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This is a Collaboration with the great @brimmingbelly04. If you haven't read the previous parts, I'll leave you the links for my tumblr. [Part 1] [Part 2]. Enjoy.


As soon as they made it to his room, a huffing and puffing Gavin turned and looked up at Marcus' flushed yet handsome-as-ever face. He'd felt his eyes on him the entire time they'd been making their way, as well as his enormous belly twice when he accidentally bumped it against his ass. Gavin couldn't wait till he felt something else not only bumping it again, but bumping into it…

Marcus no longer tried to hide the fact he was blatantly checking his friend out. He looked Gavin up and down, eyes filled with lust now that he'd finally dropped the act that he wasn't into him. Now that he literally was about to enter his friend, there wasn't a point.

"Wanna take a quick shower and get some of this chlorine off of us?" Gavin suggested.

As Marcus shook his head to say no, he didn't, the head of his dick pushed almost painfully up against the unyielding underside of his overdue swell. He might've finally fallen for Gavin's plan and actually gotten into it (so long as he didn't think about it too much,) but he needed things to happen now if he was going to keep up his nerve (and erection.)

"I think we're good," he finally said. "At least I am. I just need a towel, but if you need to, um… you know…" he trailed off as his cock throbbed again, ejecting a huge glob of pre-cum as he stared at Gavin who somehow suddenly looked so damn breedable despite having obviously already been bred so well.

Gavin smiled up at Marcus as he shook his head back. He could tell his special, soon-to-be even more so, friend was nervous, which just made him all the more appealing…

"I know what you mean, but I'm good too, though towels are a good idea," he agreed before turning and waddling off towards his ensuite, giving Marcus another good look at his shapely figure.

"Holy shit, dude… Your ass if fuckin' amazing!" Marcus said as his eyes honed back in and locked onto his juicy ass.

"You really think so, big guy?" His twin-filled friend asked with a giggle as he purposely added a little more swagger to his gait again.

Marcus grunted. "I still can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah!" He admitted with a nod Gavin didn't see since the door to the linen closet he'd opened was now blocking his view of him.

"I'm really glad you think so," Gavin replied with a smile as he waddled back, arms loaded with the towels he'd set atop his belly, blocking Marcus' view of his chest. "And… I think you'll be glad too," he predicted with another nod.


"The fact that my fuckin' amazing ass is all yours."


"If you want it to be?"

"I do!" Marcus emphatically nodded.

Now that things had undeniably changed, including the complete fading of his inhibitions, he couldn't stop "admiring" his friend as he let their bellies bump before handing over two of the four towels he'd retrieved from the linen closet. All of a sudden, everything about Gavin, Marcus found extra appealing, from his looks right down to the fact he was another guy and he was still so fucking attracted to him?!

As they dried themselves the rest of the way off, slowly turning and bending as much as either one of them could, revealing more of their bodies in different positions to one another, the more each of them got into it… By then, neither Gavin or Marcus thought they could've been any more inclined, but the more they turned, bent and dried, the more they were by simply the thought of what was to come next.

As he turned and pointed his huge, fat ass at him again, Marcus didn't think Gavin could've looked any more delicious than he'd recently proven himself to, but he was wrong. Now, as he wiped what water remained from the pool off, his ass looked more appealing than ever. Neither of them said anything as they put their towels to use, they just watched each other, Gavin over his shoulder, silently encouraging more.

Before Marcus could grasp what was happening, his friend let both of his towels drop to the ground and then slowly waddled over to his bed, which he awkwardly climbed onto on all fours. As he got into position, Gavin's belly dragged across the bed, pressing down against it too, his arms just barely long enough to offer support. Even from behind, Marcus could see Gavin's boobs, which now hung from his torso.

Being on all fours caused Gavin's tits to sag, but they still looked incredibly full, and Marcus already knew they were delicious… He couldn't get over how good they looked, better than any others he'd gotten his hands (or mouth on) or any pornstar's he'd ever jerked off to, that's for sure.

Everything suddenly seemed so perfect about Gavin, Marcus couldn't wait any longer. He wanted his huge, cock throbbing far up inside the daddy-to-be's hole, but first…

Marcus approached the foot of the bed, which his friend's incredible ass was hanging over. Whether he knew it or not, Gavin had gotten himself into the perfect position for what he surprisingly wanted to do to him next: taste his hole.

After reaching out to brace himself on the enormous globes, barely able to reach them beyond his own biggest, with a quiet grunt, Marcus began to squat. He had to arch his own ass up in the air to give his massive belly room to slide down between the rest of him and the foot of the bed, Gavin's comforter providing soft, soothing sensations against his taut skin. As Marcus' face became level with Gavin's ass, he'd never been more grateful for his strong and powerful, tree-trunk thighs.

Slowly, he slid his hands from the tops of the mounds down around their sides. When he reached the fattest area at their midpoint, Marcus slid his hands closer together till his palms were full of cheek. More than full… Still, his hands were big enough he was able to take each in a strong but gentle grip and slowly separate them, revealing Gavin's light pink, surprisingly tiny pucker.

Unable to see behind himself, Gavin thought Marcus was about to line his massive cock up and start (hopefully slowly) inserting it, causing his hole to twitch in anticipation. But then he realized if Marcus was about to fuck him, he would've felt his heavy belly resting on his ass and back, so he was puzzled?

"Everything OK back there?" He asked over his shoulder as he adjusted his pillows under his breasts so they had some support.

"Everything's great," Marcus replied, voice deep and husky as his breath blew between Gavin's cheeks, hitting his hole, making it twitch again and him moan.

"Oooh! I wasn't expecting this!" Gavin giggled.



"But it's OK, if I…"

"Oh, most definitely!" He giggled some more.

Upon receiving permission, Marcus licked his lips, spread his friend's ample cheeks and started moving his neck forward. He'd never given a rim job before but he had eaten plenty of girls out and figured it was probably somewhat similar. Instinctively, he took in a whiff, his nostrils registering chlorine, a slightly sweaty and musky aroma and a faint spiciness, the latter probably a precursor to the peppers making their exit. It was a strange combination, but Marcus couldn't say he didn't like it, so he stuck out his tongue and gave his first tentative lick.

Both he and Gavin moaned as he ran his tongue up his crack, its tip gently pushing against his hole but not entering it. Even though he'd never tasted ass before, somehow, so far, it tasted just as Marcus expected it would. What he hadn't expected was to like it, but he did, so after a few more cautious licks, he started to get a little more adventurous…

Gavin was in sheer have. He'd hoped this would happen when he'd come up with his whole labor-inducing plan, but definitely hadn't expected it to… He wanted to tell Marcus to never stop, to keep going and start really working his hole, but he couldn't find the words. All he could muster were moans and groans of delight as his super muscular, even more pregnant, special friend, licked, kissed, lapped and even now occasionally gently nibbled away.

Marcus' tongue gradually started opening him up. But as Gavin's hole loosened, it remained incredibly small. Obviously, Marcus knew his friend liked to be fucked, but as he stared down his nose at the smooth, unexpectedly sexy pucker he'd now made slick with his spit, he couldn't imagine it loosening up enough to take any penis, let alone one his size… If he worried (which he did) that his cock would be too big, he couldn't imagine Gavin stretching enough to allow two large babies to pass through?!

Marcus shuddered when he thought about how difficult the same process was going to be for him… Unlike Gavin's, his hole had had zero "preparation," aside from sometimes having passed some what he'd considered to be monstrously-sized shots, which ultimately (and unfortunately) would probably be like one of the triplets' legs! The scary realization took a brief, deflating effect on his raging erection, but fortunately for he and Gavin, he was so enjoying his first, delicious taste of ass, his hardness only waned for a few seconds before it subconsciously regained its full glory.

It wasn't till he'd already made a few deep pokes that Marcus belatedly realized his tongue had breached Gavin's sphincter to the point almost half of it was inside him, wriggling around with relative ease. As he somewhat came out of the strange, sex-induced trance he'd fallen under, his fecund friend's muffled moans, groans and appreciative curses registered in his somewhat dazed and frazzled brain. Marcus had always taken great pleasure in providing the same to his partner, so he was only slightly surprised that this time proved not to be an exception despite his current partner being a male, and the hole he was teasing and pleasing, an ass

But as much as they were both enjoying his unexpected action, he wanted more… More being the reason he'd asked to come to Gavin's room, so after a few more licks, followed by a tender kiss planted on the now slightly more protruding pucker, Marcus pulled back.

Once he had, he kept Gavin's cheeks spread and stared at his "work," causing his huge, hard cock to twitch up against the underside of his belly with a sense of pride. Still staring, Marcus stopped spreading them and moved his hands back to the rounded tops of Gavin's cheeks. As his friend's hole disappeared, Marcus knew the next time he saw it, it was going to look very different…

He and Gavin grunted as he pushed, him from the effort it took to raise his body from its deep squat, Gavin from the weight he put against him. Once again, Marcus' belly grazed the bedspread, then his friend's ass as he came back to as close to his full height as he could now reach. Back deeply arched, Marcus let his tremendous pregnancy hover over Gavin's ass for a few seconds before carefully setting it down on it and then sliding it forward till some of it also came to rest on his back as he reached under and around it to take himself in his hand and aim it at Gavin's hole by feel alone.

"Ooh, yeah, big guy…" Gavin moaned as the big, bulbous head of Marcus' cock worked its way between his ample cheeks and then pushed against his hole. "Fuck me into labor with that monster cock… Fuck… I can't wait to have you inside me, and those bull balls slapping against my ass, you stud!"

"You want my big, bull dick inside you?" Marcus asked as he gently nudged his tip against his friend's pucker again.

"Oh, yeah…" Gavin moaned. "Breed my big, fat ass!" He requested, playing a little more with Marcus' machismo, even though he knew he didn't have to any more.

Without another word, Marcus pushed his sturdy hips forward. Given the girth of the head of his cock, it was initially met with some resistance despite his recent oral efforts, but gradually, Gavin's hole opened more, letting in the most massive cock he'd ever taken…

Nobody or anything had ever stretched him as much as just Marcus' head now was… It hurt, but it was a good and enjoyable pain. That being said, Gavin realized again that he was in for a real challenge when the time came for him to start expelling the heads of his babies, because as Marcus slowly entered him, he felt like he was already being torn apart, and yet he still wanted more…

Even though his now very "special" friend had recently been very reluctant to fuck him, Marcus had obviously had a "change of heart." As thick and veiny inch after inch continued to sink into Gavin, the more muscular and pregnant man had another as he realized the sensation he was experiencing felt better than any other sexual one he'd previously had, and things were only just getting started… Marcus had to truly fight the urge to just fucking ram himself the rest of the way in, but thankfully, managed to do so because of the last thing he wanted to do now, was hurt Gavin.

Gavin, whose hole remained so tight, that as he continued slowly penetrating it, Marcus found himself suddenly feeling more resistance… He and Marcus' mutual moans and grunts filled his room as the latter readied himself to give his friend what he'd longed for from him, so bad: a good, hard fuck.

When he was halfway in, Marcus stopped and stayed still. For a few seconds, he forgot all about how desperate he was and how awkward many parts of his day had been. He just focused on how tight and amazing Gavin's hole felt and how the little, quiet (for now, anyway) grunts and groans he was making sounded so good. They also sounded like he was having a hard time controlling himself. Marcus couldn't help but smile.

Leaning forward, he took a firm hold of Gavin's wide hips as he slowly started working more of himself in. The deeper Marcus went, the tighter Gavin got. The twin-filled man was now continually grunting and tugging at the sheets beneath him. His triplet-filled friend knew he had to be in a lot of pain as the bulbous tip of his cock reached previously unexplored areas of his guts, but Gavin hadn't asked him to stop, so he continued.

Because some girls hadn't been able to fully take him, Marcus was certain Gavin wouldn't be able to. He wasn't about to complain… He'd be happy with however much his friend ended up being able to take, but he'd be really happy if he was able to take it all!

Even though he'd finally seen it up close and touched it, somehow, Gavin was still surprised by how huge Marcus' cock felt inside him. It felt more than that… It felt gigantic!

"Are you OK? Am I hurting you?" Marcus asked as he stopped pushing, worried because Gavin's moans had gotten so loud.

"Yeah! I'm… oooh, fine! You're fine… you're just… I just… need some time to… get used to it!" Gavin huffed out between grunts. "Fuuuuuuuck!" He exhaled. "You're so… damn…big!"

Marcus chuckled and smirked. "You've been callin' me big guy all day… And you saw and touched my cock, so what were you expecting?" He asked as he very slowly pushed another thick, quarter inch in.

"Ooof!" Gavin grunted. "How much… more?"

"Just a little."

He grunted again. "There's nothing… little about… you!" He huffed as he tried to adjust to the massive intruder making him feel like he was about to split in half.

As he breathed heavily, Gavin felt a sudden sharp pain in his lower belly. Once he made sure he was balanced on his left elbow and forearm, he reached back and down to rub at the area. He couldn't say if the pain was due to Marcus' cock trying its best to rearrange his guts, or from a contraction? The babies suddenly started kicking and stretching, making it all the more difficult to figure out what was going on.

If there was anything good, it was that with the pain in his belly and the twins kind of going crazy, Gavin had something else to think about other than Marcus' massive, still not complete presence. He was barely able to contain his grunts, groans and moans, but he wasn't about to quit now, especially considering his crazy plan had worked! This is precisely what he'd wanted, and nothing in life is ever free.

"Gimme the… rest," he nodded over his shoulder.

"Now?" Marcus asked.

He nodded again. "I'm fine. I want you to… fuck me hard. Stretch my hole till I'm… loose enough for you," he said as he took his right hand from his belly, reached back and slapped the side of his ass, making it jiggle like Jell-O.

Marcus didn't need to be told twice. In one fluid motion, he sank his last couple inches in, earning himself a grunt and a groan from the both of them. He'd meant to be gentle, but he couldn't contain himself and apparently, didn't have to… Gavin wanted him to fuck him hard, so he now had every intention of complying, at least as much as their mutually fecund bodies allowed.

He started off slow, but he wasn't gentle. Marcus still had his doubts because Gavin barely seemed able to accommodate him, but with each long and slow thrust in and out, his smaller friend's hole seemed to relax a little more. What didn't relax was Gavin himself, who started shouting Marcus' name and demanding more.

Gripping Gavin's hips tighter, Marcus started thrusting harder and faster. He loved how thick and meaty Gavin felt in his hands… His hips were soft and supple, yet strong and powerful. If they'd been able to handle his giant twin-pregnancy thus far, surely they'd be able to handle a good, hard pounding. He kneaded the tight yet tender flesh, making Gavin moan louder.

The pain in his belly had subsided, but the pain in his hole had not, and yet he still wanted more. Marcus' strong but gentle touch was helping, but also making Gavin feel things he had yet to, and the big guy was just getting started…

"Oooh, yes, ohmygod!" He moaned out a few minutes later, when his hole finally started to loosen up. "Right there, oooh! That's the spot!" He shouted as Marcus' insanely thick shaft rubbed and pressed against his prostate like no one's ever had before. Neither of them could see it, but Gavin was rock hard, dripping pre-cum like a fountain.

"So I guess you're… enjoying… this?" Marcus asked as he trusted, a proud smile on his face.

"This is… the best fuck I've… ever had! So, so, so good!" Gavin moaned and then grunted as his bigger friend forced himself all the way back in, especially hard.

"I'm… glad… you… think… so…" Marcus relied, punctuating each word with another powerful thrust. "'Cause… I… think… the… same!"

"Y-yeah?" Gavin asked in breathless surprise.

"Yeah…" he confirmed as he slowed down, not only because he needed a bit of a break but because the babies in his belly were now moving like they hadn't in quite some time. "No girl I've… been with has… ever felt like… this, and none of them… have been so… hungry for my cock!" He groaned as he gave another forceful thrust.

"Me and my… hole, are happy to… be of service, and… appre… oooh!" Gavin was suddenly interrupted by another pain low in his belly which he this time, was able to recognize to most definitely be a contraction.

His plan was working.

"You OK?" Marcus asked again. "Am I going too hard? Too fast?" He asked as he started to slow down, but then Gavin pushed back, indicating he still wanted more.

"It's… working," he panted out. "Contraction."

"Oh! So then maybe we… should…"

"No! Keep going!" Gavin demanded. "Fuck me like the… stud you are. Show me your… real strength, you… big bull!"


"Marcus…" he groaned. "I've been wanting this since the… day I met you!" He admitted since there was no point in denying or hiding his feelings anymore.

It didn't happen often, but when it did, for whatever reason, Marcus really liked being told what to do in bed. He was surprisingly happy to find out that it didn't matter when the demand came from another man. This man, at least…

As such, he focused all the strength and energy he still had to fuck Gavin as hard and fast as he could, even though he felt like his movements were starting to get a bit clumsy. The long, loud moans constantly spilling from his friend's mouth, made Marcus feel like the proud alpha male he'd been before getting so hugely pregnant.

The fact Gavin was so obviously high on pleasure even though Marcus couldn't say he was giving him his best performance (for three big as they were obvious reasons) helped his self-esteem. It also got him so damn horny, he felt like a bull in heat. If he could've, even though he'd been 100% straight till today, he would've kept fucking Gavin's amazing ass forever.

That being said, it was Gavin he was into… Marcus didn't feel any different about any other man, just Gavin. His hands kept kneading his friend's fat mounds. As they did, for the briefest of moments, Marcus imagined the shorter man being pregnant with his babies… Why he couldn't say, nor could he say why he was so into the idea, but he found himself imagining breeding Gavin again and again, getting him hugely pregnant with his giant kids.

Marcus had worked himself up so much, his hips were bucking harder than ever despite their increasing discomfort. He felt like his balls were going into overdrive, quickly making more hot, potent cum.

Meanwhile, Gavin had totally been reduced to moans. His mind was blank as Marcus fucked him deeper and harder than anyone ever had before. Between his cock being the biggest and his thrusts so deep and powerful, Gavin was in heaven. He loved the way Marcus' massive nuts kept slamming against his fattened ass cheeks like a pair of wrecking balls. Finally, his hole seemed to had adjusted to Marcus' size, allowing him to focus on the more pleasurable aspects of everything, including how his prostate was getting the best, most intense massage of his life.

Gavin's belly shook against the bed. Every once in a while, he felt this intense shifting sensation, different from what he felt when the twins were just rolling around on their own. He wanted to rub his belly to try and ease some of the tension and discomfort, but his triplet-carrying friend was fucking him so hard now (just as he'd asked him to) that he needed all the support his hands could give. He knew his bloated body was making the final preparations for his first child to be born, but he also knew Marcus wasn't done yet and he had no plans of asking him to stop.

Gavin wasn't the only one groaning… His bed was too, especially when Marcus thrust extra hard into his fat ass. He arched his back, lifting his breasts off his pillows, causing the huge, milk-filled orbs to swing and bounce. The action further stimulated his nipples, which started to leak, providing some much needed relief to the drained but still bloated mounds.

He couldn't get enough. He didn't want Marcus to ever stop but knew he'd have to eventually. They both only had so much time and energy left, and really, they needed to save the latter for the daunting tasks they still had to perform. The reasons they were doing all this…

Even though he was now several enjoyable minutes into it, Marcus still couldn't believe he was fucking another man, or that he was loving every single second of it! He loved hearing Gavin moan and groan beneath him and hoped he wasn't putting too much weight on him or hurting him, but even if he was, sorry, dude, but he wasn't going to stop till he had to.

As he continued delivering his powerful thrusts, balls starting to churn, bed now groaning and creaking almost nonstop, Marcus suddenly felt a sharp pain… It seemed to radiate out from the center, somewhere just beneath his belly button, and eventually made its way down to his hips. He joined in on the groaning, his pained, but considering he was having some of the best sex he'd ever had, fortunately, he had something else to focus on.

Marcus realized he was (finally) having a contraction, but he didn't announce it. He rubbed the sides of his belly, unaware that Gavin could feel it shaking and contracting atop his back. Gavin knew his friend had to be uncomfortable, but he still smiled, happy to know Marcus' labor was finally getting underway too. His plan was finally working!

"I'm gettin'... close!" Marcus huffed out. "I wanna keep… going, but fuuuuuck… you feel so damn good!"

"Yeah?" Gavin panted back.

"Look good… too!" Marcus replied. "So damn big and fertile, dude!"

His twin-filled friend moaned. "I'm not even… touching my dick and I'm… about to cum! You're such a… fucking stud, and your… cock! God!" He sighed. "I wish you could… knock me up again… right now! Imagine how… HUGE I'd get carrying… your babies?!" He moaned, the thought causing him to orgasm, huge globs of cum suddenly rocketing from his dick, coating the underside of his belly.

"Oh, shit!" Marcus grunted as Gavin's hole tightened around him. "Shit, shit, shit!" He hissed. "You're gonna… make me cum!" He huffed as he started pounding Gavin harder. As he did, he took his right hand from his belly, reached down and around it and slapped his friend's ass, enjoying the jiggle.

"Oooh!" Gavin moaned again.

"And as far as… you carrying my… HUGE babies… You better mean it!"

"I do, but…"

"You owe me… after all the pain and… shame you… put me through today!" Marcus grunted out as another contraction started to build up. "You think you're… big now… You got another thing… coming when I knock you up!"

"You're gonna make me… TWICE as big, I… I know it and I… can't wait!" Gavin moaned. "Put as many as you… want in me! Please…" he begged.

All of a sudden, Marcus lost it. With a huge roar, he started to cum, shooting a geyser of thick and hot seed far up inside Gavin. Gavin yelled too as he felt an almost unimaginable amount of cum flooding his guts. Even though barely a minute had passed since his last orgasm, he suddenly came once again without touching his dick.

Marcus' massive load just kept coming, making Gavin feel even more full. If ever he felt like he was about to burst, this was it! At some point, Marcus had stopped thrusting, but he was still cumming, filling his friend to the brim. His seemingly never-ending orgasm was hands down, the best he'd ever had and when it finally ended, it left Marcus gasping for breath, feeling on the verge of passing out.

And yet he and Gavin both had huge smiles on their red and sweaty, handsome faces. Even though they'd both agreed to do this to induce labor, the experience ended up being much deeper and unexpectedly meaningful. As he continued to fight to catch his breath, Marcus went back to rubbing his heaving belly. Beneath him, Gavin was dealing with another strong contraction, but he didn't say anything, not wanting to break the mood.

If he could've, he would've kept Marcus' now slightly softening but still twitching cock, inside him forever. His plan had half worked, but it wasn't complete yet… Gavin didn't know if he'd have the energy to, but he still wanted to at least try to return the favor and really fuck Marcus into labor. If he could, this would be his first time fucking a man too…

"Oh my fuckin' God!" Marcus exhaled as his cock twitched again. "That was… amazing!"

"Yeah, it was…" Gavin languidly agreed.

"Seriously!" Marcus needlessly insisted. "I wanna do it again, without the… bellies in the way. You game?" He asked as he gave Gavin's ass another sharp slap.

"Totally! You're the biggest, sexiest stud… ever!" Gavin moaned. "And I meant it when I said you could… knock me up again! With as many as you, oooh!" He suddenly groaned. "Unnnnngh!!!" He grunted as his most painful and powerful contraction to date took over his belly and then seemingly his whole body."Fuuuuuuck!"

Concerned, Marcus started to pull out, but Gavin stopped him. Or tried to…

"No! Stay! Stay in me, please!" He begged.

"But you're contracting!" Marcus said, feeling his hole grip and squeeze his cock, causing it to harden back up again.

"I… I… know!" Gavin huffed out. "But…"

"But it might, unnnngh!" He grunted. "Finally be time, Gavin!" He insisted as he kept removing himself, the resistance Gavin's hole gave making it a difficult but pleasurable experience.

The bulbous, still leaking head of his cock got stuck for a second before popping out of Gavin loud enough to echo through the room over their mutual moans. Marcus was in the process of sliding his enormous belly off his twin-filled friend's poor, now really aching back, when the shorter man groaned loudly again as a sudden rush of fluid poured from his now gaping hole, soaking the bed and Marcus' cock, underbelly and thighs.

Marcus hardly realized what was happening. All of a sudden, a super sharp and intense pain hit his belly, causing him to clutch it, tightly grit his teeth and groan.

"You OK?" Gavin asked as he turned and looked back over his shoulder.

"Contrac…tion," Marcus gritted out. "Big… one! But congrats… You seem to be ahead of me!" He said as he slowly scooted back till his belly had cleared Gavin and the mattress, revealing the big, wet mess he'd made.

"You broke my water!" Gavin grinned back at him. "Maybe we should've just done this from the beginning?" He giggled.

"You knew this would do the trick the whole time, didn't you?" Marcus asked, shaking his head as he palmed his tighter than ever pregnancy.

"Maybe?" Gavin giggled some more as he eased onto his side facing his friend. "But I had to get you onboard first!"

"Well you finally did!" Marcus winked at him. "And I'm happy to say, you didn't have to fuck me to get my contractions going!" He winced as his huge belly spasmed again.

"I still can. We've got time."

"What?!" He scoffed. "No, we don't! You're water broke!"

"It just did. I'm not ready to push yet," Gavin shook his head. "And besides, we need to get you caught up!"

"I'll catch up."

He scoffed back. "What? Don't tell me a big, sexy stud like you is scared of taking my dick when you're about to have to push three MASSIVE babies out of your ass!"

"It's just…"

"You've never been fucked before, I know. You'd also never fucked a man before either," Gavin reminded.

"No, I hadn't," Marcus replied. "But…"

"You'll be my first too, if you're willing to return the favor?"

Marcus let out a grunt as he watched Gavin reach around his belly and start stroking his dick, which was hard again despite having just released two loads. His twin-filled friend had a point… Whether he wanted to think about, let alone admit it, Marcus' asshole had a lot of stretching in its near future, and who knows? Maybe he'd like getting fucked too?

Seeing as the act involved Gavin, he probably would.

"Alright, fine," he consented. "But just this once!"

"Just this once…" Gavin agreed as he started getting off the bed.

Marcus knew what he had to do next… For a change, he was going to be the one to get on all fours. The thought of taking a dick remained incredibly strange but surprisingly, wasn't as unappealing or unlikely as he'd once considered it. Still, under different circumstances, Marcus most certainly would've denied the request, but after all he and Gavin had been through that day alone, he almost felt like he owed the shorter, slightly less baby-filled man the chance to have some fun inside of him.

He knew they were working on borrowed time now, but Marcus still moved slowly as he attempted to get himself into the same position Gavin had taken him in. As he fumbled around atop the wet bed, he quickly realized he wasn't going to be able to… His belly was so big, his arms and legs weren't long enough to keep it from pressing too hard and deep into the mattress.

"Houston, we have a problem…" he grumbled as he continued to fumble.

"What's wrong?" Gavin asked as he approached from behind and started stroking his friend's giant ass.

"In keeping with today's theme, once again, I'm too damn big!" Marcus groaned. "I'm a goddamn elephant!" He complained as he tried and failed to push himself high enough using the tips of his fingers.

"You're not an elephant, you're a big, strong, super sexy, pregnant bull!"

"Yeah, a bull elephant!"

"Still sexy…"

"Thanks, I guess?" Marcus grunted back as he sat back on his heels, his mountainous ass grazing the front of Gavin's belly as it came to rest on the bed. "So how are we supposed to do this?" He asked with a frown. "There's no way I'm getting on my back!" He vehemently shook his head.

"No," Gavin agreed. "That wouldn't work for either of us."

"So what will?"

"Don't worry, it's easy…"

"Almost nothing today's been easy," his triplet-loaded friend groused.

"Well this will be, I promise."

"You and your promises…"

Gavin chuckled. "All you need to do is scoot forward on your knees some, then lean forward as much as you can and then reach out and brace yourself on the headboard," he instructed. "Then, I'll have all the access I need!" He said as he reached out and massaged Marcus' massive, meaty rear. "Think you can manage?"

Marcus nodded as he started inching forward, the underside of his belly dragging across the mattress as his thighs repeatedly bumped it. "But I don't know how long I'll be able to keep myself supported?"

"Even with all those big muscles?" Gavin teased.

"Yes, even with all these big muscles!" He replied as he stopped moving forward, then leaned forward and did as instructed, grabbing the top of the headboard with both hands.

Marcus groaned as his belly pulled his back into a painfully deep arch. The lower front of it still pushed heavily against the mattress, but thankfully, to a more manageable degree. The deep arch his back took pushed his ass up and out even more, causing Colton to grunt as he watched the bigger man struggle. He grunted again in appreciation as Marcus rocked his hips a bit, gradually spreading his legs, revealing his giant bull balls and surprisingly tiny hole, which was the only thing small about him.

"Is this… good enough?" He grunted out. "It better be, 'cause it's… all I can manage."

"It's perfect," Gavin replied as he stared at the first ass he'd ever have the pleasure of fucking.

He'd always been a bottom and till he met Marcus, had never wanted to top, not even once, but as soon as he'd laid eyes on the giant, "straight" bull of a man, he'd had a change of heart. Even back when he'd been coming up with his plan, Gavin hadn't actually thought he'd get the chance, but here it was, right in front of him…

"I should probably warn you…" he said as he slowly and awkwardly got back onto the bed behind Marcus.

"Oh God…" his special friend groaned. "What now?!"

"Calm down…" he chuckled.

"Calm down?!" Marcus scoffed. "I'm about to take my first AND ONLY cock!"

"And you're not excited..?"

"No! Not really…"

Gavin giggled. "That's good."

"Why is that good?!"

"Because…" he continued. "What I was going to warn you about is that since this is my first time too, I probably won't be as good as you were."

Marcus chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry… I've got nothing to compare it to and never will, which will make you my best, even if only by default."

"Thanks, I guess?" Gavin mockingly repeated as he reached out beyond his own belly and slapped Marcus' ass really hard in payback, not only for the lack-luster "compliment," but for all the times Marcus had done the same to him. "Maybe next time, I can be the one to put a baby in…"

"Oh, no!" The more muscled and pregnant man cut him off. "Like I said, this is the only time this is EVER gonna happen!"

"Right, right…"

"I'm serious, Gavin!" Marcus huffed. "If I find out anyone ever finds out about this, I…"

"No one, will, big guy," Gavin cut him off as he slid his belly atop his ass, causing both of them to shudder slightly at the sensation. "I know you're serious."

"I am!"

"Is that the only thing you're serious about?" He asked.

"Whaddaya mean?"

"I mean…" Gavin paused. "Are we really gonna do what you just did to me again when we don't have these bellies as our reason?" He asked as the head of his dick poked between Marcus' enormous cheeks, causing him to shudder again.

"You tell me… Do you seriously want my big babies inside you?"

"I don't want big ones… I want huge! As many as you can or want to put in me!"

"Well then, yeah," Marcus nodded as he looked back over his shoulder. "I'm gonna do what I did to you again, but bellies will be the reason. Yours, at least! Now are you gonna fuck me, or not?" He asked as he pushed his ass back.

"Oh, fuuuuuck…" Gavin moaned, closing his eyes as almost the entire length of his dick was taken between Marcus' cheeks without its tip finding its mark. "Oh, fuck!" He said again as his eyes shot open.

"What's wrong?"

"You're not prepped!"

Marcus grunted. "Truer words have never been spoken… I am not ready for this!" He admitted with a nervous laugh.

"Right! You got me… more loosened up, but…"

"I'll be fine, Gavin. I'm a big, strong, sexy, pregnant bull, remember..?"

"Bull elephant!" The twin-filled man teased. "I remember, but seriously… You…"

"I'll be fine," Marcus repeated, sounding surprisingly certain despite the fact he now had a dick between his ass cheeks, poking at his hole.

He still wasn't certain, but then again, he was… I want this! He silently told himself, not that he needed much convincing… I need this! I need Gavin to fuck me so my water can break too! That and, uh… maybe I am a little curious to know what it feels like? He finally allowed himself to admit.

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Gavin asked, almost hating himself for doing so. He didn't want Marcus to change his mind, but as he'd said, he did want him to enjoy their first (and only) time as much as he could. "I have lube… I can grab it if you…"

"Gavin… If I have to tell you again, then…"

"OK, OK!" The twin-filled man relented. After all, he couldn't say he hadn't double/triple checked… "Here we go!" He said as he reached down and around his pregnancy and took as good a grip as he could on Marcus' massive ass, spread his cheeks and hoped he got his aim right.

As he slowly but firmly sank himself in till his crotch applied slight pressure against Marcus' muscular globes, Gavin's bedroom fell completely silent… A moment later, once both men registered what he'd just done, it suddenly erupted in a cacophony of moans, groans and grunts, all of which thankfully, sounded quite pleasurable…

Even though this was the first time Marcus found himself on the "receiving end," the fact he was now in the early stages of labor allowed him to easily take Gavin. Doing so didn't hurt as much as he'd anticipated, but taking a dick up the ass remained a foreign concept to him, so he groaned/moaned as he was filled. If ever Marcus realized something could "hurt so good," it was at this moment, as indicated by the noises he continued to make without even meaning to.

As much as his "straight" brain wanted to deny it, Marcus was already enjoying things… Back behind and now inside of him, Gavin broke out into a huge grin as he listened to the first man he'd ever penetrated lustfully moan and groan. After giving his special, triplet-filled friend a few more seconds to adjust, the twin-filled man pulled almost all the way out, leaving just the now throbbing and leaking tip of his dick inside before pushing all the way back in and then promptly pulling out again, repeating the motion as quickly as his fecund body allowed.

Even though he was experiencing another painful contraction, Gavin couldn't believe how lucky he was. Today, all his wildest dreams had come true, leading to his dream of becoming a father becoming a reality as well.

Soon, Marcus went from moaning and groaning to panting. The size and depth of his cheeks kept Gavin's thrusts somewhat shallow, but they were powerful enough to make the bigger man see stars. Gavin had been with some noisy partners, but Marcus was the loudest by far. He didn't know if this was from excitement, pleasure or pain, but whatever the reason, he loved it. He especially loved being at least part of the cause…

A few minutes into their romp, Gavin joined in on the noise making. "Unnnnnnngh…" he groaned. "Fuuuuuuck!"

"Don't… stop!" Marcus huffed out.

"I don't… want to, but all this… action is making me progress! I can feel the, uuuugh!" He groaned again. "Babies getting… lower. Quickly!"

Marcus replied with a deep, animalistic groan. Even though he had a dick inside him, the "straight" man was once again rock hard as he was fucked and labored, finally almost ready to give birth to his massive nieces and/or nephews.

"Don't… stop!" He begged like one of the many women he'd fucked. "It's… helping!" He grunted as another contraction hit him.

Gavin grunted too as Marcus tightened around his dick. He didn't want to be but already, he was on the verge of cumming as his belly contracted too. He willed himself to keep pounding Marcus' ass, to fuck through the pain and not blow yet.

Even though he was the one who was supposed to be "in control" at the moment, Gavin noted that his friend's hole was clenching tighter each time he worked himself in and out of it. Having never been inside another man before, he didn't know if Marcus' grip was "normal," but it sure felt strong, much like the rest of him… But then all of a sudden, the bigger man's usual "exit" went from super tight to super loose, allowing Gavin to freely wiggle around inside and aim himself in different directions, causing both of them to moan loudly.

That was all either of them could do. Both guys had lost their ability to speak as they fought to focus on the pleasure they were experiencing, rather than their long, increasingly intense contractions. Even though Gavin was in no condition to give Marcus his all, the bed still creaked beneath them as he pounded away to the best of his ability.

"Oooh, fuck! I-I'm close!" Marcus panted. "I c-can't reach m-my cock, but I can f-f-feel it, unnnnnngh!!!" He groaned out, right before his massive member starter shooting out buckets of cum like a geyser, even after having released a ridiculous amount deep up inside Gavin.

Half a second later, the laboring, twin-filled man released again, this time inside Marcus. His orgasm triggered the strongest contraction he'd had so far and suddenly, everything was happening so fast…

Gavin realized his first baby was now very much in position to be born, its head pressing hard between his hips, the crown against his hole. Still being skewered by his new, special friend's dick, Marcus was also dealing with another very painful contraction… Now that all the sexual tension between them had been released, he was ready as he'd ever be for what came next: getting these three, huge babies out of him.

Those three, huge babies were now moving around a lot, not only more than they had all (eventful) day, but more than they had since they'd had (slightly) more room. Quickly, Marcus got lost in his thoughts/worries/fears, and all but forgot about his excitement. As soon as Gavin withdrew, as fast as he could, he plopped heavily down onto the soaked bed on his right side and groaned loudly in discomfort, but Gavin wasn't about to let him take the "noise making" cake…

"Oooh, fuck! It's time!" He shouted as he repeatedly rocked from side to side on his back, which he'd collapsed onto after pulling. Out. "They're coming, now!" He shouted again as he finally made it onto his back.

Currently facing the other direction, Marcus let out a low, nervous laugh. "W-what're you talking about?! You've got…"

He abruptly stopped speaking when his stomach gave an audible gurgle and he felt like he really had to fart… He almost gave into temptation, but then all the noise Gavin was making and the rocking he was doing caused him to refocus his attention.

Seemingly in the blink of an eye, the pain the older man was experiencing became unbearable… Gavin couldn't think clearly as his breathing became heavier and he clutched at the lower sides of his huge belly. Instinctively, he took his hands from the mound and worked them under his knees, raising his legs as he felt his soon-to-be firstborn's head start working its way deeper into his birth canal.

"Oooh, God, Marcus!" Gavin wailed. "I need to puuuuuuuuush!!!"

"No!" Marcus yelled back. "You can't! Not… yet!" He grunted as he started rocking his massive, heaving body back and forth as he attempted to also get onto his back. "We need to…" he gasped. "Get to… the… hospital! We need to… call someone! Where's your…"

He stopped talking and clamped his mouth shut as the urgent need to fart again hit and this time, he wasn't able to ignore it. Knowing he was in labor and after his first ever fuck, that his hole was presently far looser than it usually was, Marcus gave a light, tentative push. Despite his cautious "lack of effort," the results were immediate and he groaned again as a rush of "water" gushed from his ass and he felt his first niece or nephew descend that much lower into his own birth canal.

Gavin couldn't help but shriek, and then quickly burst into laughter, as his left side (mostly his belly because, duh!) was soaked with warm, slightly sticky amniotic fluid. Marcus, on the other hand, didn't react so well to his water breaking, even though he'd been wanting/needing it to this whole time…

"No, no, no…" he moaned and shook his head as he finally ended up on his back, "water" continuing to spurt from his massive rear. "This isn't happening!" He shouted, then grunted as the first baby to be born descended even more. "We can't… both be…"

"We arrrrrrre!!!" Gavin shrieked, his higher voice at least two and half octaves higher as his first baby already started to crown.

"Not here!" Marcus yelled.

"Yes, here!"

After such a long wait, all five of the babies seemed to suddenly be in a rush to make their entrances, leaving their dad's/carrier's at the mercy of their suddenly incessant contractions and their urgent need to push.

"Oh, Goddddd!" Marcus groaned. "I-I c-can't do…"

"Yes, you can!" Gavin cut him off through gritted teeth as he gave his first push. "We've been… waiting for, unnnnnnngh!!! This!"

"I k-know!" His still triplet-filled friend huffed back. "But…"

"Just remember, oooh, fuuuuuuuuck!" Gavin moaned. "As soon as I… nnnnnnnngh!!! Get THESE babies out, m-my womb is… all yoooooooooours!!!" He roared as he pushed with everything he had, getting his first child's head out of him at an impressively rapid rate. "Ahh, there…" he sighed once he had. "That wasn't… too hard!"

Marcus groaned again, this time in lust and admiration. "Damn… You're good at… havin' babies…" he said as he gave his first push.

"You seem to… be… too!"

"T-t-thaaaaaaanks!" He stutteringly bellowed as he got his sister's first baby's head out. "Oooh…" he moaned.

"It's a good pain, huh?" Gavin asked with a quiet, tired laugh.

Marcus nodded. "Yeah…"

"I knew you'd like it!"

He scoffed but also laughed as he felt another contraction starting to build. "Like it?! Who do you, nnnngh… Think you're… talkin' to?!"

"Uh huh…" Gavin grunted out as he experienced the same sensation.

"I fuckin'... HATE IT!!!" Marcus shouted back as his body instinctively told him to push again. "So you better have been… damn, mmmmmmmmmnnnh… serious about… me knockin' you up!" He huffed. "'Cause after all you've… put me through… today, I, unnnnngh!!! Promise you, I'm gonna MAKE SURE you get… EVEN BIGGER with MY babies!!!" He promised as he finished getting "his" first baby's shoulder out.

"A promise… is a… promise, but it… goes both… ways…" Gavin said as he turned and looked at him, face now bright pink and dripping with sweat. With nearly half his firstborn hanging out of him, his hole was on absolute fire… "So you…" he panted as he waited for the next contraction to come so he could finish expelling the first twin. "Better mean it was when you… say you wanna have… kids with me!" He nodded. "'Cause I'll… I'll give you as… many as you want!" He nodded some more as he started pushing again.

"Yeah…" Marcus nodded back. "I… meant it. And I… I owe you…"

"You owe me?!" Gavin laughed as he angled his upper body towards his special friend as much as he could.

"Your… methods, were odd to say the least, but hey!" He chuckled. "I'm definitely in labor now, so… mission accomplished! Well…" he groaned as he felt the need to push again. "Not quite, but… getting closer!"

"Look at me, Marcus…" Gavin said as with a grunt, he reached across himself and grabbed Marcus' furthest shoulder.

"Yeah..?" The (mostly still) triplet-filled man replied, sweaty brows raising.

"You don't owe me…" Gavin shook his head.


"No…" he shook it some more. "That's what friends are for!" He switched to nodding. "I helped you, and you, oooooooooh, fuuuuuuuuck!" He moaned. "This kid is…" he paused to huff and puff. "Tryin' to… tear me apart!" He groaned.

"They better… fuckin' NOT tear… you!" Marcus scoffed as he readied to bear down again. "Me and my… babies, need your ass in… tip-top, nnnnngh!!! Shape, when you…"

"Ooooooooh, fuuuuuuuck!!!" Gavin suddenly screamed as his first baby rocketed the rest of the way out of him, followed by another rush of amniotic fluid. "Ohmy… God!!!" He panted.

"Shit!" Marcus exclaimed as he hunched forward over his still much bigger belly to take a better look. "You just… You…"

"Had… a… baby…" Gavin tiredly nodded.

"Well I'm…" Marcus grunted as he tucked his chin to his chest and pushed. "Right behind… you!"

As he continued to push, Gavin gingerly moved. He was exhausted, but doing so was easier now that he'd expelled one of his big sons. He leaned forward over his half deflated belly and carefully picked his son up, leaving the cord attached since he didn't have anything nearby to cut it.

"Oh, wow…" he said quietly as he held his son in his arms for the first time. "He's so big!"

"Gaaaahhh!!!" Marcus roared as the rest of the first triplet exited him and he collapsed back against the headboard. "Mine's… bigger!"

Gavin looked between his now only twice as pregnant friend's legs and nodded and laughed. "Yeah, he is!"

"A boy?" Marcus asked.

"A boy."

"I gotta… We gotta call for… help, Gavin. Our phones…"

"Where are they?"

"I dunno… What're we…"

"Oh!" Gavin laughed as he turned to the right. "Duh! I forgot all about this 'cause I never use it anymore!"

"Forgot about… what?"

"My house phone!" Gavin replied as he easily reached for it after adjusting his hold on his son.

"It was there… all this time?"

"Yeah, sorry…" he chuckled as he dialed 9-1-1.

After quickly explaining the situation to the operator, he hung up and turned to look at Marcus who was gingerly rubbing his still massive belly.

"How're you feeling?" He asked.

"Exhausted!" Marcus exhaled. "And I have two more to go!" He groaned.

"At least we'll have help for the next ones," Gavin replied as he looked down between his legs. "Ugh, my poor bed…"

"I'll get you a new one."

"Only if you break it in with me…"

"Oh, of course!" Marcus smirked and nodded. "That's what friends are for!"

The End


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