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I was 5 days overdue and trying my best to get to the end of my shift without giving birth to my kids in front of the customers. For the last few days I had been dealing with contractions and they were coming more often and way stronger than I could ever imagine. Since the day I found out I was pregnant, I knew the birth would be difficult but I never thought it could hurt that much. And yet, it wasn’t the real deal. I knew I was really close to getting into active labor and I knew everything would hurt even more, but at the same time, I thought I was ready to finally give birth to my big boys because I was getting too big.

Up to my due date, I had gained over 90 pounds but considering I was carrying big quadruplets, it was to be expected. The thing is, for a 5’7” tall guy, who used to weigh 110 pounds when wet, 90 extra pounds was a lot to carry around. Most of that weight was on my belly but it wasn’t only huge and heavy, but it had dropped the day after my due date and that made things even more difficult and more painful than before. Just taking a few steps was a total nightmare because the immense weight of my belly was resting heavily on my hips and that made me feel like my hips bones would break. My back was also killing me and the rest of my body was going crazy.

You see, apart from my huge belly, my ass and my hips were really fat, making my pants fit me uncomfortably tight. My pecs were gigantic and so heavy that I feared my spine would break because of their weight. Since I didn’t have that much muscle mass, if any, to start with, and my pecs were so full with milk, they were kinda saggy and people always joked about me having boobs. The fact that I had gotten some sports bra to give them some support wasn’t helping at all. But I didn’t have more options. I had to choose between looking ridiculous or giving my back enough support to survive a whole shift.

You read it right. The worst part of it all was that I still had to go to work every day. I worked as a cashier at a grocery store so I spent at least 8 hours a day on my feet while my back was killing me and the babies left me breathless every time they moved. It was a total nightmare but I needed the money. It wasn’t the ideal for a guy as pregnant as me but I had no choice. I was a 19 years old soon-to-be single father of four and that meant I needed all the money I could get before the babies came.

So, I was at work, 5 days overdue and my contractions were getting close enough to each other for me to get worried. I had been able to hide my pain the whole morning but the contractions were getting too painful and I was in too much discomfort to keep pretending I was fine for much longer. Whenever a customer came to pay for their stuff, I had to smile at them even if I was in the middle of a terrible contraction. I was constantly looking at my watch to check on the hour but time didn’t pass fast enough for a very pregnant guy who needed to go to a hospital.

By the time my shift was finally over, my contractions were about 10 minutes apart and even though I had been able to hide the truth from all the customers and from my boss, some contractions had been so painful that I was actually grinding my teeth while I pretended to be smiling. Only one coworker noticed what was happening and he told me I should go to the hospital but I didn’t have my hospital bag with me so I needed to go home before heading to the hospital. I was hopeful I still had time but every passing second was a nightmare. My belly was lower than ever and the babies were moving more than ever before, making me groan in discomfort pretty often.

I called a taxi and while I waited for it, more contractions made me clutch my belly in pain. I was sweating like a pig and even though I was trying to control my breathing like I had been practicing, the pain was simply too much and it was just getting worse. I rubbed my belly constantly, at least the parts that I could reach, while the babies kept moving and for a few seconds I wondered if it was a better idea to go straight to the hospital because things were progressing too fast. I wasn’t sure if I could even make it home, not even thinking about going home and then going to the hospital but I really needed my hospital bag so I had no choice.

By the time the taxi arrived, My contractions were only 5 minutes apart. When I opened the door to get in the taxi, a really painful contraction made me scream really loud, calling lots of attention from the people around. The pressure on my lower belly was so intense that part of me was worried I was about to explode. I could barely breathe while I was clutching my belly. The taxi driver came out to help me stand straight while the contraction ended.

“Sir. You want me to call an ambulance? Are you in labor? You can’t get in my car if you’re in labor.” He said, trying to sound nice but I knew he didn’t want my water breaking on the back seat of his car, or worse, me giving birth in his taxi.

“No. It was just…a really strong kick.” I lied and the contraction finally started passing. “Big and strong babi- ugghh, just like their dad. I mean, not me. The other dad. But no, I’m not in labor. Not yet at least.” I faked a smile and the taxi driver frowned a bit but helped me get in the taxi while I was panting.

My apartment was just a few blocks away and considering the taxi driver didn’t want me in his car for long, he made it to my apartment building in no time. I was able to pretend I was fine on my ride home but as soon as the car stopped and I opened the door, I noticed I couldn’t get out of the car on my own. I tried, I really tried but my belly was too heavy and it was so low that every time I tried to get up, I just fell back on the seat like a huge clumsy ball full of babies. Not far from my reality.

The taxi driver had to help me get out and even then he was clearly struggling to pull my heavy body out of the car. I was panting heavily by the time I was standing on my feet and my hips were in so much pain that I wanted to cry. Even my ass was starting to hurt and I knew that meant my hole was stretching to let the babies out. I needed to go to the hospital ASAP but I still needed to get to my apartment, grab my bag and then hope for a nice taxi driver to take me to the hospital without problem. I thought I had enough time.

As soon as the taxi left, another contraction took over my whole body and I felt liquid running down my legs. My water had broken. It wasn’t as dramatic as I thought it would be but it felt like a river was coming out of my hole for hours. There was a pool of fluids around my feet and the liquid just kept coming out. It made me feel like a water balloon that was being drained and it wasn’t far from reality. I just couldn’t stop it and some people were staring at me in shock. I didn’t know if they understood what was happening because it looked like I had peed on my pants but the big belly and the screams should’ve been an indication that it was something else.

One man came closer and tried to help me but I smiled at him and assured him I was fine. Once the contraction was over, I started waddling into the building and every step made me want to cry. I had to spread my legs a lot to waddle because the pain and the pressure were simply too much and my belly was really, really low. I had to grab the walls for support because my center of balance was completely messed up and even though it wasn’t a long walk, by the time I was standing in front of the elevator, waiting for it, tears were running down my cheeks, and another contraction made me scream in pain once again. I was so thankful I was alone because I was a total mess.

When the elevator came, I could barely take a step so I had to make a huge effort to get in. I pressed the button for the 7th floor and as soon as the elevator started moving upward, I felt the baby descending even lower in my birth canal. That made me groan and my hand reached for my ass unconsciously. I felt the baby really close to the opening so I tried to breathe and calm down but when the elevator stopped, the baby moved even lower, making me groan once again.

I waddled into my apartment and I tried to move as fast as possible, which was pretty slow considering I had a baby already stuck between my hips. At least that was how I felt. I got my hospital bag and I struggled to change my pants because I didn’t want to go out looking like I had peed on my pants. Even something as easy as taking my pants off was a total nightmare and I had to stop several times to deal with painful contractions. I was already feeling the urge to push but I was trying to keep the baby inside me instead.

“Ughhh please, please, give me a break. I’m not ready for you to come out. Not yet.” I cried out in the middle of a contraction when I was putting on clean pants.

When I finally managed to put on my pants, I started slowly waddling out of the apartment. My knees were weak. My hips were killing me. My back felt like it was about to give up. And on top of that, my babies were kicking up a storm inside my belly. I was crying in pain but I managed to get to the elevator doors again. By that moment, the head of my baby was really close to the crowning so I was pretty sure I wasn’t making it to the hospital without giving birth to the first one. Even then, I had to try.

As soon as the elevator opened, I got in and pressed the button to the main floor. I was panting heavily and I rubbed my belly, in an unsuccessful attempt to ease up the discomfort. I groaned loudly while the babies kicked in my belly and the one already in my birth canal continued its way out without me even pushing. I wanted to squat down right there and push with all I had to finally be done with at least one baby but I didn’t want to put on such a shameful display. Instead, I just leaned forward against the wall of the elevator, with my legs really spreaded out, to let my belly hang freely and give my back a little break. That was a terrible idea because my shirt rolled up and left me with my huge belly on full display, my pants lowered a bit so half of my fat ass was seen and… I gave more space to the baby to continue its way out.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, please don’t come out. Not yet!” I shouted out and as soon as those words came out of my mouth, the doors opened again, but I realized I wasn’t on the main floor. It had stopped on the 4th floor. Great.

I was groaning, sweating like a pig, huge belly hanging on full display, half of my fat ass clearly seen and a head almost crowning out of my hole. And in that awkward position, I saw him. Standing at the elevator’s door. The reason why my babies were so big. The one to blame for my gigantic belly. The man who had knocked me up. I blushed immediately and he was clearly in shock but it was to be expected because we hadn’t seen each other since the day we had conceived the babies and I weighed 110 pounds back then. So, looking at a very pregnant me in such a weird position was shocking to say the least.

I looked at him and my knees got weaker because he looked stunning. He was about 6’5” and when we had sex he mentioned he weighed 230 pounds and it was all muscle. Even then, he looked even bigger and so incredibly hot in his uniform. His meaty pecs were pushing his button down shirt to the limit. His arms filled up the sleeves almost to the bursting point. The shirt was only baggy around his midsection. His legs were really thick and they emphasized his big bulge so nicely that I was almost drooling.

He worked as a commercial pilot so he traveled a lot, hence why I hadn’t seen him in months. I had been thinking about him a lot because he was the reason why I knew from the very beginning that the birth would hurt a lot. I was having that big man’s kids so I couldn’t expect an easy birth. But at the same time, I gladly remembered how huge his dick felt inside me and how passionately he had fucked me the night when we conceived our babies. He was a total stud.

“Oh, hi cutie. I, do you need any help?” he asked as he took his dark glasses off and finally got into the elevator. “It’s been a while and wait, are you in labor?” He sounded a bit confused but it was clear he was turned on because his big dick was sneaking down the leg of his pants.

“No. Not yet. But soon I uugghh-” I lied but when the elevator started moving, my legs finally gave up and I fell on my knees. “Well, yeah, I’m kind of in labor. AHHH! Or a lot in labor…uugghhh.” I groaned as I felt the baby finally crowning and the big man kneeled right next to me.

“Wait, is this, the baby is mine?” He asked and he placed his hands on my belly and on my ass, making me shiver. Fuck this man was so hot.

“Babies, four to be precise. But yeah. You did this to me.” I said between groans and he started lowering my pants, making me pant in pleasure though I was in pain. “No, wait, I need to get to the hospital.”

“Babe, the first baby is already crowning, you’re not getting out of here until it’s finally out. But let me take care of this. I’m trained for these situations. Also, it’s kind of my fault so…” He leaned forward and kissed my lips very passionately, making me forget about the pain for a few seconds. “Now push!” He commanded me and I pushed with all I had while he was behind me, waiting to catch our first baby. That was not what I was expecting for the birth but having that big man there with me made it all better.

The End


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