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Father’s Day Special - Patreon Exclusive

During a quiet Saturday evening in mid-June, the day before Father’s Day, Jonathan “Jon” McAllister, a burly 39-year-old man, happily cooked a hearty dinner for a special occasion. At 6 feet tall, his strong, broad shoulders gave him an imposing frame, but his kind smile showed off his sweet demeanor. His piercing blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, which he wore in a somewhat unkempt, rugged style, matched and accentuated his manly, captivating looks.

His legs were thick and powerful, his hips sturdy, and his glutes bulged prominently, evidencing his lifelong commitment to manual labor and sporadic weekend workouts. A dense forest of hair covered his chest and abdomen, while his forearms and legs also had a carpet of hair all over them, enhancing his burly appearance. He wore baggy shorts and a loose tank top that didn’t hide much of his muscular upper body and his particularly hairy chest.

Jon couldn’t stop smiling while he chopped some mushrooms, the final touch to the sauce. He was cooking a special dinner for his 20-year-old son, Zach, who was finally coming home after a year of working on an internship in Brazil. The internship was a golden opportunity that Zach didn’t hesitate to take, eager to learn and grow in the world of international business. Jon had always been proud of his son, and the feeling only grew stronger when he realized the internship meant his son was on the right path in his career.

Jon glanced at the clock for the millionth time, each tick amplifying his anticipation. When he heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway, his chest inflated with happiness, and he ran to open the door. Jon’s heart raced as he moved toward the front door, flinging it open just as Zach’s tall frame appeared at the top of the steps, followed closely by a larger, more imposing figure.

Zach was the spitting younger image of his father. Standing at an impressive 6’2”, Zach was the definition of a jock. His physique was sculpted from years of sports and gym sessions, boasting a strong upper body with bulging biceps and pecs that strained against his tight-fitting t-shirt. His powerful legs, large butt, and wide hips stretched his shorts to their limit, a blessing and a curse he inherited from his dad. His dirty blonde hair was styled neatly, and his blue eyes looked as intensely passionate as his dad’s. While not as hairy as Jon, Zach had a light dusting of hair on his chest and abs, adding to his rugged charm.

Zach spread a broad grin across his face. “Dad! It’s so good to see you,” he said, his voice filled with excitement.

Jon opened his arms wide and pulled his son into a tight bear hug. “Welcome home, son. I’ve missed you so much,” he said, enjoying the hug and silently expressing how much they had missed each other.

Zach pulled back about a minute later, still holding onto his father’s shoulder. “Dad, I want you to meet a good friend of mine,” he said, stepping aside to introduce the man standing behind him. “This is Miguel Parker. I met him in Brazil and… I invited him to stay for a few days. I hope you don’t mind.”

Miguel was a sight to behold. At 23 years old, he stood tall at a towering 6’4” and weighed in at a solid 300 pounds of pure muscle. His dark hair was neatly cropped, and his tan skin and piercing blue eyes made him look fascinating. Despite his intimidating physique, Miguel’s expression was warm and kind—a true gentle giant. His muscles bulged from every part of his body, his t-shirt and shorts straining to contain his powerful body.

Jon smiled and extended a hand, which Miguel took with a firm and respectful grip. “Nice to meet you, Mr. McAllister,” Miguel said in a deep, soothing voice. “Zach told me a lot about you. Please don’t blame him for inviting me; I insisted, so… I’m sorry.”

Jon chuckled and pulled Miguel into a hug. “Any friend of Zach is welcome in this house. Come on in; I prepared a huge dinner. I guess I predicted I would have to feed a giant tonight,” Jon said as they stepped into the house, making Miguel blush.

“I don’t eat that much. You don’t need to worry about that,” Miguel softly said.

“He’s lying. He ate a whole cow a few months ago. You don’t get that big eating small portions,” Zach said, playfully patting Miguel’s shoulders. 

Jon laughed as they entered the kitchen. “So, Miguel, are you from Brazil?”

“Yes, Mr. McAllister. My dad is American, but my mom is Brazilian. They met in the US but moved to Brazil before I was born. I was born and raised there, but we came to the US very often,” Miguel said, kindly smiling at Jon.

The three men carried plates, trays, and glasses to the dining table and sat to eat a large dinner Jon had prepared for his son, which was big enough to share with his guest. Zach recounted stories from Brazil, telling his dad about the many challenges he faced during the internship. Jon listened, pride swelling in his chest as his son told him how much he learned about business and how Miguel had taught him so much because he worked at the company where Zach did the internship.

As they talked, Zach reached into his bag and pulled out a large, colorful package. “By the way, I brought you something, Dad. It’s your gift for Father’s Day, but you can open it tonight,” he said, handing over the gift with an excited grin. “I know how much you love sweets, and Miguel said these are the best in Brazil.”

Jon’s eyes lit up as he opened the package to reveal a jar filled with bright, assorted candies. “These look delicious, Zach! Thank you,” he said, immediately popping a candy into his mouth. “Wow! It’s delicious,” Jon added, popping a second candy into his mouth.

Zach smiled and continued talking about the internship, but Jon noticed his son and Miguel exchanging brief glances and looking into each other’s eyes like trying to communicate without words.

“Zach, is there something you need to tell me? Stop playing the mime with Miguel. Say it,” Jon said, looking firmly at his son.

“Well, yeah. There’s something. Two things, a very good one and a not-so-good one? I don’t know how you’ll take it,” Zach began, his voice steady but nervous.

“I recommend you start with the not-so-good one, so the very good one will help you if I get mad,” Jon said, chuckling and winking at his son.

“Okay. So…” Zach began, stopping to take a deep breath. “I invited Miguel to come with me because… he’s not just my friend. He’s more than that. He… He’s my boyfriend, dad. We’ve been together for six months and… I think I love him, Dad.”

“He thinks he loves me, but I’m sure I love him. Mr. McAllister, I love your son,” Miguel nervously said, not realizing the depth of his words.

The room fell silent. Jon’s eyes widened in shock, his mind racing as he processed the revelation. He looked between his son and Miguel, seeing the sincerity and fear in their eyes. Then, after what felt like an eternity, Jon’s face softened, and a slow smile spread across his lips. He took a deep breath and chuckled.

“I guess I should’ve known earlier. All the times I found you looking at pics of bodybuilders in tiny thongs, it wasn’t about getting inspired to work out, right?” Jon asked, making Zach blush. “Now you found your own big guy to look at.”

Zach chuckled and looked into Miguel’s eyes. “Believe me, there’s a lot to look at when he wears a thong, but it’s more than that,” he said with a cocky grin. “But, aren’t you mad?”

“Zachary Arthur McAllister, all I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy. If Miguel makes you happy, then that’s all that matters to me,” Jon said. “And what’s the very good news? This one wasn’t bad.”

“Oh right… well… I wasn’t ready for this great reaction so soon,” Zach said, smiling and reaching across the table to hold Miguel’s hand. “The company Miguel works for, which is the same where I did the internship, offered me a great job in this city’s office, so I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. But… the company also wants Miguel to move into this city to work in the same building I’ll be working in, but in another department.”

“That’s great! It means you will be able to be together. That’s amazing,” Jon said, sounding excited as he took a candy from the jar and popped it into his mouth.

“Yeah. But we need a place to stay. At least for a few weeks until we can find…” Miguel began to say, but Jon interrupted him.

“No, no, no, no. You don’t need to find anything. This house is big, and I’m all alone. You guys will stay here. This will be your house as much as mine. I promise I won’t bother,” Jon firmly said, eating another candy and savoring the sweetness.

“Dad, you’re the best! As long as you won’t mind some bumping sounds at night,” Zach said, laughing and caressing Miguel’s hand as his face turned as red as a tomato.

“No, Mr. McAllister, he’s kidding. I… we… I’ve never…” Miguel began, sounding terrified, making Zach laugh even more.

Jon rolled his eyes as he saw his son teasing the big guy. He was thoughtful about his son being gay, but he couldn’t help but smile when he saw how happy Zach looked. While Miguel and Zach told Jon how they met and fell in love, Jon continued eating candies, barely noticing the subtle tightening of his baggy clothes.

Then, while the young boyfriends did the dishes, Jon sat in the living room to watch TV, eating more candies from the seemingly endless jar. He could hear Zach and Miguel laughing in the kitchen, making him smile because he knew Miguel was a great guy for his son.

Jon went upstairs a few minutes later to make final preparations in Zach’s bedroom. He was still surprised about his son’s relationship with Miguel, but he left extra supplies in Zach’s room for him to share the bed with the guest. Jon smiled as he thought about his son’s achievements, even finding love at a young age, and while he fixed everything, he continued eating candies.

Once everything was done, Jon finally noticed his clothes felt tighter, and he even had to adjust the back of his loose shorts because it felt somewhat tight around his ass and hips. However, Zach interrupted his thoughts about his tightening clothes.

“Dad. I’ll get the guest room ready for…” Zach said as he entered his bedroom but found extra pillows and blankets on his bed. “...Miguel. Wait! Is he allowed to… stay with me?”

“Be honest. Have you shared beds before? And you know I don’t mean just sleeping in the same bed,” Jon asked, making Zach blush. “Be honest.”

“We’ve been living together for the last two months, Dad. We had been sleeping together way before that,” Zach said, and Jon took a deep breath.

“Then why would I force you to stay apart?” Jon responded, and Zach smiled. “But… no bumping sounds tonight. I’m not ready to hear that yet!”

“Sure! No bumping sounds until you feel better about this,” Zach said, tightly hugging Jon. “Thanks, Dad. This means everything to me. I’m so lucky to have you. You’re the best.”


Later that night, after Zach and Miguel had settled in Zach’s room, Jon went to his room, took his tank top and shorts off, and put on his pajama pants. He stood in front of the mirror in his bedroom and noticed something strange. His muscles looked bigger. His chest and deltoids bulged more prominently than before, his arms looked thicker, and the shade of defined abs was visible even under the dense forest of hair on his abdomen. His pajama pants, which had always been comfortably loose, now clung to his bulging thighs and butt, accentuating their size and shape.

“What the hell? Did these pants shrink in the dryer?” Jon muttered, inspecting his reflection for a few seconds. “This must be a hallucination for eating too many candies:”

Jon flexed his arms and watched in astonishment as his biceps swelled to an impressive size. He turned slightly, examining his back and shoulders, which now looked like they belonged to a professional bodybuilder. Jon looked down at his ass and marveled at how big and bulgy it looked. He had always had a big ass, but it now stuck out a lot more behind him, pulling the fabric of his pajama pants to the back and showcasing his thick, soft dick and bull balls.

Jon’s hand reached for his big butt and firmly grabbed one of his ass cheeks, marveling at how firm it felt. He slid his hand inside the pajama pants, trying to convince himself everything was real. He squeezed his ass with one hand while he coped his pec with the other one. Jon smiled and quickly jogged on the spot, enjoying the sight of his pecs and ass bouncing hypnotically.

Jon struck a few poses, feeling a surge of pride and excitement. His muscles bulged even more, similar to a bodybuilder in a world-class competition. He chuckled as he noticed his dick getting hard. He had never gotten hard staring at his own reflection, but he looked better than ever. He had weighed 200 pounds for years, but the more he looked at his reflection, the more he convinced himself that his body looked at least 230 or 240 pounds, which he thought was impossible.

Shaking his head with a bemused smile, Jon climbed into bed, now trying to convince himself it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. He sneaked under the sheets and absentmindedly slid his hand inside his pajama pants to grip his thick dick, which also felt bigger. As he started stroking his dick, Jon reached for the jar of candies with his free hand and popped four candies at a time into his mouth.

Tasting the flavors, Jon moaned as the stroking continued. His breathing became shallow as he felt his bull balls churning full with cum. Jon felt his muscles tensing, his eyes rolling in his head, and his toes curling as a massive cum load traveled through his dick and coated his pajama pants and sheets. He had never experienced such an intense orgasm, leaving him unable to count the number of cum shots his dick released.

“Fuck! That was intense,” Jon said, catching his breath and coming down from his high. His dick was still hard in his hand, so he removed the cum coated sheets, pulled down his soaked pajama pants, and marveled at his noticeably bigger fuck tool. “I’m hallucinating again,” Jon said, observing a foot-long dick where his 7-inch-long dick used to be.

Jon reached below to rub his balls and realized that each one had grown to grapefruit-sized. His balls had always been big and low-hanging, but he never thought someone could have balls this big. His own touch felt so good that while he rubbed his bull balls, pre-cum leaked out of his dick again. His hairy abdomen and part of his pecs were already coated in cum, and even then, his balls had more in storage.

“I’m losing my mind, but this feels so good,” Jon said as he started stroking his dick again. The sensation was even more intense than the first time, so his moans grew louder. His whole body felt hot while he furiously stroked his dick. Then, Jon reached for the jar of candies and brought six to his mouth, thinking that his “hallucination” was related to them.

Jon was so high on pleasure that he didn’t notice his pecs getting thicker. His shoulders broadened as he continued jerking off. His thighs pushed against each other, forcing him to spread his legs wider, also giving his balls space to expand and hang. His biceps expanded, and thick veins sneaked across them, connected to his huge forearms.

“Oh fuck, here comes!” Jon moaned loudly, and his dick shot several massive cum shoots that landed on the headboard of his bed, on his face, pecs, and abs. “Oh shit! It felt so good!” Jon panted as his cum shots weakened. He couldn’t count them, but he thought it had been over 20 powerful shots and a few weaker ones, but he knew it was impossible.

Feeling drained after the most intense orgasms ever, Jon drifted off to sleep with his hand still on his cock, and the other one resting on his cum covered hairy abdomen. As he started snoring, deeply asleep, his muscles pulsated, slowly expanding in all directions.


In Zach’s room, Miguel and Zach cuddled naked in bed. Miguel wrapped his powerful arms around his boyfriend’s strong torso. Zach smiled as he felt Miguel’s bulging pecs and thick dick against his back, thinking about the many times he’d felt the 13-inch-long dick inside him. While they enjoyed each other’s warmth, they heard Jon’s moaning.

Zach chuckled, aware that his dad was having some fun due to the delicious candies. “He’s the one who said no bumping sounds tonight, and he’s the one having fun,” he said, caressing Miguel’s hands.

“It’s not the same. You know we’re louder when we… you know,” Miguel said, feeling his dick stirring to life against Zach’s bare ass. “Never mention that to your dad, by the way. You almost gave me a heart attack earlier when you talked about the bumping sound.”

Zach laughed and snuggled tighter against Miguel’s front. “Meu amor, it was a joke. Dad didn’t take it seriously,” he said, enjoying the sensation of Miguel’s dick getting hard against him. “Also, you have the biggest dick I’ve seen. You can’t blame me for moaning loudly when you stretch and rearrange my guts with that huge thing.”

“I can’t help but love it when you talk like that,” Miguel said, hearing Jon’s moans growing louder in the other room. “Maybe… we can… have a quickie once your dad falls asleep?”

“I’ll never say no to that,” Zach said, hearing Jon’s loudest moan, and then everything fell silent. “I don’t think he can stay awake after cumming so hard twice.”

“I’ll confess something… Now I get why you’re so perfect. It’s just genetics,” Miguel said, pushing his hard dick between Zach’s ass cheeks to reach his hole. “Your dad’s hot as fuck. I can’t wait to see how he looks in the morning,”

“Ugghh. I know. I told you the candies were a good idea,” Zach said, gasping as Miguel’s dick entered him. “It’s going to be a great Father’s Day surprise for him  to wake up with huge muscles,” he added as Miguel started bucking his hips to fuck him hard like they did most nights. However, Zach couldn’t stop thinking about how much the candies would change his dad’s body, but he had to wait till the morning to find out.

This is a Special Growth Story for Father's Day. If this post gets some likes, I'll post Part 2 (where the big fun is) on Father's Day! I hope you like it.


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