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Father’s Day Special - Patreon Exclusive

Jon woke up the following morning feeling an odd sensation of tightness and heaviness. He blinked as he stretched his arms and noticed they felt different; everything felt different. Jon pushed himself up and immediately heard his bed creaking under his weight. He had always been a burly man, weighing around 200 pounds of prime beef, but the creaks sounded louder, and he couldn’t swipe the thought that something was odd. With blurry eyes, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, walking toward the mirror in a zombified mode. The sight that greeted him in the mirror left him breathless and instantly fully waking up.

Jon couldn’t recognize himself; the reflection in the mirror didn’t look like him, except that it was his face, and the thick carpet of hair still covered his torso. He had always had a decent amount of muscle, but now he was a veritable mountain of muscle. Standing at the same height, 6’0”, his burly frame had transformed into a colossal mass of muscles. Every muscle group was exaggerated in size. His arms were like tree trunks; each bicep and tricep bulged more than Jon thought was possible, even more than Miguel’s. His traps reached high, almost to his ears, and connected to an impressive back.

Jon’s shoulders were broad and adorned with massive deltoids, giving him a powerful and imposing silhouette. His chest was enormous, the pectoral muscles jutting out prominently, casting a shadow over his abs, which hinted at an offseason eight-pack. Jon’s lats flared out, making his already wide back appear even broader, tapering down to a tight, muscular waist.

His legs were astonishing; each thigh and calf bulged magnificently, while his already big butt now looked monumental, straining against his pajama pants. The fabric stretched taut over his lower body and didn’t leave anything to the imagination. Even the outline of Jon’s dick and bull balls, which looked fuller and heavier than ever, was visible under the fabric. Jon absentmindedly reached for his bulge to grab it, surprised that it didn’t fit in his hand anymore.

Jon ran his hands over his body, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin. He flexed his arms, watching in awe as the muscles bulged and shifted with the motion. He turned to the side, admiring the way his chest and back muscles bulged exaggeratedly in different directions, just like his ass and bulge on his lower body. Everything was enhanced, and Jon couldn’t help but get aroused at his own reflection again.

“This is unbelievable. Am I still dreaming?” Jon muttered, a grin spreading across his face, turning away to grab a few more candies from the jar he had on his nightstand. He couldn’t help but wonder if the candies had anything to do with the transformation, but he wanted to enjoy every second of the “hallucination.”

Jon went to his bathroom to take a shower. He undressed and gasped when he saw his massive dick on full display. His dick was a foot long when hard the night before, which was an improvement compared to his regular 7-inch-long cock, but now it reached 14 inches long when soft. Jon caressed the shaft and marveled at his melon-sized balls. As his hand caressed his genitals, his body shivered. They seemed to be more sensitive, and Jon loved it.

Turning the water on and letting the hot water cascade over his massive frame, Jon continued exploring his body with his hand, feeling the thickness of his biceps, the plumpness of his ass, and a strangely pleasurable sensation when he caressed his pecs. His dick hardened while his hands moved all over his body, and Jon couldn’t help but reach for it. It had grown to 20 inches long, erect, and became very sensitive. While he stroked and rubbed the huge shaft, a river of pre-cum escaped his slit.

The steam in the room enveloped his body, turning him on even more and sending him over the edge pretty soon. His whole body convulsed while his balls retracted in his sac, and his dick shot uncountable massive shots all over the wall, his abs, pecs, and face. Jon panted heavily and almost passed out from pleasure while his dick kept shooting for what felt like an eternity. He had never experienced such an intense orgasm, and even then, his dick stayed hard after the orgasm passed.

Jon had to repeat the process twice again to force his dick to get soft, and by the time it happened, the bathroom stall and his body were covered by a thick layer of cum. Jon carefully cleaned his body, enjoying the water and feeling powerful, almost invincible. The process was slow, but he managed to get everything cleaned. Before getting dressed, Jon stepped on a scale he had in the bathroom, which reached up to 350 pounds, but the tiny screen showed an error. His massive body had surpassed the scale’s capacity, and Jon couldn’t be happier about it.

Jon struggled to fit his dick and balls in his briefs after drying off but was unable to stop smiling. Everything felt too tight, so he decided to go commando and dress in a loose tank top and sweatpants that were now snug around his massive body. Looking at his reflection one last time and grinning broadly, he headed downstairs to cook breakfast, taking the jar of candies with him.

As he reached the living room, the smell of cooking greeted him. He saw a shirtless Miguel by the stove preparing a large breakfast when he entered the kitchen. Jon marveled at Miguel’s magnificent body but realized his own boys had grown more muscular than the young man’s, making him smile even more.

“Good morning. I thought I’d surprise you with breakfast, but it seems like you have everything covered,” Jon said, approaching the counter. “You are successful, handsome, smart... super big, and you also cook? My son hit the jackpot with you.”

“Oh, good morning, Mr. McAllister.” Miguel lifted his head and greeted Jon with a warm smile. His piercing blue eyes lit up with surprise as he noticed Jon’s new size. “It looks like you had a good night.”

“You have no idea. So, did you notice it? I’m not hallucinating,” Jon said, making Miguel laugh. Jon chuckled and looked around, looking for his son. “Where’s Zach? Is he still sleeping? He’s always been a late sleeper.”

“No, Miguel taught me to wake up early every morning,” Zach said, stepping into the kitchen with a wide grin and carrying a large banner that read “Happy Father’s Day!” in bold, colorful letters. “Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world.”

Zach tightly hugged Jon and kissed his cheek, soon followed by Miguel also giving Jon a hug. Jon smiled and enjoyed the heartfelt moment, but he couldn’t stop thinking that the guys didn’t look surprised about his new body, which was very strange.

“Thanks so much. Having the two of you here is the best gift ever,” Jon said, smiling but raising an eyebrow. “But... you both seem unfazed by my new look. What’s happening here?”

Zach chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with Miguel. “Well, we brought you the candies not only because you like sweets but because they have some special effects,” Zach admitted. “But I didn’t expect it to be this dramatic. Don’t you like it?”

“I love it. I feel great, better than ever,” Jon said, flexing his biceps again, which swelled impressively. Zach and Miguel smiled but didn’t notice that the jar of candies was still halfway down, which meant Jon could still grow a lot more.

Zach took Jon to the backyard, adorned with Father’s Day decorations. Miguel brought a hearty breakfast for the three of them—a spread of eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes, oats, orange juice, and fresh fruit. Miguel asked Jon about Zach’s childhood while they ate, and the three men laughed at the fun and heartfelt family stories.

Then, when Jon was about to reach for another pancake, he felt a sudden, intense sensation ripple through his body. His muscles began to swell and expand with an almost audible sound of stretching and growing. Jon gasped as he clutched the edge of the table. Zach and Miguel watched in stunned silence as Jon’s body underwent another dramatic transformation.

His muscles grew bigger and denser with each passing second. His tank top strained as his pecs and back expanded, eventually tearing under the pressure and leaving his upper body exposed. Jon saw his pecs reaching further in front of him but also getting broader, just like his shoulders. His hairy torso looked enormous, far bigger than anything Jon had seen. The chair creaked loudly under his increasing weight, unable to handle what Jon estimated to be over 450 pounds of muscle.

His sweatpants stretched to their limit, tears spreading all over the fabric and at the seams, revealing his massive thighs and calves and showcasing his enormous bulge. Jon felt cramped in the chair because the arms restrained his legs, not allowing him to spread them, but as his thighs got thicker, he had to stand up to avoid breaking the chair. Standing on his feet, Zach and Miguel could observe Jon’s body, barely covered by some shreds.

When the growth spurt stopped, Jon was panting and sweating. His biceps were like small boulders; his chest stuck about a foot in front of him, and his shoulders were broader than doors, making him look immense. His thick thighs forced him to stand on a wide stance, and his ass looked like a pair of bowling balls hidden beneath his skin. And then his dick and balls were on full display, revealing a 22-inch-long soft dick and basketball-sized balls.

“What the hell?” Zach mumbled while his dad struggled to catch his breath.

“You look incredible,” Miguel said with a shocked expression. “This is beyond anything I’ve ever seen.”

“I’m sorry. I…” Jon said, blushing and attempting to cover his crotch with his hands. “I gotta go get something to cover—”

Zach chuckled and reached for Jon’s arm to calm him down. “Hey, we’re men. It’s not like we’ve never seen this,” Zach said, smiling at his dad. “I must admit I had never seen something so big.”

“Exactly. But I think you look great, Mr. McAllister,” Miguel said. “Keep eating; you can worry about clothes later. Let me find you another chair to sit down on.”

Miguel quickly brought an armless steel chair for Jon to sit on, and the three of them continued eating, praising Jon’s body. The dad needed a few moments to adjust to his new size and weight, so he moved cautiously because the sheer mass of his body required careful coordination. Even then, Jon couldn’t help but enjoy the sensation of his enormous muscles fighting for space, flexing, and relaxing in every movement.

Once the breakfast was over, Zach and Miguel took the dishes to the kitchen, and Jon was left alone, enjoying the fresh breeze of the summer. He marveled at his new body and carefully removed the remaining shreds of his tank top and sweatpants. Part of him wanted to go to his room and find something to wear, but another part of him wanted to enjoy the sun and the breeze touching his naked body.

Unable to do much while Zach and Miguel cleaned the dishes, Jon reached for the jar of candies, popping three of them in his mouth at a time. A deep sense of contentment washed over him while chewing and swallowing. His son was home, and Miguel was an incredible addition to their lives. Jon had never seen Zach so genuinely joyful, and it was because of Miguel.

Jon saw Miguel come out and sit beside him as he ate more candies. Miguel looked nervous, so Jon reached for the big guy’s bare deltoids to pat them. Miguel smiled, and Jon knew something was happening.

“I know I met you yesterday, but I’m a dad to a guy about your age, so I can tell you have something to tell me. What is it?” Jon smiled again, and Miguel took a deep breath.

“Well, it’s something about Zach. About us,” Miguel said, sounding even more nervous, but Jon squeezed his shoulder to calm him down. “He means everything to me. You raised the best man in the world. He’s been talking about what I taught him, but you have no idea how much I’ve learned from him. Now that I’ve met you, I realize he learned everything from you, which confirms that I’m about to make the best decision. Mr. McAllister, I love your son and want your permission to propose to him.”

Jon was surprised, but he immediately knew how to respond. “Miguel, we met yesterday, but from what I’ve seen, you’re a wonderful young man. You make Zach happy, and that’s all any father could wish for his son. You have my permission, and I’ll cross my fingers for him to say yes. As I said before, he hit the jackpot with you,” Jon said and chuckled, pulling Miguel, who now felt very small, into a bear hug.

“Thank you so much, Mr. McAllister. I promise I’ll love and care for your son until my last breath,” Miguel said, enjoying Jon’s hug. “I plan on asking him later today, so, hopefully, we’ll be engaged by evening.”

As they hugged, Jon felt a now-familiar sensation of growth surge through his body. His muscles expanded rapidly, pressing against Miguel with increasing force. The young man moved back in astonishment as Jon’s body swelled to even greater proportions. Jon gained what seemed to be another 100 pounds in less than a minute, leaving him panting again. His muscles bulged in all directions, making him look enormous, twice as big as Miguel, even though he was shorter.

Jon looked down at his body, flexing his muscles and noticing he couldn’t fully bend his arms anymore because his biceps had grown too large. His pecs looked enormous, like furry pillows sticking out exaggeratedly in front of him. His hips widened and bulged enormously to match his colossal thighs.

“This is getting out of hand,” Jon said, worried but flexing his biceps to feel their intoxicating power and strength.

“No. You look incredible. Superhero-level of incredible. When Zach and I decided to bring you the candies, we never thought you could get this big,” Miguel said, shyly reaching forward to caress Jon’s enormous pecs and rub around his nipples, which looked big and somewhat erect.

Miguel’s touch sent shivers down Jon’s spine and made him moan. “Hmm, this feels nice. I had never had pecs this big, so I never knew they could be so sensitive,” Jon said, panting as Miguel pinched at his nipples and a loud moan escaped his lips.

“You’d be surprised, but... you’ll learn a lot about having a huge body now that you have the biggest I’ve seen,” Miguel said, smiling and moving his hands off Jon’s pecs.

“So far, I’ve learned everything is more sensitive, and some stuff gets difficult,” Jon responded, flexing and bending his arms as best he could. “This has been a lot to take in, so I think I’ll go take a nap. If Zach asks, tell him I’m in my bedroom,” Jon added, clumsily taking a step but noting it wasn’t as easy with his much heavier body.

“I’ll help you to your room,” Miguel said, standing by Jon’s much bigger body to give him extra support to take steps.

“Thanks so much. You’re the best son-in-law on Earth,” Jon responded, carefully taking another step. “Bring the jar of candies, please. It’s almost empty, but I’m not leaving anything left in that jar,” Jon said, and Miguel picked up the jar, smiling at Jon’s willingness to get even bigger.

“I try my best, Mr. McAllister,” Miguel said, gently guiding Jon and ensuring he didn’t stumble or lose his balance.

“You should stop calling me Mr. McAllister now that we’re going to be family,” Jon said, feeling his muscles fight for space and carefully moving as he walked up the stairs. “You can call me Jon or Dad. Whatever you feel more comfortable with.”

Miguel smiled and slowly helped Jon up the stairs and into his room. The floor seemed to groan under Jon’s weight, reminding him that his body had grown beyond human proportions. When they finally reached the bed, Jon carefully lowered himself onto it, feeling the mattress strain beneath him.

Jon got as comfortable as possible, and Miguel placed the jar of candies beside him before leaving. Jon looked at the ceiling for a few minutes, thinking about his massive body while eating the rest of the candies in the jar. When the jar was finally empty, he drifted off to sleep after an intense morning of growth.


Jon woke up from his nap feeling heavier than before. He felt his body sink deeper into the mattress. As Jon opened his eyes, he realized his body wasn’t just resting on the bed but was eclipsing it. His muscles had grown a lot more during his nap, and now they felt different—fuller. As Jon shifted slightly, he heard the bed groan under his immense weight. He tried to sit up, but his body resisted because his muscles continued to expand.

Jon’s weight had reached about 1,000 pounds already, but the growth wasn’t showing signs of stopping. His chest had ballooned to such proportions that each pec was big enough to carry one full-grown man. His shoulders were massive, as broad as the bed, and his arms resembled barrels. His biceps and triceps were so swollen that his arms barely bent. His forearms looked like thick logs, and his hands, though still functional, seemed dwarfed by the size of his forearms.

His hairy abs were obscured by his enormous pecs, but his core was strong even though it wasn’t as defined, giving him an off-season appearance. His lats flared out widely, giving him an imposing V-shape even while lying down due to his relatively thin waist. His back muscles were so developed that they pressed into the mattress and lifted his upper torso into an almost sitting position.

Jon’s legs were gigantic, thicker than his barrel-sized arms, and just as hard. His calves were enormous, and the off-season look only increased their size. His massive ass, resembling a pair of beach balls, lifted his body off the mattress, making him feel high and close to the ceiling. His dick and balls expanded across the mattress and rested on the floor, making Jon’s body shiver. He was overwhelmed by his enormous body, but then he realized his body was still expanding.

His muscles swelled faster as he tried to move. The sensation was a mix of pleasure and discomfort, with the growth pushing his skin tight and causing a persistent ache that bordered on ecstasy. His pecs surged outward, pressing against his chin, and his arms widened even more, forcing him to keep them at an awkward angle. As he surpassed 1,500 pounds, his body lost more and more mobility.

Suddenly, the door to his room opened, and Zach and Miguel entered, holding hands with bright smiles spread on their faces.

“Dad, we’ve got some great—” Zach started but stopped short, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the sight of Jon’s expanding body.

“Are you okay?” Miguel asked, rushing to Jon’s side to ensure the massive man was okay.

Jon forced a grin, unable to see much past his massive pecs. “I’m great, but... I’m still growing,” he said, his voice deeper and more resonant due to his expanded pecs.

“We can tell. But we’re here, Dad. We can’t do anything to stop this, but... we’re here,” Zach said, approaching and placing a hand on Jon’s massive thigh.

While Jon moaned and his body expanded, Miguel began to massage Jon’s arm while Zach worked on his left. The massage seemed to help ease the discomfort and turn it into a more pleasurable sensation. Jon felt his muscles responding to their touch, growing even faster. Jon’s pecs began to expand at an alarming rate, swelling outward and becoming so large that they obstructed his view.

Miguel noticed Jon’s nipples growing engorged and visibly sensitive to the touch because, as soon as Miguel touched the right nipple, Jon’s body trembled with pleasure. Zach noticed and did the same with the left nipple, causing a strong rush of milk to come out of Jon’s massive pecs and making him moan even louder. Zach looked at Miguel, and both grinned, leaning forward and getting Jon’s nipples in their mouths to drink the most delicious milk they had tasted.

As the growth continued and the guys suckled on Jon’s nipples, the dad soon surpassed 2,000 pounds, and his muscles expanded even faster. His body was completely immobile, and he could only moan due to the intense sensation of expansion and the most fantastic feeling coursing through his pecs while his son and son-in-law milked him. Jon was lost in pleasure, causing his enormous dick to rise tall to its 12-foot-long erect state, which was still growing.

The growth began to slow down after what felt like an eternity, and Jon lay there, his body weighing over 5,000 pounds, or pure muscle, dick, balls, and milk. He was immobile; his muscles were so large and thick that they filled the room. His bed had collapsed a couple of thousand pounds ago, so he rested almost on the ground, but his head still reached well beyond Miguel’s height. His pecs were like a massive wall, plump and heavy with milk; his arms and legs would put the thickest tree trunks to shame. His lats were so thick that they pushed his arms to the side against the walls.

Jon panted heavily, his regular-sized head engulfed by his traps and his pecs. He was still lost in pleasure even after the growth stopped; the sensation of Zach and Miguel nursing on his pecs was incredibly overwhelming. Additionally, he felt his small-car-sized balls resting on the floor, churning with cum, while his 16-foot-long dick pushed tightly against the walls, turning him on like never before.

“This is… unbelievable. I never thought the candies could do this,” Zach said, caressing Jon’s hairy pecs while taking a break from drinking milk when his dad finally came down from his high. “How do you feel, dad?”

“I feel fantastic, so powerful, even though I can’t move,” Jon responded, smiling and only moving his wrists and ankles.

“You look fantastic. We thought we had great news, but this is bigger than anything else. You literally fill up the entire room, and... your milk is delicious,” Miguel said, caressing Jon’s muscles in admiration.

Jon chuckled, making the whole room shake. “I know… I can feel my body pushing against all the walls, but... what was the news? It had to be something important if you broke into my room like that,” Jon said, having a feeling about the topic of the news.

“Oh, yeah! Dad!” Zach said, his voice filled with excitement as he climbed up Jon’s pecs to be face-to-face with his dad. “Dad, Miguel proposed to me, and I said yes! We’re engaged!” Zach said, showing Jon his left hand with a ring and a big rock.

Jon felt a surge of happiness, and despite his immobility, his pecs bounced to express his joy. “I’m so happy for you, for both of you,” he said, smiling. “Miguel, son, get up here with Zach,” Jon added as Miguel got on top of his other pec beside Zach.

“He told me you gave him your permission to propose. I’m so glad you agreed to this,” Zach said, hugging his dad’s head.

“I wouldn’t let you lose this guy. You are one lucky man, Zach. Promise me you’ll love him for the rest of your life,” Jon said, making Miguel blush at the compliment.

“I will, Dad. I promise,” Zach responded, reaching for Miguel’s hand to hold it.

“Now, give this old man a hug,” Jon said, and Zach and Miguel leaned in on the massive man as best they could.

Zach and Miguel hugged him tighter. “We love you, dad. And since we’re not going anywhere, we’ll take good care of you now that you can’t move,” Zach said, kissing Jon’s cheek. 

“Yeah, and… We’ll only ask for some muscle milk in exchange. You seem to have plenty,” Miguel added, leaning his head against Jon’s.

Jon laughed, making the whole room tremble again. “All yours. I wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway,” he said, enjoying the embrace of his son and son-in-law. “This is the best Father’s Day gift ever. I got to be with my son. I got a new son and a new body. What else could I ask for other than these big moments?”

The End


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