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“I’m done for the night… Dude… urrpp… those last 6 burgers were just… too much…. uurrpp… I better stop before I get fat.” Jared chuckled as he rubbed his midsection, which was looking pretty full and round. Martin, his roommate, who was sitting next to him on the couch, just frowned and tried to ignore Jared’s typical bragging.

They knew that just the idea of Jared getting fat sounded insane. The young man looked like a model taken out of Men’s Health magazine. At 22 years old, after many years of intense workouts, Jared has packed a great amount of muscle mass onto his 6’5” tall imposing figure. It wasn’t just the workouts, Jared just got bigger no matter what kind of food he ate or how much he managed to fit into his black hole of a stomach. He just had great genetics and his metabolism turned everything he ate into muscle mass, giving him an amazingly shaped 230-pound body that was envied by all the guys he knew. All guys except… Martin.

Martin was shorter than Jared at 5’10” and his average-looking body had a thin layer of fat that made him look soft in some places, in a very cute way. He wasn’t ashamed of his body even though it wasn’t that impressive but the fact he wasn’t that big made him admire Jared even more. Also, even though he tried to deny it, there was some lust and desire in his mind whenever he had the chance to take a look at Jared’s amazing body.

While Jared kept rubbing his bloated midsection, Martin tried hard to ignore the big guy but it was almost impossible because Jared, just as every evening, was only wearing a jockstrap that looked too small for him. Even though Jared usually walked around the apartment almost naked, Martin could never get tired of looking at the perfectly shaped body that was right next to him on the couch. It was a great chance to get several mental images to have some fun in the privacy of his room before going to bed. Jared was just the perfect specimen for jacking off material for Martin.

The only thing that bothered Martin a bit about Jared was his capacity to eat ridiculous amounts of food without getting full. Martin had seen Jared devouring enough food to feed a whole building’s worth of people without a problem. His body could process everything Jared ate so fast and turn it into muscle mass that he could eat nonstop. Martin kind of admired that but it made him wonder if Jared’s stomach had a limit. That’s why Martin planned a little experiment that would serve as a prank on a very childish Jared. Martin only needed the big guy to fall asleep and considering the way Jared was rubbing his belly and a few yawns that he couldn’t control, those were a good indication that the big guy was ready for bed.

“Bro, you gotta clean this up. You made a mess with all those burgers. How many did you have this time?” Martin asked, looking at the bags and crumbs that Jared had left on the couch where he was eating.

“35 burgers… I was so hungry. Uurppp,” Jared said as he finally stood up, effortlessly even after such a big meal. “Dude… I’ll clean this up tomorrow morning, I promise. All this food just got me so sleepy. See you in the morning,” Jared said and turned around to head to his room, while Martin watched the big muscular butt move so deliciously that Martin couldn’t help but get hard in an instant.

“Yeah… like you’re gonna clean this up… fuck. You’re such a pig,” Martin said, pretending to be angry. Jared turned around to face Martin again and winked at him before walking back to a table where there was a bag with three more burgers.

“Bro, calm down… I’ll do it in the morning. Now… I’ll have one last snack with these three burgers… in bed. I almost forgot about them. They were for you but you’re being a bitch so…” Jared laughed and took a big bite out of one of the burgers as he walked to his room.

Martin stayed in the living room for a while longer and then he started cleaning Jared’s mess. He knew he shouldn’t do it but Jared had already paid off for his services when he walked around the apartment only wearing his jockstrap that left nothing to the imagination. Jared’s big soft dick looked pretty impressive even under the fabric and his balls filled up the pouch so nicely that Martin wondered how he could even fit those bull balls in there. Martin rubbed his hard dick through his shorts while he cleaned around, already excited for what he was about to do.

Once the living room was cleaned, Martin went to Jared’s room to check on the big guy, and just as expected, Jared was sprawled on his bed, with one of his hands resting on his belly and the other one inside the jockstrap, grabbing his thick dick. The picture was so hot that Martin couldn’t help but moan while he rubbed his dick. Even though that moan came out louder than he expected, he knew Jared wouldn’t notice. Another one of the big jock’s impressive assets was the ability to sleep so deeply that nothing could wake him up unless it was time for him to wake up. Martin was about to use that specific ability as an advantage for his prank… or experiment as Martin prefers to call it. Everything was ready to start and Martin couldn’t be more excited.

Martin went back to his room and uncovered three 300-gallon tanks he got online a few days before and were finally delivered earlier that day. Getting them in his room was kinda hard since they barely fit through doors but Jared was at the gym so Martin had enough time to move them in and fill them up with water. It took him almost two hours but all the effort was worth it to scare Jared up. He knew it might be too much but the size of the tanks was just part of the prank.

Then, Martin checked on a few bags of some kind of gainer powder he also got online, which didn’t specify what the person who consumed it would gain but with a devilish smile, he started reading the instructions.

“One bag is enough for 100 gallons of water, so… three bags for each tank means 9 bags. But I got 12… uh… well… another one won’t do any damage. It’s not like he’s drinking it all anyway. Okay… I hope it tastes good for you, my piggy jock,” Martin said and smiled as he started adding the powder to the tanks. Four bags for each tank.

Once the powder had mixed with the water, Martin brought up a big pump he bought at a store a few days before. The pump was made to drain pools so the tubes that fed the pump and the tub where it released the water were very long. It was perfect to take the contents of the tanks to Jared’s room, more specifically to his mouth. The pump had three tubes on one end and a single one on the other so Martin fit the three feeding tubes into the tanks, and took the other one into Jared’s room to fit it in his mouth.

Jared’s bedroom was the biggest room in the apartment, perfect for such a big guy. The room was about 14 feet wide, 10 feet long, and 10 feet tall. Even though Jared was a total pig in Martin’s eyes, the big guy’s room was spotless. Everything was in the right place, making the room look even bigger. Jared’s king-sized bed was in a corner, next to a wide window, so there was about 8 feet of free space between the bed and the wall across the room. Even though the whole room looked great, there was something specific that made it look like the best place on Earth for Martin… on the bed, right in the middle, was the hottest and most perfect guy Martin had ever seen.

Jared was soundly sleeping and even snoring. Even though Martin was executing his devilish plan, he took a few seconds to admire the big guy’s handsome face. Jared’s dark brown hair always looked nice even while he was sleeping. His face looked so angelic, even though his beautiful blue eyes couldn’t be seen. It made Martin sigh. Jared’s pink lips looked so delicious that Martin wanted to kiss him but he stopped himself when he remembered he had to continue with his plan.

Jared’s mouth was a bit open while he was snoring so Martin slid the tube without much problem and pushed it ‘till the tube was at the back of his mouth. That way, the shake would go straight down his throat. Hopefully, Jared wouldn’t choke but considering how he usually ate and drank, It shouldn’t be a problem

Once everything was set, Martin made sure Jared was still asleep and then turned the pump on. The idea was for Jared to drink some of the gainer shakes, secretly hoping to help the big guy get even bigger, and when his belly reached max capacity, he would surely wake up and Martin would stop the pump. The prank would come when Jared would ask about the pump and Martin would tell him he drank the whole 900 gallons of shake. The plan wasn’t the best but what Martin wanted to find out was Jared’s stomach capacity, while also enjoying the sight of his roommate with a big belly. The rest was just something to scare the big guy for a few seconds.

Everything was fine so while the pump was working, Martin sat by the footboard of Jared’s bed, looking at the big jock’s belly slowly bloating up even more and admiring how hot Jared’s crotch looked from that point of view. He was surprised Jared didn’t wake up right away but it seemed like the big guy could sleep through a storm or in this case, through the weirdest feeding ever. Martin smiled when he noticed Jared was subconsciously sucking and swallowing like he was enjoying the feeding and looking for more.

Martin couldn’t stop looking at the big guy. Every hill and valley on his body was perfect and Martin was dying to give his friend’s muscles a few rubs or, if possible, sneaking his hand along with Jared’s into the overpacked jockstrap pouch. Looking at Jared was like admiring the statue of a Greek god, even with his bloated belly getting bigger. Everything was so hot that Martin’s dick was hard so he got his hand in his own pants and started rubbing his hard dick with a big smile on his face.

All along, the pump kept working and even though Martin was so excited to see Jared’s reaction, he started falling asleep because he was pretty tired after all the work he had done for this prank. He fought against his tiredness while he kept stroking his dick. Martin was used to jerking off every night to the memory of Jared’s body but that night he had the big guy right in front of him so it didn’t take long for him to shoot several globs of thick cum in his pants. Martin didn’t want to lose any second of the show but between how tired he was and the big orgasm he had, he couldn’t stay awake. He fell asleep next to Jared’s bed with his hand still around his dick, while the pump kept sending gallons of the gainer shake into Jared’s hungry stomach.



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