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Mike Harlow took a deep breath, pacing the living room of his two-story home in the most quiet suburbs. At 42, Mike was an average-built man, standing at 5’11” and weighing around 195 pounds, carrying a dad-bod complete with a slight curve on his abdomen, which he called “gut.” His brown shaggy hair, streaked with a few hints of gray, looked somewhat messy but gave Mike a fascinating appearance. His bright blue eyes and gentle smile expressed his kind and loving nature, usual in a family man like him.

Mike enjoyed the silence and peace that only the suburbs could give. He had learned to enjoy being alone in the house, but he eagerly awaited the arrival of his twin sons, Mark and Kyle, who were coming home from college for Spring Break. Mike didn’t know why the twins decided to spend the break at home rather than heading off to party with their friends, but the dad missed his boys, preferring not to worry about the reason for their visit. The twins had been away at college for a while, and he longed to spend a few days with them.

Mike smiled when a familiar black car pulled into the driveway a few minutes later. He came out of the house with a broad smile while his 21-year-old identical twin sons stepped out of the car. Mark and Kyle, looking a lot like their dad, were identical in almost every way. They stood tall at 6’1”, with average builds. Their shaggy hair, similar to their dad’s, was their only distinguishing feature—Mark parted his hair to the left, while Kyle parted his to the right. Even though their outfits were identical, their dad could easily tell them apart without looking at their hair.

“Hey, there, my big boys! It’s so good to see you! Mike said, approaching the car while his boys took their bags from the backseat.

“It’s great to be home, Dad,” Mark said, approaching his dad, who pulled him into a bear hug.

“Yeah, we missed you,” Kyle added as he also approached, and Mike pulled him into the hug.

“I’ve also missed you so much.” Mike stepped back and looked at them with a grin. “But, tell me, why did you decide to come home instead of going to the beach or somewhere else?”

“What? Dad, we missed you. We thought it would be nice to spend some time with you,” Kyle said, exchanging a quick, almost imperceptible glance with Mark.

“Yeah. You know, to catch up and relax. And… see how things are going around here,” Mark said, smiling and quickly looking at the neighborhood, staring at the house next door for a few seconds.

“Hmm, you know I carried you inside me for 9 months and pushed the two of you out of my body. You’re a part of me, and I know you better than you know yourselves,” Mike said, firmly looking at his boys, who only nodded nervously. “I’m kidding. Whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re here. Come in; I got lunch ready for you. Mac & cheese like when you were kids.”

The twins wrapped their arms around their dad’s shoulders and entered the house. The twins carried their bags to their old room, which had remained untouched since they left for college. Once inside, they closed the door behind them, and Mark let out a loud sigh while Kyle went to the window to look down at their neighbor’s backyard. Mark soon stood beside him, and both smiled while remembering the fun moments they spent staring at the house next door while growing up.

“Do you think Dad bought our lie? I hate lying to him,” Kyle said, turning around and flopping onto his bed.

“Maybe. But we didn’t lie. Not a big lie. We came home to be with our dad, and he’s happy to see us,” Mark said, sitting on his bed.

“True. We’re here to be with Dad, and if we cross paths with George, it will only be a bonus,” Kyle added, deeply sighing as he thought about their childhood friend and next-door neighbor, George.

“Exactly,” Mark said, nodding in agreement. “Remember when he used to mow the lawn in his backyard during summer? We spent hours just staring without him noticing. Now that I think about it, that’s creepy.”

“I remember, and who cares if it’s creepy? He looked fantastic. The sun, the sweat, and that smile. Man, we should’ve told him how we felt about him,” Kyle added, sitting up to look at his twin brother.

“Yeah, but he’s living next door again, and his parents moved to Florida. Dad mentioned he took over his family business a few months ago, so he must be doing great. We’re in college now, and many things are different now. Maybe we should go see him,” Mark said, standing up excitedly.

“Definitely,” Kyle responded, standing before his identical brother. “But we need to figure out when and think about our words. We don’t want to scare him, and he doesn’t need to know we spied on him through our window while growing up,” Kyle added, and Mark nodded, but their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Mike poked his head in with a smile. “Lunch is served; don‘t let it get cold,” Mike said, and the twins immediately followed him.

Mike asked his sons about college and their classes. They shared stories about lectures, professors, and classmates. They briefly mentioned dating some guys but didn’t mention that the list of guys they dated was long because they were trying to forget about George. Each twin had dated several hot boys, from thin nerdy guys to big muscular jocks, and none of them could compete with their handsome and charming neighbor.

“It sounds like you’ve been having lots of fun. Which makes it even weirder that you’re here with your boring dad while most college guys are getting drunk at the beach,” Mike said while his sons did the dishes after lunch. The twins exchanged nervous looks again, and Mike laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m just kidding, but you can’t deny it’s strange.”

“We know, Dad, but we wanted to be with you. Spend time with you and relax,” Mark said, approaching his dad and leaning in to rest his head on Mike’s shoulder.

“Okay, okay. I’m happy to have you here,” Mike said, kissing Mark’s forehead. “However, I have a meeting to attend in a while. I’ll be back by dinner time. Will you be alright?”

“Sure! We’ll be fine,” Kyle said, struggling to hide his excitement because it was their chance to visit George.

Mike left a few minutes later, and the twins immediately changed into fresh clothes and went to George’s house. Mark and Kyle felt excitement and nervousness as they approached the door and rang the bell. They had struggled to hide their lust for George while growing up. They had a great friendship with him, but they had always avoided being that close to him to not express their feelings so openly. They didn’t know how George would feel about their love and lust for him, but now they were willing to take the risk to tell him.

When the door opened, George’s handsome face welcomed the twins and made them gasp. At 21 years old and standing at 6’3”, George had an average build, but his lean, defined musculature was evident under his t-shirt. His chestnut brown hair framed his unbelievably handsome face. His green eyes sparkled with surprise and excitement as he saw the twins standing on his doorstep. Even after all these years, the boys could only gasp at their studly neighbor.

“Mark! Kyle! Wow, it’s been ages! My parents told me you came to visit your dad in the summers when I wasn’t home,” George said, pulling them into a tight hug.

“It’s so good to see you,” Mark said, enjoying a warm feeling spreading through his body at the contact.

“Yeah, we missed you, buddy,” Kyle added, hiding his outstanding excitement. “Dad’s not home, and we thought it would be cool to come and catch up.”

“Sure! Come on in.” George stepped back, still grinning, and pulled the twins inside.

The twins smiled while George led them to the living room, which looked different than they remembered. George sounded excited, and the twins thought they still had a chance to open their hearts to their childhood friend, but as they entered the living room, they saw a beautiful woman sitting on the couch, her hand resting on her large, round, pregnant-looking belly. The twins exchanged glances of disappointment, figuring she was pregnant with George’s baby.

“We have a lot to talk about, but first things first, guys, this is my wife, Stacey,” George said proudly, leaving the twins speechless. “Stacey, these are Mark and Kyle. We grew up together.”

She smiled warmly. “It’s so nice to meet you both. George has told me so much about you,” Stacey said, extending her hand to greet the twins. “I’d offer you something to drink, but it’s difficult to move with this big belly slowing me down.”

“I’m the one to blame. We’re having twins. She’s 8 months pregnant, but the babies are already pretty big. Our doctor has advised us to induce, but we want to give them a chance to stay there for as long as they want,” George said, sitting beside Stacey on the couch and leaning in to kiss her belly.

“Oh. Congratulations. We didn’t know you had married,” Mark said, trying to keep his voice steady.

“It was a private wedding less than a year ago. Only our parents attended, and we started our family right away. Identical twins on our first try, we’re as lucky as your dad was with you,” George said, helping Stacey rub her large belly.

“That’s… wonderful,” Kyle said, forcing a smile though his heart felt heavy.

The room went silent for a few seconds, and then Stacey asked George to help her walk to their door to rest while he talked to the twins. George kissed her and slowly helped her to her feet. As they went upstairs, the twins looked at each other with sad faces. They figured it was too late to tell George about their feelings. He wasn’t only straight but married to a woman and expecting their first children. Their plan fell apart, but they still waited for George to come back to at least spend some moments with him.

George returned to the living room, and the twins smiled at him, but not with the same excitement as when he opened the door. They were sad because both thought they didn’t have a chance with George, but they accepted his offer to hang out in the backyard with a few beers. The three guys sat to look at the sky and talk about their lives. George told the twins about his relationship with Stacey and how happy he was with the impending arrival of his first twins. Kyle and Mark listened carefully and only nodded while their hearts broke into pieces.

Then, George asked the twins about their college life, and they told him about classes and professors but didn’t mention anything about having dates or hook-ups with guys or girls. George smiled at them while they talked and continued drinking. Then, he let out a deep sigh that caught the twins’ attention.

“I’m happy to hear you’ve been doing great. You guys are awesome, and you deserve everything,” George started, sipping his beer and deeply sighing again. “I guess this doesn’t matter anymore because... you have your lives, and I’m married, but... I must admit that I always had a huge crush on both of you.”

“Wait, what? You… what?” Kyle said, sounding confused and looking at Mark, who was shocked.

“Yeah, I don’t want to scare you or anything. As I said, it doesn’t matter anymore.” George smiled, and the twins saw the honesty in his eyes. “I was terrified of your reaction. We were friends, and I was a creepy stalker who stared at your window, hoping to see you, you know, uncovered. I’m really sorry, and please don’t freak out; I won’t do that anymore.”

“No! Wait! George, we... have something to tell you,” Kyle began, kindly smiling at George, who looked ashamed of his youthful actions. “We had an enormous crush on you. We were madly in love but never dared to tell you because we thought you... well, you were straight, and now you’re even married to a woman.”

“George, we still love you, we still desire you, and... we also stared at you from our window. Our favorite show on Saturday mornings was you mowing the lawn,” Mark added, chuckling and approaching George with Kyle to place their hands on his thighs. “We’re sorry for never mentioning this, but now it’s too late. You’re married, and we get you’re not available anymore,” he said as each twin leaned their heads against George’s shoulders.

“Kyle, Mark… I really don’t know what to say. I dreamed about both of you saying these exact words, and here you are,” George said, visibly touched. “But… It’s never too late. I’m very open-minded, and Stacey isn’t possessive or anything, and she supports every decision I make. So… if you guys are willing… we can… you know… have fun,” he added, chuckling and reaching for the twins’ ass to slap them.

The twins smiled as their eyes lit up with excitement. Since Stacey was resting on the second floor and they didn’t want her to hear anything, they quietly sneaked out of George’s house and into the twins’.

By the time the three of them entered the twins’ room, their shirts were off, and they couldn’t get their hands from each other’s bodies. George alternated kissing each twin while caressing their bodies. He caressed their torsos and slowly slid his hands inside their pants to rub their cute butts. Meanwhile, each twin caressed George’s torso, giving his chest special attention and making him moan.

“How far would you be willing to take this?” George asked between kisses.

“As far as you want. We’re yours right now,” responded Mark, passionately kissing George’s lips.

“We’ve been waiting for this moment for ages,” Kyle added, pulling George’s face to kiss him.

George smiled and removed his pants in a quick move, soon followed by his boxer briefs. The twins gasped when they saw George’s 10-inch-long dick reaching its full size. Mark wrapped his hand around George’s dick close to the base, and Kyle did the same but close to the tip. They smiled when they saw there was enough dick for both their hands. Without releasing George’s dick from their grip, the twins removed his own pants and let their 7-inch-long cocks out, and George reached for them to stroke them.

“For some reason, I think you have some experience. Don’t you?” George said as he stroked the twins’ cocks.

“We have. We hooked up with many guys,” Mark responded, leaning in to kiss George.

“But no one compares with you, big guy,” Kyle added, kissing George’s cheek while caressing the head of his dick.

George grinned and pulled them closer to whisper. “And you will never be the same once I’m done with you.”

With Mark’s dick still in his hand, George let go of Kyle’s cock, turning him around to have access to his ass. The three of them climbed up Kyle’s bed, with him on all fours, George kneeling behind him, and Mark right by his side, kissing George. Without hesitation, George lined his dick up with Kyle’s hole while stroking Mark’s cock. Kyle moaned when he felt the big head of George’s dick pushing against his ass, and Mark joined the moans because George continued teasing his dick.

“Something tells me you also have some experience,” Mark said, enjoying George’s skillful hand on his dick.

“No. I’ve never done this, but... I’ve dreamed and fantasized about this moment for so long,” George said, pushing his hips forward really hard to fit the head of his dick in Kyle’s ass.

Kyle’s hole initially resisted the thick intruder, but when it finally allowed George’s dick in, the whole 10-inch slid inside in a blink. Kyle moaned louder than ever, and his entire body shivered. He couldn’t believe George’s dick felt so good, and even though he was in pain, he desired for his neighbor to fuck him as hard as possible.

While kissing Mark and stroking his dick, George started pounding against Kyle’s cute ass, who responded with a symphony of loud moans and gasps. George’s hips bucked faster, and the moans grew louder. Kyle’s eyes rolled in his head. He had dreamed about George fucking him for years, and the sensation was a hundred times better than he ever expected, but he could only long and cry out for more.

George grinned as he continued to fuck Kyle as hard as possible. The sensation was very different than with his wife because he was more passionate and caring when he was with her, but with the twins, it was pure lust, a raw desire to fuck them hard. While still kissing Mark, George moved his hands to Kyle’s hips for support and thrust even harder into him. This allowed George to push his dick deeper with each thrust and add strength to the pounding, leaving Kyle breathless and lost in pleasure.

“Fuck! You’re so tight! You’ll make me bust a nut so fast,” George said as the fucking intensified and the whole bed trembled with all the movements happening on it.

“Do it! Please! I need it!” Kyle mumbled, unable to form complete phrases as George’s thrust sped up and gained force.

George smiled and pushed his hips forward with all his strength, burying the whole 10 inches in as massive globs of warm cum filled Kyle’s guts to the brim. George groaned loudly while his dick exploded over and over again with huge shots, leaving Kyle visibly bloated and unable to catch his breath due to pleasure. Kyle could barely move, and his mind was blank. When George finally stopped cumming and pulled his dick out, Kyle collapsed on the bed, struggling to catch his breath.

George smiled and immediately pulled Mark by his dick to lead him to his bed. Mark lay on his back, and George got on top of him. George’s dick was still hard, so he didn’t hesitate to lift Mark’s legs to access his ass. Just like with Kyle, Mark’s hole resisted the big intruder but finally allowed it in, making Mark moan out loud.

George was consumed by lust, so he immediately started pounding into Mark, who couldn’t form any coherent words but internally begged for more. George thrust hard, making Mark’s bed creak under their weight. Since the position was different, George was able to apply more pressure with his hips, allowing them to buck harder and faster to intensify the fucking. Mark couldn’t think clearly; his mind could only focus on his long-time crush’s big dick, rearranging his guts over and over again for what felt like an eternity.

Mark’s own dick leaked pre-cum while George’s pounding continued and gained speed. Mark could feel George’s dick throbbing inside him, and the leaking felt fantastic.

“Your hole’s as good as your brother’s. I can’t believe we waited for so long to do this,” George said, pounding hard and feeling his dick get ready to shoot a massive load again. “Are you ready to take my seed?”

“I am! Please! Do it!” Mark mumbled and immediately felt huge shots entering him with the force of a river, bloating his lower abdomen as much as Kyle’s, while George groaned loudly.

When George’s dick finally stopped shooting, it started softening, and George pulled it out. He grinned as he looked at the twins in their beds, still recovering from the intense fuck. George leaned over Mark and kissed his lips, then went to Kyle’s bed and did the same.

“This was amazing, and we should repeat it, but I have a pregnant wife at home who needs me. The hormones get her very... horny, and I gotta be there for her,” George said as he dressed up and left, leaving the twins panting, feeling bloated, and drooling for him.


A week later, the twins loaded their bags into their car. Their dad helped them and hugged them goodbye. They had a wonderful week with their dad, but they couldn’t stop thinking about the intense and fantastic moments with George.

“I’ll be waiting for you in the summer. We’ll have a great time together,” Mike said, kissing his boy’s cheeks.

“Sure, Dad!” Mark said, smiling.

“We’ll be counting down the days,” Kyle added, and both hugged their dad.

“May I join those plans?“ George said, approaching from his home.

“Sure. It’ll be like when you were kids,” Mike said. “But you’ll have kids by then,” he added, seeing Stacey standing at the front door of her house, waving her hand at the twins while rubbing her big belly.

“Don’t worry. I’ll handle that,” George said, tightly hugging the twins to whisper in their ears. “I hope you’ll come visit more often. I can’t wait to have more fun,” George said, and the twins gasped in surprise, eager to be with him again.



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