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*Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep…*

Martin heard a loud beeping sound that woke him up and made him realize he had fallen asleep right next to Jared’s bed while the pump was working. He had worked so much on that plan but he had been too tired to stay awake through it. Martin thought it had been just a few minutes but as soon as he moved his left arm to rub his sleepy eyes, he realized his body felt like it had been in the same position for way too long. When he tried to move his right arm, he realized it was still around his dick, with dried cum all over it.

Martin noticed his body was a bit sore and his eyes felt really heavy. He had to wait a bit to adjust his eyes to the light coming through the window. He quickly looked at his watch, only to discover in horror that over 8 hours had passed since he turned the pump on. He had been sleeping next to Jared’s bed for over 8 hours. All along, with his hand in his pants.

The realization of how long he had been asleep took Martin out of his sleepy trance and made him wonder what had happened with Jared and the pump. He took his hand out of his pants and tried his best to look cool, just in case Jared was already awake. Martin also wanted to find the source of the loud beeping sound but he had a more important issue to worry about. Many crazy scenarios crossed Martin’s mind while he hesitated to turn around. Even then, not even one of those scenarios was crazy enough to match with what Martin discovered when he finally saw Jared’s body with his eyes… there was simply too much of him to see to understand what was happening. Martin’s jaw dropped to the ground and for a few seconds, he thought he was still asleep.

Without even blinking, Martin slowly stood up in disbelief while he looked at what seemed to be Jared’s belly sprawling across the room. The belly wasn’t only taking all the available space in bed but most of it was resting on the ground like a huge ball of flesh that looked so tight that Martin wondered how it hadn’t exploded yet. It was taking up most of the space in the room. The belly was bigger than anything Martin had ever seen and even then, Jared was unconsciously sucking on the feeding tube, trying to get more of the gainer shake. Martin’s dick got hard, faster than ever before, but he was also terrified by the look of Jared’s body.

Jared was in a different position than when the feeding had started. He was on his side instead of on his back like the night before. It looked like the weight of the belly had turned him overnight, which was to be expected because the belly was way bigger than the rest of him. He was still in the middle of the bed, facing away from the corner, with a 3 feet gap between his back and the wall behind him. It was all the available space in bed, the rest was taken up by the huge belly. Even in that position, the belly was taller than Martin… way taller. It was very likely 9 and a half feet tall because it was really close to the 10 feet tall ceiling. Martin couldn’t understand how that was possible. It couldn’t be the 900 gallons of gainer shake. There was no way a person could drink that much and even then… the belly was too big.

While Martin was lost in his own thoughts, trying to understand what was in front of him, he heard Jared making some noises and even though it was clear he was still asleep, Martin turned pale in horror because he didn’t want to face Jared. For the first time, Martin wanted Jared to sleep for days… or months… or as long as the belly needed to shrink down. If it ever did.

Even though Martin was extremely confused, he tried to run around Jared’s belly to reach his head and take the tube out of his mouth without getting in Jared’s bed. There wasn’t much free space in the room and the big guy was close to his waking-up hour so Martin had to be careful. Then, Martin found an issue in his plan, the belly was pushing tightly against the wall that was over 8 feet away from Jared’s bed. It was truly gigantic and it couldn’t be circled. It took over 11 feet out of the 14 feet wide room and most of its height.

Martin ran back to Jared’s bed and after a few seconds of hesitation, he crawled very carefully into the bed to get behind the big guy. Martin felt like in a Mission Impossible scene while he sneaked into Jared’s bed and pulled the tube out of the big guy’s mouth. Even when he succeeded, he still needed to disappear the clues of his guiltiness… at least as best as he could.

Martin managed to take the tube away from Jared’s room and then he realized the beeping sound was coming from the pump. The pump had turned off on its own because the feeding tubes didn’t have anything to suck in anymore. Martin ran to his room and found the three 300-gallon tanks completely emptied. Their content was definitely all in Jared’s belly and Martin felt like he had killed his friend or something. His heart was still racing and he was sweating like a pig. He wanted to run away and pretend to be unaware of what had happened but Jared was still his friend… a very bad friend but still a friend. Also, Jared’s situation was Martin’s fault so…

“Fuck!” Martin shouted out and ran back to Jared’s room, only to find his roommate still asleep. “How the fuck can you sleep even when you’re a freaking blimp. You’re truly one of a kind, dude,” Martin whispered as he approached Jared and started inspecting his big body more closely.

Jared’s belly was incredibly gigantic and Martin was fighting the urge to touch it. Jared’s hand was resting on top of it and the other was under his head. It was like the big guy was really comfortable with his new size. While Martin looked around, he realized the jockstrap Jared was wearing the night before was still on but definitely lower at the front. The belly was obscuring most of it but, out of curiosity, Martin looked at Jared’s crotch, wondering if the big guy’s genitals had suffered any damage from the extreme belly growth. Martin thought his friend’s bulge would be hidden under the belly but it was visible even in that position and it was looking fuller than ever. The stud was still a stud even with the massive belly.

Martin kept looking at Jared’s body and even though he was scared, the more he looked, the more turned on he was and the harder his dick got. Jared was at his mercy. Even if the roommate woke up, there was no way he could move so Jared would need Martin more than ever before. It was all so hot that Martin wanted to jump on top of Jared and rub that big belly up and down… and maybe get it even bigger. The gainer shake was easy to find and he already had the tanks and the pump. Jared was already a beached whale so a few more gallons of gainer shake wouldn’t make that much of a difference. Part of Martin knew his thoughts were evil but he couldn’t deny he loved the results of his prank, even though it actually went wrong.

While Martin was lost in his own thoughts, unconsciously he got next to Jared in bed and reached for the huge belly to give it some rubs. Martin couldn’t believe how tight the skin was and how full the belly felt. The sensation was amazing so he continued rubbing and caressing the belly, ignoring the moans coming out of Jared’s mouth all along. The big guy was slowly waking up and Martin was unaware of it because he was lost in his own thoughts and the amazing sensation of having such a massive belly under his hands. Then, Jared finally opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was his roommate by his side and a massive wall of flesh that was somehow attached to his body. Jared was so confused and somehow… aroused.

“The fuck are you doing?! Get off! You… you pervert! Why are you in my room?” Jared shouted out, taking Martin out of his trance. “Dude! Dude! The fuck is that?” Jared freaked out even more because he tried to move and he realized he was completely immobile.

“Jared. Wait… I can explain. I think… well… I can but… Jared, stop!” Martin said as he moved from Jared’s bed while the big guy was fighting against the weight of his own belly. Jared was trying to move away from the belly, not realizing what it was. “Jared. That’s you… you can’t move. That’s your belly… stop moving,” Martin said, and Jared finally stopped.

“Are you fucking nuts? Man! There’s no way that’s my… my… belly. What the hell have you done to me? You… you… man… I swear I’ll kill you as soon as I figure out how to detach this… Fuck!” Jared said as he touched his belly, as if trying to find a spot where he could detach it from the rest of his body. All along, Martin was scared, but he found Jared’s anger somewhat… cute.

“Jared… just let me… explain. Everything’s gonna be fine. That’s you… I mean… I’m sure you can feel the wall across the room. Your belly is pressing against it. Can you feel it?” Martin asked as approached Jared once again, and after a few seconds, Jared nodded. “The only way you can feel that wall against your body is because a part of you is there. Your skin is there… your belly reaches that far.” Martin said as he got right behind Jared and placed his hand on top of the big guy’s belly, making Jared shiver.

Martin started giving Jared more belly rubs and it helped the big guy realize Martin was telling the truth. It didn’t explain what was happening, but Jared couldn’t deny his friend’s touch felt really nice. Jared looked at Martin and the shorter guy was so caring and so loving that Jared’s anger and fear just faded away. Instead, Jared was starting to feel hot… like he was turned on somehow but he wasn’t sure what was causing it. He had never looked at Martin romantically or sexually, even though he secretly admitted the guy was cute and Jared was sure Martin had the hots for him, which wasn’t surprising.

“Jared… I’m so sorry. I’ll take care of this. I’ll do whatever it takes to fix this,” Martin said as he gently rubbed Jared’s belly, trying to reach as much as possible.

“Dude… you mean this was your… ohh… fuck… that’s… nice,” Jared said when Martin reached for his lower belly, the area closest to his crotch. “Man… do that again… I’m kinda… sensitive down there,” Jared said, and moaned out loud when Martin reached even closer to his crotch. “Ohh yes. Just like that. Hmm… fuck… I’m… hmmm… getting hard.”

As soon as that last word came out of Jared’s mouth, a ripping sound echoed through the room, making Martin stop his worship of Jared’s belly. Right after, Jared’s skin started heating up and his belly was slightly pulsating. Jared was groaning and moaning even though Martin wasn’t rubbing his belly anymore. Something was happening and Martin thought Jared was about to explode.

“Dude, it’s so tight!” Jared said and Martin thought he was talking about his belly.

Jared lifted his leg, like trying to give his crotch some space and Martin noticed the jockstrap pouch was giving up and the ripping sound was coming from it. Jared’s dick was harder than ever before and his balls looked gigantic. Then, with a loud bursting sound, the pouch went to shreds and Martin could see Jared’s dick. It already looked about 16 inches long and it was still slowly expanding, just like his balls that were looking like avocados. Jared was completely lost in pleasure. Whatever the hell was happening, it was making him moan out really loud.

Then, Martin noticed Jared’s whole body was getting hot, just like the belly, and the big guy’s muscles were pulsating, just like the belly. It took Martin a few seconds to notice Jared’s pecs were looking fuller and his biceps had thick veins all over them, making Jared’s muscles look extremely pumped. Jared’s dick and balls weren’t the only ones getting bigger, something was happening everywhere. Jared’s whole body was growing right in front of him and Martin couldn’t, nor wanted to, stop it.



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