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I woke up on Saturday, June 3rd, with a sense of dread on my insides, a feeling that had been my constant companion for the last few weeks. Four weeks had passed since the day I started experiencing pregnancy symptoms, struggling with morning sickness and permanent fatigue. I had informed Mr. Griffin about the symptoms, but since he was a busy man, he didn’t have the chance to take me to see a doctor. It had been 12 weeks now since the day Mr. Griffin “inseminated” me naturally, and I hadn’t confirmed the pregnancy yet. However, I knew I was pregnant; everything was there.

My hand rested instinctively on my bare abdomen, a gesture that had become almost permanent in the last few weeks. My belly had rounded out a lot over the past month, passing from a slight bloating to a noticeable curve that made my fading abs look distended. Laying in bed, I could see how much it stuck out from the rest of my torso—approximately 3 inches already. I had been eating a lot, so anyone would pass my belly as weight gain, but its firmness and roundness proved it was something else.

I glanced at Marco, sprawled across the bed beside me, blissfully unaware of the complicated mess his dad had gotten into. I reached for his forehead and brushed his hair, smiling at my wonderful boy. He pointed at my growing middle constantly, and I knew he’d start asking questions at some point. Questions that I didn’t know how to answer. I was his dad, and dads weren’t supposed to carry babies, but there I was, definitely pregnant.

I quietly slipped out of bed, not wanting to wake Marco. I quickly showered and waited for his babysitter to arrive before leaving. I had a doctor’s appointment to finally confirm if the impossible had indeed become possible and to confirm if I was pregnant with Mr. Griffin’s child or children. Once the babysitter arrived, I stood outside my building, taking deep breaths and constantly rubbing my belly.

Mr. Griffin had arranged for a car to pick me up, ensuring I arrived on time. The ride to the clinic was silent, and many thoughts crossed my mind. I hadn’t seen Mr. Griffin since the day we had sex, but his presence loomed large in my thoughts. He had been generous with the money, and I couldn’t deny that it made a significant difference in our lives. I had been able to buy new toys and clothes for Marco and enjoy a fancier life with my boy. Still, the idea of seeing Mr. Griffin again made my stomach churn with anxiety.

When I arrived at the clinic, Mr. Griffin was already there, looking as imposing as ever. I gasped when I saw his 6’6” frame and his massive muscles straining the fabric of his shirt and pants. He was an intimidating sight, but I remembered how sweet he was when we had sex and a smile spread across my face. He greeted me with a grin, but we exchanged no words as we walked into the clinic together. It was a different clinic than the first time, so I figured I was seeing a different doctor.

We didn’t have to wait long before a male nurse called my name. I followed him to the examination room, and Mr. Griffin walked closely behind. The doctor walked in about a minute later and smiled kindly at me before shaking Mr. Griffin’s hand. They talked about random topics, evidence they knew each other very well, and then their eyes fell on me, making me shiver and blush. The doctor made me step on a scale, and my eyes widened at the number. 171.8 pounds. I had gained 17 pounds in only 12 weeks.

“Adam, please have a seat on the examination table,” the doctor instructed, his voice calm and reassuring. “Mitchell told me everything about your condition, and I must admit, I’m surprised and excited to monitor this pregnancy if you are indeed pregnant.”

I shyly nodded and climbed onto the table, my heart beating fast. A part of me already knew I was pregnant, but as the official revelation approached, the room felt tiny, the walls closing in as my anxiety grew. Mr. Griffin stood off to the side, his arms crossed over his thick chest.

“He’s definitely pregnant, George,” Mr. Griffin said, talking to the doctor but looking at my bump, which was evident under my t-shirt. “Look at that belly, and it’s only been 12 weeks,” he added, looking proud.

The doctor smiled and focused on me. “Adam, we’ll be performing an ultrasound today to determine if the insemination was successful,” he said, carefully lifting the hem of my shirt to reveal my belly. He looked surprised as he stared at my abdomen. “This might feel a bit uncomfortable, and the gel is cold, but I’ll do my best to make it as quick as possible.”

The doctor applied a cold gel to my lower abdomen, and the sudden chill made me shiver. Then he picked up the ultrasound transducer, pressing it gently against my skin. He turned the monitor on, and I saw grainy black-and-white images I couldn’t understand. The room was silent while the doctor moved the transducer over my lower belly, looking surprised and excited. Then, his eyes widened, and his mouth slightly opened in shock.

“Is there something wrong?” I managed to ask, hiding my fear and anxiety.

“Well, Adam, it seems you’re pregnant. Congratulations,” the doctor said, his voice tinged with astonishment.

I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding, relief and terror washing over me. Pregnant. The word echoed in my mind—a reality I had been expecting but was unprepared to fully accept. “That’s… great. Thanks,” I said, looking at Mr. Griffin.

“The thing is that it looks like you’re expecting sextuplets. I don’t know if having multiples was part of the plan, but all six of them are perfectly healthy for being twelve weeks along,” the doctor said, grinning in surprise.

My heart skipped a beat, and my mind was racing. “Six? That’s impossible,” I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. The room spun slightly, and I had to steady myself on the table.

“It’s impossible because you’re male. I mean, you shouldn’t even be pregnant. But here we are,” the doctor said, turning the monitor around to show me and Mr. Griffin the six shapes of our babies in my belly.

“This is incredible!” Mr. Griffin exclaimed, evidently thrilled about the news. “Six! This is more than I could’ve hoped for. I knew you were the right person to do this,” he added, looking at my belly and making me feel... special.

The doctor grinned and removed the transducer from my belly. “Adam, I understand this is a lot to take in. We’ll need to monitor you very closely over the next few months. You’ll need frequent check-ups to ensure both your health and the health of the babies,” he said, carefully cleaning the cold gel from my abdomen. “You’ll need to follow a diet high in protein and calories to support the growth of the babies. Plenty of rest is crucial, and avoid strenuous activities. We’ll also need to start you on prenatal vitamins immediately, and I’ll prescribe a regimen of supplements to ensure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients. Regular ultrasounds will be necessary, and we’ll monitor for any signs of complications.”

I nodded numbly, struggling to process everything. I wasn’t only pregnant—a freak of nature—but I was pregnant with six babies, which I didn’t think was possible to conceive naturally. The doctor asked me if I had any questions, but I had so many thoughts in my mind that I said I didn’t. I didn’t know where to start. I was terrified about getting a massive belly. I was scared about everything that lay ahead.

As we left the clinic a few minutes later, my mind was a rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions. Mr. Griffin walked beside me; his excitement was evident. “We need to celebrate this news. Come to my apartment to discuss the next steps and prepare everything for your comfort and the babies’ health. You exceeded my expectations. I’ll give you the money we already settled in the contract, and extra money for producing multiples. I’ll cover all your expenses, yours and your son’s. We have so much to discuss,” he said as we walked to his car.

I hesitated, unsure if I wanted to go with him. However, the promise of a better living arrangement for Marco and me was tempting. “I can’t be away for too long, Mr. Griffin. Marco’s babysitter is charging extra today, and I...” I began, but he interrupted me with his enthusiasm.

“You and your son should move in with me. I have plenty of space, and it will be easier to keep an eye on you. You’ll have everything you need, and Marco will be well taken care of. I’ll hire a permanent nanny for him, so you won’t have to worry,” he said, leaving me speechless.

Overwhelmed by the turn of events, I found myself agreeing, knowing that I had to complete the task I had signed up for without wasting the chance to live a fancy life with Marco under Mr. Griffin’s care. I was willing to enjoy the few fantastic parts of becoming a baby machine for Mr. Griffin.

Then, as we entered his car, he reached over and gently caressed my abdomen, a surprisingly tender gesture that made me feel a strange sense of comfort. “We’re going to make sure you and the babies are taken care of, Adam,” Mr. Griffin said softly. “I know we didn’t start on the best terms with this agreement, but I promise you won’t regret it.”

His touch and words eased some of my fears. Despite the daunting road ahead, I felt a flicker of hope. I was doing this for Marco and our future, but Mr. Griffin made me feel willing to go beyond the terms of our agreement. As he caressed my belly, he leaned to the side and kissed my cheek, making me blush. I froze for a few seconds, but as I saw his smiley face so close to mine, I couldn’t help but pull his face closer to passionately kiss his lips. He continued caressing my belly while we were making out, and my hands moved to caress his massive muscles. It wasn’t part of our agreement, but it felt fantastic.


We arrived at his apartment a few minutes later, and as soon as we walked in, our clothes flew through the air. We stood naked in the living room, and I approached to make out with him while caressing his muscular body. He reached around me and firmly grabbed my ass, making me moan. His strong hands sent shivers down my spine while our lips locked. I felt his hard foot-long dick rubbing against m belly, and I felt my body shaking in need.

I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist, with my arms wrapped around his powerful neck. He carefully placed his hands beneath my butt to lift me up and moved me above his hard dick. He carried me to his bedroom while we continued kissing, and I felt his massive dick throbbing against my ass. His touch was tender and careful but so passionate at the same time that I was losing my mind.

He carefully placed me on his bed and got on top of me, casting a shadow over me. He leaned forward and carefully kissed my belly six times, one for each baby I had inside. He couldn’t stop smiling, and even though I initially saw him as a mean man, I couldn’t deny that he was handsome and sweet. I nodded, and he slowly lifted my legs to access my ass. I felt his dick brushing against my hole, and a moan escaped my lips.

He pushed his hips forward, and I moaned loudly as the head of his huge dick entered me. I gasped and groaned as I felt like his dick was tearing me in half, but it felt so good that I only longed for more. My body adjusted to accommodate the thick intruder as he went balls-deep into me. With his massive dick fully buried inside me, I panted and groaned in pain and pleasure. Even then, I couldn’t hide my smile.

His hips started bucking, and my thoughts collapsed due to the intense pleasure. I felt his big balls hitting my ass, and deep inside me, I longed to feel his seed filling up again. I reached for his deltoids for support as his pounding sped up. I couldn’t control my moans as Mr. Griffin’s dick rubbed against my prostate, making me shiver uncontrollably. My own dick was painfully hard while he fucked me, and a steady flow of pre escaped my slit, landing on my belly. I wasn’t even touching my dick, and I felt on the verge of a massive orgasm.

“I’ve heard that pregnancy hormones increase arousal and cravings for sex,” Mr. Griffin whispered as he fucked me hard and fast. I couldn’t form coherent words, so I only moaned out loudly. “I’ll gladly help you deal with that.”

His thrusts slowed down but gained strength, and my eyes rolled inside my head. My hips were numb, my legs felt weak, and my mind was blank. With a strong thrust, Mr. Griffin made my dick shoot cum all over my abdomen and pecs, overwhelming my mind and leaving me panting heavily. He grinned and shoved his whole dick into me, releasing a tsunami of his warm seed deep inside me. I couldn’t count his shots because it felt like a river entering me, making me feel fuller. He only smiled at me and leaned forward to kiss me, with his dick still buried inside me. I was already loving the results of my agreement with Mr. Griffin.


The weekend had been a blur of emotions, thoughts, constant caresses to my abdomen, and the intense sex session with Mr. Griffin. As Monday arrived, I walked into the office, my hand instinctively resting on my small but noticeable belly. Its roundness made it impossible to forget the six babies growing within me. It still felt like a surreal dream, but Mr. Griffin’s attention had helped me conceal the enormity of my condition, making me feel great about it. The fantastic sex had been a bonus in the process of taking in the news of the sextuplets.

The office was quiet as usual in a boring accounting department. I approached my desk, still thinking about Mr. Griffin’s dick rearranging my guts two days ago, and noticed something awaiting me. A box of chocolates sat neatly on my desk, with a simple note attached: “For a sweet start to your week.” The handwritten note immediately hinted at the person who left me such a sweet surprise, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Greg, the janitor, had been giving me small gifts and notes for about a month. Since the day I threw up all over his muscular torso, we had been talking, and I couldn’t deny I felt drawn by his charm and hotness. Our secret flirting had been a bright spot during the time I struggled with my pregnancy symptoms. He had noticed I was always hungry, so he often brought me candies, snacks, or big meals. My life was complicated due to my agreement with Mr. Griffin, but I was slowly falling for Greg’s charm and kindness.

I opened the box and immediately popped a chocolate into my mouth, savoring the rich, sweet taste. My hunger had been insatiable, so a box of chocolates was a great way to start the day. With the chocolate melting in my mouth, I smiled and headed to the bathroom to freshen up before starting my work. Part of the struggles of being pregnant was a constant need to pee, even though I was only in the first trimester, so a bathroom stop was a necessity for me.

I entered the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, taking a moment to observe my reflection. My belly, though small, was undeniably there, sticking out proudly in front of me. My shirt, which had fit perfectly a few weeks ago, now stretched slightly over my midsection. The fabric of my dress pants felt snug around my waist, the waistband cutting a bit into my skin. I couldn’t help but smile as I placed my hands on my belly, rubbing it gently. It was hard to believe I had six lives growing within me, but the belly proved they were there.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn’t hear the door open. 20-year-old Greg walked in, his imposing presence filling the small space. I smiled when I saw his 6’1” and 286-pound muscular body inside the room with me. His thick thighs and enormous butt strained against the fabric of his janitor jumpsuit, showcasing a delicious bulge at the front. The top buttons were undone, unable to contain his massive pecs. The jumpsuit fit him like a second skin in some places, leaving nothing to the imagination. The more time I spent with him, the more I marveled at his physique.

We exchanged smiles—the kind that spoke without words. “Did you like the chocolates?” Greg asked, his voice a deep, soothing rumble.

“I did,” I replied, my hands still on my belly. “They were delicious, and... maybe we can share them over lunch? Nobody will notice if we sneak onto the rooftop like last week.”

Greg took a step closer, his amber eyes locking onto mine. Without another word, he leaned forward and kissed me. It was soft at first, a gentle expression of love, but quickly grew more passionate. I embraced the kiss, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. My hands remained on my belly, a silent reminder of my complicated situation with Mr. Griffin. Falling in love with Greg added another layer of complexity to my already chaotic life, but while we continued making out, he wrapped his powerful arms around me and made me feel safe.

“I don’t care if anyone notices, but... it’s funnier to hide,” Greg said, playfully reaching for my ass to squeeze it before moving his hands to my belly. “There’s so much to touch and rub. You’re getting better every day,” he added, making me chuckle. His words brought comfort, and his lips made me feel fantastic. I knew the future was complicated, but between Mr. Griffin and Greg, I knew I would enjoy what was coming.



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