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Father’s Day Special - Patreon Exclusive

Julien couldn’t be happier with Sebastian by his side while the kids were in the kitchen. Moving his heavy body out of the couch wasn’t easy anymore, but since Sebastian made most of the effort to pull him up, Julien’s massive, sore body didn’t strain under its own weight to move. For the pregnant man, having his perfect man acting so caring and strong around him was one of the things he loved the most about being so pregnant.

Once Julien was on his feet, he pulled Sebastian into a passionate kiss, leaving the taller man breathless.

“Hmm, I love it when you kiss me like this,” Sebastian said, catching his breath after the long kiss. “I think a long kiss like this one led us to this pregnancy 9 months ago.” Sebastian winked at Julien and rubbed his big, hairy belly.

“It did. I remember that night. You were all fatherly about building the kids a treehouse, and you know I love it when you act like the best dad in the world,” Julien said, caressing Sebastian’s pecs. “Makes me want to give you an army of kids. I’ll repeat: get these kids out of me and put the next batch inside right away,” Julien whispered, playfully grinning, letting his pregnancy hormones and arousal take over.

“Oh… you really mean it?” Sebastian said, feeling his hard dick throb in his pants.

“I don’t only mean it; I need it. I need you, my big man,” Julien added, carefully picking up his words to turn Sebastian on even more.

Sebastian’s 11-inch-long dick throbbed even harder, so he had to adjust his pants and underwear, making Julien grin even more because he knew what was coming. “Let’s go to the room then,” Sebastian said, moving his hand to Julien’s ass to playfully slap it.

Julien immediately turned around to start waddling to their room while the babies continued moving like a rollercoaster. The taut skin on his belly was adorned by the rhythmic movements of the babies within, each kick and twist visible from the outside. Julien’s belly felt incredibly full and looked monumental, but deep inside him, he loved and even enjoyed it because it made him feel full of life.

Sebastian followed closely, barely a few inches behind, admiring how Julien’s big ass looked in his pants and the way his fertile body waddled instead of walking straight due to the heavy load it carried. Sebastian had loved and enjoyed each of Julien’s pregnancies, but seeing his partner getting so big with so many of his kids was a whole new level of love.

“If I get any bigger, you’ll need a crane to take me to our room,” Julien said as he observed the stairs, sighing deeply.

Sebastian chuckled and offered Julien a hand. Each step was a careful balance, and Julien’s belly heaved up and down with the effort. His breaths came in short, controlled puffs while gripping the handrail. The babies were active, their kicks and stretches causing visible ripples across his skin. Walking was no small feat for Julien, so moving upstairs was almost a nightmare. However, Sebastian made everything easier.

When they finally reached the top, Julien sighed in relief while cradling his enormous belly. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and his breathing was shallow. They walked into their bedroom a minute later, and Sebastian helped Julien lay on the mattress. Julien lay back, closing his eyes, feeling the relief wash over him. Sebastian locked the door and removed Julien’s clothes immediately. The hormonal pregnant man was already aroused, and his hard 8-inch-long dick showed it off. His balls looked full due to the hormones, and Sebastian could only grin at the sight.

Sebastian removed his clothes and climbed into bed, with his 11 incher ready to make his partner burst. However, he knew Julien enjoyed some foreplay before jumping to the main act, so he began to massage the pregnant man’s sore body. Sebastian started on Julien’s swollen feet, causing some moans of relief to escape from his mouth. He slowly moved up to his calves and knees, feeling the tension.

Sebastian moved up to Julien’s thick thighs, working out the knots and tension. He could feel the tightness in Julien’s muscles, the result of supporting the immense weight of his belly. Sebastian playfully kneaded Julien’s wide, fat hips, making him jiggle. Then, he helped Julien get on his side to carefully massage his strained and tense back. Starting with his lower back and slowly reaching higher to his neck and shoulders. Julien felt so good that he only moaned in delight, marveling at Sebastian’s unlimited skills.

Then, Sebastian lay behind Julien’s back, cuddling tightly, while reaching forward to massage the massive belly where their babies moved and kicked nonstop. Julien gasped when he felt his partner’s body against his, sending shivers down his spine, and enjoyed Sebastian’s big dick resting between his ass cheeks. Julien was ready for a fuck, but the careful massage also felt unbelievably good.

Sebastian moved his hands over Julien’s taut belly. “Calm down in there, little ones. Your daddy can barely handle those powerful kicks anymore,” Sebastian said, rubbing the belly in slow, circular motions, feeling the babies respond to his touch.

The kicks seemed to subside as if the babies recognized their father’s voice. Sebastian continued to caress Julien’s belly, his touch soothing and loving. He leaned and kissed Julien’s cheeks as his hands moved up to his chest to carefully rub it. Julien’s pecs were full and heavy, a sign of the milk that would soon nourish their children. Sebastian massaged them gently, giving the nipples a careful treatment, causing a flow of milk to escape them, relieving the pressure and discomfort.

“Ready for the next part?” Sebastian whispered, moving his hand to Julien’s ass while the other one continued teasing his nipple.

“I’m always ready for you,” Julien responded, feeling Sebastian’s dick getting in position to enter his hole. “Make me burst.”

Sebastian didn’t hesitate and pushed his hips forward to bury his thick 11 incher into his pregnant partner. Julien groaned when he felt the massive intruder stretching him and quickly reaching deep. Even after 9 sons, soon to be 16, Sebastian couldn’t help but marvel at how tight Julien always felt. He loved that he could fit his dick inside without a problem, but the hole never lost its tightness. The sensation only got better with each passing year.

Sebastian kissed Julien passionately, immediately bucking his hips to fuck the massively pregnant man. With their lips locked together, they drowned each other’s moans of pleasure. As Sebastian sped up his pounding, he grabbed Julien’s hips for support to add strength to the thrusts. He loved how the pregnant man’s fat ass felt against his body; he loved how it felt around his dick. He loved every single inch of Julien’s thick body.

As the fucking intensified, the babies continued moving nonstop, making Julien groan in discomfort between moans of pleasure. His mind was flooded with emotions and thoughts, but he only focused on how fantastic Sebastian’s dick felt, hoping it would trigger his labor. Julien rubbed his belly while Sebastian pounded hard, and he felt something shifting inside him. It was working; labor was imminent if his big stud continued fucking him hard.

“I’m so lucky to have a big stud by my side,” Julien said between kisses, gasping as Sebastian’s dick reached deep inside him, stimulating his prostate and sending shivers down his spine. “Or better… behind me. Come on, Seb, fuck me hard!”

“Remember, you asked for it,” Sebastian responded, burying his fingertips on Julien’s hips and thrusting even harder.

The pounding was so hard and passionate that Julien couldn’t contain his moans anymore. The sounds of sex grew louder, and their bodies reacted to the extra stimulation. Sebastian’s dick leaked precum into Julien’s guts, and the sensation only turned him on even more. He felt his balls tightening and filling up in preparation for a massive orgasm. Sebastian loved to fuck his partner, but fucking him into labor, with the possibility of getting him pregnant again later, aroused him like never before.

Julien was overwhelmed by pleasure and discomfort. His belly was tighter than ever. He felt on the verge of bursting with the babies moving so much. His skin ached, and an intense pressure built up on his lower abdomen. He moved his hand over his hairy belly, but it didn’t help with the tightness anymore. His pecs overflowed and damped the mattress, but they seemed to be filling up faster than ever. His own dick leaked precum beneath his massive belly every time Sebastian’s dick rubbed against his prostate. Every part of his body was out of control, and even then, Julien only wanted more.

The hard fuck took Julien over the edge a few seconds later, making him bust a massive load that covered his hairy lower belly with his warm and sticky cum. Right after his orgasm ended, the pressure on his lower abdomen intensified and took over his whole belly, making Julien clutch his massive, round abdomen. He immediately recognized the sensation and knew he was entering active labor. His body was getting ready to bring the seven kids into the world, but he wanted Sebastian to continue the intense fucking.

Sebastian grinned when he noticed the plan was working but didn’t stop the pounding. He thrust faster and focused on finishing before Julien’s water broke. His balls felt about to explode, and his dick throbbed hard. He was close to cumming, and when he felt Julien’s hole squirming and contracting around his dick, Sebastian couldn’t hold back anymore. Pushing his hips forward and burying the whole 11 inches inside, Sebastian’s dick shot a gigantic load that made Julien feel like his belly was expanding with cum.

“Ugghh, fuck! That’s so much cum,” Julien said, reaching for his lower belly, which felt fuller than a few seconds before, while Sebastian’s cum shots finally started weakening. “You’re such a stud! My stud! My… uuggghhh…” Julian began, but a hard contraction hit him, leaving him breathless.

Sebastian felt Julien’s hole contracting even stronger and quickly pulled his dick out. As Julien groaned loud, a massive rush of warm liquid came out of Julien as soon as Sebastian’s dick got out. His water had finally broken, and it seemed like the contractions were already getting closer. “We did it. The babies are coming!” Sebastian said, evidently excited, while Julien rubbed his contracting belly.

“Yeah, you did it,” Julien said, caressing his belly, feeling more contractions building up. “Oh fuck! Now, it’s happening too fast. I can feel the babies moving into position, and it hurts so much.”

“Just breathe. You’ve done this several times before,” Sebastian said, leaning and kissing Julien’s lips as he dealt with contractions. “I’ll go get the supplies and alert the kids. I’ll be back soon, okay?” He added, caressing Julien’s belly and immediately moving out of bed.

“Hey big guy… two things before you leave…” Julien said, and Sebastian stopped on his way to the door. “Put on your clothes. I don’t think the kids want to see their dad’s huge dick right now.” Julien chuckled as Sebastian looked down at his naked body and blushed.

“Oh, right…” Sebastian picked up his clothes and quickly put on his underwear and pants. “What’s the second?”

“I promised something, and you fulfilled my request,” Julien said, lovingly rubbing his belly. “I’ll be all yours to fill up again once these kids are out of me; don’t forget about it,” he added, leaving Sebastian speechless as his dick started getting hard in his pants again.

Both men knew they had a long way to go before the seven babies were born, but deep inside them, they couldn’t help but think about spending some time alone after the birth to order the next batch. They had a new house, a really big one, and Julien wanted to fill it with Sebastian’s kids, even if it meant he’d reach the bursting point again really soon.


The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the bedroom. Julien woke slowly, blinking his eyes open to see Sebastian sleeping peacefully beside him. A month had passed since the birth of the septuplets, and their lives had been a whirlwind since then. Caring for their babies was exhausting, even with the older kids’ help, but both men couldn’t be happier. They moved to the new house in the second week of June, and everybody already felt at home.

Julien grinned and marveled at Sebastian’s handsome face, which radiated love and passion even in his sleep. Staring at his partner, Julien couldn’t help but smile and sigh, thinking about the perfection of the man by his side. It was Father’s Day, and for Julien, it was a special day because Sebastian was the best father in the world.

As Julien lay there, memories of Sebastian as a father to their 16 kids flooded his mind. Starting with the broad smiles and the tears of joy on the day the first twins were born, going through 16 years of love until Sebastian’s support during the birth of the septuplets, Julien could only describe Sebastian as a perfect partner and father. Even the fact that Sebastian induced his labor using his big dick was a bonus point.

Julien recalled how Sebastian had supported him, physically and emotionally, while he dealt with contractions and pushed their seven youngest kids into the world. He had been there with every contraction, holding his hand, his voice a steady anchor for a laboring Julien. He had carefully caught and cleaned each baby when they were born, openly expressing his love for each baby boy. After each baby was born, Sebastian held them and talked to them so softly and lovingly that Julien couldn’t help but cry. He knew those babies were lucky to have such a wonderful dad.

The labor was long and grueling. The septuplets were big and heavy, not surprising considering Julien’s belly size when they were inside him. Julien remembered that as the hours stretched on, Sebastian had provided him with the needed strength to complete the task. With kisses, caresses, belly rubs, and many words of support, Julien felt his partner’s love through the whole labor, and he could only think, “Seb is perfect.”

As Julien remembered this, he smiled and caressed Sebastian’s sleeping face. He remembered the smile and tears of joy on his man’s face when the first septuplet, Luca, was born at 12:20 AM, about 5 hours after his water had broken. After several pregnancies and deliveries, Sebastian was a professional at catching the babies, cutting the umbilical cords, and cleaning the babies, making Julien feel safe as he continued bringing more kids into the world.

As Julien held not-so-little Luca in his arms for the first time, he couldn’t contain his tears of joy. The baby looked like Sebastian, and Julien couldn’t help but smile at the handsome baby’s face. As Julien moved the baby closer to his nipple, the newborn immediately latched on, receiving a strong flow of milk straight into his tiny mouth.

“He’s our tenth son, and I can’t help but notice we make beautiful babies together,” Sebastian said while rubbing Julien’s big belly where the other six babies moved and turned. He knew the belly rubs helped trigger contractions, but they enjoyed a long, peaceful moment with Luca before the next baby got in the proper position.

The second baby, Leon, was born at 1:18 AM, almost an hour after Luca, and soon followed by the third one, Logan, at 1:34 AM. The joy filled the room while Julien waited for the next contraction. He breastfed the babies while Sebastian lovingly rubbed his hairy belly, prompting the next baby to get in position. The fourth baby, Liam, was born at 2:10 AM, disturbing the silence in the house with a loud cry. Julien couldn’t be happier, but he was exhausted and still had three more babies inside him, moving and turning and leaving him breathless with their kicks.

By the time the fifth baby, Lachlan, was born at 2:45 AM, Julien could barely stay awake out of exhaustion. However, the last two babies seemed to be in a rush to come out. The sixth one, Levi, was born at 2:55 AM, and the last baby, Landon, was born only five minutes later. Tears of joy poured down Julien and Sebastien as they held their seven babies, already excited about introducing them to the older kids when they woke up. Meanwhile, they enjoyed the moment with the seven new additions to their brood.

As Julien remembered that wonderful moment, he smiled and softly caressed Sebastian’s hair. “You are the best father in the world, Seb, and the best partner,” Julien whispered quietly to avoid waking Sebastian. “I think you’ll like something I have for you.” Julien smiled, his heart swelling with love for Sebastian.

Julien carefully slid out of bed, making sure not to wake his sleeping partner. Standing up, he stretched and walked to the mirror, taking in his reflection. Julian smiled, observing how his body had changed after the birth of the septuplets; his frame bore the marks of his high fertility. His belly was no longer enormously swollen, but it was still round and soft, a reminder of the seven lives he carried until a month ago. His pecs were massively full of milk, heavy and round, ready to nourish the babies. The dark curls of hair contrasted with the smoothness of his stretched skin.

Julien ran a hand over his chest, feeling the fullness and the slight tenderness. His nipples were sensitive, the milk within ready to flow outside. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of pride and fulfillment in what his body had achieved. He turned to the side and marveled at the silhouette, his butt sticking like volleyballs. Even though he didn’t have to carry the weight of his belly around, his lower body, butt in particular, had remained thick and bulgy, and Julien knew Sebastian loved it.

He turned and quietly walked to the nursery. The sight of the seven cribs filled Julien with an overwhelming sense of love. He moved carefully, checking on Luca, Leon, Logan, Liam, Lachlan, Levi, and Landon. The seven babies were awake, quietly moving in their cribs. Julien took Luca and Leon from their cribs and carried them to the rocking chair, settling in and positioning the infants at his chest. The babies latched on eagerly, and Julien felt the familiar pull as the milk began to flow.

“You know. Today’s Father’s Day, and you have the most amazing dad in the world,” Julien softly said as he rocked and fed the babies. “You had to see him when you were born. We’re lucky to have him with us. He loves us a lot and… I’m going to surprise him with breakfast and… something else.”

Julien continued telling the babies about Sebastian, and once their tummies were full, he moved on to the next pair, Logan and Liam. The babies seemed identical, but Julian and Sebastian could tell them apart without a problem. With his over-productive pecs, Julien quickly fed the second pair, filling their tummies with milk in a few minutes. The next in line were Lachlan and Levi, who eagerly drank their daddy’s milk like their brothers. Even after feeding six babies, Julien felt his pecs were full, and by the time it was Landon’s turn, Julien knew his pecs would overflow pretty soon.

“You guys are turning me into a dairy factory; you demand too much milk, and my chest responds with overproduction,” Julien said to Landon as the seventh baby swallowed copious amounts of milk. “Maybe we should follow your dad’s advice and sell some milk.” He chuckled and patted his free pec.

Julien placed Landon back in his crib, watching all the babies fall asleep. The scene was cute, and Julien couldn’t help but reach for his remaining belly and rub small circles over his lower abdomen. A part of him missed having the septuplets inside him, a feeling he was familiar with because he felt the same after Robbie and Ronnie were born. Then, after Dillon and Dixon were born, he felt the same. When Wyatt, Wylde, and Wylie were born, the feeling came back and lasted for months, and with Marco and Martin, it was a burdening need to feel babies moving inside him. Julien loved to be pregnant, and he couldn’t hide it.

Once the seven babies were asleep, Julien went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for his man to show him his appreciation and love. While he cooked, he couldn’t stop thinking about Sebastian. They had been together for over 16 years, and each moment had been a dream come true. It wasn’t easy to raise 16 sons, but Sebastian made him feel like they could handle a whole army. He made Julien want more children.

While cooking bacon, Julien remembered the morning after the septuplets were born. At 5:00 AM, the septuplets had been fed for the first time and were already asleep in their cribs. Sebastian had already cleaned the room, throwing the placenta and dirty sheets away and carefully placing Julien back in bed to rest. As they cuddled and smiled in silence, Sebastian’s hand caressed Julien’s belly while their naked bodies were tightly pushed against each other.

“Thank you for giving me seven perfect boys, as perfect as the nine older ones,” Sebastian said while they cuddled, lovingly moving his hand over Julien’s remaining hairy belly. “I love you, Julien. And I can’t wait to have more kids with you,” he added, leaning to kiss Julien’s cheek.

“Same, Seb. I love you,” Julien responded. “And I want us to start trying right now. A promise is a promise, and you fulfilled your part of the deal. Take me and put the next batch in, big stud. My womb is yours,” Julien rolled in bed to lay on his back, playfully grinning and winking at his partner.

Sebastian froze for an instant, but he knew Julien wasn’t joking. He quickly got over his partner and carefully lifted Julien’s legs over his shoulders.

With a smile, Julien nodded. “Do it,” he said. “Fuck me hard.”

Even though they had sex to trigger the labor and even though Julien had finished giving birth barely two hours before, the sex was fantastic. Sebastian pounded passionately, making Julien moan in pleasure all along, struggling to stay quiet to avoid waking any of the kids up.

When Sebastian sped up his pace, he loved how Julien’s massive pecs bounced up and down and sprayed some milk over his own hairy body. They were making another mess, but the sensation was too good to stop. As the soft light of the sun entered their room through the curtains, their lovemaking intensified, and their sweaty bodies glistened under the light. Sebastian couldn’t stop smiling and leaned forward to kiss Julien’s lips while his hips continued bucking.

The sensation was as good as the sex before labor, and Sebastian’s balls felt like bursting, ready to fill his partner with another big batch of kids. With the first rays of the sun, Sebastian shot a tsunami of warm cum deep into Julien’s still-swollen womb. They didn’t know if he could get pregnant so soon, but the attempt was worth it. They felt so in love with each other that Sebastian kept his dick inside Julien for a while as they continued making out. They couldn’t get enough and were literally bursting with love for each other.

A month had passed since that fantastic morning, and Julien still smiled as he remembered his passionate partner fucking him only an hour after the birth of the septuplets. They had fucked several times over the following days, but that moment was special in Julien’s mind; he was sure Sebastian had gotten him pregnant that morning. He placed his hand on his lower abdomen, thinking about growing more children in his womb for Sebastian.

Suddenly, Julien’s thoughts were interrupted by four arms hugging him from behind.

“Happy Father’s Day to the best daddy in the world,” Ronnie’s voice said, soon followed by a kiss on Julien’s cheeks.

“We love you, daddy. You and Dad are the best of the best,” Robbie added, tightly hugging Julien.

“Thank you so much, my big boys,” Julien responded, turning around to hug the twins and kiss their cheeks. “We have the best kids in the world. It makes everything easier.”

“We got something for you and Dad, but you have to open it together,” Ronnie said, bringing up a neatly wrapped gift.

“Let me finish breakfast, and we’ll surprise Dad in bed, okay?” Julien said, and both boys nodded.

“We’ll help. With four extra hands, you’ll finish faster,” Robbie added, and they started moving around the kitchen with evident practice.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” Dillon and Dixon simultaneously shouted as they ran to hug Julien. “Happy Father’s Day!”

“Thanks so much. I love you guys. I love you and all your brothers,” Julien said, enjoying the 10-year-old twins’ hug and leaning to kiss their foreheads.

“We love you, Daddy,” Dillon said.

“Can we go to Dad’s room already?” Dixon asked.

“Not yet. We’re preparing breakfast, and I’d prefer if we wait for your brothers to...” Julien began, but he heard the footsteps of the triplets, soon followed by the youngest twins, all running to hug their daddy on Father’s Day.

“Happy Father’s Day!” The triplets said as they tackled Julien with their hugs.

“Good morning, my perfect trio. Thanks so much,” Julien replied, kissing each triplet like he did with the older ones.

Then the youngest boys arrived, and Julien picked them up to hug them. They weren’t sure about the occasion, but Marco and Martin tightly hugged their daddy and kissed his cheeks. All the boys hugged Julien, and he couldn’t contain his tears of joy.

“You make me the happiest daddy on Earth,” Julien said, smiling and enjoying the hug. “Now, let’s finish with breakfast, and we’ll give your dad a surprise that I think you’ll also like.”

All the boys nodded and continued working on the breakfast. It didn’t take long for them to have everything ready on a huge tray. The eldest twins carried the tray upstairs until they were close to their fathers’ room, where the triplets took it. Ronnie and Robbie went to pick up four of the babies while Julien carried the other three. Dillon and Dixon carried trays with glasses of juice, while Marco and Martin had the gift from the eldest twins and an additional box from their daddy to their dad.

“Alright, everyone. Let’s go wake up your Dad and give him his surprise,” Julien said as they all stood at his bedroom door. “On the count of three, we open and wake him up. One, two… three!”

Dixon opened the door, and they all shouted, “Happy Father’s Day.”

Sebastian stirred, blinking awake to see his family gathered around him. A broad smile spread across his face. “Well, this is a wonderful way to wake up,” he said, sitting up and opening his arms.

The kids placed the trays and gifts aside and piled onto the bed, surrounding Sebastian with hugs and kisses. He couldn’t stop smiling as he enjoyed the love of his 16 kids. Meanwhile, Julien looked at the beautiful scene and confirmed once again he was lucky to have such a fantastic partner to father all his kids.

“We brought something for you and Daddy,” Ronnie said, quickly moving to bring the box while Julien joined them all in bed.

“Did you hear that? A present for us? I think we have the best kids in the world,” Sebastian said as Julien approached.

“Exactly what I said,” Julien replied, leaning forward to kiss Sebastian’s lips. “Happy Father’s Day, Seb. You’re the best father to the best kids in the world.”

“You’re the best daddy to these wonderful kids. Happy Father’s Day,” Sebastian replied as Ronnie handed him the gift. “Okay, let’s see what this is…” He added, opening the gift and revealing a beautifully framed photo of the entire family, taken the day the septuplets were born. The frame had drawings and signs from each kid and the babies’ fingerprints.

“This is beautiful! I love it!” Julien said, feeling emotional.

“It is! It has a tiny part of each of you. It’s perfect!” Sebastian said with teary eyes. “Thanks for making this for us. That day was special for several reasons.”

“It was, and I want to tell you all something else before breakfast. We still have to wait to confirm, but… I’m pretty sure already,” Julien said, bringing up the other box and handing it to a confused Sebastian.

“I don’t understand, but let’s see what Daddy has in here for me,” Sebastian said as he unwrapped the small box. He looked curious until he saw the content: a positive pregnancy test. “No way! No way! Are you serious? I mean, I know we tried, but so soon?” Sebastian could barely contain his excitement.

“I’m not super sure because you know pregnancy hormones are still on my body, so they could trick the test, but I noticed something unusual on my lower belly, and… I’ve felt the same with each of the pregnancies, especially with the septuplets.” Julien lay by Sebastian’s side and pulled his hand to his lower belly, where both men could feel a firm bump beneath the layer of remaining fat and skin. Both knew enough about pregnancies to realize that it was very likely the next batch of kids already growing in Julien’s womb.

“Wait… are we having more brothers? Is daddy pregnant again?” Robbie asked, evidently excited.

“I think I am. Your dad and I had a plan, and I’m sure it worked. If my feelings are correct, you’ll have more brothers in 8 months,” Julien said, and all the boys shouted and jumped in excitement.

Sebastian leaned forward to passionately kiss Julien, with their hands still on the hairy belly. “I love you so much, Julien,” he said.

“Happy Father’s Day. It seems like you’re going to be a father again. I hope you like the surprise,” Julien said, enjoying Sebastian’s hand caressing his hairy belly.

“This is the best. I can’t wait!” Sebastian responded, leaning closer to whisper in Julien’s ear. “I can’t wait to see you getting super big with my babies. Literally bursting with life,” he added, making Julien chuckle.

They already had 16 kids, and 7 of them were one month old, but the whole family was excited about welcoming more babies. Deep inside Julien, he hoped to carry septuplets again or even more if possible. He had felt ready to burst at the end of the pregnancy, but he was willing to reach that point again… or even further with this pregnancy.


Happy Father’s Day!

This is a Patreon Exclusive Father’s Day Special. This is a sweet paternity-focused story with some spicy moments. I hope you enjoyed this continuation of Julien’s and Sebastian’s story, and if I notice you like it, I might write another part.


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