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The Anatomy of Fatherhood

Max waited for Alan in the parking lot the following morning with a smile across his face and a milkshake in hand. The tall, muscular young man looked excited and hotter than the day before as Alan stepped out of his car. Max’s eyes sparkled enthusiastically, and his grin widened as Alan approached.

“Good morning, Professor Reynolds. You’re looking stunning today,” Max said, handing Alan the milkshake. “I thought you might like this. It’s a special blend made for big guys like us. It’ll keep you active throughout the day.”

Alan looked surprised but accepted the milkshake gratefully, unaware of the high-calorie, high-protein, and high-carb contents specifically designed for weight gain. He took a long sip, appreciating the creamy, rich flavor. Max only observed, remembering all the secret ingredients he had added to the milkshake and hoping they would make Alan’s big body much bigger.

“Thanks, Max. This is really good. A great way to start my day,” Alan said, kindly smiling at Max.

“It’s the least I can do after what you did for me yesterday.” Max smiled, his eyes lingering on Alan’s big ass in his tight pants.

Alan shivered at the mention of their intense sex session from the day before, his body still carrying the effects of Max’s massive dick buried deep inside him. “Please don’t mention that. It was fantastic, but I told you it was a one-time thing,” Alan said, thinking about his still-sore hole and bloated midsection.

“I know, but I can’t forget about it. Your ass felt so good,” Max said, stepping closer to Alan and making the older man shiver even more. “Let me carry your books to the classroom, Professor Reynolds,” he offered, grabbing Alan’s bag before he could protest.

As they walked to the classroom, Max couldn’t help but notice that Alan’s midsection still looked distended, and his shirt was tight around it. His smile grew wider, imagining the potential changes if Alan drank more milkshakes. Max could barely contain his arousal as he observed Alan’s body up and down, his dick stirring in his pants. Meanwhile, Alan drank the whole milkshake, struggling to ignore Max’s stares. He knew they couldn’t repeat the events from the day before, but the soreness in his hole only made him long for another taste of Max’s massive dick.

Alan started his lecture when they arrived at the classroom with the same enthusiasm as the day before. The students listened and asked several questions, making Alan smile. Then, one student raised his hand and asked about the homework Alan had left the day before, the one about male pregnancy. Alan chuckled and opened the space for the students to discuss the homework as they seemed eager to learn about the topic, even as a hypothetical lesson.

“Professor, I read something about a lawyer who supposedly got pregnant. He showed up at court with a huge belly, and at every court meeting, it was bigger. Then he missed a court meeting and showed up a few days later without the big belly and talking about babies. People thought he meant his wife had given birth, but some said he had the babies himself.”

Alan leaned against his desk thoughtfully, feeling the buttons of his shirt strain around his bloated middle. “Those are rumors. Unless you find something scientifically proven, this is only an interesting topic to discuss, not facts to study. If male pregnancy was possible, it would require significant biological and medical advancements, which we don’t have right now.”

Another student chimed in, “What about hormone treatments and uterus transplants? Could those make it possible?”

Alan grinned, appreciating their curiosity. “In theory, probably. Hormone treatments could prepare a man’s body for pregnancy, and a uterus transplant could provide the necessary environment for fetal development. However, I don’t think that the immune system of this man would accept the transplant and other physical changes required to support a pregnancy.”

After the conversation moved back to the regular anatomy lesson, Alan did his best to continue the lecture but found it difficult to concentrate with Max’s presence in the room. Max looked enormous among his classmates, and the sight only made Alan remember the young man’s massive dick rearranging his guts and the bull balls filling him up to the brim.

After the class ended, Max stayed behind, waiting until everyone else had left. He walked up to Alan and, with a playful smile, stole a quick kiss on his lips. Alan was left speechless, his heart racing as Max walked away. He couldn’t stop thinking about the massive muscle guy as something in his guts made him want to have more private anatomy lessons with him. Max had taught him that everything was possible. The massive dick had somehow fit into Alan’s guts, so everything was possible.


Over the next few weeks, Alan settled into a routine. He woke up and went to his job, and every morning, Max was at the parking lot with another delicious milkshake. Alan looked forward to those encounters despite the growing confusion about his feelings toward Max. A quick kiss after each class had become a part of their routine, a secret between them. As the days passed, Max added a soft caress to Alan’s belly to the quick kiss, which Alan loved.

Apart from his job and brief interactions with Max, Alan continued his regular life with his family. He was a dedicated husband and father who loved to spend quality time with his sons, James and Benjamin. Alan helped them with homework, played with them, and attended school events. He often surprised his wife with a romantic gift or a special dinner for the whole family. However, as the days passed, Alan felt somewhat tired most of the time, along with other changes.

As the weeks passed, Alan began to notice changes in his body. His midsection started to thicken even more, and his clothes grew tighter. It was initially subtle, but he knew he was getting thicker everywhere. His belt soon needed to be loosened a notch, and his shirts seemed to cling more than usual. He was somewhat concerned about gaining weight and feeling fatigued, but that didn’t stop him from drinking Max’s milkshake every morning and devouring everything his wife cooked for him in the evenings. The changes became more pronounced as the days passed, and everybody noticed.

Max was on cloud nine every time he saw Alan arrive in the morning. He was glad the milkshakes worked because Alan’s belly grew nicely while his whole body looked plumper. Max couldn’t stop looking at the Professor’s ample ass, which was growing fatter by the day and straining his pants. Their goodbye kiss after each class started getting more passionate as Max’s hand stayed on Alan’s belly for a little longer. Alan was concerned about growing a gut but loved it when Max touched his abdomen.

Alan’s once-chiseled abs were slowly being overshadowed by a layer of softness, giving his abdomen a rounder shape. His belly began to protrude, sticking a bit more every day, changing from a chiseled washboard to a soft pudge and, lately, taking on a firm bulge shape in a matter of weeks. His thighs and ass filled out, stretching the fabric of his pants. Even his arms and chest seemed to grow thicker, making Max lose his mind whenever he saw Alan’s newly developed body.

Alan couldn’t help but notice how his reflection had changed. His face looked slightly fuller, and his clothes strained against his growing frame everywhere. The weight gain was evident in his thicker waistline, but Alan couldn’t stop eating. His fatigue was still there, and he experienced some mild sickness a few times, but he was starving most of the time, so he ate more than ever. Max willingly upgraded the daily milkshake for a bigger one to see him getting thicker. Alan’s wife, Becca, cooked larger portions for her growing husband at home, loving his newly fuller frame.

Alan insisted he was going through bulking, but his wife insisted he looked fine with the off-season look. Alan finally got the courage to step on a scale on November 3rd, eight weeks after the first day of school—when Alan had the intimate encounter with Max—only to discover he had gained 20 pounds in eight weeks. Alan sighed at the numbers: 271.8 pounds, but he couldn’t help but smile.

As Alan playfully wrestled with his sons in the living room that evening, he was shirtless, enjoying the roughhousing and laughter. Alan lay on his back while the boys jumped and fought against his limbs. James tried to lift his dad’s leg, attempting to use a wrestling technique on him, but the leg was too heavy for the boy to move. Benjamin sat atop Alan’s pecs to fight the dad’s arms, but Alan playfully defeated them and pulled them into a bear hug.

“You still can’t defeat your old man,” Alan said, releasing the boys from the hug as they rested their heads on his body while catching their breaths.

“No fair, you’re sooooo big, Dad,” James said, smiling at his dad. “But one day, we’ll get bigger and stronger than you,” the boy added, and Alan smiled.

Then, Benjamin poked at Alan’s belly, his eyes wide with curiosity. “Dad, why is your belly getting so big?” he asked, looking at Alan while his hand rested on the round belly.

James giggled and also poked the firm roundness. “Yeah, Dad. It’s like a balloon, but harder,” he said, patting Alan’s round abdomen, which stuck out three or four inches from its former chiseled flatness.

Alan laughed, his cheeks flushing slightly. “Oh, you two. It’s just a little extra weight. It happens when you get older,” he said as he attempted to sit up with the boys in his arms, but he fell backward. He was used to doing that movement with the boys in his arms, his belly now representing an obstacle to his usual agility. “Okay, maybe a bit more than a little extra weight, but nothing to worry about. Your dad is still the strongest,” he added, lifting his arms to flex his biceps, which looked enormous with a layer of fat covering the muscles.

The boys continued to poke and prod, their innocent comments making Alan chuckle. But as the boys played with him, he couldn’t shake the concern about his recent weight gain. Alan had been eating too much for the last few weeks, but something inside him couldn’t help but think something else was happening. As Alan listened to his son’s jokes about his belly, he remembered the daily milkshake from Max, and he realized that everything had started on the day the massive guy had fucked him.

Later that night, as Alan lay in bed, his hands rested on his slightly rounded belly, feeling the firmness beneath his fingers. His mind raced with questions and possibilities, and his wife noticed something was bothering her man. She joined Alan’s hands to caress the growing belly, leaning in to kiss Alan’s lips. The big man smiled at her touch, feeling some of his concerns fade away.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Becca said, kissing Alan’s lips and caressing his belly. “You’re worried about getting fat, but... I think you look fantastic with this additional bulk on your big body. I love your big muscles, but this off-season look and this belly... it’s something else,” she added, lovingly rubbing Alan’s belly and making him feel better about his body.


The following morning, Alan was abruptly awakened by a sudden rush of nausea. He stumbled out of bed and barely made it to the bathroom before he started to throw up. The violent retching left him feeling weak and disoriented. He leaned against the cool tile wall, trying to gather his strength. After what felt like an eternity, Alan washed his face and returned to bed, but the dizziness lingered.

“Are you okay?” Becca asked as Alan lay in bed, sounding concerned.

Alan weakly smiled. “Just feeling a bit off. I might have caught a bug or probably ate too many portions of chicken parmesan last night.”

Becca stroked his hair gently and smiled at him. “That’s a possibility, but you’re a big man, and you need lots of food,” she added, caressing his belly. “Hold on, I’ll bring you a glass of water.”

Alan smiled as she left, closing his eyes to deal with the dizziness. Then, James and Benjamin entered the room and lay by Alan’s side, hugging him. The dad smiled when he felt his sons’ arms around his bloated middle, making him feel more comfortable.

“Dad, are you going to be okay?” James asked.

“You never get sick, Dad,” Benjamin added.

“I’ll be fine. I even feel better with you hugging me like this,” Alan said, and his sons hugged him tighter.

Becca brought him a glass of water and a cold compress for his forehead. Alan stayed in bed for a while, his family doing their best to make him comfortable. But the discomfort wouldn’t go away. Eventually, he decided that he needed to do something about it. Alan decided to go get some medicine for himself. Becca wasn’t sure if Alan could drive given his condition, but he insisted, saying he needed some fresh air.

Alan’s thoughts were a jumbled mess as he drove, and instead of heading to the pharmacy, he went to Max’s apartment. When he arrived, he knocked on the door, feeling nervous and somewhat dizzy. The door opened, revealing Max’s magnificent presence, fresh from the shower, wearing only a tiny towel around his waist. Water droplets still cling to his massive, muscular frame, glistening in the light. His broad chest and shoulders were slick with moisture, and his abs were like a sculpted landscape of muscle.

“Professor Reynolds? What are you doing here?” Max said, surprise evident in his voice, but his smile quickly returned as his dick stirred beneath his tiny towel.

Alan was momentarily speechless, his eyes roaming over Max’s magnificent physique as his dick hardened in his pants. He couldn’t help but feel a surge of desire and need, the sickness going away as his lust took over. Alan stepped forward without a word, pushing Max gently but firmly inside. Their lips met, passionately making out as the tiny towel fell to the ground, both men losing themselves in the heated moment. Max’s dick hardened against Alan’s plump body, and they couldn’t control themselves anymore.

Alan quickly took his clothes off, revealing his plump body in full glory to Max for the first time. Max’s dick throbbed hard when he saw how much thicker Alan’s body had become. He loved the round belly and softer pecs, but the Professor’s ample ass was driving Max crazy. They moved to Max’s bed, their hands exploring each other’s bodies. Alan felt a strange sense of comfort and belonging in Max’s arms despite the confusion in his mind. As he lay on his back and Max started kissing his round belly, Alan could only smile and long for more of Max’s attention.

Max continued kissing Alan’s thicker abdomen, giving the belly special attention but also playfully teasing the Professor’s nipples, which had been tender for the last few weeks. Then, Alan spread his legs and pulled Max into a passionate kiss. He immediately felt Max’s powerful arms lifting his legs and the enormous dick rubbing against his ass. Alan moaned in need and desperation for Max’s massive fuck tool.

Max smiled and pushed his hips forward, fitting half of his massive dick into Alan in a blink, making the Professor moan loud. Max pushed stronger and slid inch by inch into Alan’s tight hole, marveling at how stretchy it was. Once the 16 inches of dick were buried deep into Alan’s body, Max’s hips started bucking slowly, and both men moaned in pleasure. Max had loved their first time together, but since Alan’s body had grown so much, he was more turned on than ever. Meanwhile, Alan’s eyes rolled in his head, unable to talk or think clearly.

“You know,” Max said playfully, leaning in to feel Alan’s round belly against his chiseled abs. “You look like you’re pregnant, and I love it.”

Alan only responded with moans and groans of pleasure, his hands moving to his abdomen to rub it, feeling Max’s massive dick poking at his abdomen’s inner walls. Alan’s mind was blurry, but he rubbed his belly so passionately that it seemed like he believed he was indeed pregnant. This careful movement only turned Max on even more, making him pound even harder and faster and leaving Alan panting heavily. Max felt his balls getting incredibly full due to his arousal, and the idea of making Alan’s belly look rounder and bigger drove him crazy.

Max moaned loud, and his thrusts became erratic as his dick finally started shooting a tsunami of cum into Alan’s overstuffed midsection. The flow of cum was so strong that Alan could feel his skin getting tighter, struggling to accommodate the plump midsection. Alan’s own dick started shooting cum all over his belly, unable to contain the orgasm, as Max kept cumming buckets for a while longer. Both men were high on pleasure, and both wanted more, but they knew their situation was complicated.

Max slowly pulled his dick out of Alan and lay by his side in bed. Alan’s eyes were blank as he struggled to catch his breath, and his hands caressed his round midsection, which had grown an inch or two thicker due to Max’s cum. Both men were still panting, but Max wrapped his strong arms around Alan, their bodies perfectly fitting together. Alan rested his head on Max’s enormous chest, listening to the steady heartbeat while Max gently caressed his round belly.

Their breathing became steady again, and both enjoyed the loving embrace. Their naked bodies pressed tightly against each other, making both of them feel safe. They cuddled for what felt like an eternity, and Alan wanted to stay there forever. His sickness had gone away, and his hole still felt needy for Max’s massive dick.

Alan’s eyes wandered around the room as he lay in Max’s arms, and he noticed a camera on a tripod in the corner, surrounded by a ring light. “What’s that for?” he asked, nodding towards the camera setup.

Max blushed, a faint pink coloring his cheeks as he hugged Alan tighter. “Oh, that,” he said, chuckling. “I won’t lie to you. That’s for my OnlyFans page.”

Alan looked at Max’s blushing face and smiled at the big guy. “OnlyFans? Really? Isn’t that the page where people sell naked pictures and videos?” Alan said, playfully moving his hands over Max’s massive pecs.

Max shrugged with a shy smile on his face. “Yeah. That’s what I do. It’s how I pay for school, my apartment, food, and pretty much everything else,” he admitted. “People pay to see pictures and videos of me. I guess there’s a big market for guys with muscles like mine. And I know they would love to see my dick; many people have asked, but I have some limits.”

“And you earn a lot for that?” Alan’s playful interest grew. “Should I join even if I’m beyond the limits already?”

Max laughed and pulled Alan even tighter. “It pays really well. I mean, it’s not something I tell everyone, but it’s been a good way to make money and support myself,” he said, feeling Alan’s dick stirring between them. “You don’t need to join. You get the whole package for free.”

Alan smiled and kissed Max again, enjoying the embrace as they cuddled tighter. He closed his eyes, letting the comfort wash over him, ignoring the sickness and overall discomfort to focus on the strange, unexpected bond between them. Max’s hands never left Alan’s belly, making the Professor feel great about his growing body. He knew Becca liked it, and Max loved it, so everything would be great if his body kept getting even thicker.

However, as he drove back home a few hours later, his hand moving over his rounder abdomen, full of Max’s cum, Alan couldn’t stop thinking about his sickness and its relation to his weight gain. He decided to schedule an appointment with his doctor to discard anything serious. In the meantime, he preferred to focus on his family and the fantastic secret encounters with his massive, muscular student, Max.



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