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Shane’s POV

When Scott broke my heart that day, I cried on the hill for a while and then spent a few hours looking at the sky. I felt lost and confused because I believed Scott loved me, and that we were meant to be together. I thought we were meant to have a big, happy family. However, his words hurt me so much that I gave up on him right there. Maybe he was right, maybe he wasn’t the one for me.

Maybe I was too much of a freak for a sweet and perfect guy like Scott. Although my heart would always belong to him, I decided to follow Scott’s advice and stay away from him. The best way to do this was by sticking to my initial plan of attending college away from him. It didn’t make me happy, but I believed it was the best for Scott.

A few hours after Scott left, I wiped away my tears for the millionth time and finally descended from the hill. I was still unsure about my plan, but I followed Scott’s suggestion and went to my coach’s house. He was the one who had gotten me the sports scholarship in the first place, and I knew he wasn’t happy when I rejected it a few days before. However, if anyone could help me get it back, it was Coach Alex Wagner. He was a really nice man, and I had always trusted him, so I was confident he would help me.

Upon arriving at Coach Wagner’s house, I knocked at his door, my eyes still teary even because, even after hours, I was still devastated. Coach Wagner opened the door with a big smile, as he always did, and invited me inside. He even offered me a drink as I sat on his couch. As I said, he was always a nice man, and I tried to pretend to be fine as we talked. He asked me a few things about my summer plans and then asked me about college. This was my chance to ask for his help.

“Coach… I-I think I made a big mistake when I rejected the scholarship. It was a great opportunity, and upon reevaluating my priorities, I wonder if there’s any way for me to get it back. I had another college in mind, but things have changed, and… well… I need your help,” I said, a tear trickling down my cheek as I thought about Scott once again. Obviously, Coach Wagner noticed.

“What’s wrong, big guy? Are you crying? Is it because of the scholarship?” Coach asked, and I nodded, but he didn’t believe me. “I know you’re not crying because of that. I could ask about the scholarship and try to help you, but you gotta be honest with me. What’s wrong?” He asked and came closer to sit next to me.

I started crying once again, and he hugged me tight. He didn’t know what was happening, but he made me feel safe. I was still hurt, but he made me feel like he really cared about me. I cried a lot while he kept asking me what was wrong. He wanted to know why I was so sad, and considering he sounded genuinely concerned, I opened up my heart for him right there.

I told him about the hill and about my love declaration to Scott. He was surprised because he didn’t even know I was gay, but he wasn’t disgusted or angry. Instead, he seemed interested. He asked me a few things about my friendship with Scott, and I told him everything. I even told him about my womb and the fact that I wanted to have a family with Scott. I shared everything with him, and he started getting closer to me, hugging me tightly. I should’ve noticed the red flags, but I was feeling too nice.

As he hugged me, he started caressing my pecs and telling me Scott was crazy for rejecting a stud like me. His hands were already moving to my lower body as he continued describing how good-looking I was and how anyone in the world would be lucky to have me in their life. His words made me feel so good that I smiled at him. Scott had made me feel like a freak or a monster, but Coach Wagner was making me feel desired and cared for.

By the time his hands were rubbing my abdomen and my hips, his words had changed from consolation to desire. My mind was realizing that I really liked what he was doing. He started asking me about my womb and about my sexual life. He said he was wondering if I had ever gotten a dick up my ass and I said no. I mean, I wanted to wait for Scott, even though he didn’t want to know about me anymore. I was kinda confused while Coach Wagner kept touching my hips, and he started telling me that I needed another man to help me forget about Scott. I just looked up at him and nodded. I asked him about his wife and his 2 kids, but he said they were visiting his in-laws, so they were away for a whole week. I nodded again, agreeing to what he wanted to do.

Then, Coach Wagner stood up and pulled me up. He was so strong, and for the first time, I realized how hot he really was. He was 30 years old and looked like a bodybuilder. At 6’0” tall, he weighed around 240 pounds, and it was definitely pure muscle mass, so his clothes were always struggling to cover his huge body. It was a goal for most guys in town to get that big, and when he started undressing, I was amazed by how big he truly was. He looked amazing, and even though I hesitated for a while, I followed him into his guest room, where both of us got fully naked in a blink.

Once I had Coach Wagner’s naked body standing in front of me in full glory, I locked out any thoughts about Scott and just followed Coach’s instructions with a smile. He commanded me to get on my back in bed, and I did it willingly. He positioned himself on top of me, looking really big. His pecs were so huge and his shoulders so broad that I couldn’t help but rub them. I was hypnotized by his body, and even though I had never thought about him this way, I couldn’t help but get hard. I lifted my legs for him, and he responded with a smile. It seemed as though he knew what he was doing, so I let him lead the way. He lined his dick with my hole, and even though I wasn’t prepared or anything, he fit his 8 incher inside me kinda easily. It was still a tight fit, but thanks to many doctor visits, I knew that my hole was more stretchy than average because of its… multifunctionality.

He looked surprised when his dick slid inside me so easily, so he pushed his hips forward until he was balls deep. I was already panting and I reached for his broad shoulders, looking for some kind of support. I never expected a dick to feel so nice inside me and even though I was hesitant at first, when he started slowly thrusting into me, I unconsciously wrapped my legs around his waist to make sure he was as close as possible. As he started going faster, I started panting more and I was grabbing his shoulders so hard that a regular man would’ve been hurt but his muscles were so big and so hard that he continued without problem.

I could feel his balls hitting my ass cheeks pretty loudly and the faster he thrusted, the bigger they felt. I knew what that meant and even though I could’ve stopped him before the climax, I was feeling so good that I just closed my eyes and let cum inside me. I felt his load coating my guts, making me feel full. It was weird but nice at the same time. It felt so good that my own dick started shooting all over my own abs.

He was smiling when his dick finally stopped shooting and then he took his softening dick out of me. He was sweating and somehow his body looked even bigger than before, even hotter. He said he wanted another round and for a few seconds I considered accepting his offer because the experience had been amazing but I thought about Scott and how much I still loved him so I just couldn’t do it. I stood up from his bed and while I was dressing up, he made me promise I’d call him in the morning to give me the information about the scholarship. I just nodded and I left.

Even though I had enjoyed Coach’s dick, it all just made me realize I needed to find Scott and fix things between us. I needed to apologize because another man had taken the special place I had saved for him for so long. I wanted to find Scott but I felt too guilty for betraying him to even call him. I went home instead and I cried again. Scott’s words still hurt and the fact that I had enjoyed having sex with Coach Wagner made me feel guilty and kinda dirty. I had cheated on Scott even before being actually together. I felt like the worst person on the whole planet.

The next day, as soon as I woke up, I went to Scott’s house to talk to him. My eyes were still red and I had the biggest bags under my eyes after all the crying but I couldn’t wait to see Scott again and apologize. I was hopeful Scott could forgive me and maybe reconsider his words. Sadly, when I arrived at Scott’s house, his mom told me he had left for college already. She told me about early admissions and she was surprised I didn’t know about them. I was surprised too but I was mostly hurt. Scott had kept the whole thing a secret way before the events at the hill. Part of me was sure that Scott really wanted to run away from me even before I declared my love to him. Whatever the case was, Scott was gone and I felt lonelier than ever.

That same day, while I was in my room looking at the ceiling, wondering what to do with my life, I received a call from Coach Wagner. I was waiting for his answer about the scholarship so I took the call immediately. He sounded as nice as always and he even asked me if I was feeling better. I didn’t respond to that question but then he told me, as expected, that I had definitely lost the opportunity because the scholarship had already been handed to another guy. I wasn’t surprised but I was truly sad and confused. I wasn’t sure what to do with my life.

While I was lost in my own thoughts, Coach Wagner started talking about another college. He said he could get me a scholarship there if he made some calls. Those words were a really small light in my dark moment but then things got weird because he told me I had to go to his house immediately so we could talk. It sounded nice but when he said “talk”, it gave me chills and I knew what he meant. He said our talk from the day before had been great and he wanted to talk to me for longer. I stayed in silence for a few seconds, considering his offer, but then I rejected it. I just couldn’t do that again, I just needed time to come up with a better plan.

It took me a few more days before I could feel better about everything. I knew I had to move on so about a week later I had a new plan and I was fully determined to succeed. I didn’t care if Scott wanted to run away from me, I was ready to follow him to the moon if it was necessary. My dreams about having a family with him were over because I didn’t want to push Scott into a relationship with me if he didn’t want me, but I still wanted his friendship. I was definitely not telling him about what I did with Coach Wagner but I was hopeful he could forgive me for what I’d done on the hill.

I knew I could fix things so I continued the process to attend the same college Scott was already attending. I had been accepted already but I needed to send some information, fill out some forms and that kind of stuff. I had lost the early admissions so I had to wait ‘till September but I was fine with it. I needed time to find the perfect words to talk to Scott. I was already nervous because he meant the world to me.

All along, my mom was excited about the whole process but my dad was still mad at me because I had rejected the scholarchip. They never knew the reason why I rejected it because they didn’t know I was in love with Scott so my dad just said I was ruining my career for nothing. He was right but I had priorities and I knew they wouldn’t understand. Telling them I was gay was out of the question back then but life was about to uncover my secret in the most shocking way.



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