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Hey everyone. This is a new collaboration with the wonderful Brimmingbelly04. Enjoy!


Jivin tried his best to keep quiet, but much like everything else, doing so was difficult. As such, he couldn't help but grunt as he attempted to adjust his massive body in the back of his Uber. He'd paid extra for an XL and had been blessed with a minivan equipped with captain's chairs in the middle row, but after four hours of trying, he still hadn't found a comfortable position. 

It wasn't the minivan's fault… Had the option been available, Jivin would've requested an Uber XXL but unfortunately, those didn't exist. 

Breathing in as deeply as he could, he moved his hands from the bottom sides of his seat to his belly. As soon as they touched down, Jivin began rubbing at the sections of the massive orb he was still capable of reaching, which were dwindling by the day. Even though he was only a few days away from giving birth, as he looked down and out at himself, he sighed in disbelief. 

After all these months, somehow, he still couldn't believe he was carting around this small planet. A planet that almost never stopped moving thanks to its many, very active inhabitants. 

Jivin grunted again. This one was louder thanks to a particularly forceful kick. His tan, already flushed face blushed deeper when he caught his driver looking back at him. Again… 

The middle-aged guy had been staring back at him in the rearview mirror every chance he got, of which he'd had plenty during their extended ride out to the middle of nowhere. Jivin didn't blame him. He couldn't. He knew he was literally a lot to take in…

It wasn't just the fact he was pregnant that made him such a sight, it was the size of his pregnancy that made him (and it) so shocking. The driver would've been in for a real shock had he been able to see all the results of his passenger's unintended carrying, which had his minivan that sat seven, technically carrying one more passenger than it should've been. 

Come on, everyone…” Jivin whispered as he continued to rub, astounded by how active his outlandishly sized sextuplets were being. “Calm down, we're almost there… At least I hope so!

But the six babies packed within him didn't stop moving. The bouncy dirt road the minivan had been traveling down for the last forty-five minutes only added to the commotion and finally, Jivin could take no more. 

Ugggh!!!” The twenty-five year old, massively pregnant successful tech entrepreneur groaned. “Can't you take a break?! Please, stop!” He whined.

The babies didn't take a break or stop moving, but the minivan suddenly did. Jivin grunted again as his bloated body was jostled and a big cloud of dust formed outside around the van he'd filled beyond its legal capacity. 

Um… We're not there yet..?” The driver said. “We're close though… Do you want me to leave you here?” He asked, looking a bit concerned but not sounding totally opposed to the idea. 

This fare had been one of his longest and weirdest, after all…

Jivin huffed. “No, I don't want you to leave me here in the middle of the road!

The driver raised his chin as he frowned into the mirror. “Then why'd you ask me to stop?

I wasn't talking to you!” Jivin rolled his eyes. “I was talking to the… Nevermind!” He huffed and shook his head. “Just keep going, please,” he requested, forcing himself to smile as he adjusted his massive, but still too tight, navy blue kurta. 

Yes, he was Indian, second generation, but no, he wasn't very cultural. The only reason the twenty-five year old was wearing the more traditional garment was for the coverage it provided, and not just for his belly…

He was so damn uncomfortable. A four hour car ride in his condition was really pushing his limits. The babies seemed to want out of the too small Uber just as much as Jivin did. He wanted to moan and groan as loud as he could so badly, but he refused, having already given the driver enough of a free show. 

Only a little longer… Just a little further. 

He fidgeted in his seat again, or tried to… As he did, it felt like every single inch of his now overly plump form was protesting. 

Jivin's formerly lean body had changed so drastically over the last several months, taking on a much thicker shape he'd previously never dreamed of having, not that he'd ever even wanted to

At 5'9” tall, the twenty-five year old had never previously been considered a “big guy,” but then he got stupidly pregnant, and he quickly came to take the meaning of “big” to a whole new level. 

Jivin's ankles had started swelling up over four months ago due to the increasingly massive weight his legs were forced to carry. His calves and thighs had thickened and his hips had widened quite drastically to (try) and accommodate his heavy brood. 

Over the previous months, his ass had ballooned… It looked like he had two basketballs shoved under his light brown skin, and he'd actually gained 2 ½” in height when he was sitting as a result. Another result of his ass’ expansion was the fact Jivin found it almost impossible to find pants that fit him (if they weren't made entirely out of lycra or spandex,) but his now much more ample ass was far from the only reason he had difficulties finding and fitting into bottoms… 

His biggest challenges were currently hidden from sight, not only by his kurta, but by his enormous pregnancy, which rested heavily atop them like they were a foot stool. 

As he continued to pointlessly try and get more comfortable, Jivin had to once again be mindful of his massive balls, which were presently being contained by one of the custom-made jockstraps he'd had to order. Why did he have to custom order jockstraps, well, because due to all the pregnancy hormones flooding his body, each of Jivin's nuts had bloated up to the size of a 9 lb bowling ball and weighed nearly as much.  

As such, he was forced to spread his legs as wide as he could. Even after doing so, it was all but impossible to avoid squeezing and pressing against his balls, even though the expensive jockstrap he had on was doing its best to keep them “out of the way.” Keeping them such kept them from getting squished between Jivin's thicker thighs, but turned them into a “pillow” for his pregnancy. 

He'd always been a fan of big balls and at one point, had wished his own were bigger, but this isn't what he'd meant?! Aside from some guys online, who'd pumped their sacks full of saline and/or silicone to an alarming degree, Jivin had never seen anyone with balls as big as his. 

They were so full of cum and hormones, that his now permanently erect, 9” dick, leaked pre almost constantly, which was just another reason he'd come to wear kurtas more often than not. Even though he had the money to get one if he needed, Jivin really hoped his scrotum would naturally be able to recover following his pregnancy, and that he wouldn't have to get it surgically reduced. 

Even though he knew he wouldn't be able to get to them, Jivin wanted so badly to touch and caress his swollen balls, so he tried anyway. Of course, his enormous pregnancy was too big for him to get down there, so with another soft groan, he leaned back in his chair and continued rubbing his belly, which stuck out at least 2 ½’ in front of him and as wide as his shoulders to the sides. 

While he'd never seen anyone with balls as huge as his, he'd seen a few with bigger bellies. A few, but not many… 

Resting atop his sextuplet-filled orb, were Jivin's milk-filled tits, which heaved up and down with his slightly labored breathing, as well as rocked to the sides from the movement of the van. Each had bloated to the size of a large honeydew melon, and he hated them… He especially hated the fact he had to wear two sports bras at a time to keep them relatively in place and yet still, his nipples, which had grown and expanded exponentially, stuck out through everything he was wearing, no matter how many layers. 

While at some point, the driver had continued on per his (unnecessary) request, Jivin didn't know how long it'd been since? All he knew was that he was more uncomfortable than ever, and he still wasn't where he needed to be… 

He sighed as he looked out his window. He just wanted, no, needed to be at the ultra private (and hopefully, just as luxurious) cabin he'd booked himself for the next month. He needed to be there because after four hours in the car, despite having not had anything to drink for the six hours prior, he needed to pee badly! Very badly!

Just when he thought he was actually going to have to ask the driver to stop so he could relieve his cramped bladder, his destination finally came into view. Jivin had been waiting for this moment for so damn long, even prior to the start of his journey there! 

Almost as soon as he realized he was pregnant, he had trouble hiding his condition, which wasn't ideal. By then, it was too late for Jivin to do anything about it, but as much as he didn't want to talk about it, his friends did. The bigger he quickly got, the more questions he received and the more he wanted to hide as he tried to fend them off. 

Fortunately, his family was easier to deal with… Had his parents learned of his “predicament,” they would've been furious with him as their plan for their only son was for him to get married (ideally, to a woman,) before he became intimate, let alone had children. But unlike a lot of immigrant families, Jivin's wasn't particularly close, so he lucked out in that regard. All it took to keep his parents “satisfied” was the occasional phone call or text. That and sending them some of the copious amounts of money he'd earned… 

His friends were harder to fend off. As soon as they realized Jivin was pregnant (let alone very much so,) they had a lot of questions. By that point, he'd already decided he wasn't going to keep the babies, but as close as he was with his friends, he couldn't tell them exactly why… 

As the minivan finally approached the driveway of the cabin he'd rented, Jivin sighed in relief. As he did, he remembered the reckless encounter that'd left him carrying six massive babies…

Some nine months ago, he went to the gym three days a week. Back then, Jivin didn't have much muscle. He considered himself fit and toned, but by no means jacked. More than weight training, he liked to do cardio to relax and unwind from his hectic life, which was primarily focused on his work. 

The now twenty-five year old would never forget the evening he saw that guy enter the gym. He'd never seen such a spectacular specimen of manliness and couldn't help but stare. The guy was tall, with broad shoulders, bulging pecs, and washboard abs which were clearly visible to all through his snug t-shirt.

He was massive. Jivin had a thing for massive guys. He loved the contrast between himself and them. 

As he worked out on the elliptical, the sexy, young Indian stared at the massive man as he did bench presses nearby, showing off the power of his football-sized biceps and pecs. Laying there on the bench with his legs spread, Jivin honestly had no choice but to check out the hulking hunk's bulge… His short as they were tight shorts showed off the outline of an impressively thick cock and an amazing set of bull balls. 

Eventually, the hunk noticed Jivin staring lustfully at him and winked. 

Jivin timed the end of his workout perfectly. He went back to the locker room less than a minute after the sexy, muscled hunk and found him already fully naked in the middle of his row. How convenient… The twenty-five year old almost drooled when the man smirked and winked at him again. 

The sexual tension between them was palpable. Without either of them saying a word, Jivin stripped, the hulk intently watching him do so. Both of their erections leading the way, they snuck into one of the shower stalls at the back of the locker room for a quicky. Had Jivin known what the result(s) would be at the time, he probably wouldn't have. Then again, maybe he still would've..?

Within a matter of seconds, the huge guy was inside him, fucking him hard. Jivin moaned loudly over the sound of the falling water as the beast of a man thrust into him. Each movement felt like an earthquake and yet all he could do was moan and beg for more. 

By the time the massive man shot his load, Jivin was incapable of speech. All he could do was gasp, pant and moan. After the guy pulled out, he quickly rinsed himself off as the smaller man stood there rubbing his now cum-bloated belly, and then he was gone. By the time Jivin wobbled out of the shower on shaky legs, his mystery man was gone from the locker room all together. 

Jivin never saw him again. He went to the gym more often and at different times, hoping for a repeat performance, but didn't have any luck. He never found the hulking man who'd put six of his massive babies inside his womb. 

As the minivan continued along, Jivin let out a small sigh as he recalled the fear and panic he'd felt when he first learned of his pregnancy. He then recalled how much more scared and panicked he became when he found out he was pregnant with sextuplets. 

His first concern was what his parents and other family members would think. Even if they weren't all that close, none of them would understand or accept him becoming a single father of so many at such a young age. 

Fortunately, Jivin's friends were more open, but they asked a lot of questions, almost all of which made him uncomfortable. Instead of truthfully answering any of them, he decided to take the easier route since he already knew he wasn't keeping the babies. He told everyone he'd agreed to be a surrogate for a cousin in India. Luckily, his friends bought it and most of their questions died down, though some pressed him to know more about who this cousin was, and why he, of all people, would seemingly randomly agree to be a surrogate for them when previously, his successful career had been his “baby?”

Jivin hadn't thought his lie that far ahead… He didn't have a good answer for it, so he was very glad when even his most curious friends seemed to forget the “issue,” and just let him do what he needed to do. All that being said, he was glad to finally be away. 

Almost there… 

He grunted as the driver turned up the cabin's gravel driveway. 

“Here we are, sir,” the driver said, quietly adding “finally,” under his breath. “I hope you, uh… enjoy your trip? And, uh… I'd appreciate it if you give me a good review,” he said as he came to a stop in front of the cabin. 

He didn't sound hopeful or kind as one might expect, he sounded relieved. Jivin knew why… He'd seen enough TikToks and Reels to know the driver had been worried he'd go into labor in his minivan, really turning it into a family vehicle…

But he hadn't and now, he could finally get out of the damn thing.

“Sure thing,” he nodded as he readied himself for his exit. “Would you mind helping me with my bags?” He asked, giving the driver his best smile. He was going to have enough trouble moving his overly fertile body out without having to deal with his external baggage.

The driver's smile was obviously forced as he got out and walked around to the back, where Jivin's bags were. He started pulling them out and placing them at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the cabin. There were four of them and they were big. Jivin had packed a lot, not knowing exactly how long his stay in the luxurious cabin was going to be or what all he'd need?

All the while, he struggled just to turn enough to the right to start exiting the van. Not only was his belly incredibly heavy, it was too long and wide for him to move it easily, especially when working in tight spaces. Speaking of tight spaces, Jivin's giant balls also present a problem, feeling almost painfully cramped and squashed together between the tops of his thighs and the underside of his belly in his specially sized jock and the yoga pants he'd squeezed himself into for the journey. 

Once he was facing the open door, he took in as deep a breath as he could. With a grunt, he leaned forward over his uppermost swells and grabbed onto the door and the frame of the minivan so he could pull himself out. 

As soon as his swollen, sandaled feet hit the ground, his center of gravity shifted and it became a real struggle to keep his balance. Jivin's massive middle suddenly wanted to pull him out of the van itself, and as thick as his legs had become, they still had trouble controlling such an ungainly mass. 

By the time the twenty-five year old was standing, he was breathless and sweaty. The driver stared at him in concern. Once he felt somewhat steady, Jivin let go of the minivan. He moved his right hand to the small of his back and his left to that side of his tight belly. As he changed position, so did his balls…

The jock was designed to hold and support the huge and heavy orbs in front of him, but not only had he been wearing it for hours, he was already pushing the supportive pouch beyond its limits. As a result, Jivin felt his balls wanting to drop, so he spread his legs very wide to give them “space” between them. 

The driver couldn't see what was going on down low beneath his passenger's kurta, but he gasped as he watched him take his first ponderous step. It was obvious the younger man was struggling just to move his own body. The driver had never seen anyone so pregnant in person, and honestly hoped he never would again because it was kind of disturbing. 

Jivin took his hand from his belly and reached into the pocket of his kurta for his wallet. With as genuine a smile as he could muster at the moment, he handed the driver a stack of twenties and thanked him for the ride. The driver forced another smile as he quickly accepted and pocketed the tip, then hurried back to the minivan, hopped in and sped away. 

As Jivin watched him leave, Jivin took in a deep breath as he tugged at his kurta. Big as it was, it wasn't big enough, and it was hot. He couldn't wait to take it off but he wasn't about to out in the open, even if nobody else was around… 

“We made it!” He sighed as both hands went to his belly. “Now time to relax and unwind,” he said as he eyed his bags. “Ugh… I'll come back for you later,” he promised them as he next eyed the stairs and groaned again. 

There were seven. One for each of them. How fitting. 

Rather than waddling, he more wobbled from side to side to accommodate his balls. He headed for the closest railing and took a firm grip on it with both hands and then proceeded to ever so slowly pull/push himself up the seven steps. 

By the time Jivin reached the porch, he was gasping for breath. He should've given the driver another couple twenties to bring his stuff inside for him. It was too late for that now, damn it, but now, he had nothing but time, including time to relax and prepare himself for retrieving his things. 

Once he'd somewhat caught his breath, Jivin pulled out his phone and opened his email. He scrolled through till he found the one containing his reservation information for the cabin. He quickly perused it and found the code he needed to punch into the electronic lock on the door. 

From what he'd seen of the cabin so far, stairs aside, it was nice. Very nice. Jivin couldn't wait to see inside and to put its couch to the test, but first, of course, the toilet… 

As soon as he opened the door though, he frowned. The air he was greeted with was fresh, but it wasn't cool. Not even remotely. It was the same temperature as the air he was presently standing in. He groaned. He'd specifically requested the rental company keep the air on for his arrival just to avoid this! 

It's fine!” He sighed, shaking his head as he tottered forward. “A place like this will have a great AC system. It'll cool off in no time,” he told himself aloud as he looked around the entryway. “Nice…

As much as he needed to use the bathroom, Jivin decided to take a quick tour of the cabin first. He headed off to the left into the living room, fully expecting to find it empty aside from its furniture (because why wouldn't it be?) so he was quite shocked to find a massive, naked man sitting on one of the two sofas, rubbing his huge belly with his left hand while his right held his phone to his handsome face. 

Um…” Jivin said slowly as he came to a ponderous stop. “Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?!” 

The guy, who'd been too engrossed in his phone to notice his arrival, looked up in obvious surprise and confusion. He remained silent for a moment as the two observed each other and his hand stopped moving over his belly. 

Even seated, it was clear he was tall. Very tall. Jivin guessed the giant man with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, with broad shoulders adorned with massive deltoids, was about 6'5”. His arms were like tree trunks and he had a big belly, but not as big as his. Not even close…

His hips looked wide and his legs were very muscular. Everything about the guy was huge, including his chest, which was what drew Jivin's attention the most. 

He thought his own tits were huge, but they were like bug bites compared to the hulk's massive, milky mounds. Each was the size of a beach ball and looked to be incredibly full. The man was obviously pregnant, presumably with multiples, but his tits looked like he could feed a whole damn town if they didn’t mind taking turns… While his tits were huge, his nipples didn’t appear to have grown much. 

Jivin could hardly take his eyes off them. Off him… 

Um, hello?” The guy said. “I'm Chad,” he grunted as he slowly pushed himself to standing. “I rented this cabin for the next month,” he informed as he started waddling towards Jivin, who gasped in surprise at the sight of his fully naked body. 

Twenty-eight year old Chad was in fact 6'6” tall and had been the proud owner of a very chiseled and muscular body till just a few months ago. His pregnancy and lack of regimented training had resulted in a rather substantial layer of fat having been added all over his body, making it look all the bigger. 

His enormous biceps and triceps looked enormous as he continued his ponderous approach. Pregnant or not, Jivin had never seen a guy as big as Chad, not even the guy who'd knocked him up. Now that the blonde giant was on his feet, his tits, which rested heavily atop his belly, looked even more massive too. 

Jivin could see various kicks, punches and stretches littering the other preggo's belly, confirming his suspicion he was having multiples as well. While he thought he'd never seen a guy as big as Chad, there was something strangely familiar about his face, but he didn't dwell on it. 

There were other more pressing matters like what was he doing there and why did he think he'd rented the cabin? What were the odds the same place would be double rented to two massive preggos? That and how on earth was Chad so damn big?!

While his upper body was huge, his lower half was enormous. His hips, complete with love handles, gave him a massive hourglass shape. The fat residing at Chad's hips jiggled with every step he took, same as his tits. All the fat, muscle and babies was a strange combination, but Jivin couldn't say he didn't like it. 

Then he lowered his gaze and saw something he really, really liked… There, below Chad's belly, sat one of the hugest cocks Jivin had ever seen, and it wasn't even hard. It jutted out beneath the swell, resting on and between some balls that would've easily been considered enormous when compared to anyone's but his own. 

Chad cleared his throat as he came to a stop. He crossed his arms over his huge tits and raised his brows as he waited for Jivin to say something. 

You couldn't have rented this place for the next month, because I did!” He shouted. “You better get outta here before I call the cops!” 

Why would you call the cops?” Chad asked as he took another step forward. “I haven’t done anything…

Because I rented this place!” Jivin shouted again as he took a wobbly step back. “I signed a contract! You have no right to be here!

Chad continued to approach. 

Stay away from me, you huge freak!” 

As Jivin backed up some more, he continued forward, then right before the fronts of their bellies collided, Chad turned to the right and waddled over to the console table behind the other sofa. 

You mean a contract like this?” He asked as he grabbed a small stack of papers and held them out. 

Jivin snatched it, set it atop his belly and quickly started reading it over. The contract was literally the same as his, same address, same dates, same everything but their names. Shit. 

But I paid in full!” He protested. 

“Look at the second sheet,” Chad said. “So did I.”

Jivin quickly turned the page and groaned. There was Chad's bill and same as his, it was paid in full. 

Ugggh!” He groaned again. “This can't be happening! You shouldn't be here! Nobody should be here except me! I…” he panted then groaned again as his belly heaved, causing his chest to jiggle. “Oh no, not now!” He shouted, suddenly overwhelmed by the movements coming from within him. 

Jivin shot his hand out to give Chad back his stupid contract, then doubled over his belly as much as he could, which wasn’t much at all. His hands scrambled down and around the massive orb, trying to find his knees for support as he gasped for breath. He was starting to hyperventilate. 

He hadn't moved quickly by any means, but he'd moved fast enough to put his jockstrap under too much strain. Jivin heard a quiet snap then felt his balls fall further back between his widespread legs, forcing him to move them even further apart. 

Whoa, there…” Chad said as he tossed the contract aside. While his voice was gentle, it was deep enough to rumble throughout the living room. “Take it easy,  bro,” he advised as he waddled over and placed his massive right mitt on Jivin's back between his tense shoulders. 

Bro?” The smaller but more pregnant man groaned in annoyance as he looked over and up at him, earning himself an eyeful of bare belly covered by perfectly tan skin. 

Chad chuckled. “Rather me call you, dude?

That's even… worse!” Jivin panted. “Just call me my damn… name!

“You haven't told me it.”

Oh, right,” he frowned, still panting rather rapidly. “It's… Jivin.”

“Jivin,” Chad repeated slowly in his deep baritone. “That's different.”

It's Hindi, asshole!

“I just meant it beats Chad…”


“I like it. What's it mean?” 

Jivin took in a breath then promptly proceeded to laugh most of it right back out. “It means… to give life.

Chad let out a deep and loud laugh. “You're fuckin’ shittin’ me?!

“I am not,” Jivin shook his head. “Evidently, my mom is a fortune teller.”


So yeah, anyway…” Jivin sighed, finding it slightly easier to breathe more normally. “I'm not shitting you, but I do have to piss… Where's the bathroom?” He grunted as he pushed off his thighs and slowly straightened back up. 

“Right over there,” Chad pointed over his right shoulder as he slowly backed his big ass and belly out of the way. 

“Thanks,” Jivin said as he started awkwardly tottering in that direction. 

Hey, Jivin!” Chad called after him.

Yeah?” He asked without stopping or turning around. 

Why're you walking like that?

Um… It's, uh… Maybe I'll tell you later,” he replied as he tried to pick up his pace, only marginally succeeding in doing so. 

Woof!” Chad grunted under his breath. “And here I was thinkin’ I waddled!”

A few minutes later, a slightly less frazzled and haggard looking Jivin returned to the living room, belly first, of course. He felt better after having relieved his bladder, but by no means did he feel good about the situation he was in, or any cooler. 

“I thought you would've gone and put something on?” He frowned at Chad, who was still naked and had gone back to rubbing his belly on the couch. “And why is it still hot? Why isn't the air on?”

“You ask a lot of questions…”

Then why am I not hearing any answers?” Jivin countered. 

Chad had some, but he didn't want to give any of them just yet… “This place has air?” He asked, raising his brows. 

Jivin's eyes bulged almost as much as his nipples were through all his now sweltering layers. “Of course it does!” He huffed. “I… You… Aren't you hot?!

Why do you think I didn't go and put anything on?” Chad asked, raising his brows higher. 

Jivin ignored the other man's latest question and rolled his eyes as he repeated one he'd previously asked, more forcefully this time. “Why isn't the air on?

“Believe me, if it could be, it would be, but it can't ‘cause it's broken.”

You're shitting me,” he frowned. 

Chad shook his head. “I'm not, but don't worry, I called it in. Rental company said someone'll be out tomorrow to fix it.”

Tomorrow?!” Jivin groaned, quickly starting to feel anxious again. 

His enormous, unwanted cabin mate immediately picked up on that. “You should sit,” he suggested. “I'm sure you're tired after your trip and obviously, you're pretty worked up after finding…”

You here?!” Jivin cut him off.

“Amongst other things,” Chad nodded. “Can I have you a hand?” He offered with a smile Jivin silently cursed for being so perfect and attractive.

No!” He huffed as he waved him off. “It might not look like it, but I can still sit down by myself, amongst other things!” He rolled his eyes again. “I rented this place so I could be by myself, and then I find you here, all naked and hot!” He huffed as he tottered over to the other couch, slowly turned around in front of it and then even more slowly, sat himself down. 

The (much) bigger everywhere but the belly, man, smirked and chuckled. “It's nice to hear that someone thinks I look hot like this!” He winked as he gave his massive middle a couple of pats, which echoed throughout the living room and its vaulted ceiling. 

Jivin blanched. It might not've looked like it, but he did. That's not what he'd meant. Not that kind of hot, but literally, and Chad knew it! 

What?!” He scoffed. “I… That's…

“I know what you meant,” Chad winked again. “But allow me to say…” he quickly continued. “That you don't look too bad yourself… You must be having quite a few if your belly's bigger than mine?”

Some color (along with some more heat) went to Jivin's cheeks as he adjusted his kurta, which was really sticking to him now that he'd worked up a sweat more than once. Whether either of them would admit it, Chad did look hot, in both ways…

“I'm having sextuplets.”

Woof! That's all?

Yes, that's all!” He scoffed again. 

Big ones!” Chad grunted, heavily emphasized the first word. 

Obviously, and right now, they're picking up on my nerves and anxiety kicking back in!” Jivin complained, his hands going to the sides of his mound as he stared across the room at the naked hunk. “What about you?

“Just quads here. Congrats on beating me by two!” Chad  smirked and winked. 

“Thanks, but the only thing I wanna beat you at is keeping this cabin! I think you should go and find another one.”

Me?!” Chad scoffed this time. “Why me?!

Jivin didn't have an answer to that, other than it was what he wanted and would be easier on him. Once again, Chad was quick to pick up what he threw down…

Look, dude, I mean Jivin,” he quickly corrected himself. “I'll admit, this isn't ideal, but it's not all bad…”

Yes, it is!

“Well then why don't you go and find another place to rent?” He asked. “‘Cause I got here first and I can't have anyone else seeing me like this!” He huffed as he stood and waddled across the living room at an impressive speed. 

Before Jivin knew what was happening, Chad was sitting next to him, the right side of his bare belly pressing against the left side of his kurta-covered one. 

Why can't anyone see you like this?” He quietly asked, voice a little shakier than he would've liked. 

Chad groaned as he let his head fall back against the couch. “Because, if I wanna go back next season, I…

Next season?” Jivin repeated slowly. “Oh!” He suddenly exclaimed. “Oh shit! That's why you look familiar!” He realized. “You're Chad Thompson, the baseball player!

In the fecund flesh…” Chad sighed as he brought his head forward again and turned it to face the very handsome, almost pretty, young Indian man sitting next to him. “You a fan?” He smirked. 

Right away, Jivin started laughing and shaking his head. “No. I hate baseball… I'm not super Indian, but I am a big fan of cricket,” he explained. “But I've seen you in commercials and on the news,” he nodded. “I remember hearing you were injured and would be out for the rest of the season and maybe some of next, but…” he trailed off. 

“The only thing technically injured about me right now is my pride,” Chad admitted in the form of another sigh. “I disappeared because…”

“You got pregnant,” Jivin finished for him. 

He nodded. 

And fat!

Chad groaned. “Yes, I got pregnant and I did gain a little extra weight…” he rolled his eyes. 

A little?!” Jivin giggled. “Your ass is almost as big as my belly!” 

Ha, ha, ha… Very funny!” The famous baseball player huffed. “Anyway, all that is why I wanted to stay alone… I was holed up in my second home till now, but people know where that is, so I rented this place,” he explained. “Nobody but my team's upper management knows why I missed the season, and nobody can!” He shook his head. “So please… Tell me you won't go and ruin this for me..? If this gets out… I…” 

Jivin sighed. He was sympathetic, but he was also pissed… Again, what were the damn odds the two of them would end up at the same cabin, both stupidly pregnant? 

He'd come here to escape too… So he and the midhusband he'd hired could bring his six illegitimate babies into the world in private, and then they'd be taken away and hopefully, he'd be able to forget all about the last nine-plus months and his parents and other family would be none the wiser. 

“So what do you suggest?” He finally asked, his attitude having softened some now that he knew who Chad was, and that he was hiding too. 

Chad smiled as he took in a grateful inhale. “I suggest that we share this place… It's plenty big enough, and once the air is fixed, it's the perfect place for both of us.”

Jivin remained less than convinced. “Is it now?

He nodded. “We're both very pregnant, so I'm sure in one way or another, we could help each other out. That and, I dunno about you, but I wouldn't mind some company, so long as you promise you won't tell anyone about me?” His brows shot up again. 

“I promise right here, right now, I won't tell anyone about you,” Jivin quickly replied. “But that doesn't mean we're definitely gonna share this place…” he cautioned. “Maybe just for tonight…

“Fair enough,” Chad nodded. “But just so you know…


“The contracts state no refunds.” 

Of course they do!” Jivin rolled his eyes. 

Rules are rules!” The massive baseball player shrugged. 

“I'm glad to hear you say that,” the techy said. “Because I have one.”

And that is?” Chad asked as he scratched the far side of his belly. 

That you put on some clothes!

What?! No way! Not till the AC is working!


But nothing! I'm sure you'll see it my way soon enough, ‘cause if four babies is making me feel like I'm on fire, with six big ones, you must feel like you're in hell!” He nodded resolutely. 

“I'm fine,” Jivin said, hating how unconvincing he sounded. 

Now, you're definitely shitting me!” Chad laughed. “Wait, where's your stuff?” He asked as he looked around, all while still scratching. 

“My driver left my  bags outside at the foot of the stairs. I'll get them later, after I…” Jivin started to say but before he could finish, he was cut off by a loud grunt. 

At seemingly rocket-speed (at least compared to how “fast” he could now move,) the baseball player was standing and waddling towards the front door. Jivin couldn't help but gasp as he got his first really good look at Chad's enormously fat ass… 

Big as he was, and wide as his hips were, it still looked disproportionate on him. When he reached the door, Chad unlocked it and flung it open, all while impressively avoiding hitting his belly or breasts, and then proceeded to waddle outside and then lumber down the stairs. 

Chad!” Jivin gasped again as he “hurried” to stand and turn around. “You're naked!” He shouted after him. 

No shit, Sherlock!


Nobody's out here!” Chad shouted back as he squatted, took the handles of two of Jivin's bags in each hand, stood again with a grunt and then turned back around and powered back up all seven steps like it was nothing. 

A minute or so later, all four of Jivin's bags were inside by the once again closed and locked front door, and Chad was back on his couch, panting slightly as he rubbed his belly. 

“You're welcome,” he smirked at Jivin, who by then, was quite blatantly gawking at him. 

“Thank you,” the sexy Indian said quietly. “I, um…” he paused. “I wouldn't have been able to do that myself,” he basically admitted as he looked down at the floor, only to see breasts and belly. 

When he looked back up a few seconds later, Chad was already looking at him. He still didn't like the guy, but Jivin did like how kind and helpful he was… 

“I know,” Chad winked again as the temperature in the room seemed to increase, along with the attraction between them.



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