, igniting new levels of lust within me.

“Please, fuck me,” he said, and in a blink, my clothes were off. We moved to his bed, where he lay on his back and I positioned myself on top of him. He looked so hot. His thicker body was perfect, and as I passionately and vigorously fucked him that night, I realized our friendship would never be the same again. That second time was even better than the first, and it initiated a new stage in our friendship because we started fucking frequently.

I smiled as I remembered that fantastic night when we had multiple rounds of the most mind-blowing sex I had ever experienced. Hunter was so hot back then, but now, sitting next to him on the couch, witnessing how much bigger he had gotten, I could only think about fucking him over and over again. However, my fantasy was cut when I felt a strong movement coming from his belly, making Hunter groan in discomfort.

I looked at him in concern, and even though the movement had been really strong, Hunter continued eating as if nothing had happened. His flushed face and loud groans indicated that he had felt the movement, but he acted as if it was normal. He was breathing heavily and constantly readjusting his heavy body on the couch, clearly uncomfortable. I knew something was wrong, but I remained silent because he acted like everything was fine.

“Buddy, what about an old comedy? Have you ever seen ‘Junior’ with Arnold Schwarzenegger? It’s a great move,” He suggested, pressing play and the movie started. I wasn’t very familiar with that film, but I knew what it was about, and I could never resist a big man with a belly.

“Sure, sounds good,” I replied, but my eyes remained fixed on Hunter’s body instead of the TV. “Dude, are you okay? You look uncomfortable,” I asked as Hunter grabbed a handful of french fries and brought them to his mouth. I loved watching him fill his mouth to the brim, so I could only smile as he chewed and swallowed.

“I’m fine. I’m just really full, but I’m so hungry at the same t
” he was interrupted by his belly shaking violently again, and this time Hunter couldn’t pretend to be fine. He gritted his teeth again and clutched his belly, while my hand was still on it too. It felt really strange because it wasn’t just movement coming from within, but also his skin suddenly getting so incredibly taut that I feared it would tear.

“Hunter, are you okay? Hey
 talk to me,” I said as his tense body started to relax once again. Hunter was sweating and as red as a tomato. I knew something was wrong, and as horny as I was, I knew our plans for the night were over. “I’ll call 911, hold on for a second,” I added, attempting to stand up and get my phone, but he grabbed my hand and made me stay.

“No, no. I’m fine. It was just a really strong cramp. Just stay by my side. The belly rubs felt great, and if you could give my pecs a good massage, I’d appreciate it,” Hunter said as he leaned back again and caught his breath. He just took another burger and bit into it like he hadn’t eaten in days.

I was speechless because, even though I knew something wasn’t right, he just kept eating like nothing had happened. His face showed a lot of discomfort, and his belly was still shaking, not that hard, though. He smiled weakly at me, and even though I was concerned, I obeyed him and got my hand on his pecs. They felt incredibly full and plump. They had been soft and kinda saggy when he started gaining weight, but now they felt plump and full. It was a weird feeling, just like his belly, but I loved to massage his big pecs.

“Hunter, maybe we should just go to bed. You don’t have to eat this all,” I said and he rolled his eyes.

“I’m fine. Also, there’s only one burger left. I finished the fries too, so you better get those donuts ready for me, big stud,” he said, sounding really cool about everything, but he was sweating even more than before, and his breathing was getting heavy again. I continued massaging his pecs, occasionally teasing his nipples. I knew he loved whenever I played with his nipples, and despite my concern for him, I really wanted him to enjoy my touching.

Just a few seconds later, Hunter finally finished devouring the 36th burger, and his belly looked so incredibly full that I wondered how it hadn’t exploded yet. His skin glistened from being stretched so tightly. It was drum tight. Hunter lovingly caressed his huge belly as if he was enamored by its size. I loved his belly too, but there seemed to be a peculiar connection between the belly and his mind. It was a bit strange.

I was so entranced by Hunter’s huge belly that I didn’t notice my hand was getting moist. Initially, I thought it was sweat, but when I looked at my hand, I realized it was coated in a white liquid. It was definitely not sweat, and when I looked at Hunter’s pecs, I noticed the white liquid was oozing from his nipples. I knew Hunter was a man, but at that moment, I would’ve sworn he was lactating.

“Hunter, what’s
 what’s that?” I asked, a little bit scared.

“What? Haven’t you seen
” He was abruptly interrupted by his belly violently contracting, and this time it made Hunter scream in pain. I was scared and it all got worse when I felt the couch beneath us getting wet. I thought Hunter had peed right there, which was not a good sign. I wanted to stand up and get my phone, but Hunter held my hand so tightly that I couldn’t move. Then, I looked up at the TV and saw Arnold Schwarzenegger holding his own belly. That image triggered a flood of memories from the past few months, making me realize what was happening.

It wasn’t supposed to be possible, but it all matched. I looked at Hunter and saw that he was still in immense pain, unable to speak. I looked at his pecs, and I realized he was indeed lactating, it wasn’t sweat. Then, I looked at his belly and realized that the movement was caused by a baby, or babies if the size of Hunter’s belly was any indication. And the wetness on the couch
 it was his water breaking

“Hunter, you’ll say I’m crazy, but I think you’re in labor,” I managed to say, as Hunter screamed out in pain once again, indicating his contractions were one on top of each other. Our movie night had become a very special one.



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