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On a warm Saturday evening, July 6th, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city. William “Billy” Tennant stood in front of the full-length mirror in his apartment, only wearing snug briefs. His honey-colored eyes sparkled with excitement as he ran his hand through his brown hair—short at the sides and mid-length on top, with a small bunch of natural, dirty blonde hair at the front. It was his 21st birthday, and he was preparing to visit his friend’s apartment for an evening of video games since he was on summer break from college.

Billy was a good-looking guy. He was 5’9” and weighed 175 pounds, with an average build. His body wasn’t heavily muscled, but his wide hips and enormous glutes were his pride and joy. He had played soccer throughout high school, so his great genes, added to the years of dedication to the sport, had blessed him with a shapely lower body that turned heads wherever he went. As he looked at his reflection, Billy turned to the side to admire his muscular butt, which strained his briefs with every move.

He grinned, remembering the envious stares from boys and girls at college because nobody on the entire campus rivaled his plump ass. Then he turned to check on his front, and the grin grew. His briefs barely held around his massive bull balls and thick cock, another gift from genetics. His soft 8-inch cock, which grew to a foot long when hard, rested heavily over his bigger-than-softballs testicles, stretching the brief’s pouch to the limit. Even though the briefs were tight, he preferred them because they kept everything in place.

Billy went to the bathroom to take a shower and removed his briefs, shaking his bull balls and thick dick. He took a quick shower, taking some time to have some fun. Having big balls was a blessing and a curse because they felt permanently full, so Billy frequently needed some release. The process to climax was long because his two hands were barely enough to satisfy his hard foot-long cock. When he finally started cumming, the load was massive, making a mess on the walls and forcing Billy to take some time to wipe off all the cum.

Once everything was clean, Billy returned to his bedroom and put on a clean pair of briefs, carefully fitting his dick and balls to not make his bulge look obscene and managing to cover his ass. He put on the most comfortable jeans he owned, which hugged his hips, ass, and bulge like a second skin. The denim stretched taut over his curves, accentuating them, but they were comfortable. He wore a regular dark gray t-shirt, accentuating his naturally broad shoulders and hinting at the lean build beneath the fabric. Finally, he put on a red jacket, and with one last glance in the mirror, he grabbed his phone and keys and headed out the door.

The walk to his friend’s apartment was short and familiar. Antonio Stanford, his 25-year-old best friend, lived just a few blocks away. They had grown up in the same neighborhood, and despite the age difference, they had always been close. Antonio was like an older brother to Billy, a role model and a frequent confidant.

Billy arrived at Antonio’s apartment 5 minutes later and immediately pressed the buzzer. The door swung open within seconds to reveal a shirtless Antonio with a party hat over his spiked brown hair. Antonio was 6’1” and weighed around 180 pounds, with lean muscles that made him look fantastic. He had a killer smile that could light up a room, accentuated by his kind green eyes and short, trimmed beard. His chest and abs were slightly hairy, giving him a rugged yet well-groomed look.

“The birthday boy!” Antonio greeted Billy with a broad grin, pulling him into a bear hug. “Happy birthday, Mr. Billy. You’re officially an adult everywhere,” he added, making Billy laugh as he enjoyed the familiar comfort of his friend’s embrace.

“Thanks, Mr. Antonio. I’m getting old like you,” Billy replied, chuckling. “Age seems to be affecting your memory. You forgot to put on a shirt.”

“Oh, right. Give me a few seconds to go find a T-shirt. I’m always shirtless when I’m home,” Antonio said as they released each other and made Billy step into the apartment, the door closing behind him.

“No, don’t worry. It’s your place; you can be naked if you want,” Billy said, making Antonio blush and chuckle. He noticed the console and games already set up in the living room, ready for their gaming session. “Are you ready to get your butt kicked?”

“In your dreams. History is on my side. I’ve won 90% of our gaming nights,” Antonio said as he sat on the couch. “But let’s make this more interesting.”

“What do you have in mind?” Billy said, sitting beside Antonio on the couch.

“How about a bet?” Antonio’s eyes lit up with excitement. “If I win three matches, you will wear something I bought for you, whenever and wherever I want. But if you win, I’ll wear it.”

Billy hesitated because he knew Antonio always had the craziest ideas. However, his competitive spirit flared, making him confident in his gaming skills. “Deal,” he said. “You’re on.”

The first match began, and both guys focused on the TV screen with such intensity that they barely blinked. They laughed and tried to distract each other. The first match ended with Antonio’s victory. The second match was intense, but Antonio managed to win again. The room was filled with the sound of rapid button presses and focused breathing. Despite his best efforts, Antonio’s skill shone through once more. The final match ended with Antonio’s victory, sealing Billy’s fate.

“Told you! You have a lot to learn, young man,” Antonio exclaimed, playfully pointing at Billy’s face. “It looks like you’re the one who’s going to have to wear it.”

Billy sighed, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Okay, show me what you got for me,” he said, resigned to Antonio’s playful machinations.

Antonio’s grin widened as he stood up, disappearing into another room to retrieve his gift for Billy. He returned within a minute with a small gift box wrapped in bright red paper adorned with a golden ribbon. “Here you go, birthday boy,” he said, handing the item to Billy.

Billy carefully untied the ribbon and peeled away the paper. He opened the box, and his eyes widened in surprise as he pulled out a small, bright red Speedo. It was sleek and minimalistic, designed to hug the body closely. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Billy said, his mouth opening and closing a few times in disbelief, trying to find something else to say.

Antonio burst out laughing. “Nope. I knew this would be perfect for you.”

“Perfect? There is no way this will fit,” Billy said, examining the Speedo. “Have you seen my ass? I mean, my lower body. You can’t expect me to sneak into this tiny thing,” he added, shaking his head.

“Oh, I’m well aware. That’s part of the fun. Now, go on and try it. A bet is a bet,” Antonio smirked, clearly enjoying the moment. “And be careful not to make it burst at the seams.”

Billy chuckled and went to the bathroom, Speedo in hand. The bright red fabric seemed almost impossibly small compared to his wide hips and big butt, not even thinking about his huge dick and bull balls. Taking a deep breath, Billy removed his clothes and began the seemingly impossible task of putting the Speedo on. He stepped into the Speedo, slowly pulling it up his legs. The fabric stretched taut as Billy guided it over his thighs. He paused, taking a deep breath, before continuing. He managed to get the Speedo up to right below his hips, but this is where his real struggle began.

The waistband was tight, sinking into the spot where Billy’s ass connected with his legs and right below his massive balls and dick. He wiggled to get it past his hips to cover his ass. He could feel the fabric straining, but he was hopeful it wouldn’t burst. Once his ass was mostly covered, he slowly struggled to fit his big balls inside the small Speedo, groaning in discomfort since it was incredibly tight. His groans grew louder as he tried to fit his dick along with his balls, but after what felt like an eternity, he finally managed to get the Speedo in place.

He turned around to look at himself in the mirror. The Speedo hugged his body like a second skin, accentuating every curve and making his bulge look ridiculously big. The outline of his dick and balls was evident, but at least everything was covered somehow. The bright red fabric contrasted with his skin, making Billy feel strangely good.

He took another deep breath, opened the bathroom door, and stepped into the living room. Antonio’s eyes lit up with delight as he saw Billy in the Speedo.

“Wow, look at you!” Antonio exclaimed, walking over to get a closer look. “It fits like a glove.”

Billy chuckled. “If by ‘fits like a glove,’ you mean ‘barely fits and feels like it’s about to burst,’ then sure,” he said, sighing. “I can barely move with this thing on. My ass is overflowing the back, my balls are so cramped at the front, and… and… well, maybe that was too much information.”

Antonio laughed, reaching out to slightly adjust the waistband of the Speedo around Billy’s butt. “Too late; I saw everything, and there’s so much to see. I didn’t know you were so big down there,” he winked at Billy, pretending to reach for the big bulge but moving his hands away only a few inches from Billy’s crotch. “You look fantastic. The world needs to see this, so we’re going to the beach tomorrow. You’ll be wearing this.”

“NO WAY! You’re crazy if you think I’m going out in public looking like this,” Billy responded, instinctively reaching for his bulge to cover it with his hands.

“A bet is a bet.” Antonio grinned and pulled at the waistband to see if it could survive the strain. “Tight, but you’ll survive. So, boys’ day at the beach. Consider it a birthday celebration.”

Billy sighed, feeling cramped in the Speedo but unable to suppress a smile. “Alright, fine,” Billy said, shaking his head with a grin. “I’ll kill you if this thing doesn’t kill me first.”

“That’s the spirit, birthday boy.” Antonio patted Billy’s shoulder and then playfully slapped his massive ass, making Billy gasp in surprise.


They arrived at the beach the following morning, and Antonio parked in a spot near the sand. As he stepped out of the car, Antonio glanced at Billy with a playful smile. “I’ll give you some privacy to change,” he said, winking at Billy.

Billy nodded, taking a deep breath. He reached into the back seat and pulled out the Speedo, staring at it. Billy removed his clothes and struggled to fit in the Speedo. He had to wiggle and shimmy to get the fabric over his wide hips and enormous ass; the confined space of the car didn’t make it any easier. Billy grunted with the effort and the discomfort of having to squeeze his big dick and balls into the Speedo again. When he finally managed to get it in place, he took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

Antonio was waiting nearby, wearing a pair of regular swimsuit shorts that showed off his fit physique. His green eyes sparkled as he saw Billy, and a broad grin spread across his face. “Wow, you look even better than last night,” he said, making Billy blush.

They walked toward the beach, enjoying the warm sand under their feet. Antonio couldn’t stop looking at Billy’s lower body, marveling at how the Speedo fit him but also being impressed by the enormous size of Billy’s ass, dick, and balls. Billy noticed Antonio’s eyes on him, making him feel good but somewhat shy.

“You’re enjoying this way too much,” Billy said, playfully grinning, and this time, it was Antonio who turned as red as a tomato.

As they walked further, Billy began to notice the attention they were attracting. People on the beach were turning to look at him; their gazes lingered on his form. He could hear whispers and murmurs as he caught snippets of conversation.

“Look at that ass. There’s no way it’s real,” a thin guy said.

“He must be stuffing the pouch. If not, sign me in to ride that dick,” another man said.

“Damn, I’d love to get my hands on that ass,” a third guy added.

Billy tried to ignore the comments, but deep inside him, he couldn’t help but feel great and spread a confident grin on his face. Antonio noticed and wrapped one of his arms around Billy’s shoulder to show him some support. It all started as a joke, but he couldn’t deny Billy looked amazing, and most people seemed impressed by the young man.

“You’re doing great. Everybody thinks you look great. I saw a guy getting a hard-on when you passed by,” Antonio whispered, smiling at Billy as they continued walking.

“Come on! I’m straight. I don’t like guys getting hard when they see me,” Billy said, blushing but smiling even more. “Well, that’s still flattering, I guess,” he added, making Antonio laugh.

They found a spot on the beach to relax and laid their towels on the sand to settle down. They laid on their backs for a while, enjoying the sun, but Billy noticed several people staring at his bulge when they passed by. Antonio only chuckled and made some friendly jokes about Billy’s outstanding assets. Billy deeply blushed as he heard Antonio compliment his body after each joke.

They jumped into the water for a swim a while later. The water was cool and refreshing, and they splashed around, laughing and enjoying the moment as Billy’s earlier nerves melted away. However, as they played in the water, Billy suddenly felt a snap. He froze, realizing with horror that the Speedo had given up. The fabric had torn under the strain, leaving him exposed.

“Houston, we got a problem,” Billy called out, his face turning a deep shade of red while trying to hold the remaining pieces of the Speedo in place.

Antonio immediately knew what had happened and burst out laughing. “Okay, this is the best scene in the whole world, but hold on... I’ll go get you a towel or something. Damn, that Speedo had no chance against that ass and the bulge. Man, this was inevitable,” Antonio playfully said as he swam to the beach while Billy was frozen.

Antonio quickly returned with a towel, and Billy managed to wrap it around his waist, taking the Speedo in his hand as both of them returned to the beach. Billy sighed, his face still flushed, as they stepped into the sand, and people noticed the towel and the Speedo in his hand. He even saw a muscular guy’s dick getting hard in his swimsuit while Antonio gathered their stuff from their spot. It was evident the man was aroused by the sight. Antonio wrapped his arm around Billy again, but this time in a protective way, while they quickly walked to the car.

Billy let out a relieved breath when they got inside the car. “That was... embarrassing, but I’m glad you were there to help. Thanks, Antonio, even though this is all your fault,” Billy said, smiling shyly.

Billy leaned over and gave Antonio a hug, not noticing the towel unwrapped from his waist, and as he released his friend from the hug, his massive dick and balls were out of full display between his thighs. Billy tried to quickly cover his crotch with the towel again, but Antonio grabbed his hand to stop him. Billy looked into Antonio’s eyes for a moment, which felt like an eternity, feeling something strange in his stomach.

“May I touch it?” Antonio shyly said, and Billy nodded after a few seconds of hesitation. “I’ve seen your big bulge, but... this is something else.” Antonio got Billy’s dick in his hand and lovingly stroked it.

“I don’t think it’s that big,” Billy said, enjoying Antonio’s touch way too much. “8 inches when soft and 12 inches when hard.”

“Buddy, that’s big. Really big. I thought mine was big, but look at this.” Antonio continued caressing Billy’s dick as he reached for his own crotch and pulled his half-hard dick out, which continued lengthening before Billy’s eyes. “9.5 inches when hard. You beat me by almost 3 inches. That’s a lot. And look at these balls. Damn, so full.”

Billy didn’t know how to respond, but he reached for Antonio’s dick and firmly stroked it, making the older guy moan. “Yours look perfect. A perfect fuck tool,” Billy said, not processing the words that escaped his mouth as new thoughts and lustful desires popped up in his mind.

“Not worthy of an ass like yours,” Antonio playfully said, fondling Billy’s balls and making his dick get fully hard and reach 12 inches in length.

“Who says it? It’s perfect for an ass like mine or anyone’s,” Billy responded, intensifying the stroking on Antonio’s dick. “Find a more private place, and you can show me you’re good enough,” he added, surprising himself with his words.

Antonio didn’t respond but turned on the engine and drove far from the beach to find a secluded place to park the car. As soon as they were away from the beach, both guys moved to the backseat of the car, and Billy lay on his back, with Antonio on top. Billy had no idea what he was doing, but Antonio took the lead. Antonio lifted Billy’s legs and got his dick in position to enter his hole.

“Are you sure about this?” Antonio asked, and Billy nodded, his horniness taking over and not letting his rational thoughts make the decisions.

Antonio slowly pushed his dick against Billy’s hole and was surprised as it slowly gapped to allow his 9.5-inch-long dick in. Billy groaned as he felt Antonio’s dick stretching him, surprised it was better than he could’ve imagined. The pain was there, but Billy couldn’t deny that the pleasure was more intense. Billy gasped as Antonio went balls deep into him, giving him a few seconds to get used to the sensation.

Once Billy caught his breath, as best as possible, Antonio pulled half of his dick out and thrust hard into Billy, making the car bounce while Billy moaned loudly. He started bucking his hips with a rhythm, and Billy’s moans grew louder. Billy reached and firmly grabbed the front seat of the car, a way to deal with the intense sensation of Antonio’s dick rearranging his guts and stimulating his prostate.

Billy felt his dick leaking pre-cum while Antonio fucked him hard. His whole body was overwhelmed by pleasure, and his dick leaked like a hose, even without touching it. Billy loved every sensation, even his bells getting squeezed between his and Antonio’s bodies every time the older guy thrust hard. Billy’s balls felt full and somehow heavier with each passing second, but his whole body was going crazy, so he didn’t pay much attention to that. The fucking continued for what felt like an eternity, and Billy’s eyes rolled in his head, unable to focus due to pleasure.

“Billy, this feels so good, but... I’m about to cum. I’ll pull out,” Antonio said, but he didn’t stop his thrusts.

“No. Keep going; I don’t mind. Don’t stop!” Billy said, feeling his own dick ready to explode with a huge load. He groaned loudly and curled his toes; his back arched slightly, and a thick rope of cum escaped his dick, landing on the car’s window, the door, and Billy’s face and torso. The orgasm was huge, so Billy’s upper body was covered in warm cum in a few seconds. He panted heavily and could barely think clearly. The pleasure was too intense.

Antonio couldn’t help but feel aroused at the sight, and his dick shot several thick globs of cum deep into Billy’s guts. He groaned loudly while his dick shot over and over again, making his balls feel drained. By the time he stopped cumming, Antonio was breathless, and his whole body was shaky. His dick softened inside Billy, and a smile spread across his face. He had never dreamed about fucking his best friend, but it had been better than he could ever expect.

“How do you feel?” Antonio asked as Billy panted heavily.

“Fantastic. I never thought this could be so good,” Billy said, looking into Antonio’s green eyes. Billy’s face was covered in his own cum, but he could only smile. “You proved my point; your dick is worthy of a butt like mine.”

Antonio blushed and grinned, slowly pulling his dick out. Billy’s hole tightened immediately, and not even a single drop of cum escaped his guts. “I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. You’re by far the best fuck I’ve ever had,” he added, staring at Billy.

“Well… I guess that’s a compliment. I’ll take it,” Billy said, slowly moving to get in a sitting position. “So... what do we do now? I mean, you know, this was new to me.”

Antonio blushed again and grinned. “I guess we will go home and continue with our lives. Unless you want this to mean something else?”

“No, no. Going home sounds perfect,” Billy grinned and patted Antonio’s shoulder. “This was the best birthday gift ever. Thanks so much. I’ll never forget it.”

Antonio chuckled and leaned in to give Billy a hug. “I wouldn’t mind doing this again. Only as fuck buddies. Nothing else,” he said.

Billy grinned and reached for Antonio’s dick to stroke it. “Fuck buddies. I like how that sounds. We can do this as often as you want,” Billy said, and both stared into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before reaching for their bags to start getting dressed. Their day at the beach was over, and it was time to return to their regular lives.



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